If you were to make a 3-4 day program consisting of only 2-3 lifts per session, what would it look like? Is this good. A

If you were to make a 3-4 day program consisting of only 2-3 lifts per session, what would it look like? Is this good
>Bench 5x5
>Lat pulldown 4x10
>curls 4x10
>Back exercise 4x10
>OHP 4x10
>Lat raise 4x10
>incline bench 4x10
>shrugs 4x10
>curls 4x10
>core work
>lat pulldown 4x10
>Delt flye 4x10

Something like this which places a focus on my lagging body parts which are chest shoulders arms

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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  1. 1 year ago

    Definitely not an ideal setup by any means. Why would you want to minimize it so much? Anyways, here's what I'd probably put together if I was forced to have to go so minimal
    >Day 1
    Weighted Dips or JM Press 5x8-15
    Weighted Pullups or Weighted Ring Chinups 5x6-12
    Split Squat 5x12-20 or Walking Lunges 5x50 meters
    >Day 2
    Wide Grip OHP or Dumbbell Seated OHP 5x8-15
    Preacher Curl or Cable Curl 4x8-12
    Incline EZ-Bar Skull Crushers or Rope Pushdown (Heavy Forward Lean) 4x8-12
    Alternated every other day

    Also you put ab work into the program on day D. That ignores the premise of what kind of program you're putting together

    • 1 year ago

      >Weighted Dips

      don't do or advise this. destroys your shoulders

      • 1 year ago

        >destroys your shoulders
        Have never once had an issue, known anyone with that issue, or seen anyone have that issue with weighted dips unless they were going so deep that it looked cartoonish

        >Preacher Curl

        also don't do this as it stretches your connective tissue.

        stop giving advice on exercises, you're from 1983 or something.

        >stretches your connective tissue
        And a squat or bench doesn't? You're easily one of the lowest IQs I've seen on this board today. You clearly don't know shit. Preacher curls are a great lift

        • 1 year ago

          scholarly credentials?

          • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            NTA but I attended the school of not being a fricking moron.
            If something hurts, don't do it. If you are doing something new, start out light and ramp up over a few weeks. Same deal with extended ROM on lifts.

      • 1 year ago

        >Preacher Curl

        also don't do this as it stretches your connective tissue.

        stop giving advice on exercises, you're from 1983 or something.

        Actual moron. Weighted dips, with appropriate load management, are perfectly okay for your shoulders. However some people do get issues due to bone structure, but this can be remedied by switching to ring dips. Preacher curls are also okay, stretching the connective tissues with appropriate load management is how you strengthen them in the first place. Of course if you ego-lift like a moron you'll tear your bicep tendon, but that was your fault, not the exercise's fault. Using good technique and a controlled tempo on both of these lifts also helps reduce injury risk even further.

    • 1 year ago

      >Preacher Curl

      also don't do this as it stretches your connective tissue.

      stop giving advice on exercises, you're from 1983 or something.

    • 1 year ago

      I’ve gotten so out of shape I can barely get past 2 exercises. I get legitimately nauseous like I’m about to puke. I’ve dropped down to baby weights like when I originally started lifting but it’s even worse. Back at 18 I could do 3-5 before I was done. This is actually why I stopped lifting and became out of shape, around age 23 I would puke from this all over the gym. I’ve tried all different ways of focusing on breathing to zero change. I really don’t get it. I think it’s 100% cardiovascular but I really don’t know.

      All I know is I do for example
      Bench 4x10
      Lat pulldown 4x10
      And I have to lay down and it takes over 10 minutes to catch my breath, if I keep going I throw up.

      • 1 year ago

        are you severely overweight? This could suggest a serious medical problem

        are you drinking a lot of caffeine or using preworkout? do you smoke or drink?

        • 1 year ago

          These are all things I have been making the effort to fix this year but
          Yeah. I’m 6’2” 275lbs. As a teen went from 290 to 160 same height via eating 1-2 eggs in the AM, no lunch, and something small like some rice & chicken for dinner and nothing but walking. I would walk up to 3 hours per day on an incline. Stayed sub 15% bf for around 5 years. And now a decade later I’m nearly back at that weight. The thing is, this started when I was 23 and still relatively healthy. It began at about 220lbs. Definitely not lean, but not obese considering at that time I was 195lbs at 10%.
          I’ve been trying to quit. My intake got up to 1000mg(1 fricking gram) a day of ghost energy drinks, weaned it down, been having 1-3 cups of half caff or normal caff coffee a day the last few weeks now. Need to just cold Turkey and get off completely at this point.
          This could be the issue as my caffeine addiction started to get out of control a little before this issue began
          Smoked weed a lot the last few years, been quitting. Rarely smoke lately. At most once every couple weeks just a few hits. Before it was grams a day.
          I do vape though, but the vaping was introduced after this began. I started vaping 2 years ago at age 25. This issue started when I was still lifting at age 23 before I ever touched nicotine. But I’m absolutely sure it’s not helping which is one of the reasons I seek to quit it and get 100% free of any vices/stims.
          Tried picrel, tasted like battery acid. Going to cold turkey the nic again tmrw. Hopefully I get it

          I think it’s the being a fat frick more than anything. Been fighting to climb out of my rut/hole but I’ve been stuck in the cycle of have a good 2-3 weeks of full consistency, fall out of it for twice as long just to end up fatter and weaker. I’m literally going to kill myself if I can’t get lean again this year I’m not even joking. I became what I hated most. I have become who I promised myself I wouldnt.

          • 1 year ago

            ok, so the reality is that you are destroying your body in like four different ways consistently

            first, throw away the nicotine stuff. this narrows your coronary arteries when you take it. this is the worst thing you could do as a tallfat.

            nicotine physical dependency lasts TWO DAYS. you will feel bad for a little longer. throw it away.

            don't focus on heavy compound lifts. Do simple single-muscle exercises, learn your fundamental brosplits. Do things like planks.

            Do not do deads, bench, squats, anything like that until you have resolved some of these problems.

            • 1 year ago

              I’ve saved your post to set as wallpaper for accountability. I’m throwing my nic away right now. I can’t stress this enough but I need to, I have to fix this shit this year. Everything’s wrong and bad and my health is the start to being able to find happiness. Thank you man. I’m going to start with more body weight and walking for now then.

              • 1 year ago

                i'm proud of you anon i quit cigarettes after smoking for years by just throwing them in the trash. it's the only way. you cannot taper down off things that are bad for you, unless not doing so would kill or hurt you.

                you're missing the point
                if you want to do a bro split with isolations that's fine
                but there's no such thing as a minimalist bro split with isolations lol
                2-3 exercises a day only works if you're doing big compound movements

                YOU'RE missing the point. For his health, he just needs to get moving, he does not need to hit every muscle. He needs to worry about his HEALTH at this time, not his muscles. I am worried about his cardiovascular health

                Actual moron. Weighted dips, with appropriate load management, are perfectly okay for your shoulders. However some people do get issues due to bone structure, but this can be remedied by switching to ring dips. Preacher curls are also okay, stretching the connective tissues with appropriate load management is how you strengthen them in the first place. Of course if you ego-lift like a moron you'll tear your bicep tendon, but that was your fault, not the exercise's fault. Using good technique and a controlled tempo on both of these lifts also helps reduce injury risk even further.

                weighted dips are the #1 exercise that tears rotator cuffs. go to school.

              • 1 year ago

                >weighted dips are the #1 exercise that tears rotator cuffs. go to school.
                I do weighted ring dips with my elbows going above my head and I have no problems. Train your fricking rotator cuffs, avoid egolifting, and use a controlled tempo, and you won't have any issues. It's really that simple

              • 1 year ago


                why do less-educated people consistently think anecdotes are meaningful? I mean, no offense, but it's just completely meaningless to say, in any context, about anything. It doesn't matter what "you".

              • 1 year ago

                >why do less-educated people consistently think anecdotes are meaningful? I mean, no offense, but it's just completely meaningless to say, in any context, about anything. It doesn't matter what "you".
                Why do you think people tear rotator cuffs in the first place? Because their rotator cuffs are weak. Just fricking train those things and stop egolifting and you won't have any problems
                >muh.. muh education
                Means balls in the real world, experience is more valuable. I don't have any education in this shit and I fixed my shoulder issues, elbow issues, back issues, knee issues, pec tendonitis, bicep tendonitis, etc, all on my own. If you aren't a moron those aforementioned lifts are entirely safe.

              • 1 year ago


                You don't get it, dude. There is a reason I get paid for this and you can't. I hope you don't remember my words one day when you injure yourself. Not that you can't do dips, but no, don't recommend dips to a fricking 6'2 275 guy who is passing out, moron.

                Yeah if you google his wiki it should say “peak human condition” under powers/abilities. And while I can understand the desire to portray that in someone who mogs in all aspects, it’s just not realistic.
                Realistic Guts, living when he did how he did, would constantly be fluctating between 18%bf and 10% bf at time, with the earlier mentioned muscle groups being the most over trained. And this is assuming a human even ever could wield a 430lb sword.
                Yeah dude what [...] said. My idea was just to start out with a minimalist routine to appeal to how out of shape I am and change/increase work load as I get there. But I need to take a step back further and start how this other anon is suggesting.
                I just threw out my vapes. Not even in the trash in my home so there’s no retrieving them. I only weaned the caffeine down how I did because 1000mg a day for years to 0 suddenly physically hurts, I tried multiple times. But the caffeine is only around 150mg lately and I can just cold Turkey that now. Thank you again man. I need to get this done. I know I won’t look like my old early 20s self this year, but shit if I can break these addictions and get down to the 220s that’s progress I can be proud of

                Caffeine is really hard, I'm still fighting against those high-value energy drinks. I've gotten it down to one a day. Your sleep will MASSIVELY improve if you don't have one past early afternoon. I usually have it in the morning.

                You are welcome! Don't forget to thank YOURSELF for making that progress. Remember if you go to buy a vape or something, the guy who threw them away would say frick you and scream at you for ruining his progress. You are part of your own team, so encourage yourself too! Good job.

              • 1 year ago

                >I hope you don't remember my words one day when you injure yourself.
                I already gave myself tons of those, and I fixed them all on my own lol. If you have strong rotator cuffs and you don't egolift while also using proper tempo and technique, the chance of injury on dips is almost 0.

                Ring dips are different from fixed bar dips. But also what you are arguing is
                >Well I do X and my experience isn’t how you said therefor it should be that way for all people and you’re just telling lies
                That’s what you are saying. It’s common knowledge some people can do dips no problem, others can’t. Some get sternum pain or worse shoulder injuries. Others never have any discomfort or any kind of complications.
                It’s not about just training rotator cuffs and you’re only serving to show everyone who knows about this how little you actually do. It’s anatomical more than anything.

                >It’s common knowledge some people can do dips no problem, others can’t. Some get sternum pain or worse shoulder injuries. Others never have any discomfort or any kind of complications.
                I am quite literally one of the people who can't do normal dips due to sternum and clavicle pain. Ring dips don't cause me either of those at all, since the rings accomodate for your build.
                >It’s not about just training rotator cuffs and you’re only serving to show everyone who knows about this how little you actually do. It’s anatomical more than anything.
                Yes, which is why I mentioned ring dips to get around the anatomical issues lol

              • 1 year ago

                you don't know the difference between a tear and a strain, dude. that really didn't help your argument. This is really what you just spent 20 minutes saying
                >Weighted dips are great, they're good for your rotator cuffs!
                >They're so good for your rotator cuffs that I injure my rotator cuffs doing them all the time!

                uhh, ok

                You're delusional if you think isolation machines will give more health benefits than pushups

                ? pushups are a weightlifting exercise little brother. who said machines, also?

              • 1 year ago

                >you don't know the difference between a tear and a strain, dude.
                So having knee pain going down the stairs or back pain to the point of feeling shooting pains going down my back just from standing up out of my chair doesn't count as an injury? lol
                >>They're so good for your rotator cuffs that I injure my rotator cuffs doing them all the time!
                I injured my shoulder ego-lifting on bench one time, and another time when I was doing BTNP without knowing how to move my scapula correctly. Never injured myself on dips, ever (besides sternum and clavicle pain, which I've successfully circumvented)

              • 1 year ago

                you think having pain is a muscle tear?

                i don't know why i bothered

              • 1 year ago

                >you think having pain is a muscle tear?
                You said injury, not muscle tear. Are you moronic?

              • 1 year ago

                Ring dips are different from fixed bar dips. But also what you are arguing is
                >Well I do X and my experience isn’t how you said therefor it should be that way for all people and you’re just telling lies
                That’s what you are saying. It’s common knowledge some people can do dips no problem, others can’t. Some get sternum pain or worse shoulder injuries. Others never have any discomfort or any kind of complications.

                >why do less-educated people consistently think anecdotes are meaningful? I mean, no offense, but it's just completely meaningless to say, in any context, about anything. It doesn't matter what "you".
                Why do you think people tear rotator cuffs in the first place? Because their rotator cuffs are weak. Just fricking train those things and stop egolifting and you won't have any problems
                >muh.. muh education
                Means balls in the real world, experience is more valuable. I don't have any education in this shit and I fixed my shoulder issues, elbow issues, back issues, knee issues, pec tendonitis, bicep tendonitis, etc, all on my own. If you aren't a moron those aforementioned lifts are entirely safe.

                It’s not about just training rotator cuffs and you’re only serving to show everyone who knows about this how little you actually do. It’s anatomical more than anything.

              • 1 year ago

                I see your point but why even bother doing curls and shit at that point
                Just jog and maybe do some pushups

              • 1 year ago

                >why even bother working out if you aren't working out TO THE MAX?

                are you serious?

              • 1 year ago

                Nice strawman
                I'm asking why tell him to do isolation exercises if you don't care about him getting gains, just moving his body
                You don't move your body through space with isolation, they are single joint exercises
                If movement is the goal, he should jog, do pushups, situps, crunches, burpees, etc
                Not sit at a tricep extension machine jerking off

              • 1 year ago

                Because it's beneficial for health-oriented fitness to do some weightlifting exercises. I'm not sure why you're confused.

                >If movement is the goal
                he already stated he's walking. I don't think you really understand any of the biological finer points here, weightlifting exercises improve different dimensions of health fitness than simple movement does. They go together.

                I'm absolutely certain OP wants to enjoy benefits like improving his testosterone and cortisol, for instance.

              • 1 year ago

                You're delusional if you think isolation machines will give more health benefits than pushups

          • 1 year ago

            idk about that other anon but i was in the same boat (like almost exactly, big fat guy using tons of caff and nic) and didnt stop doing big compounds. for practicality though i limited some of the volume while also incorporating some cardio (gay) like kettlebell swings or whatever you find tolerable. my problems pretty much stopped after taking the time to do a cardio warmup/improving my conditioning a bit. that said, probably wise not to push it too hard until your symptoms stop a bit... idk im not a dr...

            not trying to shit on what that other guy said but you might not be totally fricked. i was on about a gram of energy drinks, constant nicotine usage, etc. since cutting that shit down like you have i dont really think 1-3 cups of coffee a day.

            you might also have sleep apnea... i never got the machine but being conscious of how my head is laying on the pillow before i sleep has been a big help

            • 1 year ago

              i dont really think 1-3 cups of coffee a day is that bad**

            • 1 year ago

              >you might also have sleep apnea

              yeah that is a really good point I didn't make. I have it too. non weight related, because my sinuses are malformed.

              I just think he should avoid compounds until symptoms of lightheadedness subside.

            • 1 year ago

              > you might also have sleep apnea... i never got the machine but being conscious of how my head is laying on the pillow before i sleep has been a big help
              Oh this has 100% been a recent thing for me. I call it position induced apnea, because that’s what it was. I got used to having my head propped against a wall while laying down doing whatever that it became a position I fell asleep in, either against the backboard or with too many pillows.

              I caught onto it because I would wake up groggier than anyone needs to be, head feeling pressurized and cloudy, and my sinuses would be clogged and take over an hour of blowing snot to fix every day. I realized while falling asleep a few times I’d get this like weird snoring thing happening where my whole airway vibrated.

              Been working on fixing that too. Sleeping on the floor helps a lot. But I tried to snap my neck in a dream (idk why and I don’t remember why) and apparently my body moved IRL while sleeping and ripped my head sharply to the side too so I’m afraid to floor sleep now. But fixing head position seems effective for the most part

  2. 1 year ago

    Do preacher curls bros, they're totally safe. Don't just not use the fricking preacher and do curls in the air like a fricking human being capable of thinking.

    Use a piece of equipment that you don't have to use, so you can fake lifting more weight by lifting it with your ligament instead!

    The number is what matters, not form, technique, science, or the ability to work out when you're 40!


    i went to school for this, if you don't have an education in it, frick off.

    • 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    >chest on guts
    I'm tired of this meme

    • 1 year ago

      Wdym? Because realistically speaking a human who lived like guts, training with progressively larger swords from the age of like 5 years old wouldn’t have a massively developed chest? Obviously that’s true. Even if one did that and gained massive size in the appropriate places like arms shoulders back traps etc, human chests wouldn’t have ever gotten massive like we all train to have.

      • 1 year ago

        you can see this in a lot of the most ripped africans and new guineans and shit..relatively huge delts, forearms, legs, serratus, basically flat taut chest.

        the chest isn't really used for much, it's just on the front.

        >have pretty bad gyno naturally
        you know, nothing destroyed my life more than this. I have never considered myself equal to other men. Deformed.

        Please don't ever be mean to someone like that.

      • 1 year ago

        >Because realistically speaking a human who lived like guts, training with progressively larger swords from the age of like 5 years old wouldn’t have a massively developed chest? Obviously that’s true.
        That's pretty much what I mean. Somebody that lived, trained like guts, would not have a big developed chest.
        His body would develop massively in many areas but chest is NOT one of them.
        And I'm tired of bodybuilders throwing this meme int there.
        Like let say you like big or developed chests aesthetically pleasing. Sure. Don't try to inject that into guts though.
        Bunch of people on youtube as well pushing guts workout or regime or whatever.
        What do they do? A classical bodybuilder lifting technique, they still work on their chest even though it has little to do with guts.
        And they certainly do not lift and swing around a big hunk of metal like a sword.
        So how much connection to "guts" does it have, practically none if you think about it.

        • 1 year ago

          It’s because of old statues of Greeks and similar peoples having huge chests. Certain philosophers believed a big chest represented a man’s vitality/ “drive” to achieve
          That guy scheeredz with the curly hair on tiktok/Instagram preaches having big shoulders and small/moderate chest for peak aesthetics and I can see it tbqh

          • 1 year ago

            I just wish "guts" was represented as guts would be.
            Rather than a more generic version of modern bodybuilder.
            Function drives different adaptation, which yields different looking bodies when taken to their peak.
            It's a bit more interesting when the body fits the journey.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah if you google his wiki it should say “peak human condition” under powers/abilities. And while I can understand the desire to portray that in someone who mogs in all aspects, it’s just not realistic.
              Realistic Guts, living when he did how he did, would constantly be fluctating between 18%bf and 10% bf at time, with the earlier mentioned muscle groups being the most over trained. And this is assuming a human even ever could wield a 430lb sword.

              you're missing the point
              if you want to do a bro split with isolations that's fine
              but there's no such thing as a minimalist bro split with isolations lol
              2-3 exercises a day only works if you're doing big compound movements

              Yeah dude what

              i'm proud of you anon i quit cigarettes after smoking for years by just throwing them in the trash. it's the only way. you cannot taper down off things that are bad for you, unless not doing so would kill or hurt you.

              YOU'RE missing the point. For his health, he just needs to get moving, he does not need to hit every muscle. He needs to worry about his HEALTH at this time, not his muscles. I am worried about his cardiovascular health

              weighted dips are the #1 exercise that tears rotator cuffs. go to school.

              said. My idea was just to start out with a minimalist routine to appeal to how out of shape I am and change/increase work load as I get there. But I need to take a step back further and start how this other anon is suggesting.

              i'm proud of you anon i quit cigarettes after smoking for years by just throwing them in the trash. it's the only way. you cannot taper down off things that are bad for you, unless not doing so would kill or hurt you.

              YOU'RE missing the point. For his health, he just needs to get moving, he does not need to hit every muscle. He needs to worry about his HEALTH at this time, not his muscles. I am worried about his cardiovascular health

              weighted dips are the #1 exercise that tears rotator cuffs. go to school.

              I just threw out my vapes. Not even in the trash in my home so there’s no retrieving them. I only weaned the caffeine down how I did because 1000mg a day for years to 0 suddenly physically hurts, I tried multiple times. But the caffeine is only around 150mg lately and I can just cold Turkey that now. Thank you again man. I need to get this done. I know I won’t look like my old early 20s self this year, but shit if I can break these addictions and get down to the 220s that’s progress I can be proud of

              • 1 year ago

                I view guts golden age to be realistic.
                Dragon slayer is the point where all realism goes out the window.
                > And while I can understand the desire to portray that in someone who mogs in all aspects, it’s just not realistic.
                I like an accurate representation. His forearms should be monstrous, shoulders also extremely developed, back and core should be well developed, legs, ass, calves, all the muscles around the pelvic floor would also be well developed.

  4. 1 year ago

    All exercises done in a 10x3
    >Straight Arm Pulldown
    >Bicep Curls
    >Weighted Dips
    >Weighted Chin-Ups
    >Leg Press
    >Weighted Hyperextensions

  5. 1 year ago

    >heavy power clean
    >medium bench
    >light squat
    >heavy bench
    >medium squat
    >light power clean
    >heavy squat
    >medium power clean
    >light bench

    • 1 year ago

      if you want a bare bone minimalist routine you better not be doing curls and lateral raises and shrugs lol
      these exercises aren't bad in a vacuum but if you want to do as few lifts as possible you need to be doing lifts that use as many muscles as possible to generate as much tonnage as possible.
      >but I want big side delts bro
      not my problem

      you can see this in a lot of the most ripped africans and new guineans and shit..relatively huge delts, forearms, legs, serratus, basically flat taut chest.

      the chest isn't really used for much, it's just on the front.

      >have pretty bad gyno naturally
      you know, nothing destroyed my life more than this. I have never considered myself equal to other men. Deformed.

      Please don't ever be mean to someone like that.

      Wdym? Because realistically speaking a human who lived like guts, training with progressively larger swords from the age of like 5 years old wouldn’t have a massively developed chest? Obviously that’s true. Even if one did that and gained massive size in the appropriate places like arms shoulders back traps etc, human chests wouldn’t have ever gotten massive like we all train to have.


      • 1 year ago

        It’s not that I’m any massive delts it’s that I never trained my delts in my life and even though I’ve lost a ton of gains they’re still noticeably underdeveloped anything else. I was still able to rep 1pl8 OHP when I was lifting without having done it before but the size was never there. Doesn’t matter much right now, I’m following this advice for now

        ok, so the reality is that you are destroying your body in like four different ways consistently

        first, throw away the nicotine stuff. this narrows your coronary arteries when you take it. this is the worst thing you could do as a tallfat.

        nicotine physical dependency lasts TWO DAYS. you will feel bad for a little longer. throw it away.

        don't focus on heavy compound lifts. Do simple single-muscle exercises, learn your fundamental brosplits. Do things like planks.

        Do not do deads, bench, squats, anything like that until you have resolved some of these problems.

        • 1 year ago

          you're missing the point
          if you want to do a bro split with isolations that's fine
          but there's no such thing as a minimalist bro split with isolations lol
          2-3 exercises a day only works if you're doing big compound movements

  6. 1 year ago

    >2-3 lifts
    Thats body-part split territory. If I wanted 4 days a week I'd probably do chest/legs/back/shoulders&arms

  7. 1 year ago

    That is such a nice picture, makes me want to exercise.

  8. 1 year ago

    Pull Ups

    Romanian DL


  9. 1 year ago

    I edited my OP pic. It still looks off but I think this is closer to how he would look. Didn’t really have anyway to make them seem “flatter” while still being well defined so just shrunk his pecs, slightly boosted upper pecs and delts

    • 1 year ago

      much better than the OP

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        This would more or less be realistic. Small, still trained, but small chest. Overdeveloped delts traps arms, and not shown that would be the same is back forearm(s) legs ass

  10. 1 year ago

    10 minutes into throwing my vape shit/nicotine out and I was panicking thinking I lost it. Man these next few days will be a test to how bad I want this
    Verification not required

    • 1 year ago

      You can either fail now, and watch the rest of your life crumble away, or you can succeed now. It's you vs. you and this is a weakly addictive substance.

  11. 1 year ago

    - Tue:

    3-5xDL, 5-7 reps;
    3-5xHigh bar BB Squat, 5-7 reps;
    2-4xLeg curls, 10-15 reps;
    2-5xCable flyes, 10-20 reps;
    3-5xOne arm rows to chest, 5-7 reps;
    2-6xBB Upright row, 6-7 reps;
    (2-6xCable facepulls, 8-10 reps)
    2-4xClose grip bench, 10-12 reps;
    2-5xrope curls, 10-15 reps;
    (2xHang ~15-60s)
    - Thu:

    2-5xBP, 5-7 reps;
    2-5xOHP, 5-7 reps;
    2-4x(Weighted) Dips, 6-10 reps;
    3-5xHigh bar BB Squat, 8-10 reps;
    2-3xStiff legged deadlift, 8-10;
    2-5xClose underhand pullups, 8-10 reps;
    2-5xStraight arm pulldown, 10-20 reps;
    2-6xDB Lateral raises, 10-20 reps;
    (2-6xDB facepulls, 10-15 reps;)
    (2xHang, ~15-60 s)
    - Sat:

    3xUnderhand Clavicle Pull ups, 5-10 reps;
    0-3xUnderhand Lat pulldown to chest, 7-15 reps;
    2-6xBB Upright rows, 8-10 reps;
    (2-6xBB facepulls, 8-10 reps);
    3-5xSwiss bar curls, 8-10 reps;
    2-5xIncline BP, 5-10 reps;
    2-3xOHP, 8-10 reps;
    2-4xBB skullcrushers, 8-15 reps;
    2-3xHigh bar good morning, 5-10 reps;
    2-4xLeg press, 10-15 reps;


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