i worked very hard on my physique and yet a girl rated my physique 7/10

i worked very hard on my physique and yet a girl rated my physique 7/10

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  1. 10 months ago

    post physique so we know if you're delusional or not

    • 10 months ago

      Girls don't know shit.

      also this

      • 10 months ago

        >girls don't know shit
        This. OP's bish was most likely neggin him but womyn don't know SHYET.
        They're spatially moronic. They couln't tell 16" 22% BF fatceps from a pair of rock-solid guns even if you crushed their windpipes with an ez bar.
        So don't heed their put-me-downs and take any compliments with a grain of salt.

        I was being mired by a toddler @ walgreen's the other day and when his mom/nan noticed she said "oh he thinks you're spider-man!". Now, I don't look half-bad but I don't look like I could bench 4 pl8s either. But in this kid's head I could OHP a 2008 pt cruiser for reps, and you wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise.
        Womyn are just like that.

  2. 10 months ago

    girls are the israelite of gender, since god didn't give them T, their only weapon is manipulation
    men are born to be the nig of gender, but you don't have to let yourself be manipulated

  3. 10 months ago

    7/10 isn't even a bad rating

  4. 10 months ago

    7/10 is quite good.
    Getting to a 8/10 is also ask genetics, you can't work on that.

  5. 10 months ago

    You know girls don't like buff guys right?

    Most of you are slamming your head into a brick wall and trying to figure out why you're bleeding but the wall is still standing.

    Girls don't like buff gymcels. They want skinny ottermodes with 6 packs. If you don't look like this, then your not attractive

    • 10 months ago

      maybe you are right but that is not my experience. i have pulled at least 3 different women with just my arms (17"). from what ive encountered women want a man that can curl them.

      • 10 months ago

        >maybe you are right but that is not my experience. i have pulled at least 3 different women with just my arms (17"). from what ive encountered women want a man that can curl them.
        Wow 3 women. So many.

        • 10 months ago

          *in the last year. also its not a bad number for someone with high standards(NO SLAMPIGS!!!1!!!!) who refuses to download dating apps.

          • 10 months ago

            Bunch of cope. 3 in one year is 1 every 120 days on average or a 4 month dryspell in between.

            Those aren't good numbers unless youre in highschool. Cope harder. My point is that women aren't running to frick you, which is evident by your low body count

            • 10 months ago

              >Women throw themselves at anon
              >Concludes women aren't throwing themselves at anon because it's not frequently enough
              Low IQ.

              • 10 months ago

                erm dont you know that women chase the hot character in crowds that kick up dust clouds like in the cartoons? if thats not u then u r incel

              • 10 months ago

                Having women throw themselves at you means you're fricking at least 4 a month. Every time you go out you come back with a number or new woman. Yes there are guys who get laid every time they leave the house. (Not you)

                dry spell isnt really that long because i dont have sex with a woman only once. i tend to call them up every other week or so. also i dont get out much which should be evident by the fact that i post on cuckchan so ive hav throw my frick into large percentage of woman i meet who are pretty.
                >Cope harder
                post ottermode phyzeek and proof that you get countless women lmao.

                All you can do is make excuses for why 3 is a good number within 365 days. BTW its not. Anyone could tell you that 3 is literally baby numbers even if they were repeat fricks. I'm sorry but you're just not that attractive.

                If anything you should be posting body since you're the one claiming that 17" arms are a babe magnet (btw the fact that you're going by arm size is proof that you're fat, only fat people with fatceps care about arm size)

                I could post my body but then it would derail the thread and let you deflect by attacking me. The focus is should be on you to prove you're attractive. I have nothing to prove since im not the one claiming to be a babe magnet like you're doing

              • 10 months ago

                anon i didnt say i only pulled 3 women. i said i pulled 3 women with just my arms but getting hung up on this part kinda just reinforces that you are low iq because you have poor reading comprehension.
                >Having women throw themselves at you means you're fricking at least 4 a month.
                arbitrary standards so you can pretend you arent a mental midget.
                >I have nothing to prove since im not the one claiming to be a babe magnet like you're doing
                anon if i wanted to pretend i was an absolute babe magnet i would have said i sleep with a different woman every night since im just so lean and handsome. im a sperg with mild brain damage. if i wasnt attractive id pull no women at all lmfao.

              • 10 months ago

                Backtracking 101

                >I didn't say, I said x with added clarification

                Good job. Now post body and let's get this over with.

              • 10 months ago

                its not backtracking you fricking reatard. maybe read

                maybe you are right but that is not my experience. i have pulled at least 3 different women with just my arms (17"). from what ive encountered women want a man that can curl them.

                and get back to me as to why you are wrong and a homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                So youre not going to post body and or arms. Yup. Fatceps confirmed and unattractive confirmed

              • 10 months ago

                well you see anon I could post my body but then it would derail the thread and let you deflect by attacking me. The focus is should be on you to prove you're attractive. (proof you are ottermode. i asked first)

              • 10 months ago

                Ah more deflection. See. That's what ugly people do. You get asked to show why women would be attracted to you, and your only response is
                >no you

                Enjoy your next dryspell. I'm sure those fat arms are really pulling women lol. More like pulling in cheeseburgers

              • 10 months ago


                >yuo have to be twink skinny man to make sex
                i make sex ok and i am not twink
                >you dont do it often enough because... uh... i said so ok!!!
                you should post phyzeek since you claim to be otter mode expert on sexing womynz
                >erm no you because you said your arms are big so youre clearly a fatcel
                (this is a deflection from you btw)
                >also if i posted my body id get made fun of so you should do it instead
                you have low iq and cant read.
                >your backtracking!!!
                no you just cant read
                >post body!!!
                i asked first
                >DEFLECTION OMG WTF

                you are delusional and have a very femanine and low iq brain. you should kys yourself i think.

              • 10 months ago

                Seethe harder fatty

              • 10 months ago

                pic i took of your moms car. i pulled her wit just my arms btw.

              • 10 months ago

                >your mom jokes
                Now who is the real low IQ here

              • 10 months ago

                still u

              • 10 months ago

                anon i didnt say i only pulled 3 women. i said i pulled 3 women with just my arms but getting hung up on this part kinda just reinforces that you are low iq because you have poor reading comprehension.
                >Having women throw themselves at you means you're fricking at least 4 a month.
                arbitrary standards so you can pretend you arent a mental midget.
                >I have nothing to prove since im not the one claiming to be a babe magnet like you're doing
                anon if i wanted to pretend i was an absolute babe magnet i would have said i sleep with a different woman every night since im just so lean and handsome. im a sperg with mild brain damage. if i wasnt attractive id pull no women at all lmfao.

                also plebbit spacing

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              dry spell isnt really that long because i dont have sex with a woman only once. i tend to call them up every other week or so. also i dont get out much which should be evident by the fact that i post on cuckchan so ive hav throw my frick into large percentage of woman i meet who are pretty.
              >Cope harder
              post ottermode phyzeek and proof that you get countless women lmao.

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Obvious Ottergay who gets fricked in the ass by a giga lifter

      • 10 months ago

        >powerlifter can only think about gay sex with men
        Color me shocked

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Girls just don’t want you to look like a fat lazy frick.
      Even if you’re muscular, being fat starts to negate it in women’s opinion.

  6. 10 months ago

    don't listen to them bros if you're able to get your foot in the door to talk to potential gf's then your fine. Women constantly crab about this shit and rank you lower than they think, both to lower your own opinion of yourself so that you see dating her as her doing you a favor, and to make other women think that you're ugly to lower competition. It might be subconscious on their part, it is what it is

  7. 10 months ago

    If a woman ever rates anything about you as a 6+, that's good

  8. 10 months ago

    just remember in a world of skinnyfats and the obese even being builtfat makes you IST in the eyes of normans

  9. 10 months ago

    post body

  10. 10 months ago

    numbers and body count mean jack shit today.
    I can go on tinder and honest to god frick 50 women if i put the time, but they will all be 4-5/10.
    8+ won't touch me. I might get absurdly lucky with a 7.
    Im neither big/lean/pretty enough, i'm obviously just above a threshold where women want to frick me.

  11. 10 months ago

    here anon i maek u feel better. i have big sexes and huge arm. no u post

  12. 10 months ago

    Then don't ask women to rate you. If you are talking to a woman and you ask her to rate your body you sound like you need to be validated.
    I never ask women to rate me or my body, probably because I would get a 5 at best so is better o live in the dark a bit then be crushed. Who cares how they rate you if you still get to put the benis in?

  13. 10 months ago

    >lifting for women
    >women dont like you anyway
    should have lifted for strength instead homosexuals

  14. 10 months ago

    girls said that offseason Chris Bumstead has a "dad bod"

  15. 10 months ago

    If she gave you 7/10 , you are probably a 4/10 cuz she was probably just being "nice"

  16. 10 months ago

    Studs run like 3-4 girls at once so theres no dry spell

    • 10 months ago

      I really don’t care about my dry spell sex is a want not a need frick sickos

  17. 10 months ago

    So? Is this girl in particular important to you? You will literally never look good to every single person. Hell, if you somehow had a magical body that every girl was into, ISTcels would still tell you you look like shit for some moronic reason.
    Ask yourself, why do you care? If you're fragile enough that one random girl gets you down, you're not doing well. Imagine the problems if you do care about a girl and she doesn't like your body.
    Also I know it's a meme but just lift for yourself and health, don't be autistic about it, and you'll look better than 90% of people out there. Rest is behavior, where you interact with people, who you hang out with, etc.

  18. 10 months ago

    Don't worry about what others think of you
    Work to improve the way you see yourself

  19. 10 months ago

    Appropriate response:
    >"7/10 is pretty good! I'd also rate you a 7/10. We are a match made in Heaven!"

  20. 10 months ago

    >a girl
    they're dumb

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