i want to lose weight more than anything but don't have the willpower to stop stuffing garbage in my face

i want to lose weight more than anything but don't have the willpower to stop stuffing garbage in my face

i wanted to make a change in my life 2 years ago and in that entire time my weight has yo-yo'd and now i'm back to exactly where i started. if i actually had the willpower to stick to my plan, i could have been shredded by now.

how do i deal with this knowledge that i'm the only reason for my failure and that if i actually put the work in i could have far surpassed my original goal by now?

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  1. 1 year ago

    myfitness pal, carbon app.

  2. 1 year ago

    85% of your best in the right direction every day is your best bet to not burn out anon. Stay positive and get some good people to help motivate you. You can do this, WAGMI

    • 1 year ago

      thanks anon. how can i find people to motivate me? i don't really have any friends

      I've gotten to the point where my cravings for junk food are basically gone.

      But Ive been eating super clean for nearly 2 or 3 months now. I refuse nearly everything with sugar in it. My only crutch is monster rehab or coke zero on occasion. Better than sugar but not great for you obviously.

      how did you stop the initial junk food cravings?

      Personally, I find if junk food is around, I’ll eat it. So the key is not really to stop eating junk food but rather to stop buying it.

      >i want to lose weight more than anything except stuffing garbage in my face

      This lol. You don’t really want it

      i know it sounds strange. i don't want to eat junk food at all but i cant bring myself to stop buying it and eating it. i can't really afford to pay someone to lock me in my room for a week to wean off of oreos either

      • 1 year ago

        I like the FPH threads and thinking about how shit you feel right now. Knowing it will get better when you lean out.

        The key for me was hating myself more than i liked food

        That works

      • 1 year ago

        Do you have discord? Honestly I'd always be willing to be friends with anybody on this website that has good intentions. I've made a few on here already that I help stay motivated so if you want the help feel free to post your name/ discord code thing and i'll add you. If not, nbd. I just like helping people live to their fullest potential. Other than that I'd say to make friend you could volunteer at places or pick a family member or something that you respect enough to care when they shame you into working out/doing the right thing

        • 1 year ago

          thanks a lot anon, that means a lot to me. my discord code is Tundra#5473, looking forward to chatting with you

          • 1 year ago

            Always happy to help those who are where I've been. Its been been sent

  3. 1 year ago

    Personally, I find if junk food is around, I’ll eat it. So the key is not really to stop eating junk food but rather to stop buying it.

  4. 1 year ago

    I've gotten to the point where my cravings for junk food are basically gone.

    But Ive been eating super clean for nearly 2 or 3 months now. I refuse nearly everything with sugar in it. My only crutch is monster rehab or coke zero on occasion. Better than sugar but not great for you obviously.

  5. 1 year ago

    >i want to lose weight more than anything except stuffing garbage in my face

    • 1 year ago

      This lol. You don’t really want it

  6. 1 year ago

    The key for me was hating myself more than i liked food

  7. 1 year ago

    Im gonna stop fapping Wednesday because I’m going to see an escort on Saturday and I’m giving her a facial and I want to cover her face properly.

    • 1 year ago

      Oops wrong thread.

  8. 1 year ago

    Walk for like 3 hours in/to a local park. Bring only water. You should not be able to eat by simple virtue of being out in nature without food.

  9. 1 year ago

    Replace PUFAs with SFAs, or just lower all fat intake. No longer feel hungry all the time. I get to eat ice cream, cheese cake, and chocolate.

  10. 1 year ago

    Only ultramarathoners can outrun a poor diet. Every time you are "hungry", drink water and wait 20 minutes.

  11. 1 year ago

    Remove all screens from life, you'll find sitting around isn't very entertaining by itself.

  12. 1 year ago

    I feel you man. I have an extremely addictive personality and I'm addicted to so much shit, food being one of them, and I need to defeat this demon, but goddamn bros...

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