I used to work out 6 days a week and got pretty strong with visible abs. It took me about 6 years.

I used to work out 6 days a week and got pretty strong with visible abs. It took me about 6 years. I quit lifting for two years because i couldn't get any matches on Tinder or dates etc. Now I've gone MGTOW I wanted to lift again and because I gained 100 lbs of fat (went from 200 to 300 lbs). Now I only go to gym 2-3x a week because I get bullied by people at the gym and it's always packed dick to ass with people even at 4am, even at 2am and even at 11pm.

My question is I wanna lose weight get my abs back and be fit but I don't have any motivation knowing the pain and suffering I have to endure for it yields no results.

If lifting even having abs doesn't make me attractive to women then what is the prize at the end? Just a few slaps on the back from bros for being jacked?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Insufferable waste of space, hope you have a nice day soon.

    • 6 months ago

      Go be fat at the mcdonalds and don't take up space at the gym.

      STFU idiots at some point I looked better than you ever did. Post physiques and lifts or STFU. I can still rep 1/2/3/4. I guarantee I'm stronger than both of you.

      I hope you both die in a car accident on your way to the gym today

      • 6 months ago

        >oh boo hoo, woe is me

        I'd tell you to go frick yourself, but I doubt your fat folds would allow you.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. You've never squat 405 for reps. You've never benched 315. You've never Overhead press 225 etc. All things I've done and still can do. You've never had abs even if I'm fat now I had them and looked better physique wise than you ever did or ever will. So why exactly am I replying to a 135 lbs soaking wet basedboi who I could curl for reps. As if you actually have anything anything at all to show for such a piss poor Narcissistic attitude you fricking homosexual.

          • 6 months ago

            >I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer
            >proceeds to b***h to me

            Lower your bodyfat when talking to me, I rep 485 while not being a fat piece of shit.

            But I am going to give you some life advice seeing as you have no one else irl to do so.
            Reason you don't get chicks is not because you are fat, it's because you are an insufferable c**t with low self esteem. Girls sense this and no matter if you get a six pack again (it didn't work last time you tried), they will always pick up on it and be weirded out. You should work on your mental issues first.

            Oh and I rep 485 bs, at 93kg so lol.

            • 6 months ago

              What's this if I didn't have abs butthole and your more insecure than me putting anonymous strangers down online to feel accomplished in life.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh no someone called me fat online, waaah

            • 6 months ago

              485 at 93 kg? I was 180 lbs repping 405 dummy can you read or are you too moronic from all the cum back up your ass from black men in the gym showers

      • 6 months ago

        >be me
        >really fit but not aesthetic
        >go train bjj and boxing
        >love it
        >girls think it’s really cool
        >have string of relationships and can be picky who I want to date
        >be you
        >get aesthetic just to frick chicks
        >desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel that is tinder searching for a scrap of stinky fat pussy
        Do you see the problem here?

        • 6 months ago

          I do as I wanna get into MMA myself but there's only one local gym here and they make you grapple women all the time and there's alot of Chad's there who go there to beat up newcomers I heard and scream when they win a sparring match. It's not for me unless I looked like my old self 2 years ago ie 200 lbs lean with abs.

          • 6 months ago

            Does grappling women make you horny?

      • 6 months ago

        sorry for your genetics, you just looked like a creep. that disgusting pasty white old man skin. how old were you? 40? i mean surely this is a bait picture right? looking like a fricking fridge and not in a good way, not big thick and built but instead very narrow and skinny.

        also you dressed like a fricking moron. looking like an absolute tool in that gym picture.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh no someone called me fat online, waaah

          I'm not responding to anyone else in this thread you all clearly have higher standards for men than even your modern woman and are obviously closet homosexuals.

          I'm not posting here again ever frick you all I hope you all die.

          • 6 months ago

            Go be fat on reddit, come back when you actually grow a pair.

            • 6 months ago

              No one else posted physique if they are so jacked and lean and shit better than me prove it or STFU.

              Either case you proved my point gyms are only full of vapid people all in competition with each other putting each other down all the time with nothing useful to say.

              Why would I listen to any of it? No reason too.

              This whole thread has been "hahaha I'm better than you homosexual suck a dick". That's part of my problem with commercial gyms. High narcissism dark triad people with inferiority complexes bullying anyone smaller or different than them as if they walked out the wombs 7 foot tall and 500 lbs of muscle benching world records.

              You all need to be humbled and some day you'll meet your waterloo with me you fricking puss boys

              • 6 months ago

                Go write your fat blog on tumblr where maybe some obese chick will read it,

              • 6 months ago

                Your self worth is based on what vain superficial men and women with narcissism and psychopathy think of you mine isn't. You all talk like you all won the Mr Olympia. You say lifting is intrinsically motivated then how so when everyone here is putting someone down when they are at their lowest in life? From that point of view no one should go to the gym unless they are already a pro bodybuilder or pro powerlifter. Which isn't reality now is it?

              • 6 months ago

                If you're all so successful and doing great you literally come on an incel website IST to brag to people about how great you are. If you were so great and perfect you wouldn't be here or need too.

              • 6 months ago

                Listen you homo, if you think I'm putting you down you're absolutely moronic as you are fat. Basically I told you to gtfo to the gym and to stop caring about trivial shit whilst working on yourself.

                I can't believe that you need me to spoonfeed you this shit, but then again maybe you need it.

              • 6 months ago

                You didn't tell me that you know I'm insecure and have low self esteem so you put me down further to boost your own ego like everyone else did. Instead of even saying it'll be alright. I don't have any friends or anyone whose ever remotely cared about me so I come online to look for some iota of positivity now and again. Which given most of the internet is one extreme or the other. My bad. I shouldn't even talk about my problems especially not online. Statistically this is why men are dying alone and killing themselves and when there's nobody left they complain and say well they should have just manned up. You're enabling it yourself with this sort of toxic attitude. Unlike most people who are ugly I can deal with it luckily. So no harm no foul.

                But one of these days I really hope (and may be impossible since you see yourself as a gigachad like everyone else here God's gift to women and future IFBB pros) you get humbled but not to the point you feel how I feel.

                Because everyday is a living hell for me and I struggle to keep my head above the water. Unlike all of you.

                Again my bad I'm sorry I'm not a genetic freak of nature like everyone who posts on IST.

                Just realize now when people come to me with their problems I'm gonna say the same shit you all said to me to them and if they kill themselves or something it's on you.

              • 6 months ago

                Dude you make it out as if you are the only one with problems or have faced any significant pushback in life. Frick off, deal with your own shit like the rest of us.

                Just by having this short exchange with you, I feel fricking drained by your emotional baggage and mental gymnastics over WOE IS ME.

                I won't tell you that "it'll be alright", because that's a fricking lie and sometimes you need someone to tell you that straight up. No one owes you in life, you owe it to yourself.

              • 6 months ago

                No I don't and my problems are minor compared to alot of peoples. You just act like you're all that and maybe you are bur everyone gotta die some day and be judged

              • 6 months ago

                > That's part of my problem with commercial gyms. High narcissism dark triad people with inferiority complexes bullying anyone smaller or different than them as if they walked out the wombs 7 foot tall and 500 lbs of muscle benching world records.
                I agree with you on that. But even if you are a big gymcel guy that keeps to himself, the regulars will make fun of you too. Gyms are full of toxic catty people bro.

      • 6 months ago

        >Triggered by average IST post
        >Goes on a mad rant
        >Clear psychological issues

        Maybe that's why you can't get laid

      • 6 months ago

        sorry for your genetics, you just looked like a creep. that disgusting pasty white old man skin. how old were you? 40? i mean surely this is a bait picture right? looking like a fricking fridge and not in a good way, not big thick and built but instead very narrow and skinny.

        also you dressed like a fricking moron. looking like an absolute tool in that gym picture.

        This anon is right about your proportions. Should do more pull-ups and shit. Aside from that he's probably a brownoid who envies your fair skin complexion (no homo).

      • 6 months ago

        you've got a big rib cage. lad

      • 6 months ago

        Lmao I can tell you such dick at bodybuilding and just relied on being lean to show your muscle

  2. 6 months ago

    Go be fat at the mcdonalds and don't take up space at the gym.

  3. 6 months ago

    The prize is an intrinsic sense of accomplishment and self-worth so you don't have to go searching for those things in some grift like MGTOW that's only gonna make you insufferable, isolate you and make it even harder to get women

    • 6 months ago

      >MGTOW that's only gonna make you insufferable, isolate you and make it even harder to get women
      I agreed until you said this MGTOW has kept me sane from being too blackpilled. I dont want women and I don't talk to women. I just want a male only gym

  4. 6 months ago

    You seem like a major homosexual. Lifting is supposed to be intrinsically driven rather than in the hopes of getting pussy you bumbling tard. Also this is b8.

  5. 6 months ago

    Here's another picture of me

    • 6 months ago

      You looked good anon, I hope you stay committed and improve your health. Don’t worry about others in the gym or just get a home gym. Stay on your grind, try some moderate cardio with lifting to burn fat and eat a caloric deficit. Stay disciplined.

  6. 6 months ago

    lol how do you get bullied at the gym?

    just do your shit and ignore them whatever they are now doing.

  7. 6 months ago

    Dude it's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
    The younger generations are realizing early how fricked they are compared to the older gens.
    Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

  8. 6 months ago

    >quit lifting for two years because i couldn't get any matches on Tinder or dates
    This too moronic for me to keep reading. Sorry, OP, stopped right there.

  9. 6 months ago

    LMAO at all the guys seething in this thread.

    Yeah lifting won't get you pussy if you're short or unattractive to begin with. And these guys are feeling uncomfortable because you confronted them with that truth.

    If you lift for pussy, don't. I'm tired of gyms being filled with weak, ugly incels who think they're "looksmaxxing".

    To me sculpting the body is an art form. I'm 6'6 and I got more pussy before I started training.

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