i tried to kill myself 2 weeks ago but failed. my family says i have to go to therapy but i dont want to.

i tried to kill myself 2 weeks ago but failed. my family says i have to go to therapy but i dont want to. how do i convince them that i just need to lift more, please help

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  1. 12 months ago

    >failing to kys yourself

    • 12 months ago

      yeah im stupid

      • 12 months ago

        Nta what happened?

        • 12 months ago

          i guess i didnt really fail per se but i was going to do it and then called my parents to say bye and sorry and they kept me from doing it, and then i blacked out since i had some stuff to drink before. theyre trying to get me to go to see someone but i dont want to

          • 12 months ago

            >called my parents to say bye and sorry
            What a moronic move. I'm sorry, but no matter how you look at it, it was a dumb thing to do. You either failed and then come seeking advice on IST of all places or you succeed and make your parents watch you die.

            Next time leave a letter or set an email to get automatically sent one or two days after your attempt

            • 12 months ago

              i dont really feel like attempting again right now it was just had a moment of weakness.

          • 12 months ago

            honestly bro I think you can make it bc some part of you wanted to talk to your parents knowing they'd talk you down. Do something to let them know you are moving past that dark place, maybe some sort of therapy, maybe something religious, maybe getting YUUUGE, but I believe you can make it

            • 12 months ago

              thanks man wagmi

          • 12 months ago

            What was the method you were going to use?

          • 12 months ago

            That's a gay way to fail suicide, you did it like a girl.
            When I failed it was when I drank half a handle of gin, then smashed my head into a concrete wall repeatedly until my nose was gushing blood and I lost the ability to see- I figured "that should kill me" laid down, went to sleep.
            Woke up 36 hours later in my own shit, piss, blood, and vomit and stayed fricking cross eyed for a week, but nobody found out and I didn't freak out my poor parents (suicide method was meant to look like I'd accidentally slipped and fell down the stairs or some shit).

          • 12 months ago

            >called my parents to say bye and sorry and they kept me from doing it, and then i blacked out since i had some stuff to drink before.

            How were you going to do it if you were drunk? Were you gonna jump off a building? Overdose?

            • 12 months ago

              Once I decided that going out while shithammered and passing out in a snowdrift during a blizzard would be a good way to make it look like I'd accidentally died.
              Hobos kicked me awake and chased me off because if "...some kid..." (Meaning me) died on their terf I guess the cops would have to break down their tent city.

            • 12 months ago

              ya i was gonna jump

          • 12 months ago

            Why are these posts always like pulling teeth? You know the details we want, stop beating around the fricking bush and spill the whole story.

  2. 12 months ago

    Try again. This time pay attention to what you're doing and don't be a moron. It won't get better; lifting won't fix you, therapy won't fix you, killing yourself is the way you can find peace

    • 12 months ago

      i feel bad for calling my mom and dad when i did

      • 12 months ago

        How old are you?

  3. 12 months ago

    How the frick do you even fail at killing yourself? People die all the time. I bet I could do it first try if I really wanted to.

  4. 12 months ago

    Please get the therapy. Seriously.

    • 12 months ago

      dont want israeli zogpills

      How old are you?


      • 12 months ago

        You're still young, you can fix yourself. Stop with the bullshit and get into therapy and even meds if you need to. You're broken and no amount of gym is going to fix you. You need help to stabilize your mind while you work on other aspects of your life so that, eventually, you might be able to enjoy it without therapy or meds. Otherwise you will remain miserable will following "self-improvement" advice from youtube shills that will only make your life worse.

        What's your problem? What pushed you try to have a nice day?

        • 12 months ago

          >What's your problem? What pushed you try to have a nice day?
          They stopped putting toys in rice crispys 🙁

          • 12 months ago

            That's horrible. You sound so sad and vulnerable. Do you want to have sex?

        • 12 months ago

          >What's your problem? What pushed you try to have a nice day?
          honestly idk i was feeling bad about myself and hopeless and felt like i deserved to die

          • 12 months ago

            I never understood suicide, death is inevitable, so no matter how boring, lame, suffering inducing life gets, might as well stick it out incase something cool happens.

            Listen to Alan Watts lectures on YouTube and spend time in nature is my cure for you. Do shrooms if you can.

            • 12 months ago

              >Listen to Alan Watts
              Disregarded. Yet another self-help shill who was nothing more than a sad old man struggling with addiction and gambling while telling other people to "vibe and follow your heart and you will be happy"

              • 12 months ago

                >self-help shill
                Someone who studied west-east philosophical divide and attempted to bridge it. Mindfulness is not self help. I don't see how his addictions are relevant unless you seek a "pure" role model, which makes me suspect you might be a Christgay hypocrite

              • 12 months ago

                It is self help disguised as a very superficial attempt at "philosophy". Everything Alan Watts said was "live, love, laugh" levels of philosophy. I don't care about "pure" role models, but I do care about sincere role models who have realistic, honest and useful things to say. Had he ever acknowledged his problems and how his philosophy wasn't enough to get him out of that dark place, I would have more respect for him as a person, even if he was still spewing the same pop-philosophy bs. Instead he chose to tell people that they would achieve happiness and a stable, enjoyable life by following his lectures, even tho it didn't work for him

            • 12 months ago

              lol i dont know how to get shrooms

              Get off the internet and allow your parents to help you get professional help. You're lucky your family even cares about the fact you tried to have a nice day. Get help and once you feel a bit better, start working on your life to gradually make it better.

              Stop being a homosexual and trying to go through life following memes like "I just need to lift more"

              ive heard stories about people that take those kinds of pills then have their head fricked up and become zombies, i don't want pills or meds

              Contemplate what you makes you happiest in life then build your life around that and figure out what your generally want from life.

              i dont know what it is tbh my last job was in tech because i thought i was ok at it but after being shit in college and shit at my old jobs im too dumb to work in tech

              • 12 months ago

                >i was shit in college and shit at my old jobs
                >but i got into tech

              • 12 months ago

                i went to school for it because it was the only thing i thought i could do

              • 12 months ago

                >ive heard stories about people that take those kinds of pills then have their head fricked up and become zombies, i don't want pills or meds


              • 12 months ago

                you sound a bit like a shill anon are you being paid?

              • 12 months ago

                >i heard that people on pills get their minds fricked up
                >you were literally going to commit suicide, that's how fricked up your mind is right now
                >you heard that they can make you a zombie
                >like being a zombie who doesn't feel depressed is worse than just killing yourself

                >dude u sound like a shill for le israelite pills

                Honestly, /misc/ homosexuals like you should have a nice day. I'm disappointed you didn't succeed.

              • 12 months ago

                instead of getting on pills that need to be refilled and going to therapy for $100 a session i can work on being less of a gay and just lift for free

          • 12 months ago

            Get off the internet and allow your parents to help you get professional help. You're lucky your family even cares about the fact you tried to have a nice day. Get help and once you feel a bit better, start working on your life to gradually make it better.

            Stop being a homosexual and trying to go through life following memes like "I just need to lift more"

      • 12 months ago

        You need to get off the internet. Go get help. You have a family that cares about you.

      • 12 months ago

        >literally tried to kill himself, or was at least going to
        >no i wont take medication because they are le israelites, cant have le israelites trying to control my mind that is clearly so rational and strong

      • 12 months ago

        >literally tried to kill himself, or was at least going to
        >no i wont take medication because they are le israelites, cant have le israelites trying to control my mind that is clearly so rational and strong

        Chronically Online: /misc/ Version

  5. 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    you’re being silly anon
    you may not need therapy but you do need to talk to your parents about your issues, and it would be a good idea to dry out for a few months while you’re at it - liquor is making you too impulsive

  7. 12 months ago

    Therapy is a shit.

    Show them my post. They'll understand if they love you

  8. 12 months ago

    No matter how depressed I get the little slither of possibility of society crashing and me being able to travel and hunt down liberals and destroy them with my bare hands with no legal penalty keeps me moving forward.

  9. 12 months ago

    Embrace full suffering mode. You have the opportunity to face your calamitous situation with courage and grace. Don't kys.

  10. 12 months ago

    Contemplate what you makes you happiest in life then build your life around that and figure out what your generally want from life.

  11. 12 months ago

    you can go to therapy and lift. they do not contradict each other. just try it if someone is paying for it for you

    lift because it is healthy, not because it is an escape for your problems.

  12. 12 months ago

    op here, btw i am trans, if that matters

  13. 12 months ago

    Use the therapy $ to hire a personal trainer and pretend that they're your therapist and that when you see your pt, you're getting therapy.

  14. 12 months ago

    Anon, my advice for you is to hop off the fricking internet and confide with your friends and family. They know you best and will be able to help you much better than anyone on this Mongolian basketweaving forum can.

    Also, I don’t think a therapist can force you to take meds if you don’t want to take them. Best of luck bro, and ignore the Israeli zogbots trying to demoralize you.

  15. 12 months ago

    I've been depressed since I was around 14-15, was miserable to be around, and my parents never got me help. I was miserable in college, expressed that to my parents, and they never took it seriously. I'm now 31 and have had a completely pathetic life. I have told both of my parents that I want to kill myself. They are completely delusional and say things like "why do you want to have a nice day, there is so much to live for" and saying things like "your life is good, there is no reason to kill myself" when

    >no friends in forever
    >kissless virgin
    >no career and pathetic job
    >barely any hobbies
    >never happy at all, always miserable and angry
    >no motivation to do anything at all in my life
    >have no desires, no goals, nothing

    But I don't even have the motivation to attempt suicide despite desperately wanting to be dead. I am terrified of having to do it myself, where I will probably frick up something and end up even worse.

  16. 12 months ago

    Just say you're going to the therapist and go to the gym instead.

  17. 12 months ago

    You should do both

  18. 12 months ago

    best way to hero is to take out a life insurance policy, wait like a year or so and make it look like an accident so your family gets a million dollars

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