I really do want to marry and start a family, but I'm also scared of ending up like that.

I really do want to marry and start a family, but I'm also scared of ending up like that.

When I look around relatives and older friends, the chances of your wife eventually becoming fat and lazy seem to be very high. Hell, my brothers wife was 110lbs when they married and a few years later she's at around 180 and making more gains than we could ever hope for. While he himself remained active and fit the entire time.

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  1. 10 months ago

    That's just called being American. Not much you can do besides give up half your money, and your relationship with your kids to reroll - while being less desirable as a divorcee.

    The odds are only good if a woman is slim because she has active hobbies. If she genuinely enjoys crossfit or cycling or whatever, then she might stay fit.

  2. 10 months ago

    do it
    the asians are too many and it is about to begin.

    • 10 months ago

      Kinda this

      I married a girl. She started getting fat the moment we got married.
      its just some kind of meme that keeps on giving and by giving I mean being true and unavoidable it seems.

      Ugh, guess I just have to enjoy it while I can


      why is there a ghost boy on the right bros

      His corpse might be under the pile of clothes

  3. 10 months ago

    why is there a ghost boy on the right bros

    • 10 months ago

      holy shit

    • 10 months ago

      probably one of her multiple abortions

  4. 10 months ago

    I married a girl. She started getting fat the moment we got married.
    its just some kind of meme that keeps on giving and by giving I mean being true and unavoidable it seems.

    • 10 months ago

      >its just some kind of meme that keeps on giving
      the truest meme i keep seeing is girls hitting the wall. All the hot celebs i saw on tv when i was 18, have all hit the wall now. and the newer celebs are walling even earlier.

    • 10 months ago

      That's just called being American. Not much you can do besides give up half your money, and your relationship with your kids to reroll - while being less desirable as a divorcee.

      The odds are only good if a woman is slim because she has active hobbies. If she genuinely enjoys crossfit or cycling or whatever, then she might stay fit.

      The anon who said your best bet is her genuinely enjoying exercise is spot on. If you make your gf work out she won't really care and will definitely not keep up with it after marriage. If you do marry, even the active slim girl will gain weight during pregnancy. That's just life. Since I'm in that boat I will tell you what you don't yet understand. You won't care as much because you are moving on to a new phase of life and you have other things on your mind. Life changes and the things you look forward to after marriage and kids aren't the same things you enjoyed about life before.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm pretty sure a partner you're attracted to and a healthy enjoyable sex life are things people still want after marriage and having kids. "Nah I'm fine with my 200lbs wife wanting sex only every blue moon" is the most moronic cope I've ever heard.

        • 10 months ago

          Well, don't marry a woman who is okay with ballooning up that much. Her weight and looks will change even if you get a pro athlete for a wife. Doesn't mean she is automatically going to become an unattractive pig. As far as the frequency of sex, once you grow up a little you'll realize there are periods in life where you can't have sex all the time, especially if you intend to have a family. Like I said you will get over your SEXOOOO rattled image board reptile mindset.

          >You won't care as much because you are moving on to a new phase of life and you have other things on your mind
          thats not a good thing. you should always care. being weaker and being with an aging female is damaging to your masculinity. Marriage benefits girls more than men. can u deny that? no way.

          I know marriage is a one sided deal. But it's comfy if you find a good woman. Nothing I said involves becoming a henpecked husband with dwindling masculinity, so I'm not gonna respond to that. Obviously you should keep your life in order, stay fit, and remain a man to be a role model for your kids.

          • 10 months ago

            >I know marriage is a one sided deal. But it's comfy if you find a good woman. Nothing I said involves becoming a henpecked husband with dwindling masculinity, so I'm not gonna respond to that. Obviously you should keep your life in order, stay fit, and remain a man to be a role model for your kids.
            this sounds like a hole trying to sound like a guy to reassure the REAL men to still get married even though everything is rigged and fricked.
            go get eaten by cats, karen.

            • 10 months ago

              Sounds like sour grapes while trying to justify letting your bloodline end

              • 10 months ago

                >no I can't get married, women are mean, life is hard and rigged against me!!
                >i have other things going on! I need to watch my Netflix and play my video games even though I don't enjoy it because everything sucks!

                M8, i'm one of four kids. my bloodlines already sealed with my nephews and nieces. plus, why would i want to bring life into this world that's soon to be an AI, troony, interracial cyber hell on earth?

                funny how you can always tell its women posters because you never argue your points with logic, you just try to shame men back into the slave chains.

                btw, i cut off all tv/streaming back in 2010 and video games are shit and boring. try harder.

                final note, women only hate prostitutes because they're honest about pretending to like/frick men for money.

            • 10 months ago

              >no I can't get married, women are mean, life is hard and rigged against me!!
              >i have other things going on! I need to watch my Netflix and play my video games even though I don't enjoy it because everything sucks!

        • 10 months ago

          As it turns out, guys are REALLY good about coping with their fat wives and dead bedrooms.

          >a partner you're attracted to and a healthy enjoyable sex life
          That doesn't mean these things are actually attainable.

          • 10 months ago

            this 100%, they cope about their women in every shape and form, then you see more of those "just left long term relationship i have no idea what's going on" posts that inevitably end up in suicide

      • 10 months ago

        >You won't care as much because you are moving on to a new phase of life and you have other things on your mind
        thats not a good thing. you should always care. being weaker and being with an aging female is damaging to your masculinity. Marriage benefits girls more than men. can u deny that? no way.

      • 10 months ago

        >That's just life.
        and you feed each others negativity. if u want to get fitter and better, shes gonna not like it. she herself isnt gonna be bother with improving herself, why would she, shes married. girls and wives dont respect married men. how can they? i knew this at age 10.

        • 10 months ago

          No, just keep yourself in shape and she will realize she needs to keep up. You all just keep assuming the only women around are the ones from the fph threads. Be a good husband and find a good wife.

      • 10 months ago

        >You won't care as much because you are moving on to a new phase of life and you have other things on your mind.
        Look, you, I'm married too and I've actively gotten my wife to start losing weight and taking care of herself, and I did it after we had our first child. Yeah, the first year and a half she gained weight, but once our daughter was walking and a little more independent, we started working on getting fit together. And we did it FOR our daughter, because making sure she grows up knowing healthy habits and being as active and strong as possible, so that when she goes out on her own she won't even think twice about taking care of herself. You're right that priorities change once you're married with kids, but part of those priorities is taking care of yourself so your kids know how to take care of themselves. Anything less is shitty parenting.

  5. 10 months ago

    >but I'm also scared of ending up like that.
    dont be scared, all men go through this. men in the past at least had no female rights and mistresses. now, men today have an aging female with brainwashed views. If she b***hes at u a few times a week or argues with u, it adds up and by the time ur 80, u look like a defeated old man. u simply can win every little contest u have with ur wife. and if u dunt have arguments with ur wife, thats worse, it means ur not a man and it is two become one person. so ur less of a man, and shes more of a man. lol.

    • 10 months ago

      simply cant win***

  6. 10 months ago

    50% of marriages end in divorce, and probably 30% of the remaining ones are unhappy sexless marriages. I want a family too, but I do not like those odds.

    • 10 months ago

      >50% of marriages end in divorce
      Yeah no, lonely NPC's like to say this shit and never quote a source because "well we all dirvorce anyway so whats the point!"


      Literally just find a girl who isn't a complete moron and actually has a degree and can use her brain.

      >if you had a bachelor's degree or higher and got married between 29 and 34, you had a 78.4% chance of still being in that marriage 15 years later.

      >If you had a bachelor's degree or higher and got married between 23 and 28, it's a 73.9% chance.

      >The divorce rate for people with an education of high school or less is 39% for men and 37% for women

      Just don't marry morons, bros..

  7. 10 months ago

    you simply cant have a hot ass gf or wife without also her with an education, or thinking shes also human, or having feminist viewpoints. thats the tradeoff. its like having a hot gf or wife that hasnt fricked multiple men since high school. we are talking HOT here, not just attractive. men were never meant to be stuck with a girl that only sees u as some option to spend her life with just cause she has hit the wall.

  8. 10 months ago

    Feels good to be a trucel in moments like this. I will continue to just fantasize and go insane looking at young stacies and thinking about teen love while I live alone

  9. 10 months ago

    how do you let things get this bad? talking about the guy btw

  10. 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago

    Pretty simple.
    I just stop fricking my gf when she stops her cardio during her "breaks" and stop telling her her she looks cute.

    When she "feels fat" and becomes cardio bunny again I start to compliment her and tell her she looks sexy and she suddenly can't stop working out.

    Seems to work.

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    just have a home gym. Pretty much no excuse for her to not workout. Actually its almost difficult to not workout when all you need to do is walk a few steps to your weights and treadmill/erg rower

  14. 10 months ago

    >TFW PhD student but GF is just a Target stocker

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