I want to lose weight. I know that starvation isn't healthy and i should see a doctor or follow a decent diet.

I want to lose weight. I know that starvation isn't healthy and i should see a doctor or follow a decent diet.
But i dont want to do that . So is starvation really dangerous and i can just eat so little till i lose weight.
if not then give me an advice but better not be a big deal like seeing doctors and starting diets and stuff

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  1. 5 months ago

    This depends on the amount of weight you're trying to lose.

    • 5 months ago

      not much , im not fat i kind of look like this and having gyno is driving me crazy because its ugly

      • 5 months ago

        You should be fine then. Not eating is literally the most effective way to lose weight. I had done it before, so it wasn't hard for me, but I recently cut down my food intake, sometimes not eating anything the whole day, in order to lose the extra 3kg I had put on after the summer. This might be hard if you haven't done it before.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah it's my first time trying it but ig it will be easy because i don't eat that much and i am not attached to any type of food or snacks

  2. 5 months ago

    just do a calorie defict. you can still eat whatever you want as long as it is in the deficit. start with a smalll deficit at first to get used to it. also check out IST
    going to the gym sucks, take up something like walking. cut out soft drinks/soda.

    • 5 months ago

      visit IST take notes make a gameplan you will have to do some resarch

      okay anons thank you so much i will checkout IST and start immediately from tomorrow

  3. 5 months ago

    visit IST take notes make a gameplan you will have to do some resarch

  4. 5 months ago

    >starvation isn't healthy
    And eating clearly above your caloric limit is? Fat people act like they're gonna die if they won't put something in their mouth for few hours. Find out your tdee and start counting. You can do it anon, I believe in you

  5. 5 months ago

    If you are severely overweight you could survive months on water and vitamin suplement.

    A Zero carb diet is a good headtstart.
    Since your ass is too big to run, just go walking.
    When you are skinny, you can do 30min cardio daily, then 1 hour, etc. by then you need some carbs after exercise etc.

  6. 5 months ago

    just having breakfast and lunch worked for me. By two o'clock the only thing that was entering my body until bedtime was water

  7. 5 months ago

    Reduce what you eat and do basic workouts
    I lost 20 lbs by doing OMAD (one meal a day) along with push ups, sit-ups and walks
    My goal is to lose 50lb by June and I’m 252

  8. 5 months ago

    If you are truly a huge fat lardo, starvation is less harmful than continuing to live obese. The longest known fast was in 1971, when a 27-year-old man survived on water and yeast and supplements for 382 days and shrank from 456 to 180 pounds. Obviously controlled loss and monitoring calories is ideal and the only thing a doctor would recommend, but if you are over let's say 250 and starvation is the only thing you can commit to, get some labs and let er rip

  9. 5 months ago

    Losing weight is just like stopping to smoke: it doesn't happen by diminishing the amounts gradually. You will systematically fail and get back to the old habits.

    There's a reason you're overweight and I wager it's mental. We all like a good meal (FFS, I'm italian) but we also know when we're overdoing it. And you choose to overdo it every single time.

    Until you have a serious reason to lose weight, you will not ever do it. You may be able to follow a diet for a week? A month at most. Then you will quit/fail and fault something, like genetics, circumstances and so on. The truth is that you have a good reason to be fat (seeking comfort in food) and no good reason to not use this coping method

    • 5 months ago

      yeah, so if you're like this you should just stay fat

      • 5 months ago

        It's not like you SHOULD, it's more like you just can't help it

  10. 5 months ago

    try keto forces you to eat a mainly carnivore diet, and cuts a lot of the bad shit out. You'd lose like 10 pounds a month just by switching ez.

  11. 5 months ago

    >I know that starvation isn't healthy
    It is healthy
    You can thank the healthcare homosexuals for this indoctrination that turns people into paralysis by analysis zombies.
    Starving yourself is also known as fasting. Breakfast is literally breaking the fast, and it's neither necessary nor healthy. It's a consumerist ploy.

    Want to lose weight? Incorporate 2 days of fasting into your week and don't eat literal poison slop food. It literally IS that easy. Diets are a fad at best, unhealthy most likely.

  12. 5 months ago

    Going without food is fine
    BMI is a total scam
    I had a BMI of 19 which is supposed to be "skinny” yet I still had b***h breasts and a noticeable gut
    I started eating only one meal every other day which got me down to a BMI of 16
    Now my stomach and chest are completely flat

  13. 5 months ago

    Anti-starvation is goyslop so you eat seed oils everyday. Water fasting is very healthy, you can put some research into it.
    You should:

    > Only drink water
    > Take a multivitamin pill a day
    > Get your electrolytes in, this is optional however, whenever I did it I didn't do this and felt fine, no tiredness or anything.

    You will burn a lot of fat and whatever carbs you've stored in your body, you will lose muscle mass, but much less if you take walks and do a little exercise.

    You will be in ketosis by this point, if you want, you can the switch to OMAD fasting and eat meals with no carbs and lots of fat and protein, like eggs, meat, fish, lentils.

  14. 5 months ago

    Don’t do it, starving simply isn’t effective. Also, im assuming that you aren’t a total fatass, just a little chubby. If this is the case, my advice to you is stop giving a shit about being skinny and start lifting, if you aren’t already. Even if you lose a lot of weight, if you have no muscle, you won’t feel or look good, and you’ll be physically weak. Lifting is easy after the first couple of weeks since after that it just becomes habit. It isn’t a tenth as hard as our society makes it out to be. After you put on some muscle, hit some milestones on your lifts like at least 135 pounds on bench, 225 on squat, etc, then you can decide if you want to start a cut or continue with your current eating habits, which I’m assuming is close to those of a person on a bulk if you’re already fat. Either way if you think being skinny will make you attractive you’re probably wrong, lifting will do that, boost your confidence, and have actual positive health benefits. It’s also fun after a while. Good luck.

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