I was diagnosed with fatty liver. Advice on how to recover?

I was diagnosed with fatty liver. Advice on how to recover? I've immediately quit drinking (was always a light drinker though) and smoking (I smoked 5 cigarettes a day)

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  1. 3 months ago


    I dunno. Read some of this stuff, it might help.

  2. 3 months ago

    how old are you anon?

    i too have NAFLD and elevated triglycerides

    ive been OMAD fasting, sticking to lean meats and vegetables, riced cauliflower, and other low calie options as best i can. Lost 20 lbs and my trigs are ficed, not sure about the fatty liver because i havent had a repeat ultrasound

    • 3 months ago


      I was diagnosed with fatty liver. Advice on how to recover? I've immediately quit drinking (was always a light drinker though) and smoking (I smoked 5 cigarettes a day)

      Seed oils are hepatotoxic.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm 32. 6 feet 198 pounds with some muscle. Medium frame. My doctor says I'm 20 pounds overweight. I am now at a calorie deficit and exercising.

      My ALT/AST was very normal 8.5 months ago, but I went from having an ocassional beer every few months to drinking 4 beers a week and started smoking since then. I smoked 5 cigarettes a day. I also foolishly fell for the anti aging maxing shit started taking 15 different supplements a day.

      My cholesterol was very high 8 months ago but I decided to do mediterannean diet. Didn't lose any weight or lower my levels and now 8.5 months later my cholesterol is exact same, only now my ALT is 112 and my doctor says I have fatty liver.

      I've since last week, immediately cut out all alcohol, cigarettes, removed supplements except for berberine as my doctor says it helps NAFLD and gone vegetarian and taking a low dose statin to bring my cholesterol down. Also drinking lots of water and going for 20 minute walks almost every day and lifting 3 times week.

      What else can I do? Is that good? How long will it take to recover/heal my liver?

      • 3 months ago

        Also in regard to supplements, I was taking b12 and iron everyday for a 5 month period. Blood test revealed recently my ferritin and b12 is elevated and I have iron overload. I've stopped taking the supplements but I heard fatty liver can cause high ferritin

        • 3 months ago

          Why on earth were you taking iron supplements? Please tell me you didn't follow advice from the peanut gallery here.

        • 3 months ago

          I did the same thing and my GP said I was making my blood toxic, I was getting really bad night sweats from it. It's very easy to take too much iron and B12.

      • 3 months ago

        The most important thing is to get ebough choline in daily. Besides that try to avoid alcohol, sugar, and seed oil.

        See above. Also, decreasing cholesterol will do nothing for your health. Going vegetarian is dumb. Just avoid processed meat and go for 90% lean beef instead of fatty sausages/hamburgers.

      • 3 months ago

        you will get some cookie cutter responses, I will give you the "extras". First of all, ozempic and ozempic-derivatives. You need to lose weight and fast. Second of all, once you have the ALT/AST under control, hop on strong statins. Yep, they actually work, but you have to start taking them early, not at the ripe age of 65 as is usually the case. Statins frick up your liver so thats about a year from now (dont take them rn, cholesterol can wait). After every meal with carbs, get yourself a small dose of metformin/berberine (you already do that). Milk thistle will help you bring down the ALT/AST. Also I dont know how strong willed you are, but the more you fast, the better

      • 3 months ago

        Holy shit, they have you on statins at 32? It's fricking over. Dumb medical industry guinea pig. I hope you didn't reproduce, but let's be real, your kind are like wienerroaches

      • 3 months ago

        I would get a second opinion if I were you, because your doctor sounds a bit full of shit. That bodyweight at your height is about ideal, especially if you lift and have muscle. And the fact that they put you on goddamned statins man, that's just not right...

        • 3 months ago

          My doctor said to only take a very low dose few days a week until my diet and exercise drops my cholesterol down as well.

          I'm not going to be on them permanently. As a vegetarian I never had high cholesterol, even though meat is good for you with protein and energy. I do like tofu and beans though.

      • 3 months ago

        Did you get a CAC scan before hoping on statins? There’s no need to go nuclear if your arteries are clean. You should talk to a few doctors before taking life altering pills, anon

      • 3 months ago

        I would get a second opinion if I were you, because your doctor sounds a bit full of shit. That bodyweight at your height is about ideal, especially if you lift and have muscle. And the fact that they put you on goddamned statins man, that's just not right...

        TLDR: Go find another doc, things aren't adding up.

        The bottom line treatment for NAFLD is weight loss period. You lose body fat from everywhere including your liver, Done. That said, something isn't adding up here. You're a young dude who was previously normal then seemingly out of the blue have a moderately elevated ALT and your doc put you on a statin? I agree with the other comment here that putting someone on a statin in their 30's for NAFLD is odd to say the least. Also, your BMI is 26.9 which is technically overweight, but realistically is unremarkable and I wouldn't associate that with NAFLD development. Docs will usually use an ASCVD score which you can find using the MDCalc website to risk stratify whether they want to put someone on a statin. I would imagine your score is quite low, but again I don't have all the data. There's several things going on here and we don't have enough info to go on. My answer to you is to find another primary care doc, and repeat the test (comprehensive metabolic panel) to make sure nothing fricky happened with the labs themselves. It won't hurt you to stay on the statin until you see the other doc, so I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to continue on the statin or not until you see them. Exercise is good, but again your BMI is pretty much normal so I call BS on that being the reason for your NAFLD. Good luck.

        • 3 months ago

          It might be just genetic. I'm 24 with a reasonably healthy diet and 3x week exercise, 25 BMI, don't smoke or drink at all, but I had a blood test taken for an annual checkup (first one I've ever done) and my triglyceride levels were extremely high, so high the PA asked me if I had eaten a super fatty meal right before coming in. I got another blood test 6 months later and the results were the same, super high LDL and triglyceride levels. I've tried supplementing Omegas but I'm about to see an endocrinologist to get on statins or some other medication.

          • 3 months ago

            I would have genetic liver / endocrine conditions on the differential for you. Because again, I wouldn't expect fatty liver in a 24 year old male who is otherwise healthy, does regular exercise, 25 BMI and doesn't drink. When you say your triglycerides were extremely high, just how high are we talking? Any greasy yellow or itchy skin lesions on any parts of your body? And to check, no intravenous drug use, no history of hepatitis / are you up to date on your hepatitis vaccinations?

            For completeness sake, this is not medical advice and I think you're doing the right thing by escalating level of care.

            • 3 months ago

              I forgot the number but my levels were extremely high, around 500mg/Dl. No skin lesions, no drug use, no hepatitis. But I had a PSP treatment for hand surgery and my blood plasma was straight yellow, even the phlebotomist brought it up to me.

              • 3 months ago

                *PRP treatment

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, so the picture is coming together. To summarize you're a young man who is otherwise healthy and asymptomatic at this time with ALT>AST ratio with accompanying hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia. You have a normal BMI, and lead a healthy lifestyle. No skin lesions at this time. Given what you've shared, a lipid disorder is at the top of my differential. Now, I'll leave it up to your doc to determine which one it is and explain it to you in detail mostly because I don't want you to freak out, and this is not the best place to have in depth talks. I would reassure you that you're going to be fine so long as you lead a healthy lifestyle. I would also say that your doc maybe told you that you have fatty liver, because he wanted the endocrinologist to give you a definitive answer, but the lipid disorder I'm thinking of can cause fatty liver among other things so your doc isn't wrong. Another thing that this lipid disorder can cause is what people call "turbid" plasma, which may explain what your phlebotomist saw. Furthermore, I also agree with your doc placing you on the statin at this time, and I'd recommend staying on it.

                Bottom line: If you have what I think you have, you're going to live a good and fulfilling life so long as you stay healthy, and do what your doc and endo recommend. If the statin starts giving you muscle cramps you can try taking the over the counter supplement CoQ10 to alleviate the discomfort. Some people have success with this, some don't. I would stick with your primary care, it sounds like they did all the correct moves for you and if anything they caught whatever you have early, so they get brownie points. If there's anything I would recommend: its to take care of your liver from here on out. That means minimizing alcohol intake, keeping a healthy weight, and minimizing Tylenol usage along with whatever else your docs tell you. Don't take any of this as medical advice, and best of luck.

      • 3 months ago

        If you want a healthy liver eat liver(preferably raw) you dumb frick. It's that easy

        • 3 months ago


          Not much else you can do than take in the tissue you want to regenerate.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm a supplement maxer too
        Please list out what suppliments you took and what you think hurt you
        I dont take b vitamins or iron but are there any others you think fricked you up

        • 3 months ago

          Omega 3
          Vitamin D

          My doctor said that especially the last two and high turmeric doses with smoking likely fricked up my liver with high cholesterol over the year. I've stopped all supplements and smoking a week ago. I'm drinking a shit ton of water everyday now while gettingexerciseand eating mostly plant based.

          Might sound like quack medicine, might be quack medicine but I also had a fatty liver and besides doing the obvious and cutting out greasy foods and the like, while fasting, I started boiling a whole lemon(rind and all), then I add about 2 -3 cloves and drink that as tea, a cup should be enough.

          I now do it every other day since I also suffer from HBP and drinking the tea can have the side effect of lowering it too much, if you also take meds. But I feel its helped me a great deal, my labwork has improved since I've been doing this, might be worth giving it a try.

          Thanks I'll try it.

          • 3 months ago

            I mean last three (iron, b12 and niacin)

      • 3 months ago

        >americans consider walking for 20 minutes as sufficient cardio


        im 38, use to drink a lot and eat like shit. I could do 6 beers a day I would take brakes here and there. Smoked weed, no cigs. I was 5'10" 245lbs. Liver was swollen, could still be but im guessing it isn't. Quit drinking in October, had maybe 6 drinks in Janurary. Quit smoking weed about 6 weeks ago. I eat grass fed beef from a farmer I buy a 1/4 of a cow from. I am mostly on meat only diet at first and slowly started adding carbs back in. Still low carb as much as I can stand. My triglycerides were 278, and today they are 75. My ldl has come down to 145 from 167. I weigh 204lbs now 30% bf. I dont really eat much cheese anymore. Obvious things like soda and crap I stay away from. I'll still eat some gummy bears , ice cream ,etc.. with in reason. I am pretty sure I have some type of type 2 diabeetus doc doesn't think so. My glucose isnt terrible but not great. I get super fricking tired tho if I drink a protein shake and glucose jumps to 130. I checked it this morning haven't eatin in 12 hrs. Its at 100. I also took a shit ton of vit D. Levels were in 30s, they are now 75. My test was 190 it is now 370. I lift weights , run 3 miles and walk 2. I've done probably ~8 days of 24hr fasting over 6 months. One time I did about 32 hours. Also taking omega 3. My doc also said to only eat red meat 3 times a week. I said frick all that and eat it almost every day. Trying to eat shrimp more and I do like sushi. I still eat bacon and shit. Though since my ldl is still high, I am cutting that out for a while. My Ferritin was 850 6 months ago, 3 months later 600, and now jumped back to 750. Im pretty sure this is due to my non typical diabeetus. My glucose levels and a1c aren't what typically would be type 2 but I get tired as frick with insulin spikes and ive read studies that say it fricks with your iron absorption. Or I just have cancer, etc.. I am still losing weight, medium frame. Goal is to be ~175lbs. All depending on my bf % though. I have more labs I can post.

        >eating tons of red and processed meat
        >LDL and ferritin is still somehow jacked

        >Cut out all red meat, lower fat intake to below 10% of your macros, with at least 50% of your fat intake as healthy PUFAs rich with linoleic acid, and eat your veggies. Pretty simple.
        bwahahaha youre a moron dude, fat and meat do not cause fatty liver.


        The top liver toxins are seed oils, vitamin A and alcohol.

        Saturated fat, collagen, beef, taurine, egg yolks and B vitamins are good for your liver. So basically eat lots of beef with a few egg yolks and you will get all of that stuff.

        Really not hard to have a healthy liver, you just gotta stop the goyslop and eat some beef. The hardest part is realizing how deeply goy-oils have infiltrated the food supplies.


        A whole foods plant based diet with some fatty fish and fermented dairy is all you need

        • 3 months ago

          >plant based

          lmao, what an utter dumbfrick. hope he is trolling

    • 3 months ago

      I'm 32. 6 feet 198 pounds with some muscle. Medium frame. My doctor says I'm 20 pounds overweight. I am now at a calorie deficit and exercising.

      My ALT/AST was very normal 8.5 months ago, but I went from having an ocassional beer every few months to drinking 4 beers a week and started smoking since then. I smoked 5 cigarettes a day. I also foolishly fell for the anti aging maxing shit started taking 15 different supplements a day.

      My cholesterol was very high 8 months ago but I decided to do mediterannean diet. Didn't lose any weight or lower my levels and now 8.5 months later my cholesterol is exact same, only now my ALT is 112 and my doctor says I have fatty liver.

      I've since last week, immediately cut out all alcohol, cigarettes, removed supplements except for berberine as my doctor says it helps NAFLD and gone vegetarian and taking a low dose statin to bring my cholesterol down. Also drinking lots of water and going for 20 minute walks almost every day and lifting 3 times week.

      What else can I do? Is that good? How long will it take to recover/heal my liver?

      You guys go the doctor for checkups or did you notice something wrong so went to find out?

  3. 3 months ago

    >light drinker
    >only 5 cigs a day
    might be something else

    • 3 months ago

      This, specifically acetaminophen. Tylenol will frick your liver up FAST

  4. 3 months ago

    Try running Tudca. It's good for general liver health and has had success in treating fatty liver in studies.

  5. 3 months ago

    Drop alcohol and limit fructose until it's healed. I bet you drink a lot of juice and/or soda.

    • 3 months ago

      The most important thing is to get ebough choline in daily. Besides that try to avoid alcohol, sugar, and seed oil.

      See above. Also, decreasing cholesterol will do nothing for your health. Going vegetarian is dumb. Just avoid processed meat and go for 90% lean beef instead of fatty sausages/hamburgers.

      >get enough choline daily
      Also this.

    • 3 months ago

      also do some fasting to give your liver a chance to burn off the fat

  6. 3 months ago

    Related question, I have been diagnosed with genetic Odontitis, what is the best form of collagen supplement to promote the regeneration of jaw bone so I don't lose my teeth even faster?

  7. 3 months ago

    im 38, use to drink a lot and eat like shit. I could do 6 beers a day I would take brakes here and there. Smoked weed, no cigs. I was 5'10" 245lbs. Liver was swollen, could still be but im guessing it isn't. Quit drinking in October, had maybe 6 drinks in Janurary. Quit smoking weed about 6 weeks ago. I eat grass fed beef from a farmer I buy a 1/4 of a cow from. I am mostly on meat only diet at first and slowly started adding carbs back in. Still low carb as much as I can stand. My triglycerides were 278, and today they are 75. My ldl has come down to 145 from 167. I weigh 204lbs now 30% bf. I dont really eat much cheese anymore. Obvious things like soda and crap I stay away from. I'll still eat some gummy bears , ice cream ,etc.. with in reason. I am pretty sure I have some type of type 2 diabeetus doc doesn't think so. My glucose isnt terrible but not great. I get super fricking tired tho if I drink a protein shake and glucose jumps to 130. I checked it this morning haven't eatin in 12 hrs. Its at 100. I also took a shit ton of vit D. Levels were in 30s, they are now 75. My test was 190 it is now 370. I lift weights , run 3 miles and walk 2. I've done probably ~8 days of 24hr fasting over 6 months. One time I did about 32 hours. Also taking omega 3. My doc also said to only eat red meat 3 times a week. I said frick all that and eat it almost every day. Trying to eat shrimp more and I do like sushi. I still eat bacon and shit. Though since my ldl is still high, I am cutting that out for a while. My Ferritin was 850 6 months ago, 3 months later 600, and now jumped back to 750. Im pretty sure this is due to my non typical diabeetus. My glucose levels and a1c aren't what typically would be type 2 but I get tired as frick with insulin spikes and ive read studies that say it fricks with your iron absorption. Or I just have cancer, etc.. I am still losing weight, medium frame. Goal is to be ~175lbs. All depending on my bf % though. I have more labs I can post.

    • 3 months ago

      >8 fasting days in half a year
      Lol do better.
      I'm on my 6th consecutive fasting day this week and i don't even have any medical problems.

      • 3 months ago

        >Lol do better.
        My personal self improvement is not a competition. I only need to compare myself to myself and the progress I make. I've lost 40lbs its working just fine for me. Have 0 desire to prove myself to you and I dont know why you would think I would.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah but you're suggesting OP to follow your example and your example has a lot of room for improvement.
          Also if it's so hard for you to skip a day of eating, then you're clearly food addicted. And the cure to that is.... Fasting!

          Well done on your weight loss so far - but at some point you'll just have to do better in order to keep progressing. Yeah it's not a competition you'd be damn wrong to think you can get away by half-assing it.

          Nothing valuable has ever been obtained without 100% effort. That's why you gotta go ALL IN instead of going like "But in my mind I'm winning!!!"

          • 3 months ago

            No im telling him what i did. He can follow it or not. Just because i do something doesnt mean you have to. No where did I say you need to do X. You are a liar. You will get no more ~~*yous*~~from me

  8. 3 months ago

    Quit seed oils and any food that was likely fried in them.
    Go low-carb, or even better carnivore
    Do a 1-day fast every week
    Do a 2 day fast every other week. Aim to ramp it up to a 3-day fast.

    Your body has the power to burn up the fat that's in your liver. In fact that's the FIRST place it starts burning fat when you fast.
    I don't know about all the other root causes that led up to your diagnosis, but doing what i told you will lead to a massive positive change already in 3 months

  9. 3 months ago

    what if I ate a cow's non alcoholic fatty liver? Would that be better or worse than normal liver?

  10. 3 months ago

    slow cure - warm lemon juice every morning before eating.
    quick cure - boil 50g of the chinese herb "Gold coin grass". strain and drink the brown liquid.

    your next bowel movements will be very different. this smell is the fat from the liver. repeat with the gold coin grass every 2-3 weeks until it no longer changes your bowel movements.

    n.b. big pharma hates this because fatty liver is a silent killer and gives them tons of business.

  11. 3 months ago

    Cut out all red meat, lower fat intake to below 10% of your macros, with at least 50% of your fat intake as healthy PUFAs rich with linoleic acid, and eat your veggies. Pretty simple.

    • 3 months ago

      >Cut out all red meat, lower fat intake to below 10% of your macros, with at least 50% of your fat intake as healthy PUFAs rich with linoleic acid, and eat your veggies. Pretty simple.
      bwahahaha youre a moron dude, fat and meat do not cause fatty liver.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm eating lots of veggies keeping fruit intake limited.

      Also limiting iron and b12 because my levels were very high.

      I've reduced carb and sugar intake by 40-50 percent and taking berberine to lower blood sugar.

      Is it possible I can have normal or almost normal liver in 3 to 4 months?

      • 3 months ago

        >Is it possible I can have normal or almost normal liver in 3 to 4 months?

        its possible sure, liver can fix a lot of stuff in 8 weeks especially if you don't drink alcohol at all, and I mean a 0 amount. I think of it like fasting, its not fasting if you eat 1 grape. If you eat fiber/protein/fat first then carbs/sugar the insulin spike is reduced. Eating carbs after a work out is also better it will be taken up into the muscle instead of stored as fat. I notice this for myself I am not tired after eating french fries after a work out. Still not a great idea probably to do consistently.

        I had just coffee and half n half this morning and my glucose jumped fricking 20 points to 120, I just got back from a walk and its been an hour and its 109 now. Get a glucose meter and start checking yourself. Figure out what works for you. If the vegan diet hasn't worked try something else. Especially if you have been doing this for 8 months.

        • 3 months ago

          Just FYI I was a vegetarian for 25 years but never had any health problems like this on a vegetarian diet, and my weight was normal. I've decided to go vegetarian again a week ago after eating meat for 7 years just to see if it will help in addition to cutting carb and sugar intake in half while increasing exercise.

          My doctor says the high iron and b12 intake along with high cholesterol, smoking and weight gain very likely caused the fatty liver.

          I really like meat but I'm gonna stick to this diet for at least 6 months and see if there's any improvements.

          • 3 months ago

            >I really like meat but I'm gonna stick to this diet for at least 6 months and see if there's any improvements.

            oh I thought you were the other guy that had already been doing that for 8 months. Ya man whatever works for you is best. For whatever reason my meat diet is working. Tho my iron is high my doc doesn't think its because of that, but we will see. Some people drank for 25 years and were fine until they hit 40. When you are young we can go without a lot of different stuff. I watched this thing on a guy with pica and he would only eat mac and cheese for most of his adolescence. His doc said he was fine but it wasnt going to be an issue for him until he got older. Like you dont need to take collagen supplements when you are young, you have and make enough of it. When we get older we need it. This is why old folks eat jello all the time. Just get some lab work done and you will know.

    • 3 months ago

      Do not cut out red meat, moron

      • 3 months ago

        It's a meme you dip

  12. 3 months ago

    Stop drinking sugar. Look up non alcoholic fatty liver disease

  13. 3 months ago

    ddx lying about being a former light drinker

    • 3 months ago

      Typically alcoholic liver damage presents with an AST:ALT ratio of 2:1. Unless OP says that his AST is >220, then alcoholic insult is not likely. Furthermore, he came here for advice and I don't see why he wouldn't include that part of the history. All that said, you're not wrong for having that on the differential, but given all we know it's just low on the list in my opinion.

  14. 3 months ago

    >I was diagnosed with fatty liver
    Have you tried not being a fatass?

  15. 3 months ago

    The top liver toxins are seed oils, vitamin A and alcohol.

    Saturated fat, collagen, beef, taurine, egg yolks and B vitamins are good for your liver. So basically eat lots of beef with a few egg yolks and you will get all of that stuff.

    Really not hard to have a healthy liver, you just gotta stop the goyslop and eat some beef. The hardest part is realizing how deeply goy-oils have infiltrated the food supplies.

  16. 3 months ago

    Might sound like quack medicine, might be quack medicine but I also had a fatty liver and besides doing the obvious and cutting out greasy foods and the like, while fasting, I started boiling a whole lemon(rind and all), then I add about 2 -3 cloves and drink that as tea, a cup should be enough.

    I now do it every other day since I also suffer from HBP and drinking the tea can have the side effect of lowering it too much, if you also take meds. But I feel its helped me a great deal, my labwork has improved since I've been doing this, might be worth giving it a try.

  17. 3 months ago

    >fatty liver

    Just reframe that as having a REAL liver that REAL doctors approve of. Problem solved

  18. 3 months ago

    does fatty liver cause high fatigue?

  19. 3 months ago

    I think cardio, jogging and HIIT sprints move fat away from your liver

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