If I'm trying to lose weight fast, what is the best approach without it giving me health complications and just the famous "reboot" whe...

If I'm trying to lose weight fast, what is the best approach without it giving me health complications and just the famous "reboot" where you binge it all back?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Cico with vegan is the healthiest one

    • 3 months ago

      you sure, anon?

      • 3 months ago

        >he has to AI generate an argument
        KEK that's fricking pathetic

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >actual vegans are so unbelievable you think it's AI
          KEK indeed

    • 3 months ago

      Similarly, keto is the worse option here, but fasting isn't far away.

  2. 3 months ago

    CICO with sensible macros that lead to long term nutritional changes. E.g. eat at a deficit, but eat healthy things that you actually enjoy.

  3. 3 months ago

    If you have a lot of time walking for 5-6hours (or even more) and big caloric deficit, 1500-1600cal.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm a NEET at the moment so I could do atleast 2 hours of cardio a day, at one point it starts hurting my lower back and knees though

  4. 3 months ago

    >without it giving me health complications and just the famous "reboot" where you binge it all back?
    Lifestyle change: exercising more and eating less, decreasing the amount of processed shit you eat

    • 3 months ago

      >without it giving me health complications and just the famous "reboot" where you binge it all back
      There is no fast solution for this. You gained the weight slowly, you have to lose it slowly. Why "lose weight fast" plans never work in the long term is because people try to swallow a frog quickly so they can go back to their old shitty habits. is right. If you don't change your life, your life won't change. Calculate your TDEE, count your calories, eat at a 500 cal. deficit, and gradually replace the garbage you're eating now with whole foods. Also move more. Setting time aside every day to walk is a good start. You likely won't do this, of course, because you're a NEET seeking instant gratification, but on the off chance you do, this is the way you do it.

      • 3 months ago

        I lift 5x a week even though I'm a NEET and do cardio 7x a week with sat and Sunday being cardio only so sometimes I go for 1 hour of cardio instead of 30 minutes
        Diet is holding me back even though I'm only eating 1500cal a day, my TDEE is 2k, I did have a couple refeeds on Sat/Sunday where I went over my deficit

  5. 3 months ago

    Where’s the peat section?

  6. 3 months ago

    FAST weightloss almost always leads to regaining the weight. better see your body as the average of the last 3 years' behaviour and consequently make long term changes for slow and steady weightloss. fitness and nutrition will always be a variable to manage. cant crash diet and go back to old habits after. you're in it for life

  7. 3 months ago

    The only factor that matters for weight loss is carbs.

    Keto carnivore is obviously healthier than vegan keto.

    • 3 months ago

      excellent bait good sir, you win the internets!!

  8. 3 months ago

    I don't know how you managed to get them all wrong, but congratulations.

    • 3 months ago

      how is it wrong

  9. 3 months ago

    The fastest weight loss is KETO with daily exercise twice a day (cardio then weight training). You can do Keto without health complications if you drink electrolytes like Gatorade Zero, and eat meats with low in Saturated Fat like Ground Bison, Chicken, and Shrimp.

  10. 3 months ago

    Count your calories. The food doesn't matter unless your weight loss is stalling or there's a nutritional deficiency, at which point it's your fault and you failed the diet and not the fault of everyone telling you that Twinkies and McDonald's works long-term.
    All animal-based foods, with varying sects going farther.

    There are the "Lion diet" folk who eat only ruminant meat, there are those who expand on this and add other meats and eggs to the mix, there are those who eat only raw, there are those who eat primarily animal-based, but will have up to 10% of their caloric intake be plants, which includes those people who season meat, there is a "Meat-based" diet classified under carnivore which includes honey and fruit, there are "keto" carnivores (ketovores) who allow themselves up to 10g of carbohydrates a day alongside their primarily meat diets, which allows dairy and other more processed foods, there are those who eat only fish and eggs, and there are those trying to bulk and guzzle cheese, milk, etc. in conjunction with a high-meat diet. Many options to choose from to mix-and-match, but primarily is about eating a majority of your foods through animal-based sources.

    Amount of carbohydrate varies by doctor's recommendation and person-to-person, but refers to very low carbohydrate diets that induce the state of ketosis. Most carnivore dieters are also ketogenic dieters.
    The standard measurement is below 50g of total carbs a day for a healthy individual, below 20-30g of total carbs a day for a metabolically compromised individual, and below 10g a day for a severely metabolically compromised individual, varying by degree of insulin sensitivity. There is an outdated system created by the Atkin's diet that suggests to count net carbs instead of normal carbs, however, it's typically not ketogenic and instead follows the broader "low carb" pantheon of diets.


    • 3 months ago

      There are generally two pantheons of this. The lifestyle vegans and the vegan diet. The lifestyle vegans don't use any animal products in their homes, person, or in their kitchen, they don't own pets, and they are typically animal rights activists. The vegan dieters (or plant-based dieters) are those who have 100% or near 100% of their caloric intake from plants and fungi without any restrictions on lifestyle choices. For both types of vegans, their diets consist primarily of artificial supplements and any fruit, vegetable, or fungus that they desire. They tend to go for fruits and leafy greens, fruits, and nuts for snacks, as these are the most palatable. There are raw vegans, who eat mostly or only raw whole vegetables and fruit along with their supplements, normal vegans, who will eat highly processed foods along with their supplements as long as they have no animal matter, and chegans who will have some fish, meat, eggs, etc. occasionally along with their supplements as they believe in the vegan diet more than following it strictly. The last case is made up primarily by lifestyle vegans.
      Vegetarians are often grouped with "plant-based" (greater than 90% of calories in diet from non-animal sources) under the umbrella of veganism in studies, but they can drink milk, have eggs, and eat cheese without the guilt of veganism.

      • 3 months ago

        There are multiple forms of fasting. Fasting can be replaced with the term "fat-burning" as it's a pantheon of dieting often intertwined with the ketogenic state. There is "fed fasting" (usually called keto) which allows people to eat so long as they don't leave the ketogenic state, there is fat fasting, which allows people to eat as much fat as they need, but nothing else, there are intermittent fasters, who skip meals or eat in an interval (two meals a day, one meal a day, a meal every other day, etc.) or eat in a specific window of time (16 hours not eating, 8 hours you may eat, for example), there are extended fasters, who fast for periods longer than 3 days and typically do exercise daily to promote muscle shielding and they need to keep track of their major depletable electrolytes and intake them (Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium) as well as some trace minerals and they need to ensure that they come off of their diets with low-carb foods or they risk having refeeding syndrome due to hyperglycemia from no insulin being prepped, there are "rolling fasts" which typically follow a pattern in a week (such as not eating on weekends, eating (or called "refeeding") for three days followed by a period of fasting, or however they choose, and there are "Snake diet" enjoyers who consume a specific "Snake juice" wienertail to help with extended fasting.
        All of these methods may allow for tea or coffee, or some even can have up to about 400 calories of food, so long as they are mostly not eating and they aren't exiting ketosis by consuming too many grams of carbohydrates (which the limit varies by person).

      • 3 months ago

        >For both types of vegans, their diets consist primarily of artificial supplements and any fruit, vegetable, or fungus that they desire. They tend to go for fruits and leafy greens, fruits, and nuts for snacks, as these are the most palatable. There are raw vegans, who eat mostly or only raw whole vegetables and fruit along with their supplements, normal vegans, who will eat highly processed foods along with their supplements as long as they have no animal matter, and chegans who will have some fish, meat, eggs, etc.
        Massive meme. The main staples of a typical vegan diet are legumes and grains.

  11. 3 months ago
    Himbo Chad

    CICO as long as you take your micronutrients in account

    • 3 months ago

      So… not CICO then. CICO is “eat ice cream and Big Macs as long as it fits your calorie deficit”
      Putting ANY thought or critical thinking into your diet other than “muh calories” is not cico.

      • 3 months ago
        Himbo Chad

        What do you call it then?

        • 3 months ago

          Western Diet

      • 3 months ago

        Holy moron, CICO isn't a stupid diet, it's a statement of fact
        You apply CICO to whatever REASONABLE diet you want (so not keto or vegan obviously, more like mediterranean or something) and you'll lose fat.

  12. 3 months ago

    Fasting with adequate preparation, light cardio, and keep it between 3 and 7 days. Can't be beat. You'll lose a pound of fat a day.

    • 3 months ago

      What do you consider “adequate preparation?”

  13. 3 months ago

    keto is only "very low carb". doesn't have to be high fat.
    vegan is only "no animal food". can be processed junk food like sugar, flour, and seed oils.
    >If I'm trying to lose weight fast
    >without it giving me health complications
    aside from allergies, any approach will work
    >the famous "reboot" where you binge it all back
    the approach that is closest to your normal diet, but with less junkfood/sugar/flour/seed oils/alcohol and more non-processed whole foods (like lean meat, eggs, fish, fermented dairy, vegetables, legumes, fruit, seeds, nuts) and less total calories.

    • 3 months ago

      >sugar, flour, and seed oils
      we've found another victim of internet meme diet propaganda.

      • 3 months ago

        >this is healthy according to anon

        • 3 months ago

          >>this is unhealthy according to anon

          • 3 months ago

            Yea. Why do you morons think bread is natural or some shit? We already had healthy food before bread, like for example roasting meat and veggies, or boiling meat and veggies. In comparison to their simplicity, bread is the highly processed crap of the past. People made it because it's pure carbs and carbs are addictive. A ton of sweets nowadays either have bread in them or are somehow derived from bread.
            Bread is a sweet

            • 3 months ago

              American moment.

              • 3 months ago

                its posts like this that make me glad whites are going extinct

                >More morons who think humanity was just malnourished for hundreds of thousands of years, and that mother nature somehow fricked up our dietary requirements and was just WAITING for us to invent agriculture to make slop bread

                Bread apologists have done more damage to western health than anything else

              • 3 months ago

                >More morons who think humanity was just stinky for hundreds of thousands of years, and that mother nature somehow fricked up our hygiene requirements and was just WAITING for us to invent soap and water to make splashy bath time
                People were malnourished all that time you brainlet thats why old skeletons were five feet tall and modern humans are the tallest there ever were.

              • 3 months ago

                ok mr raw primal hunter whatever you say. don't be late for work at the supermarket

            • 3 months ago

              its posts like this that make me glad whites are going extinct

  14. 3 months ago

    dont fall for stupid memes, literally just look at what you are eating and determine if its healthy or not and then eat a sensible amount of it. If you dont know google "[thing] nutrition"

  15. 3 months ago

    I like fasting, either OMAD or TWOMAD, personally. I like to eat once per day at dinner or twice per day at breakfast at dinner.

    But honestly, the single easiest diet you can do is to just eat whole foods. Eat meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Eat cheese and bread sometimes. It’s extremely easy.

    • 3 months ago

      In summary, eating real, whole foods will make you lose weight. Eating real, whole foods and fasting will make you lose weight fast.

  16. 3 months ago

    The true meta is the rabbit starvation diet short term. Eat only protein. UFC fighters' nutritionists, the good ones, have worked this out
    Keto for 1 or 2 days, then protein only for 3 days and more. You don't want to go more than 1 or 2 weeks with protein only.
    Deer/Venison is a good choice. Rabbit. Possum.

  17. 3 months ago

    I feel like eating a lot less a lot less often and moving more is what you want.

    Fast 16-8,24hours,48hours,72hours, even longer up to a week.

    Any of those diets will work if you’re in a deficit. I think though for better body composition eating carnivore,keto or lower carb (100 or less) is what you want. Remember all keto diets are low carb, all low carb diets are not keto.

    Move much more. Try to walk places more often, do some HIIT training, lift 4-6 days a week.

    Bulking is opposite. Eat more, more often and move less.

    Try to eat every 2-3 hours.

    Eat at a surplus so any of those diets will work.

    Move less often only for lifting weights.

  18. 3 months ago

    Your organs are out of order, yeah? You gotta turn them off and turn them back on again, just like anything else. That's what prolonged water fasts are. Works for obesity, works for many other things

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