If Im never even gonna get a gf how do I turn off my libido and desire for companionship so the loneliness isnt quite so soul crushing?

If I’m never even gonna get a gf how do I turn off my libido and desire for companionship so the loneliness isn’t quite so soul crushing?

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  1. 8 months ago

    fapping and hating woman worked for me

    • 8 months ago

      yup, just make sure to never explicitly say the latter IRL

  2. 8 months ago

    You WILL get a gf so stop it with this thread and fix your attitude

    • 8 months ago

      I’m 25, decent looking, in good shape, and have a decent paying job. Despite this I’m a kv with no prospects or even female friends. I’m starting to lose my hair too so my chances are only bound to get worse from here.

      • 8 months ago

        get over the initial hump of viriginity by fricking a tinderbawd. if your telling the truth about your stats you will get a decent looking one easy.

        • 8 months ago

          Just frick some 5/10 on bumble. Don't let your autism hold you back

          nta but you lot act like that’s a walk in the park. if you have no pictures you’re not gonna get matches let alone find one who wants sex instantly

          • 8 months ago

            then take pictures wtf is your excuse

            • 8 months ago

              you cant take the right pictures if you have no social life or already women in your life, they will instantly know you're a loner virgin, you need borderline professional insta influencer pics to even have a chance in online dating

              • 8 months ago

                Then go join a fricking basketball or adult ultimate Frisbee league or something, take some pictures, and now you have a reasonable hobby too to talk about. Easy. Done. Laid. Happy.

      • 8 months ago

        Just frick some 5/10 on bumble. Don't let your autism hold you back

      • 8 months ago

        >with no prospects or even female friends
        You are not using that word correctly and you don't WANT female friends you utter homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        I strongly recommend Hinge. Bumble and Tinder have been wastelands for me but I consistently manage to connect with surprisingly quality women on Hinge. I suspect that despite Match Groups best efforts to cripple it and turn it into a shitty casino the way they have their other apps, it's format has managed to ensure a more level playing field.

        • 8 months ago

          I love matching with busted up single moms!
          Unironically you just have to play your cards right and get lucky that’s it this world is too gay and evil

      • 8 months ago

        You have a loser mentality and is why no women are interested in you.

      • 8 months ago

        Met my gf on a dating site. it's not the most reliable way, but I wouldn't count it out. you're gonna make it, bro

        • 8 months ago

          nta but how long have you used dating site before meeting here? I've been on apps since january and although I got some conversations nothing really came out of it and now I think I'm at the bottom of the stack because I either get nothing or only get likes from fat girls so I probably should delete it at this point. It's sort of difficult to accept it because once I delete it I will have to admit it was all for nothing

          • 8 months ago

            Just delete it you will feel better. Go for a walk and breath it in because sunk cost fallacy is real.

            • 8 months ago

              You're right. I'll probably delete it this weekend.

              it's a long game to supplement irl attempts to meet women. Took 2 and a half years, updating it about every 6 months. Only been with my gf a month and she's the first girl I've gone out with. if you match with someone try to meet up within a week of talking or it probably won't go anywhere

              Which site/app did you use? I used to meet cuties IRL but I've moved to a new city so I don't have any chances to meet people unless it's at the gym or in the middle of the street so being consistently rejected by 4s and 5s on tinder really messed up my self image

              date a fat girl for a while and make her take nice pictures of you

              I've done it once. It was pretty miserable because she wanted to have sex on the 1st date and I wasn't attracted to her to do anything about it

              • 8 months ago

                Do it now bro, she's not going to miracle in over night it's just going to tempt you to do one more day until you're 6 months deeper.

              • 8 months ago

                Unironically done. Thanks bro.

                Tinder is for Black folk and prostitutes. Met my gf on Match, also used bumble.

                I thought dating apps were mostly all the same with the same people on all of them so I figured I'd use the one who had the biggest userbase

                ok no fat girls. but why don't you just make nicer pictures of yourself? at this point you could have changed your style/hair 3 times over and learned how to take pics.

                I tried a few photos of me on photofeeler and chose the highest rated ones. Pic related. I know it's not anything impressive compared to scores anon post here but I'm afraid that's the best I can do with my face

              • 8 months ago

                Tinder is designed for hookups, match is designed for relationships. Not trying to shill or anything but you'll probably have better luck there

              • 8 months ago

                I think that app sucks. Maybe only if you are completely clueless its useful.
                Women will 100% vote some pic as attractive then not want to date the guy and the other way around.
                Best to swap pics around in tinder for real feedback. No likes = bad pic.

              • 8 months ago

                >I tried a few photos of me on photofeeler and chose the highest rated ones. Pic related. I know it's not anything impressive compared to scores anon post here but I'm afraid that's the best I can do with my face

              • 8 months ago

                ok no fat girls. but why don't you just make nicer pictures of yourself? at this point you could have changed your style/hair 3 times over and learned how to take pics.

                You're right. I'll probably delete it this weekend.

                Which site/app did you use? I used to meet cuties IRL but I've moved to a new city so I don't have any chances to meet people unless it's at the gym or in the middle of the street so being consistently rejected by 4s and 5s on tinder really messed up my self image

                I've done it once. It was pretty miserable because she wanted to have sex on the 1st date and I wasn't attracted to her to do anything about it

                nta but how long have you used dating site before meeting here? I've been on apps since january and although I got some conversations nothing really came out of it and now I think I'm at the bottom of the stack because I either get nothing or only get likes from fat girls so I probably should delete it at this point. It's sort of difficult to accept it because once I delete it I will have to admit it was all for nothing

                You’ve convinced me to download bumble BUT I’m literally shaking the girl im dating now will find out and what if my bpd ex finds out? Tell me if I should delete the app already swiped

              • 8 months ago

                pretty much every app is the same, maybe a few % here and there is a difference in attractiveness/people hooking up, it also kind of varies by country. but seriously dont expect something from bumble that you wouldnt expect from tinder. its cope from people who are out of touch, all of these apps are by design making people lonely and moronic because its actually more profitable.
                you can only group the apps by the popular ones (tinder/bumble/hinge), and garbage outdated ones (like okcupid etc), the difference is the popular ones arent full of bugs and outdated shit features, but are in its algorithm and data-gathering probably a civilization-killer and make you lonelier, the garbage apps only have philipina scam bots and nothing else.

              • 8 months ago

                Tinder is for Black folk and prostitutes. Met my gf on Match, also used bumble.

              • 8 months ago

                ok no fat girls. but why don't you just make nicer pictures of yourself? at this point you could have changed your style/hair 3 times over and learned how to take pics.

          • 8 months ago

            it's a long game to supplement irl attempts to meet women. Took 2 and a half years, updating it about every 6 months. Only been with my gf a month and she's the first girl I've gone out with. if you match with someone try to meet up within a week of talking or it probably won't go anywhere

          • 8 months ago

            date a fat girl for a while and make her take nice pictures of you

            • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >I lift weights and have a good job, why am I bad at chess?

        Maybe anon, it's because those habits don't help you get good with women or chess. If you want to get good at lifting, you practice lifting weights. If you want to get good at Chess, you play chess. If you want to get good with women, you have to interact with women and ask them out on dates.

    • 8 months ago

      We need face and physique to be sure


      If I’m never even gonna get a gf how do I turn off my libido and desire for companionship so the loneliness isn’t quite so soul crushing?

      Can you supply? You can cover eyes

    • 8 months ago

      I don't want one and my female friends keep trying to offload their 4/10 friends on me. No I don't think I'm better I'd rather just be alone than be a homely couple with ugly kids.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'm ugly
        >No I don't want a girl ugly like me
        You're like the fatties that fricked Chad when they were not fat and can never settle for less again

        • 8 months ago

          I'm slightly better looking than them but they are also usually pretty broke and don't have jobs. I at least work.

  3. 8 months ago

    i also want to know. 22 almost 23, khhv, just starting to lift again. i don't think even the lowest modern foid would have me, and i don't want that in the first place.

  4. 8 months ago

    read a book

  5. 8 months ago

    Start injecting steroids and lifting weights daily. You’ll be attracted to guys in no time.

    • 8 months ago

      Quite the opposite, on tren I want women near jailbait and dicky age

  6. 8 months ago

    Take the troony pill

  7. 8 months ago

    Just learn lucid dreaming and have illegal in 5 counties and 35 nations orgies every night in your mind.

    • 8 months ago

      do you think that doing this damns your soul to eternal punishment?

  8. 8 months ago

    Shut up gayot.

  9. 8 months ago

    You're probably trying to assume some type of girl is going to just come for you and that's not going to happen you have to go outside and be in public initiate conversation with strangers and then be okay when you don't have anything in common with them and still have jokes and a good attitude ready and then eventually someone will like you you'll have to accept rejection you'll have to accept being in public for its own sake not literally just trying to doordash some pussy and be done with it and you're not going to do any of this so just go to LULZ already

  10. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      No they judge too much.

  11. 8 months ago

    Jack off like 3-5x per day

  12. 8 months ago

    No joke, consume soi, specifically tofu. It will wreck your androgens and turn off your libido

  13. 8 months ago

    Once you get a gf you will realise what a nothingburger it is and will revert back to b***hing about life, just different shit this time

    • 8 months ago

      As someone that had a GF for a bit, it was the most wonderful thing that ever happened, and everyone noticed that my skin glowed and that I had life in me and was extremely happy for once. Then she ghosted me and left and I've been depressed and sick a lot since. You have no idea how amazing it is to frick an Icelandic-Scottish redhead with a well defined jaw and a perfect pussy and who is tall and was a model. Everything was easier, my whole perception of the world was improved, and I was an optimist for once. Now I am just tortured even more by having once known the glory of being loved, of having had my huge BWC in a vegana, only to be back to being incel all the time again. FML.

      • 8 months ago

        You can go out right now and look for a better girl but you instead b***h about your past on ISTg

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Qrd on why she ghosted?

        • 8 months ago

          She went insane from meth. Now she just dumpster dives every day, has no teeth, gets robbed constantly, has I think dementia, and gets into fights with everyone 🙁

    • 8 months ago

      nope first year and a half of my part relationship were heaven, best time of my life
      don't settle for girl you are not head over heels

  14. 8 months ago

    hating womens personalities fixes the libido thing.
    I haven't found a cure for loneliness yet other than maybe death

  15. 8 months ago

    You have to willingly give those up.
    >Want to fap?
    Don't do it.
    >Want love?
    Don't want it.

    That's all there is. It isn't easy.
    I did it for 16 years. I tried love last year. It's better to be alone.

  16. 8 months ago

    Can an autist really maintain a relationship with a female?Acquire a gf I guess so since with enough looks It gets easier,but how can an autist stay on a relationship? Doesnt that literally go against autism? The girl would steal too much time of the autismo,he would either ditch the girl,girl breaking Up with him or otherwise I only see depression and anxiety for the autist.

    • 8 months ago

      You can get a girlfried as an autist but you will have to be at a lower bf% than a non-autist

  17. 8 months ago

    Get a bf instead, you are a failed man

  18. 8 months ago

    > u will never bleach nemonas tight brown sugar walls

    Why live?

  19. 8 months ago

    I've never had a gf but I've also never approached out or asked any women due to the fact that I've never really known any women who I could ask out. I don't really have any friends and all my hobbies are done alone.
    So you might say
    >"Well obviously you won't get a gf if you never ask out any women"
    Fair enough, but if you don't know any women and you don't have any women in your social circle, how are you supposed to ask them out?

    • 8 months ago

      >has no friends
      >does hobbies alone
      Yeah you’ll never get a gf

  20. 8 months ago

    opiates, from personal experience proceed at your own risk with this one.

  21. 8 months ago

    Personally, my course of action is I'm praying to God to kill me

    • 8 months ago

      you too? I pray for either something to hope for or to die in my sleep.

  22. 8 months ago

    The only possible way for me to ever even just try to get a girl is to hire a professional assassin and pay him tens of thousands of dollars to literally seek me out at random times putting a loaded gun on the back of my head where if I don't approach at least one girl he'll blow my brains out on the spot or something like that.

    I have no clue how anyone is actually motivated enough to seek girls, try to win them over and then spend money, time and effort to try to keep them with you after that. All what happens in my brain when I see a hot girl anywhere is just "damn, she's hot" and I continue on walking, that's it

    • 8 months ago

      Same. Even when an attractive girl is interested in me I just think of all the effort it takes to keep her interested. Maybe im just too autistic and low T.

    • 8 months ago

      Dating has me half convinced I'm living in some Truman show reality. Everybody always gives advice about approaching random women, asking that chick out at the gym, hitting on girl in your class or picking up chicks at a party.
      I have a fairly normie social life and I've seen those things happen maybe 5 times, in like a decade.
      Every single couple I know, literally dozens, met through their regular life and both of them had to put forward 0 initiative. Then the same people tell me how I should go about meeting women despite none of them doing any of the things they describe.
      I half expect that any day now when I ask some chick out the curtains will drop, some tv presenter will come out and tell me I'm the star in a show about the most moronic, undateable loser possible

      • 8 months ago

        this is true, it's like those japanese couples that just decided to get married after years of knowing each other with little to no romance and then they tell you to go to a club.

  23. 8 months ago

    I’m getting married tomorrow. Frick you I got minezjr4tn

    • 8 months ago

      congrats bro. don't let your future son post on IST

  24. 8 months ago

    Same anon.
    Im 29, ive been told I look like Gordon Freeman by a lot of people now ive grown a tidy beard, and ive been single for 8 years. Between working (I work 2 jobs) and caring for my mom after she was in a carcrash I dont really have time to meet anyone. My hobbies are mostly fitness, outdoors, or /tg/ related, so I dont really meet women there either. Im tired of being single, I cant stand the crushing despair of loneliness and I consider suicide or murder at least once a month. I just dont know what to do anymore, women have standards that are so ridiculously high its unreal. Apps have failed me. IDK what to do anymore.
    Runny and workouts help with the depression tbh.

  25. 8 months ago

    >I can’t get laid
    Go out and talk to women
    >but I’m out of shape
    Get in shape
    >but I don’t have pics with friends
    Join a club and make friends
    >but that’s too hard

    • 8 months ago

      I go out. I talk to women. I am in shape. I have pics with friends.

      Never even kissed

  26. 8 months ago

    >how do I turn off my libido
    nofap unironically

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