i wanna bench 225

I'm at 3x5 175 right now and I lift about 4 days per week. How long should it take me to get to 3x5 225 and how do I know when to add more weight?

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  1. 7 months ago

    frogs don't have teeth

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      then explain this

      • 7 months ago

        these images are photoshopped

    • 7 months ago

      Pacman frogs do

  2. 7 months ago

    just blast tricep exercises and youll be there in no time

  3. 7 months ago

    When you hit your current bench for 3x5, add 5lbs the next session. Repeat until you’re at 225lbs

    • 7 months ago

      But then he won't be able to do 3x5. Be clearer

  4. 7 months ago

    Go ask in /plg/

  5. 7 months ago

    Most people can't bench 225 natty and you're one of the weak ones sorry.

  6. 7 months ago

    Run a real program and stop doing your bullshit "program" you put together that has you fricking around for 2 hours.

  7. 7 months ago

    When you can do 5x5 up the weight by 10lbs
    Try to do as many sets with 5 reps as you can.
    While sets are less than 5, keep increasing sets each workout.
    Repeat until 225 5x5
    Hit weight n for 5x5
    Next workout is n + 10 for 3x5
    Next workout is n + 10 for 4x5
    Next workout is n + 10 for 5x5

  8. 7 months ago

    I was stuck on 185lb for the better part of a year and wondered how the frick people benched 225lb so easily. What helped me was
    >2 bench days 1 heavy (3x5) and one light (3x8)
    >Plenty of dips ARGHHH IN GONNA DIIIIIIP
    >Eat like a fat ass - realised I was simply a turbo twink and if I wanted to move serious weight I needed to gain mass

    Worked, got to 225lb in 2 months. Gave myself Tricep tendinitis tho lol

    • 7 months ago

      >Eating his way to a higher bench
      >Pretending it had anything to do with programming
      Advice rejected.

  9. 7 months ago

    It took me just under half a year to reach 225lbs (100kg for people using the superior measurement system). Above everything else, make sure your form is rock solid. I was able to break through some plateaus simply by studying proper form and applying it to myself.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s not 100kg moron, it’s 102.5kg. An American 2pl8 is worth more than a yuropoor 2pl8

  10. 7 months ago

    >3x5 175

    >3x4 180

    >2x3, 1x4 180
    >1x3, 2x4 180
    >3x4 180

    >2x4, 1x5 180
    >1x4, 2x5 180
    >3x5 180

    >3x4 185


    • 7 months ago

      oops. i meant

      >2x4, 1x5 180
      >1x4, 2x5 180
      >3x5 180

      basically add 1 rep to the last set until you get 3x5, add 5pounds and do it again

  11. 7 months ago

    2 things you need to do that I’ll bet you aren’t are
    >bulking hard
    >sets to failure.

    Since you’re 4 days a week I guess you aren’t doing a PPLPPLX routine which is what I used to get from about where you are to 225 in under a year. This would allow you 2 chest days in a week with 2 and 3 days rest between, maximizing the (vital) recovery time you need for big gains while still keeping your chest days at high frequency. But it will take a long time if you aren’t willing to bloatmaxx and eat at a big surplus to pack on an extra couple dozen pounds.

    • 7 months ago

      Bloat maxing is the way, all these twinks under 135lb surprised they can’t push 225lb when that’s literally more than 1.5x body weight bench.

      • 7 months ago

        You must be shook when a sub150lb manlet benches 225lbs when you had to eat your way to that bench. What did he do that you didn't to achieve such strength?

        • 7 months ago

          He probably lifted like a autist for years with minimal muscle hypertrophy lol

        • 7 months ago

          He probably lifted like a autist for years with minimal muscle hypertrophy lol

          is right. Sure, a sub 150lb person benching 2pl8 is impressive, but anyone who weighs more and puts in the same amount of effort will definitely bench more than the twink

          • 7 months ago

            False equivalence because the fatoid isn't applying himself as much. Unless you think eating is work, but you don't because fatoids stuff their faces all day every day. So this all else equal argument is moot because if they had discipline they wouldn't be taking the easy way out

            • 7 months ago

              >double pfizerd

              • 7 months ago

                What are you on about schizo? I accept your concession. Put the fork down and start lifting weights for real

  12. 7 months ago

    Bench 2-3 times a week add 5lbs everytime.
    Can't finish reps or sets don't half ass it, just do it again until you can get all of your reps and sets.
    Also make it 5x5.
    Volume is the way

    • 7 months ago

      Also struggling with bench has been such a problem for me I'm just doing a program stronglifts 5x5 until I can rep out 2pl8 like a boss.
      Its kinda boring but adding 5lbs and the bar goes up as easy as it was when I was doing 5lbs less the other day before.
      I'm at 5x5 160lbs but in another week I'll be doing 175 5x5 if I follow progression hopefully.
      It seems easy now so I'm hoping by the time I'm at 225 5x5 it'll be easy like 160 5x5 is for me currently.
      Have only hit failure on the OHP but it was because I fricked up and started too heavy on some of the lifts.
      Already squatting 260 5x5 and in 7 days I'll be squatting 275 5x5 but everytime I add 5lbs it feels just like the last time.
      Rest days inbetween as well, the rest has been the best for getting my upper body multiple times a week without destroying my tendons.
      Way more volume than anything else I've done and I still get a full day of rest inbetween.
      I come in on the 4th day and just do OHP and bench, might add some small accessories but the rest is so key I might just skip the 4th day.

  13. 7 months ago

    You idiot. Do 5 sets, 3 times per week. And eat more protein.

  14. 7 months ago

    For starters, any lift you want to progress in, you’ll have to do it more often.

    Progressive Overload is your friend. Whatever weight you’re comfortable doing 3x5 right now, your next bench session add 5 pounds.

    Try doing heavier weight in general for less reps (1-3 reps per set). Having a day where I focus on heavy singles has always helped push me out of my plateaus

    Use isolation exercises to build up all areas of your upper body. Im not even talking about just doing 1 exercise for your triceps, chest, or shoulders. Isolate each individual head of those muscles. Your chest, shoulders , and triceps all have 3 individual heads you can isolate and strengthen. Hell, even your forearms, grip, and traps come into play on a barbell bench.

    This is the reason I like lifting. When one of my compound lifts plateaus, I think of it as “what muscles can I build up in order to make this lift easier”. It’s all just a game.

  15. 7 months ago

    You have to grasp progression on a deeper level
    I apply all sorts of techniques to keep adding weight, intuitively, and then later I read about them and find out its a thing
    To keep adding weight sometimes you have to drop reps
    Start doing 3s
    Then drop weight and do high reps for a while
    And back and forth
    You can always work up to 5 reps 225 later but you have to get there ASAP

  16. 7 months ago

    What do I do if I’m stuck at 1pl8 bench
    My max is 3x8 1pl8+like 10 pounds

  17. 7 months ago

    Depends on how many reps you leave in your last set and how many reps you can do with 175lbs for a rep max?

  18. 7 months ago

    I found that cycling between 12-20 reps and 5-8 helps me the most in progressing

    I'm at 70kgx5 for now, so still weak but it was my 3rm before
    also try to do dips, it's a nice accessory

  19. 7 months ago

    I would
    Start doing 3x3 and àdd weight every time
    Once you can't add w1eight on 3s, then go for 3x1 OR drop down to 175 and start doing it for 3x6 or 3x7 and add weight every time
    Some combo of that

  20. 7 months ago

    Somebody has read the book.

    • 7 months ago

      you can tell too cause op's weak and stupid

  21. 7 months ago

    Add 5 lbs every week and eat enough protein. not hard

  22. 7 months ago

    eat a frick ton of carbs and make sure you get 180g of protein a day

  23. 7 months ago


  24. 7 months ago

    4 times a week is just silly. Take it down a notch, so some more rowing and tricep isolations. Also change ur rep ranges from 5 to 10, I never built strength on 5s also u might wanna swap out bench for dips then come back yk

    Ignore everyone else

  25. 7 months ago

    Are you literally me?
    More tricep and shoulder isolations exercises. Mix in some incline dumbbell presses. Progressive overload and be sure to eat and sleep more.

    Cable flies, cable pull, skullcrushers. Just stop being a little b***h and push more. We're both gonna make it.

  26. 7 months ago

    dw bro, I will do it for you tomorrow

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