If lifting cures your depression you weren't depressed

If lifting cures your depression you weren't depressed

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  1. 8 months ago

    >you weren't depressed
    (and that's a good thing)

  2. 8 months ago

    >You are only really depressed if your cause is solely rooted in your weak mind of envy, jealously and Fomo.

    Remember boys don’t strengthen your body keep being weak and vulnerable

    • 8 months ago



      If lifting cures your depression you weren't depressed

      Victim mentality is for the weak. Depression doesn't exist in a vacuum, and it isn't a genetic inevitability.

  3. 8 months ago

    If you can post on an internet forum you're not depressed. Depression is a state of constant agony from the feeling of nothing meaning anything anymore. You won't even have the will to sleep. Getting on the internet will be as interested to you as staring at the wall, and also agonizing, remember, so instead you do nothing.
    It's a physical illness though, cured by forcing yourself to get sunlight, good food, socialization, and.. you guessed it.. exercise.

    • 8 months ago

      only like that in the most severe cases Black person

    • 8 months ago

      That's like saying you can't be fat unless you're morbidly obese. Most people are pretend depressed thoughbeit

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, depression is fixed with rest and self reflection. Fixing the symptoms does not fix the root of the problem.

    • 8 months ago

      Well, I know I got it, I was diagnosed when my dog died and my brother died...only went worse from there...not because I am so fairy stuck in a non tangible state of mind, but because things went worse for me.

      I would like to talk with somebody, "friends" just roll me over, they treat me like shit for no reason, mostly because they know I am not imposing at all, and I can't get any respect.
      My parents are completely fricked up, I love them, but they are gonna make me kill myself one day...devouring mother (doesn't want me to go out, to get a job or to go to the gym, and she is very fricking manipulative) and my father..my father is truly something concerning...it is not unlikely that one day he will just shoot me in the head while I sleep. He did pretty bad things when he was younger, doesn't seem to have a normal range of feelings, and he is old, old and changed...now he is mostly silent, very silent. He has moments of euphoria(very rare) and moments of anger(quite common). I put my bed in front of the door every night, at least if he tries something I will hear it, or will have to shoot through the door.

      And this is my family, the less worse part about my life. Everything is so broken around me that I don't know where to start, and there is no one giving me a fricking advice...went to the therapist for a while..60 euro per session...i earned 6 per hour working on a field.

      I would give my leg for somebody to talk, no one gives a damn...

      • 8 months ago

        That's a lot on your plate anon and I'm sorry you must endure it, but keeping a journal might help you a good amount. It's the next best thing to having someone to talk to. I wish you well.

      • 8 months ago

        how old are you? why dont you work? min wage and roommates sounds better than what you got there

        • 8 months ago

          32, I had a good job before covid, I used to work for a big company, selling commercials...2k per month, in London isn't much but for an Italian it was great.

          Then Covid fricked me up, lost the job. Went back here and I was ready to bounce when I made the mistake to listening to my parents who promised me a dream job as gem dealer...the guy arrived after 2 years got robbed, almost risking my life. And the whole project went down the toilet including me spending money on getting some gemology degree.

          But is quite pointless, people eats me alive: women men friends and colleagues. I try to be my best, try to be kind, to cheer people around me, to make some jokes. Somehow this gets me in trouble...people sees it as an invite to mess with me.

          I always end up being the b***h of some abusive relationship, if you guys want, I could share the last conversation I had with some fat 22 yo nerd that plays Magic the gathering,even he thought he could get nuclear on me.

          I don't see myself working mostly for this, I am tired and I mean tired of having people screaming at me, or using me as punchbag for their own frustrations.

          • 8 months ago

            why do you care about people or what they think or do when you are literally survival mode? at this point the only focus should be how to get money, self sufficiency, literally frick anything else its just noise

          • 8 months ago

            Well, I know I got it, I was diagnosed when my dog died and my brother died...only went worse from there...not because I am so fairy stuck in a non tangible state of mind, but because things went worse for me.

            I would like to talk with somebody, "friends" just roll me over, they treat me like shit for no reason, mostly because they know I am not imposing at all, and I can't get any respect.
            My parents are completely fricked up, I love them, but they are gonna make me kill myself one day...devouring mother (doesn't want me to go out, to get a job or to go to the gym, and she is very fricking manipulative) and my father..my father is truly something concerning...it is not unlikely that one day he will just shoot me in the head while I sleep. He did pretty bad things when he was younger, doesn't seem to have a normal range of feelings, and he is old, old and changed...now he is mostly silent, very silent. He has moments of euphoria(very rare) and moments of anger(quite common). I put my bed in front of the door every night, at least if he tries something I will hear it, or will have to shoot through the door.

            And this is my family, the less worse part about my life. Everything is so broken around me that I don't know where to start, and there is no one giving me a fricking advice...went to the therapist for a while..60 euro per session...i earned 6 per hour working on a field.

            I would give my leg for somebody to talk, no one gives a damn...

            Jesus your life sounds like hell. Get out of there right now, move far away and never come back. You have a chance.

          • 8 months ago

            jestermaxxing is the end of all losers. Work on your boundaries asap. It might lonelier at first but your mental health will skyrocket.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Depression is ONLY _THIS_ thing and NOTHING else. NO you are NOT DEPRESSED. THIS is what depression is like and YOU are NOT. it.

  5. 8 months ago

    lifting can cure hypothyroidism secondary to intense stress albeit, which is a possible cause for depression

  6. 8 months ago

    Lifting forced me into better that cured my depression.

    Started from video game addicted skeleton.

    Needed to eat more to build muscle

    Needed to leave the basement to get sunlight and socialize face to face

    Needed to get a job to earn more money to pay for gym and increased food intake

  7. 8 months ago

    Depression in most functional adults looks pretty much like gymrat plus videogames, binge drinking on Fridays, general denial that they are depressed but avoids media that makes them emotional because being numb is more comfortable.

  8. 8 months ago

    If you think about suicide but you don't do it you're not depressed.
    Only dead people were ever depressed.

  9. 8 months ago

    >they’re gatekeeping depression now

  10. 8 months ago

    >man talks about depression

    • 8 months ago

      >granny starts raping faster than eminem

  11. 8 months ago

    Ask me how I know you’re a 15 yo girl

  12. 8 months ago

    Still depressed, but it's more manageable & my test is way up. Most my depression turns to anger which turns to reps. Not super healthy, but better than chugging beers like I used to

  13. 8 months ago

    Depression isn’t real
    A majority of mental illnesses aren’t real either
    Everything can be solved by working out, getting good sleep, and eating right

    • 8 months ago

      People really believing this would explain a lot.

      • 8 months ago

        It is true, a simple vitamin B deficiency can cause depression and anxiety, couple that with bad sleep, never going outside, etc etc and you end up becoming a suicidal panic ridden mess
        Want to feel better for FREE without having to waste money going to therapy or taking brain rotting drugs? Unironically go touch grass and work out

        • 8 months ago

          Man, thad be so nice if it was the answer. Just accept you have no idea what you're talking about because the biggest depression you ever had was a bout of sadness and move on.

    • 8 months ago

      most mental illnesses are trauma responses you moron. and help is needed to get people to care about themselves, sleep and eat right and so on.

      • 8 months ago

        Fricking so? Get over it, everyone has trauma everyone has bad things happen to them
        You’re making excuses to become your own trauma

        • 8 months ago

          >become your own trauma

    • 8 months ago

      look up the huge number of pro and olympic athletes with depression, anxiety etc and tell me more how "diet and and exercise cures depression".
      Better yet, go tell Lance armstrong his depression isnt real.
      stupid normie homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      It is real, it's caused by a lack a things people need. sun, activity, purpose, family, companionship, self worth .etc
      modernity has seen a decline in these things among people, some dumb ass hylics think that because all material needs are met you should just be happy and get mad when you're not. Adam Sandler of all people found this out, made a few family movies with that as the message as he took his friends on working vacations. yet materialist ideologues like women and communists dont get it.

      • 8 months ago

        I have a theory that dumb people cant experience or understand depression. they can have personality disorders or other illnesses but not depression. that's for above average iq only.

        • 8 months ago

          they can have only dumb depression not deeper type linked to knowledge and awareness of unpleasant things that cannot be changed almost certainly... dumb but not moronic people who are walking stereotypical normies are least likely to get it.

        • 8 months ago

          there are a great deal of people who cant understand abstract thought, probably the majority. Intelligence is part genetics, part nutrition, part upbringing and upbringing in living memory has been a historical anomaly. constant advances in communication tech has made us unable to devellop the cultural traditions and etiquette to use them properly, like the native Americans, early modern factory workers and Yuan dynasty who became horrid barely functioning alcoholics after getting regular access to booze but not the drinking customs associated with drinking. Modern tech destroyed notions that where thought to be a universal constant, like how teen pregnancy sharply dropped after the I phone was introduced.

        • 8 months ago

          all these morons and normalgays think depression and anxiety is "caused by something" in your lifestlye and if you just fix whatever is wrong, mental illness goes away.
          Depression is being depressed for NO REASON. That's why its mental illness.
          Normalgays think depression is being the same as being sad when your dog dies and that anxiety is the same being nervous before a job interview.
          So they say shit like "my fiancee was depressed when her mom died but then she did yoga for a month and is all better now".
          So normalgays just spout shit like "just diet and exercise bro", just stopped being a pussy, bro" and then usually some dumb shit about eating pickles or something for gut bacteria

          • 8 months ago

            >just stopped being a pussy, bro
            unironically though just stop being a pussy
            it literally isnt real its all in your head take control of it and be better
            it is literally THAT EASY

            • 8 months ago

              >just stop being claustrophobic, bro
              >just stop having BPD, dude
              >just stop have PTSD, bud
              does this make you realize how fricking stupid you sound?

    • 8 months ago

      >Depression isn’t real
      This is correct but not for the reasons you think.
      >A majority of mental illnesses aren’t real either
      Got it. So autists should develop word filters at will and those with bipolar should just calm down?
      >Everything can be solved by working out, getting good sleep, and eating right
      Distracting from your internal problems by focusing on external hedonistic activities only serves to make those problems a million times worse, and is how addictions develop.

  14. 8 months ago

    >nooo you don't understand I'm iiiilll I can't help it!! I also like it in the butt and will be a woman soon!!!

  15. 8 months ago

    >if you ever get better from a sickness you weren't even sick

    • 8 months ago

      If you're talking about chronic illness then yes, it wasn't a chronic illness if you can recover and eliminate it easily.

  16. 8 months ago

    Depresion is just chemicals in the brain,big chance you can cure through diet,sleep and exercise.
    For the fricking sour grape fricks(I hate you) yes not everybody can be cured yes frick but some people kill themselves that could be cured naturally,its worth a shot frick.

    • 8 months ago

      fricking dumb ass

  17. 8 months ago

    Sauna, cold showers, and the music of Ryan Simmons combined will fix any depression.

  18. 8 months ago

    Made up illnesses can't be cured.

  19. 8 months ago

    Stress and loneliness do it for me

  20. 8 months ago

    >get better body
    >feel good about it
    >women like me
    >have sex
    >feel good about it
    >busy lifting so no time to be bored and moping
    >eat healthy
    >feel strong, virile, energized
    >mog other people for self esteem gains
    >happens literally everywhere all the time
    >get gf cuz fit
    >would never leave me cause everyone my age is fat and ugly
    It's impossible to be depressed if you lift.

  21. 8 months ago

    >If coffee cures your fatigue, you weren't tired.

    • 8 months ago

      That's true though. Coffee doesn't give you any energy. It's stimulatife effect costs energy for that matter.

      • 8 months ago

        t. AKCHUALLYhomosexual

        • 8 months ago

          Having a working knowledge of food and drink is not gay you fat moron.

          • 8 months ago

            the point is when someone makes a simplified metaphor to make a point, autistic incels like you start sperging out about chemical structure or some shit NO ONE GIVES A FRICK ABOUT.
            Get a life, loser

            • 8 months ago

              Shit dude. My bad. I guess you really wanted to believe that coffee was magic and I just took that away from you. It's still worth drinking if that's any consolation. Stimulants are fun and now you're understand that they work better if you eat well.

              • 8 months ago

                >I believed coffee was a magic nonstop energy source until you posted otherwise.
                frick I hate you autistic weirdos so fricking much.
                If someone said the sun sets in the west, you would launch into a three hour lecture about how the sun sets at 271 degrees which is technically NNW not west because true west is 270 degrees and you wonder why are you an incel with no friends.

              • 8 months ago

                You did believe that. You said it cures fatigue.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not even the homie who posted that, but I'm not an insufferable twat autist and knew what he meant by it

  22. 8 months ago

    >be depressed
    >feel less depressed, but still not great
    It's not a cure for everything but it's certainly a very important step

  23. 8 months ago

    I'm more depressed than you, bro. You can't even imagine the depths of my depression. I'm lost in a black cave. Sometimes there's a flicker of light but it only leads to more darkness

  24. 8 months ago

    Why do zoomers have dick measuring contests over who is more mentally ill?

    • 8 months ago

      social media brain rot

    • 8 months ago

      being normal isn't cool anymore

  25. 8 months ago

    >when lifting increases your depression
    Despite improoving, I'm more bitter than ever and hate everyone around me. Even rejected women twice ''to get back at them''. Why did God curse me with this autism?

  26. 8 months ago

    i unironically can confirm.
    had a 2-year depressive episode. started lifting and it literally saved my life.
    i was deep down, woke up and had this feeling of "no need to get out of bed, why do anything at all"
    but still - didnt want my mum or any of my friends to find out so i researced ways to conbat depression and lifting (or sports in general) + therapy was the motif that appeared on all self-help-sites so i felt like no way but through.
    gradually - long process - i started to feel.better. it wasnt linear progression, sometimes i had better days, sometimes conpletely bad... but for some reason, i pushed through. i may not have a 10/10 body but i now know i can feel good about myself and reap the benefits of workouts.
    to all kings who are in a hole - its going to gey better if you keep grinding on.
    my personal.besg feat is defeating my depression. if i can do it so can you
    sry fot blogpost

  27. 8 months ago

    >Thought I was depressed
    >Was just fat
    Checks out

  28. 8 months ago

    >If _____ cures your depression you weren't depressed
    Hope there's a cure for your moronation, because it looks terminal.

  29. 8 months ago

    depression is not real

  30. 8 months ago

    Why can't people just be happy with life and smile?

  31. 8 months ago

    >started lifting
    >no pleasure nor desire for food so I can follow pretty much any diet without much concern, no cheat days needed
    >lift everyday because there's nothing better to do
    >month passes
    >look at the mirror and arms/chest/back/legs are slightly bigger
    >glimmer of hapiness and a feeling of accomplishment that is shortly replaced by the usual nothingness and apathy
    I don't think I'll ever gmi but for now I'll keep doing it

  32. 8 months ago

    deprssion isn't real

  33. 8 months ago

    Having sex with a female would cure my crippling sadness. Too bad I'm short

  34. 8 months ago

    Lifting helps my self confidence which was in the toilet and that caused my depression so there.

  35. 8 months ago

    We often say the sun "sets" in the west, but this phrasing is more about our earthly perspective than the sun's actual motion. What's happening is that the Earth rotates from west to east, and as it turns, we see the sun appear to move across the sky from east to west. When the sun disappears below the horizon in the west, we refer to it as "sunset." Moreover, during certain times of the year, the sun doesn't set directly in the west. It can set slightly north or south of due west, depending on your location and the Earth's axial tilt. This phenomenon is more noticeable the farther you are from the equator and is linked to the changing angles of the sun's rays as Earth orbits the sun.
    >This post was brought to you by the gpt gang

  36. 8 months ago

    >depression is just a chemical imbalance in the brain

    Does anyone know if this is actually true?

    • 8 months ago

      It's just a hypothesis, and it isn't proven. More importantly, the "chemical imbalance" hypothesis is used to promote and push meds like SSRIs which are no more effective than placebo, and have a host of disturbing side effects. At the end of the day, you're better off fixing your diet, getting sunlight, and fixing your relationships than you are trying dozens of psych meds to fix your "chemical imbalance."

    • 8 months ago

      I know how to induce depression,anxiety and other mental disorders to myself with the correct substances in less than 24 hours.
      Im still fricked up but I know how to get closer to health with my knowledge,I ve been real fricked up for years, I 100% believe its just a chemical imbalance in the brain,problem is its harder/impossible for some people to solve.
      I like to appeal to nature but not in absolutes,my belief is that Most people with these kind of mental disorders would be healthy in a natural setting ,natural lifestyle/diet but some would still be sick(a minority).

  37. 8 months ago

    >There is only one source of depression
    Hit the gym homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      I hit the gym, I'm telling you this from experience

  38. 8 months ago

    >Guys! I have this really complex problem that can’t be solved by one tiny lifestyle change!

    No shit. Lifting cures people’s depression because it was likely caused by poor body image, shit diet, and sedentary lifestyle. These things are very prevalent and are very likely to lead to depression.

    What also causes depression hmmm let’s see, emotional neglect and trauma, lack of a social circle, lack of purpose in the world, unhealthy lifestyle choices like drugs or abuse of any other hedonistic activities, being out of touch with yourself spiritually and psychologically, the list could go on, these are off the top of my head.

    Lifting didn’t fix your depression. Ok, keep lifting and have an ounce of self awareness to look inward and see what else you’re missing. Try just sitting with your thoughts unbothered and without distractions and see what comes up. Get therapy, journal. You got this.

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