if you have anxiety this stuff is a death sentence

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  1. 9 months ago

    Makes me feel powerful

  2. 9 months ago

    I quit drinking this shit 3 months ago and feel fricking great. inb4 addicts come in here coping.

    • 9 months ago

      I quit a few weeks ago due to acid reflux after getting the coof. Still haven't experienced any magic enlightenment.

  3. 9 months ago

    Where tf do you guys get your coffee? From the way you talk about it you would swear it's crystal meth or something. All it does for me is make me feel slightly more awake and not even for that long. Even after a few cups. Is it because I'm drinking instant coffee?

    • 9 months ago

      instant coffee haS lower caffeine, but not by THAT much that you'd notice it

    • 9 months ago

      >Doesn't buy artisan locally roasted Brazilian beans and grind them every morning for the cuppa
      >Doesn't stick to a strictly 1:8 or 1:12 ratio on french press precisely measuring water temperature and brew time for the perfect cuppa
      >Doesn't slightly over grind to add a smooth body to the cuppa
      Gee, I wonder why your boiled shit tastes like shit

    • 9 months ago

      I drink organic coffee, it has an almost chocolate flavor. A few cups is like bumping a tiny lil bit of meth, really helps with chores while I'm still too poor to hire a cleaner.

    • 9 months ago

      >Is it because I'm drinking instant?
      Yeah, just try what this

      >Doesn't buy artisan locally roasted Brazilian beans and grind them every morning for the cuppa
      >Doesn't stick to a strictly 1:8 or 1:12 ratio on french press precisely measuring water temperature and brew time for the perfect cuppa
      >Doesn't slightly over grind to add a smooth body to the cuppa
      Gee, I wonder why your boiled shit tastes like shit

      anon says. The difference is unbelievable.

  4. 9 months ago

    i just drink it to insta poop mayne frick all dat other gay shit

    • 9 months ago

      it honestly tastes better then 90% of the coffees i drink. Even then the ones made with an expensive machine

  5. 9 months ago

    i have anxiety and drink 1l of coffee and take 2 pills of caffeine every day

    • 9 months ago

      who would win?

  6. 9 months ago

    If you have anxiety you're just a girl. Literally your mind has been feminized by society and media. Boys will be boys is no longer allowed so you're a girl, caring about your interactions, relationships or stranger's approval.
    It's all just a group lie.
    Stop caring, that's it. Sy "frick it" and forget about it, move on.
    Coffee is not the issue. It's like ADHD, it's a pathologization of who you are. There is no cuemical solution to an spiritual problem.

    • 9 months ago

      Get a load of Billy Big Balls here boys.

  7. 9 months ago

    Coffee doesn't make you anxious, being sedentary does. Being sedentary AND drinking coffee is just a moronic game.

    • 9 months ago

      I am sedentary and drink 400 mg of caffeine a day and don't feel anxious. I probably have ADHD tho.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm extremely active

      If you have anxiety you're just a girl. Literally your mind has been feminized by society and media. Boys will be boys is no longer allowed so you're a girl, caring about your interactions, relationships or stranger's approval.
      It's all just a group lie.
      Stop caring, that's it. Sy "frick it" and forget about it, move on.
      Coffee is not the issue. It's like ADHD, it's a pathologization of who you are. There is no cuemical solution to an spiritual problem.

      pseudo science
      some people are just fricked up

      • 9 months ago

        >pseudo science
        >some people are just fricked up
        Ohh poor little things get sweaty when talking to a cashier, must be anxiety. So what? How convenient for them to just "be fricked up".
        It's the same with any animal: raise them in a cage or in any other enviroment that is not theirs and then they are fricked up (muh anxiety and stress) to return to their natural habitat and live the life they are supposed to live.
        Anyone knows someone who has a terrible dog who has been coddled too much and never experienced some life in a pack, it's literally the same thing.

        Get a load of Billy Big Balls here boys.

        Just a nomal dude trying to help. I had a panic attack over 15 years ago. I have been worried about talking to strangers. I have given too much toughts and preocupation for people who barely know I existed. I worried about stupid details. Then I just stopped caring about all that shit and now I just live my life without any "anxiety". I just worry about the things that matter to me and if I'm fricked over somehow I just accept that life sucks for a while and go on with it.
        That's it. People don't have anxiety, there are just looking to please some image that has been grinded into their head (the expectations of who they are), like a kid throwing a tantrum because they didn't get the "right" christmas gift or a guy worried because they wore a pink shirt while everyone else wore a white shirt.

  8. 9 months ago

    Most sources of caffeine fricks with me the same way, except for Coke Zero for some reason. I wish I understood why.

  9. 9 months ago

    Depends on what kind of anxiety.
    If its social anxiety big chance coffee makes it better.
    Its a serotonin supressor,but some people are anxious with high serotonin while for others its the opposite.
    >tldr everybody is different

  10. 9 months ago

    I have so much anxiety right now it's unbelievable
    I don't feel good enough to be alive I'm just thinking about suicide every night

    • 9 months ago

      If real and willing to try anything do this
      >1. check for any nutrient(micronutrient aka vitamins,minerals...) deficiencies
      >2.fix those
      if the anxiety is still there do this supplement combo
      >3.(In order of importance, you dont need to take them all)
      Feverfew 400mg 3 times a day
      Holy Basil 500mg 3 times a day
      L phenylananine 500mg 3 times a day
      NAC 600mg 3 times a day
      CBD when needed(esp before bed),start low around 50mgs and go up(could be 80,120,150mgs for you,depends).
      >tldr mainly feverfew and holy basil
      If its not fixed then instead of suicide try...
      >4.Go to the doc and go on benzos.

      • 9 months ago

        >>1. check for any nutrient(micronutrient aka vitamins,minerals...) deficiencies
        checked, had none.

        400mg 3 times a day
        Holy Basil 500mg 3 times a day
        L phenylananine 500mg 3 times a day
        NAC 600mg 3 times a day
        CBD when needed(esp before bed),start low around 50mgs and go up(could be 80,120,150mgs for you,depends).
        Will try but it's more like, I am in a fricked up situation and theres not much I can do to get out of it.

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