if fat is stored energy why can't you build muscle while on a steep cut or theoretically even a fast?

if fat is stored energy why can't you build muscle while on a steep cut or theoretically even a fast?
(assuming you are beyond "noob gains" territory)
I've heard doctors tell morbidly obese people they've ate their share of energy for the next few months/years and if they wanted to lose weight they could essentially just stop eating entirely.

Why can your body function on this stored energy but not repair itself?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Because the invention of plastic and birth control have destroyed your natural testosterone level

  2. 1 year ago

    You can build muscle in a deficit, but a large deficit makes the body think you're starving. You can probably still build some, but a less steep deficit is better. If you wanna try, make sure to eat a LOT of protein

  3. 1 year ago

    >why can't you build muscle while on a steep cut or theoretically even a fast?
    you absolutely can. the idea is called body recomposition/recomp, and it's constantly talked about.

  4. 1 year ago
  5. 1 year ago

    Because, once you start fasting for a longtime, your ghrelin levels will lower, which means your gh levels are lowering, which means you will be catabolic.

  6. 1 year ago

    Building muscle takes a bunch of energy in and of itself. In fact, just repairing muscle after every workout takes energy. Intuitively it appears that when you're in a deficit it's harder to coax the body into doing something that costs energy unless you absolutely need to
    >b-but why
    That's what empirical observation shows, like it or not. Yes, theoretically it might be possible but the experiences of countless millions of bodybuilders show that you effectively need to be in caloric surplus to build muscle at any appreciable rate.

    • 1 year ago

      >why can't you build muscle while on a steep cut or theoretically even a fast?
      you absolutely can. the idea is called body recomposition/recomp, and it's constantly talked about.

      You can build muscle in a deficit, but a large deficit makes the body think you're starving. You can probably still build some, but a less steep deficit is better. If you wanna try, make sure to eat a LOT of protein

      Because the invention of plastic and birth control have destroyed your natural testosterone level

      how would super-physiological amounts of testosterone change this? It goes without saying you would gain more muscle mass with a caloric surplus on a cycle, but would you still put on more muscle on cycle in a fasted state than you would otherwise?

      • 1 year ago

        >how would super-physiological amounts of testosterone change this?
        by increasing your test levels (with something strong like trenbolone) you're essentially "tricking" your body into "thinking" you have a fraction of the avg muscle mass you should actually have, you're also providing it with free testosterone that doesn't need nutrients to be produced, if you get enough protein while taking heavy steroids you can build muscle mass while losing fat at a large deficit

        >m-muh muh can I do it natty?
        no you fricking can't

        • 1 year ago

          cool I wanted to keep cutting before starting my cycle but I think I will overlap the two by a bit and maybe eat more towards maintenance near the end of the cycle which will be mid summer if I get as lean as I'd like.

          I'm only taking a reasonable dose of test E, it's my first cycle. Probably won't ever mess with tren but we'll see how this goes.

          • 1 year ago

            Not worth it bro

      • 1 year ago

        No. Recomp is a meme even on gear.

  7. 1 year ago

    Several reasons. Muscle is made out of myocytes, which require aminoacids obtained from dietary protein for synthesis and repair, as well as energy from calories. Caloric energy is stored in the form of fat and glycogen, but our bodies have no way of storing aminoacids (other than muscle tissue itself). So, on an extreme cut or fast, your body gets energy from glycogen and then from fat, but it's also forced to break down muscle in order to get aminoacids for other vital functions, since all cells require aminoacids. Also, hormones associated with muscle growth tank during serious cuts and water fasts.

  8. 1 year ago

    It's a question of anabolism. If you're 8% bodyfat, you've still got a little bit of fat left on nonessential tissue before your body starts to die. But, get to 8% and try to gain muscle in a deficit then, it won't happen. It's because you're in a catabolic place & that will surpass the training+protein+rest like Cell getting beaten in a Kamehameha battle.

  9. 1 year ago

    I gained 2lb of muscle and lost 4lb of fat on a 1500kcal diet at 22% bf in a week so it's possible. Sustainable? Debatable.

    • 1 year ago

      >I gained 2lb of muscle .. in a week ...
      no you didn't. Did your scale that measures your bf tell you that you did?

  10. 1 year ago

    So much peak dunning-kruger bullshittery itt

  11. 1 year ago

    Fat gets converted to atp, muscle building requires proteins as well though.

  12. 1 year ago

    this image is wrong because all the men have different amount of muscle

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