I'm 24 and my hairline is receding to a point that people on the street literally point and laugh at me.

I'm 24 and my hairline is receding to a point that people on the street literally point and laugh at me.
My mom is even telling me to get a hair transplant but I think they always look obvious and shit. Help me out here anons.
It seems like 5% minoxidil is ideal for hair growth while finasteride is more of a preventative measure for hair loss.
But since male pattern baldness is caused by testosterone will finasteride reduce testosterone? Basically I'm asking will it affect my gains?
Also is there any drawbacks in using minoxidil and finasteride together?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Minox + fin together is preferred. You'll get better results than either alone.
    Fin is more likely to have sexual sides than muscular sides. It reduces DHT, not test.

    I stopped the drugs a year ago and use a hair system now.
    Minox took me from norwood 4 to 3 over a year. And within six months of stopping I was norwood 5.
    Now I wear a hair system, which looks a lot better than even my drug-enhanced hair.

    • 11 months ago

      >And within six months of stopping I was norwood 5.
      Wtf, does minox make you dependant on it?
      >hair system
      Is this another phrase for toupee? What do women say when they find out it's fake?

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think it made me dependent. I probably lost a lot of hair quickly due to stress, and maybe my hair returned to where it would have been had I never taken minox.

        Regarding women knowing, I haven't had an LTR recently.

    • 11 months ago

      We just going to ignore this anon's gigachad skull?

    • 11 months ago

      We just going to ignore this anon's gigachad skull?

      Yeah I forgot to say this but that anon would look great if he was bald, possibly even better than with hair

    • 11 months ago

      very aryan / nordic face.
      Is your name Bjorn?

      • 11 months ago


        Minox + fin together is preferred. You'll get better results than either alone.
        Fin is more likely to have sexual sides than muscular sides. It reduces DHT, not test.

        I stopped the drugs a year ago and use a hair system now.
        Minox took me from norwood 4 to 3 over a year. And within six months of stopping I was norwood 5.
        Now I wear a hair system, which looks a lot better than even my drug-enhanced hair.

        Looking good bro

    • 11 months ago

      I would buy a car from you 100%

    • 11 months ago

      How does it feel like skullmogging everyone in the universe?

    • 11 months ago

      That's a mean looking face anon

    • 11 months ago

      >Actual gigachad bone structure
      In all honesty you'd look just as good bald

    • 11 months ago

      holy shit bro, how badly did you wreck your mom's pussy when you came out?

    • 11 months ago

      homie was born a man

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    >studied hard
    >Had a shit office job but make good money
    >Have a son with wife
    >He is sever autist
    >He is 9yo
    >Can't talk only makes weird noises
    >Only play with baby toys
    >He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
    >Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
    >He only sleeps 3-4h
    >No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
    >Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
    >Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

    You sure want to take shit that increade the chance of this just for some hair?

    • 11 months ago

      The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of disabled kids

      No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

      Even young mothers and fathers are experiencing the increased risk of disabilities in their children so age is clearly not largest culprit if it even is a culprit at all.
      No one knows for sure but a lot of much smarter people than us are saying that it is most likely the work of some pollutant that have increased in quantity over the last two decades, micro plastics is one of those pollutants that have been brought up many times as a likely source of this but it's almost blind speculation since no one knows for sure how 90% of the shit our industries pumps out into the biosphere actually affects the human body in the long term, the few who might know are either hiding their know for profit or doesn't care enough to spread awareness of it

      The black pill that humanity is becoming unable at exponential rate to have healthy kids is too hard to swallow for the "muh legacy" conservatives.

      For their mind is easier ignore the problem and think this will never happen to them that try to find a solution

      >Air polution
      >Weed during teen ages
      >Tatto ink
      >Paracetamol abuse
      >Hairloss drugs
      We don't really know

      I honestly think a significant amount of it is because doctors nowadays diagnose kids more frequently (either overdiagnosing or more accurately than the past, I don't know).

      Microplastics and pollution makes sense as a cause but I doubt hair loss treatments because until very recently most men weren't losing hair until after most of them have had kids.
      Also what the other anon said about people having kids too late now.

      • 11 months ago

        > I doubt hair loss treatments because until very recently most men weren't losing hair until after most of them have had kids.

        Wtf with this logic?
        There are more men having kids while taking finasteride/minox than never before.

        There are more severe disabled kids that never before too.

        • 11 months ago

          >There are more men having kids while taking finasteride/minox than never before
          Citations needed

          • 11 months ago

            Finasteride started usong as a hair loss drug in 1997.

            Since then the probability of having a disabled kid have increase in exponential.

            I don't know if there is a link at 100% but at last makes you think.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm asking for proof that men having kids are taking finasteride/minoxidil, not of its general usage. I'm aware that people have been using it for decades but the average man having kids was young enough that they still had their hair (until very recently), therefore they were not using hair treatments like finasteride and minoxidil.

              Mine are COMPLETELY healthy. Lots of kids have autism and ADHD too.
              If you think injecting a 1 day old child with 100mcg of aluminum for a disease they can’t possibly acquire (Hep B), then I have a bridge to tell you. I’ll sell you a Covid booster while we’re at it.

              There are many ways besides sex that hepatitis b can be transferred. Yes, even babies can get it.

              • 11 months ago

                Not really. Hep B is primarily needle and sex transmitted. Why would you give a child massive heavy metal poisoning to prevent something that isn’t a risk to them? You’re a moron

    • 11 months ago

      Did you vax him? It’s literally the vaccines. Mine are unvaxxed and completely healthy
      Autism = brain inflammation and damage

      • 11 months ago

        >Yeah bro there are healthy kids too.

        Yeah if like 15% are disabled and 5% severe disabled there is still a "high" chance of having healty kid.

        But the odds seems to be less and less every year, en every country even the ones with still young mothers.

        • 11 months ago

          Mine are COMPLETELY healthy. Lots of kids have autism and ADHD too.
          If you think injecting a 1 day old child with 100mcg of aluminum for a disease they can’t possibly acquire (Hep B), then I have a bridge to tell you. I’ll sell you a Covid booster while we’re at it.

          • 11 months ago

            No one said 100% of kids are disabled.

            Countries with shit healthcare and almost no vaccination have an exponential increase of severe autism too.

            • 11 months ago

              Almost all countries have a huge vaccination rate, and we use the deadliest vaccines in the third world (DPT -banned in the USA)
              Your mind control programming is kicking in. MSM injects mind control programs into you to prevent people connecting vax to autism

    • 11 months ago

      >this pasta again
      Are you surprised that your son is non functional considering IT has the tragedy of being related to you and whoever prostitute decided that spending the life with you was a good idea?

  3. 11 months ago

    The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of disabled kids

    No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

    Even young mothers and fathers are experiencing the increased risk of disabilities in their children so age is clearly not largest culprit if it even is a culprit at all.
    No one knows for sure but a lot of much smarter people than us are saying that it is most likely the work of some pollutant that have increased in quantity over the last two decades, micro plastics is one of those pollutants that have been brought up many times as a likely source of this but it's almost blind speculation since no one knows for sure how 90% of the shit our industries pumps out into the biosphere actually affects the human body in the long term, the few who might know are either hiding their know for profit or doesn't care enough to spread awareness of it

    The black pill that humanity is becoming unable at exponential rate to have healthy kids is too hard to swallow for the "muh legacy" conservatives.

    For their mind is easier ignore the problem and think this will never happen to them that try to find a solution

    >Air polution
    >Weed during teen ages
    >Tatto ink
    >Paracetamol abuse
    >Hairloss drugs
    We don't really know

    • 11 months ago

      we know about pollution sure, but nobody will acknowledge that women are just having children way too late. acting like teenagers are children instead of young adults that ought to be ready to stand on their own legs by the age of 16 is going to kill us.

      • 11 months ago

        Then explain why countries with young mothers have an exponential increase of cases too.

        There should be a great diference between countries with old and younger mothers, but there isn't. Actually some of the countries with less increase of age of mothers have MORE cases.

        Yeah i know is hard to know about this topic, knowing this could happen to you is a hard blackpill

        I honestly think a significant amount of it is because doctors nowadays diagnose kids more frequently (either overdiagnosing or more accurately than the past, I don't know).

        Microplastics and pollution makes sense as a cause but I doubt hair loss treatments because until very recently most men weren't losing hair until after most of them have had kids.
        Also what the other anon said about people having kids too late now.

        • 11 months ago

          They just regurgitate the same points they heard someone else say and call it a day and wipe their hands of it. Of course, they also say they'll "never" have an autistic or disabled child themselves, only everyone else will. They're also the types that would think they'll be the ones to survive in a genocide or eugenics program. Etc.

    • 11 months ago

      >No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

      I was skeptical and thought you were just another doomposting moron, but I looked into it and turns out, according to a census done in my country in 2015, 15% of children have a disability of some kind, and 5% have some kind of severe disability, and I imagine the problem has only gotten worse instead of better.
      It's actually fricking scary to be honest.

  4. 11 months ago

    I'm 25 and my hairline's not that receeded, but what I do instead is keep my hair short and never try to hide it or worry about it. People have joked a couple of times but know to take a joke and have healthy confidence so it's all good. How's that for a solution to your problems?

  5. 11 months ago

    Dude should just shave, he'd look like a lightskinned version of the black doctor in Scrubs

  6. 11 months ago

    Is the garbled english all OP?

    Can't you do a 2 minute google search? Fin blocks enzyme that turns testosterone to DHT. On fin your DHT goes down by a lot. Both T and DHT are ANDROGENS. Instead of that test gets aromatized to estrogen in fat tissue (you don't want to be fat while taking fin). DHT has separate action to T. It gets filtered out of the blood or turns into other ANDROGENS down the line.
    >durr only this one thing changed!
    Massive amounts of things changed, moron

  7. 11 months ago

    start seasoning yo head boy

    • 11 months ago

      wypipo don't season they head baka

    • 11 months ago

      this is pathetic

      • 11 months ago

        find a better cost effective solution then

        • 11 months ago

          clean shaven

    • 11 months ago

      top kek, gives a whole new meaning to the ole' salt and pepper hair

  8. 11 months ago

    >Also is there any drawbacks in using minoxidil and finasteride together?
    No, they are usually used together to good results. Topical finasteride is usually a mix of finasteride and minoxidil, even.

  9. 11 months ago

    Min and Fin can only prevent further hair loss, they can’t return hair follicles you’ve already lost. With that in mind get on them immediately before it’s too late. They only work while you take them, so be prepared to swallow pill every morning. In terms of transplant, dont be a moron and just get it, if it’s a good clinic then nobody would even be able to notice you had one. Most experienced clinics are in Turkeu, HLC is the most renowned one.

    PS: there are ongoing trials at dozens of companies aimed at hair cloning which is an actual cure. But that will only come about in at least 3-5 years or so, until then don’t be a moron and just so what has to be done.

    • 11 months ago

      >Most experienced clinics are in Turkeu, HLC is the most renowned one.
      That's where my mom was telling me to go. I guess I should listen to her more.

    • 11 months ago

      >But that will only come about in at least 3-5 years or so
      Is that actually the case? Replicel has been promising big things but nothing has actually come about yet

      • 11 months ago

        We have a lot of companies working on this right now. Not only medical companies but also leaders in cosmetics jumped on a bandwagon. First successful operation on mice was done 15 years ago. Few years ago they’ve replicated this on pigs which have a very similar skin to humans. Now several companies are conducting clinical trials on humans. This started about 2 years ago. They say the main challenge is making it so that hair grows in the right direction from a new cell, looks good and etc. The company leading the race in US is called Stemson but even if clinical trials succeed it will take at least 10 years to get approval by FDA and be allowed into the market. Thankfully other leading companies are based in Korea/Japan and those countries recently passed a fast-track law. So if clinical trial is a success in Korea it can be on the market next year.

  10. 11 months ago

    that pic is one of the gayest shits ive ever seen.

  11. 11 months ago

    Are there any downsides to taking only min? And does that have any side effects?

    • 11 months ago

      other than going bald?

    • 11 months ago

      Topical minoxidil has no side affects, oral minoxidil may cause issues. In 99% cases side effects are caused by people taking higher dosage than the recommended amount.

      • 11 months ago

        But as anon above said, what stops hair loss is finasteride, minoxidil makes your hair shaft thicker so it’s a good addition

        So just taking min won't stop hair loss or hair thinning?

        • 11 months ago

          if you're going to use only one of them just take fin

        • 11 months ago

          minox will help with thinning, it will increase the girth of each individual hair, giving an illusion you have more hair, but it doesn’t actually regrow lost hair or stop male pattern hair loss, that’s what finasteride is for

    • 11 months ago

      But as anon above said, what stops hair loss is finasteride, minoxidil makes your hair shaft thicker so it’s a good addition

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