I ordered a red light therapy panel to make my skin nice and sooth my joints. How retarded am I?

I ordered a red light therapy panel to make my skin nice and sooth my joints. How moronic am I?

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  1. 5 months ago

    At least you won't be mindlessly scrolling your phone while you do it. That's the therapy aspect of it.

    • 5 months ago

      I only spent $20 since I had a $40 gift card. I've tried basically everything ever mentioned on joe rogan from brocolli sprout extract and cbd to ice baths and sauna.

      • 5 months ago

        >$60 red light panel

        • 5 months ago

          Well I just put ice in a bathtub, I didn't buy a thermocooler 9000™. I'm not going to spend $1000 on a juicero. In another 15 years there will be a vitamix of this and then you buy that. If I wanted to spend that I would get a microcontroller and the leds they use and just make one. Maybe it would need a computer fan or two to cool. It's not a guitar that takes actual craftsman skill to make, it's an led array in a box. My tv has 25,000,000 leds not fricking 300. I may be gulible enough to try a new gimmick but I'm not completely moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        >$60 panels
        KEK homie you just bought a red colored lamp
        just literal "red colored light" without the actual wavelenghts (which are not visible) the studies are based on
        a good panel costs $500 minimum because of the special leds

        • 5 months ago

          You can buy 600 for $100 here in the states. It's an led. The chinks that make them are getting them at chink prices and the pannel I bought is small. Other than them being israelites there is no reason that they wouldn't have the economy of scale to build an led lamp with 850nm infrared lights on it. But you know what I will buy a spectrometer to make sure.

          • 5 months ago

            Actually this has been a good rabbithole. You can build a home made IR sauna for a few hundred bucks with some heat lamp sockets and some IR bulbs. Add in a couple near infrared leds and you're getting two birds stoned at once.


            • 5 months ago

              Kek, that sounds like a creative way to give yourself fricking cancer

  2. 5 months ago
    Christ Is Lord

    if i search "red square" and go to google images and push the screen onto my eyes will i too get the red light therapy magic gains?

    • 5 months ago

      I already tried that with photoshop and a television. But really you need a spectrometer to test the actual wavelengths there is no way to know if the display is even near the actual wavelenths researched unless you have a professional editing tier monitor with accurate color. And even then you wouldn't have the near infrared light that is invisable to the human eye that is the more important component.

  3. 5 months ago

    I got a lizard tank light for 20 bucks and put it in a lamp stand

  4. 5 months ago


  5. 5 months ago

    I just spent 1500 fricking dollars on a panel a couple days ago. It's shipping now. I have suicide-tier autoimmune skin problems and there is no meme I will not try.
    Currently also doing zero-grains, only meat and fruit and fermented shit. I'll try anything.

    • 5 months ago

      Have you already tried the gut microbiome meme or is it vitaligo

      • 5 months ago

        It's top-tier eczema. I'm already on immunosuppressants and it only helps a little. There has to be something wrong in my lifestyle, I refuse to be like this forever and I know I wasnt always like this. I'm doing the microbiome meme too for sure. Currently using gladskin to kill any staph on my skin and eating probiotics/fermented shit to try and replace bacteria. I also need to get into cold showers. I do them honestly not often enough otherwise no shower, but I've sworn off hot water because it just destroys my skin. Also visited /x/ and I'm trying to magically manifest health via visualization techniques. That was making real progress for a week but then my mind's eye suddenly refused to create pictures of a heathly self. Wonder what that means.

        • 5 months ago

          Have you already had a poop transplant?

          • 5 months ago

            You know, that's a fantastic idea. I totally should.

            • 5 months ago

              Well yeah, you should. Look up rhonda patricks shit on shit transplants. She had one after heaby antibiotics.

        • 5 months ago

          damn that sucks
          IST cured my weirdo elbow dot eczema overnight

        • 5 months ago

          Eczema is caused by vitamin A poisoning.
          But a detox diet takes like 2 years to get 90-95% elimination of vitamin A, so it's not a quick fix, but there should be minor alevement of related health problems along the way.
          Also once again you need UV light to break down the vitamin A.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah need a UV lamp to break down the vitamin A that is causing a lot of your skin problems most likely.
      AKA a reptile lamp, a tanning lamp, or go to a tanning salon.

  6. 5 months ago

    The chad winter solution is to buy a reptile lamp from the pet store, which has UVA + UVB.
    Easier to tan than using a tanning bed, because they don't strip out as many of the UVB lights.
    Forbidden for human lighting by the way.

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