If you have the balding gene, ejaculation is like poisoning yourself

When I cum I instantly produce a resin that comes out of my skin and causes body wide inflammation. That inflammation shares an inextricable relationship with the balding. If I stop cumming it goes away temporarily, but then my body becomes more and more sensitive to stimuli as I become hornier and I get to the stage where just looking at a picture of a woman and getting errect causes the same amount of body wide inflammation as pure ejaculation.
If I go full monk mode, no stimulants, just water, fasting, eating one meal a day, avoiding all sexual stimulation, then I can reach a state of harmony in which my body has no inflammation whatsoever but this takes a lot of energy.
The other option is I can just take Finasteride which clears up probably 60-70% of the inflammation even if I ejaculate frequently. Add in semen retention and It moves up to 100%.

Anyway this is just the ramblings of a schizo who hasn't cummed in multiple months and is currently experiencing body wide waves of torturous-life ruining inflammation.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Im intrigued at this post and thinking theres some truth to it. Will nofap for 7 days and report back.

    • 2 years ago

      I've suffered through the pits of inflammatory hell to bring you this arcane knowledge.

      yeah you schizomaxing in this post alright. You should go to a doctor. Or you should stop deluding your self that cumming induces inflammation in your you fricking shiztard

      It's not a delusion, it's experientially true. I can't claim to speak for anyone else's body, but in regard to my own body I can say without doubt that the sexual impulses are the driving causal factor in inflammation throughout the body, the effects of stimulation are immediate.
      I've been to many doctors over the last 10 years, they are useless for problems like this, cant even adequately diagnose the problem, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not a delusion, it's experientially true
        Placebo effects are also by definition experientially true

  2. 2 years ago

    yeah you schizomaxing in this post alright. You should go to a doctor. Or you should stop deluding your self that cumming induces inflammation in your you fricking shiztard

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Just come on your hair to stimulate gair growth moron. Infact get multiple men to cum on your hair for extra results

    • 2 years ago

      This, what a fricking moron. When i started drenching myself in my own product women started groping me in public transport. I got raped twice last week

  5. 2 years ago

    Take your meds

  6. 2 years ago

    >When I cum I instantly produce a resin that comes out of my skin and causes body wide inflammation.
    Trees should be banned from posting on IST
    Only based trees who post their straight and low branches for anons to do chinsups should be allowed to post here.
    Sedentary fricks.

  7. 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure my scalp goes and stays red when I jerk off too much

  9. 2 years ago

    I havent seen this many delusional schizo people bunched up together in any other media. IST is a mental ward at this point

    • 2 years ago

      Take your meds

      not him, but he's right. i've noticed the exact same phenomenon. when i get horny, my bald spots get itchy as hell and after cooming my hair falls much more than usual.

      baldbros, i think we found the cure

      • 2 years ago

        >not him, but he's right. i've noticed the exact same phenomenon. when i get horny, my bald spots get itchy
        hahahahah you fricking schizo moron

    • 2 years ago

      What you are calling delusion is the cumulative knowledge of 12 years of attempting to figure out why my body has been attacking itself. It may sound ridiculous, but I've managed to get this disorder under control. It's now a choice for me, do I want to have baby soft skin and a full head of hair? or do I want to be in a state of perpetual agonizing pain, with acne, a burning scalp, brain fog, depression, dry skin, etc.

      All I have to do is avoid stimulants like sugar, caffeine, too much food and I can contain my sexual drives and thus contain my inflammation.

      • 2 years ago

        If you're balding now, you're 100% going to continue losing hair in the future. Balding is very unpredictable, you can at times retain say a 2.5 Noorwood scale for years, while some men can go from a Noorwood 1 to 5 in a year.

        You're likely now in a stage where your balding stopped for a while, you attribute this to nofap/no sugar whatever the frick. Meanwhile you ignore all the fat slobs that gooble down junk food, jerk off and live hedonistic lives yet they still have good hair, at the same time you have health conscious men that work out and watch their every macro yet they still go bald.

        Go on hairloss forums, there are baldies who've been trying to crack the code to this shit for decades and they've gotten nowhere, and you think some basic b***h advice like nofap/no sugar is gonna do anything?

        • 2 years ago

          I have a full head of hair, because I took Finasteride on and off during the period of 10 years in which I didn't understand the problem. I haven't been on Fin for 2 years and my hair looks the same as it did when I was on Finasteride and I'm very certain I can maintain it indefinitely because I know how to prevent the inflammation which is the causal factor. Maybe I will get balder slowly as I age, but that would have happened on Fin too, because even Fin didn't solve the inflammation 100%.

          I remember back in 2017 when I came off a period of semen retention and I didn't realize that when you do semen retention you become sensitive to whatever causes the inflammation when you start ejaculating again. 2017-2019 I had some of the worst inflammation I have ever experienced in my life, I was in so much pain I couldn't move or do anything and the hair on my scalp just started evaporating. I had to get on finasteride to preserve it. I've been off fin for the same amount of time it took for my hair to evaporate, only difference being this time I'm 98% inflammation free, and my hair is just thick and looks like teenager hair.

          It's not even just about the hair either, losing hair is just one of the symptoms of a system wide problem. Living with inflammation like that is just hell, it's impossible to enjoy life when your entire body feels like it is covered in poison 24/7.

  10. 2 years ago

    This is also what I think is happening with Ashton Kutcher. He was on Dutasteride for his whole life and then he got off it to have a child and decided to stay off, and you can see that he's been hit with brutal waves of inflammation that has caused him to age like 20 years in a few years. Having DHT blocked for that amount of time and then coming off is bound to create OP DHT sensitivity. His was so bad that he started losing sight.

    People think balding is just losing hair, but its an auto immune disorder that affects the whole body. Losing hair on the head is just one of the possible symptoms.

  11. 2 years ago

    haven't jerk offd in over two years, still balding. That's just the way it goes

  12. 2 years ago

    imagine coping this fricking hard about balding. I frankly cannot understand why you frickers think it's the damn end of the universe. look at fricking johnny sins, he's still very attractive. it's almost as if *gasp* what makes you hot is NOT your fricking hair, but how your disgusting fricking face looks, and to that not even taking 3 tons of finasteride and literally chemically castrating yourself will help.

  13. 2 years ago

    What blood tests have you done to determine that you have inflammation?

  14. 2 years ago

    Whats that inflammation and what is its relation with DHT?

    • 2 years ago

      Balding is not what the average joe here or on r*eddit tells you is, it is not sensibility to DHT, that does not exist.
      The process of balding goes along these lines: for some reason which might be a gene or a combination of genes some people's scalp become highly inflamed (there are a couple of theories for this, one is obstruction of some arteries which correlates with increased risk of some heart diseases for balding people, others claim malocclusion type 1 if im remember correctly causes the inflammation process), then due to this inflammation process your body sends DHT to the inflamed area as a means to fight the inflammation but at the same time it causes the miniaturization process that we know as balding.

  15. 2 years ago

    when im on nofap and whole foods i get no seb derm/dandruff. its true lads.

  16. 2 years ago

    Agreed. What is this demon oil and how do we better understand it? Is this covered in the 4 humors?

  17. 2 years ago

    >no family history of baldness
    >fap daily
    >feels good

    How was your day, anon?

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