I will pass if I lose weight, but eating is my number 1 repression cope.

I will pass if I lose weight, but eating is my number 1 repression cope.

Please tell me ANYTHING that has helped you lose weight. I need to lose about 80 lbs

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Women are fatter than men

    • 2 years ago

      I need to lose all my male fat distribution bodyfat anon

      • 2 years ago

        then just wait, it will burn off eventually even if you stay fat

        • 2 years ago

          yeah in literally seven years on average

  2. 2 years ago

    I tried going vegan and lost like 12lbs or so in the brief time I was doing it just cause of the diet change, so maybe that could help, but also y'know, going vegan means you stop being able to eat lots of different foods and grocery shopping becomes a way bigger hassle so idk

    • 2 years ago

      I'm already vegan. I'm the world's first fat vegan.

    • 2 years ago

      >and grocery shopping becomes a way bigger hassle
      lmao what? just get the legumes and grains of your choice and some veggies, onions sauce or nutritional yeast if you want, and you're good to go
      shit's cheap as hell too

  3. 2 years ago

    Uh, no, you wont

  4. 2 years ago

    same, I don't get pleasure out of anything in life except cooking/baking and eating
    us fathons are 100% fricked, this is like an addiction

  5. 2 years ago

    I cut red meat, sugar, cheese, chips and fried food almost entirely. I cant drink at all. I eat almost entirely modified chicken and vegetable stir fry (modified to use less oil). Also lots of turkey. Turkey sandwiches, burgers, etc.

    Lots of fresh fruit and oatmeal to reduce intestinal bloat. (This step is crucial if you ate lots of fatty food in youth. U might have residual fat on the sides of intestine, adding inches and pounds. Oatmeal will, over time, force the fat to pass thru.)

    I have lost about 40lbs. Went from 240 to 200. This is all without changing my exercise schedule too much.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you anon. Did you follow any recipes or cooking sites or do you just do your own thing? I'm guessing the key for you is lots of lean proteins to stay full?

      • 2 years ago

        Lean proteins are the key yea. Also i supplement my diet with plain greek yogurt. Lots of protein and it aids my digestion.

        I based my diet on the pancreatitis diet. I live in the south and my high fat diet was killing me.

        As for recipes, i watch cooking tv and cooking utube pretty regular, so i was able to apply what i learned there. I recommend the utube channel "Tasty" if u are a beginner at cooking, as they have a wide variety of recipes, starting at very simple difficulty up to professional cuisine.

  6. 2 years ago

    1000 calories a day for like 20 weeks, try to eat for only 1 hour a day so you fast for 23 hours between meals. Less carbs is always better because they turn to fat quicker. High fibre will help too and most importantly drink at least 2 litres of water every day. Make sure to take daily multivitimins because you wont be getting enough through dietary intake.

    • 2 years ago

      >Less carbs is always better because they turn to fat quicker.
      kek I swear ketogays are in some kind of cult, always need to shoehorn their meme diet

      • 2 years ago

        Keto is legit, personally its not my thing but limiting bad carbs will help you loose weight if you are mostly inactive. Ketosis is great for weight loss for those who wanna do it tho.

        • 2 years ago

          it doesn't help you lose weight because 'carbs bad', it just so happens that a lot of calorie-dense foods are carb-dense and by eliminating carbs you eliminate those foods

          • 2 years ago

            If they're not quickly used for energy via exercise or other physical activity, they're broken down and converted into fat.Simple carbs break down quickly, whereas complex carbs break down more slowly. The faster carbs break down, the quicker you'll gain weight.

            Carbs are the bodies favourite thing to use as fuel, when theres an absence of carbs, your body enters ketosis where it burns your body fat for fuel

            • 2 years ago

              weight gain is about calories, an equal amount of calories of carbs doesn't make you fatter than an equal amount of calories of fat or protein
              keto is a meme precisely because so many ketogays deny this undisputed fact

              • 2 years ago

                Calories from simple carbs absolutely will make you fatter. If your goal is efficient weight loss then lower carbs is better.

              • 2 years ago

                Carbs don't directly make you gain weight, however it does affect your insulin/glucose levels which encourages your body to store more fat by changing how it metabolizes the energy it intakes. You're right, its still calories, but not all calorie intake has the same effect on the body. Sodium is still calories in your body, however obviously eating too much sodium can have bad effects on your body compared to say if you ate the same amount of calories from a more diversified selection.

              • 2 years ago

                Sodium has no calories you dummy

  7. 2 years ago

    Don't fret anon/anonette:
    >Find distractions, things to occupy your mind instead of food
    >If you stress eat, try to reduce stressors you're engaging with, until you find alternative ways to manage it (if at all possible)
    >Drink tons of water, have it on hand at all times. Bored, stressed, hungry, and it's not time to eat? Take a big gulp of water. Sugar free soda works better, but it's hard to kick post-diet
    >Gum can help with oral fixation if you have one
    >Eat satiating foods, like Potatoes or Oatmeal
    >Count calories. Most important thing beyond willpower. Count. Everything. It's an absolute chore, but knowing your CICO is very important. This will reveal a lot of hidden calories. It also makes you conscious of what you're eating
    >Skip breakfast if you can. Sleeping is your grace period, your body isn't hungry when you're sleeping. See if you can push it out to lunch, that way you can have bigger/more satisfying meals
    >Learn to cook
    >Exercise helps with having a purpose/distraction, it's a great goal and motivator to keep yourself in peak performance with a proper diet (this is a supplement to a diet, weight loss is still CICO)

    Despite all this, you need to have mucho willpower. Willpower above all else will get you through it, you need to really, really want it. The longer you stick with it, the easier it gets to see to the end. Never forget your roots, and don't forget where you want to be at the end of your journey. Always keep that in mind as a motivator.

    I have more tips, but this is already an autismo wall of text

    • 2 years ago

      More tips would be appreciated if you want to give them. Thank you a lot for the reply anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Np and sure thing. Most of what I wrote covers it there actually, but to add onto them:
        >Learning to cook - It's a lot of fun to try and recreate your favorite foods as a low calorie analogue. It keeps you occupied for 1-2+ hours, depending on what you're cooking as well, and again keeps you conscious of what you're putting in your body (it's also good exercise lmao). Eventually I learnt enough to make my own recipes, but some of my favourite sites to get recipes from were Skinnytaste, Just One Cookbook, RecipeTin Eats etc. R*ddit has some good places to find recipes. Eventually you'll learn of low calorie substitutes for common ingredients in food that you can use in any recipe (i.e. Low Fat Greek Yogurt vs full fat Creme Fraiche).
        >Be conscious of what you're eating - Logging helps with this, when I speak to people irl, one of the main things seems to be that they don't realize how much extra intake they're having via snacks or tertiary ingredients in their food (i.e. butter). Logging foods helps a lot with this. It'll also help you with intuitive eating later down the line (you'll end up developing a calorie radar)
        >Look up the 'Satiety Index' list. Satiating foods are the best bang for your buck calorie wise. If your main problem is with feeling physically full, try bulking out your meals with vegetables too. You can toss in spinach into many things without noticing it, for example. Drinking water helps with the physical sensation of fullness, I know when I was big, one of the biggest things was that I just wanted to be physically full all the time. Coffee, Sugar Free Soda as well (although avoid that if you can, it's expensive and ruins your gut health)

      • 2 years ago

        Np and sure thing. Most of what I wrote covers it there actually, but to add onto them:
        >Learning to cook - It's a lot of fun to try and recreate your favorite foods as a low calorie analogue. It keeps you occupied for 1-2+ hours, depending on what you're cooking as well, and again keeps you conscious of what you're putting in your body (it's also good exercise lmao). Eventually I learnt enough to make my own recipes, but some of my favourite sites to get recipes from were Skinnytaste, Just One Cookbook, RecipeTin Eats etc. R*ddit has some good places to find recipes. Eventually you'll learn of low calorie substitutes for common ingredients in food that you can use in any recipe (i.e. Low Fat Greek Yogurt vs full fat Creme Fraiche).
        >Be conscious of what you're eating - Logging helps with this, when I speak to people irl, one of the main things seems to be that they don't realize how much extra intake they're having via snacks or tertiary ingredients in their food (i.e. butter). Logging foods helps a lot with this. It'll also help you with intuitive eating later down the line (you'll end up developing a calorie radar)
        >Look up the 'Satiety Index' list. Satiating foods are the best bang for your buck calorie wise. If your main problem is with feeling physically full, try bulking out your meals with vegetables too. You can toss in spinach into many things without noticing it, for example. Drinking water helps with the physical sensation of fullness, I know when I was big, one of the biggest things was that I just wanted to be physically full all the time. Coffee, Sugar Free Soda as well (although avoid that if you can, it's expensive and ruins your gut health)

        >Try to stick to a schedule if you can't help yourself snacking. Counting helps with this. Say 'I'll eat lunch at 12'. If you're hungry at 10am and your next meal is at 12pm, try to stick it out. You need to get used to feeling hungry, at least initially. It'll take a few months to adjust to. Eventually your body will start to realize it's got fat to eat. Drinking water, coffee, keeping yourself occupied, all help with this
        >It's hard to not give into your cravings, but sometimes it can be worth it, to stop yourself binging on other foods later down the line. I found trying to ignore my cravings made me binge uncontrollably eventually. If you're craving some chocolate for example, you can always make space for it in your calorie plan. Or even better, start to enjoy dark chocolate.
        >It can help to have others to talk to, to help keep you on track. Others who are dieting or exercising, for ex. It's pretty stressful to do by yourself and yeah, the results and visual feedback aren't immediate.

        Good foods to eat:
        >Soup, amazing bang for your buck, hot and filling
        >Potatoes topped with things like chili, baked beans, etc. Very satisfying.
        >Cereal bars, sweet buzz, low in calories (75-150~ calories)
        >Oatmeal, can be sweet (with sweetener or fruits), warm, filling, pimped out with all sorts of ingredients
        >Chicken, great lean protein. Don't forget red meats every so often though. Lean mince (5% fat) is based, you can do all sorts with it. Burgers, Beef Ragu etc.
        >Fish. Tuna is cheap, great fatty acids, good for you, very filling in a sandwich. If you get bread, they do low calorie bread in stores. I usually went for 100~ calories a slice max if I did.

        And yeah, the main thing is willpower. Persevere above all else. You can do it anon/anonette, I believe in you. Think of the end result king/queen.

  8. 2 years ago

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop drinking anything that isn't water (or black coffee or tea if you're into hot drinks)
    No more fizzy drinks, energy drinks, juice, alcohol, hot chocolate, etc. and I guarantee you will start losing weight immediately and you won't miss any of it after a month
    After that, work on cutting out snack foods and try replacing things with healthier alternatives like fruits
    I find I easily get tempted if I'm even in the snack isle at a shop so I try and avoid it entirely
    Learn to cook if you can't already and find a new healthy recipe to try and make once a week
    Try reducing your portion sizes and bulking up your meals with more vegetables to keep you full

    Don't bother with diets as they work in the short term and you will regain everything you lose, you have to make permanent lifestyle changes if you want weight loss to stick

    • 2 years ago

      not OP but I don't eat any snack foods or drink drinks with calories in them, and I know how to cook quite well
      some of us are doomed to be fat forever

      • 2 years ago

        Those are all good points for most people who severely underestimate the amount of calories they're getting from snacks and drinks

        If you don't do any of that but you do cook and you're still a fat frick then you need to work on portion control

        • 2 years ago

          the truth is homecooking actually doesn't help with losing weight at all, because the secret to good cooking is to be liberal with things like olive oil
          people are skinny because they don't enjoy food, I actually like food so I'll be a fat frick forever

          • 2 years ago

            Do you have zero control over your eating habits? Even if you make meals that are drenched in olive oil instead of like, something low calorie, low carb, high protein like scrambled eggs for breakfast then just give yourself smaller portions. If you're overeating, its going to be impossible for you to lose weight to any reasonable amount. You need to cut calories. Give yourself smaller portions or larger portions will a lower total calorie intake.

            Home cooking does help with weight loss because it allows you to make the meals yourself, in the right portions, whereas say fast food is always and usually highly unhealthy, insane calorie counts aside. But if you refuse to give up a good meal for a mediocre meal that has less calories, then yeah there's no hope for you. Either you don't care about being fat or you have no control over your eating habits.

            • 2 years ago

              you'd have to eat tiny portions of scrambled eggs for them to be a low-calorie option, you'd be better off preparing them in some other way
              fast food is probably better for weight loss because it's portions are already set out (and they actually aren't super high in calories as long as you avoid fizzy drinks), and so it is much more controllable
              >But if you refuse to give up a good meal for a mediocre meal that has less calories
              well yeah, like I said, I enjoy food and cooking too much, if you want to be skinny you have to be indifferent to food, there's a reason so many chefs are fat fricks (the ones who aren't all use cocaine)
              >you have no control over your eating habits.
              I don't

    • 2 years ago

      i have a real sugar craving and my way of dealing with it rn is to occasionally have a big sugar hit instead of having lunch. Like, i'll have a 400-600 calorie chocolate bar or something instead of having the usual sandwich or w/e, and that usually keeps me going until dinner. Other days i'll have a normal lunch and some days i'll just have a few apples or a portion of grapes, fruit is also great for dealing with sugar cravings

  9. 2 years ago

    Do cardio, it burns calories pretty fast. Go on a jog. Just running a mile burns 100~ calories. Cut your daily calorie intake by 500-1000. Try fasting too, makes it easier to portion a single meal and spend more care making it healthy and with a higher deficit for your body than a bunch of stuff scattered throughout the day.

    Keep snacks away, don't keep chips and the like around your house, only keep food that takes you time to prepare. Its so much easier to just grab some chips without thinking it.

    Avoid high carb foods. Go for protein. Foods that are low in calories tend to be vegetables and (most) fruits, although depending on the fruit they could also have high carb counts. They're really good for replacing snacks if you need it.

    Avoid all fast food, that shit will destroy your progress entirely. Try to make all of your food at home.

  10. 2 years ago

    stims stims stims. your heart wont like you but your weight will go down

  11. 2 years ago

    >I wanna do a diet!
    >start strong for a week
    >binge once
    >death upon the soil of heaven and I am the sin that cast this world to darkness

    • 2 years ago

      That’s why you have to make it achievable in the long run and not some crazy diet you only last a week on

  12. 2 years ago

    Working out. Doesn't have to be the gym. I like to play airsoft twice a week. You can also do paintball. Diet is also important. Eat as few carbs as possible and replace wine/beer with liquor if you can.

    I start the day off with three eggs, two pieces of bacon, and a glass of milk. After this I'll go to the gym or go play airsoft if I have the day off. If I have to do any work that day I do that day I knock it out by noon. Around 1PM I'll eat some barbeque I've either gotten at a restaurant or smoked earlier that week. After this I'll take care of my garden and go to sleep until about 4/5PM. When I get up I usually go on a ~3 mile walk or shoot if I'm feeling it. After this I will make dinner, usually chicken and sausage, but sometimes a steak. Both options are had with asparagus. Once dinner is over I'll have a drink and call it a night.

    Don't say the food is too expensive because we both know two whole chickens is about $12 and those will last a grown man a week. Everything else is similar in price and you can feed yourself like this for 50-70 bucks a week.

  13. 2 years ago


    Youre going to frick up dude, youre going to slip up and eat too much again. And again. Itll happen a lot actually. Happened to me, itll happen to you.

    The trick is to not stop just because you mess up, get back on the horse ASAP. Forgive your very human error and return to the work you were doing before.

    Also look up bret contreras' strong curves

  14. 2 years ago

    Rolling fasts

  15. 2 years ago

    the ONLY way for someone who likes eating to lose weight is CICO. just count every calorie you take in. thermodynamics

  16. 2 years ago

    I self harm every time i eat.

    I get the most awful headaches though, every time i stand up i feel like im going to pass out. Worth it though, I've lost a lot of weight.

    Just take a razor, and everytime you eat, one giant slice on your arm or wrist. Helps keep me focussed

  17. 2 years ago

    Cutting milk, dairy products, and anything with a high glycemic load

  18. 2 years ago

    diets. all diets are a fricking joke.

    >things that helped me a bit
    literally just dont eat. skip a meal a day. and obviously dont consume snacks or soft drinks but thats a given.

    >things that really made the difference
    cardio. start off slow if needed but work up to one hour a day of real exercise - no relaxed strolls or whatever.

  19. 2 years ago

    I kinda just eyeball what ~looks like 500 calories a day with a margin of error of +500. Worst case I overeat and get up to 1000 calories in a given day which is still 1000 below maintenance, I'll still feel bad about it and skip a meal the next day but it stops me from breaking down cuz I'm never not losing weight. Any time I feel hungry and want to suppress it I listen to music and imagine how much better I'll look when I get to my desired weight.

    So far I'm down 33lbs in 47 days, eating what I normally do just a lot less, feeling kinda nice for the first time in a long time, idk I'm sure its unhealthy as frick but for me its either this or the rope cuz I can't start HRT while fat.

    • 2 years ago

      >1000 below maintenance,
      note that maintenance differs a LOT per person. 2k is actually really high if youre a sedentary neet, for example.

      • 2 years ago

        >2k is actually really high if youre a sedentary neet, for example.
        omegalul is this what EDgays actually believe

        • 2 years ago

          i've existed at 1200-1600kcal/day for the past 5 years and have been around 17-18 bmi all that time. 0 muscle mass, textbook skinnyfat will do that.

          also, not all kcals are equal and most of mine are - were - simple carbs which definitely doesnt help.

          • 2 years ago

            >17-18 bmi all that time
            which is the lower end of healthy BMI, in no way is 2k 'really high'
            >also, not all kcals are equal and most of mine are - were - simple carbs which definitely doesnt help.

  20. 2 years ago

    Go carnivoremode, skip breakfast except for a bite of salted butter maybe, and get a 20--40 pound kettle bell to toss around recreationally.
    Avoid vegetable oils and seed oils, and sweet shit, especially corn fructose and "diet" shit.
    The sugar withdrawal is intense but the results are undeniable and long lasting.

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