I tired exercising earlier, I had a pretty good plan of diet and how I'd reach protein goals every day in the cheapest and easier most efficient ...

I tired exercising earlier, I had a pretty good plan of diet and how I'd reach protein goals every day in the cheapest and easier most efficient way possible. Powdered skimmed milk was by far the cheapest source of protein and you can mix it with whole milk powder for even more control of macros, and also use more or less water to make it easier to drink.

But my plan was thwarted by the fact that I cannot digest milk very well, and finding out that no you cannot acclimate by just drinking a ton of it and putting up with being a bloated perpetual gas factory.

However recently I realized that you can just make greek yogurt free and easily, you just get some normal greek yogurt, and put it in a bottle of milk and it will make lactose free yogurt. I dunno why I didnt think of this before, I knew you made keifr and stuff this way but I never realized it worked for yogurt.
Anyway is there anything wrong with this plan? It wont be too thick to drink right? That only happens after you strain the yogurt.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Powdered skimmed milk
    >55g of sugars
    >for 33g of protein
    cheap is cheap, but it's fricking full of sugar.

    • 8 months ago

      Milk powder is pretty difficult to digest but it's GOATed and much cheaper than whey.

      DYEL homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        Where is your rebuttal? Your post is on the level of parrot droppings. You should be ashamed of even the miniscule amount of time and energy it took to compose and send your post.
        No one wants to hear your dribble.
        Read Proverbs, a chapter every day.

        • 8 months ago

          Die ketard

      • 8 months ago

        I'd need like 700g of this powder per day.
        Are you telling me that 385g of sugar per day aren't a bit on the high side?
        What are you, an American?

        • 8 months ago

          There's literally nothing wrong with sugar, eat as much as you want within your caloric target

          • 8 months ago

            >There's literally nothing wrong with sugar, eat as much as you want within your caloric target
            >2500 calories worth of skim milk powder

          • 8 months ago

            wrong, it gives you insulin spikes, skin problems, diabetes etc

            • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >There's literally nothing wrong with sugar, eat as much as you want within your caloric target
      >2500 calories worth of skim milk powder

      i thought milk sugars were okay

      • 8 months ago

        There's fine and there's
        >Imma eat 385g of sugars every day

        • 8 months ago

          >sugar le bad
          okay israelite

          • 8 months ago

            In small amounts, milk promotes gut health.
            In massive amounts, it's linked to higher mortality and more bone fractures.
            And personally, I'd throw up after eating .85 lbs of sugars.
            That's just too much.

  2. 8 months ago

    >you can just make greek yogurt free and easily, you just get some normal greek yogurt, and put it in a bottle of milk and it will make lactose free yogurt
    Wait what?

    • 8 months ago

      You need yogurt that's still 'alive', and to bring it to a warmish temperature. Also you should check if 'bad' bacteria start developing instead of the lactos that you want.
      In short, don't do it, it's not worth it.
      You'll end up with the equivalent of moonshine for yogurt, why would you risk it?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah this was something I was worried about. The guy who showed it to me used a carton of milk and he said he is careful to use brand new carton, open it, put the yogurt in quick, and close it back immediately so it doesn't get contaminated.

        I don't even know if that can really work with powered milk. I don't know what exactly the risk of contamination is

        • 8 months ago

          >I don't know what exactly the risk of contamination is
          mostly Clostridium botulinum. It produces a powerful neurotoxin, it's impossible to detect by sight (unlike, say, mold), and it's in minimal quantities in the air around us anyway.
          If it starts developing a colony in your 'yogurt', you're fricked. The lactobacillus in the yogurt will compete with it, and most of the time will win and remove its colony.
          Most of the time. If you get the conditions right.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Powdered skimmed milk was by far the cheapest source of protein
    Its a source of carbs

  4. 8 months ago

    >However recently I realized that you can just make greek yogurt free and easily, you just get some normal greek yogurt, and put it in a bottle of milk and it will make lactose free yogurt.
    It has to be done at the right temperature 40 to 45 degrees. Otherwise the yogurt bacteria wont grow and ferment properly and other unwanted bacteria, fungus and yeast will grow instead.

    • 8 months ago

      >40 to 45 degrees
      Celsius, and you need to be sterile when you are doing the procedure. all containers and implements have to be sterilized with boiling water before starting. Also, if the milk is accidentally heated too much 50+ degrees Celsius during the fermentation it will kill all the good bacteria

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