>i'm 6'4, 200 lbs of pure muscle, can bench 3pl8, do boxing and conceal carry, you can't touch m- *ACK*

>i'm 6'4, 200 lbs of pure muscle, can bench 3pl8, do boxing and conceal carry, you can't touch m- *ACK*

Judo mogs all.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    What's the difference between israelitedo and israelite-Jewtsu?

    • 10 months ago

      In theory bjj incorporates all the shit judo abandoned while innovating but has a greater focus on newaza while judo is 50/50 split with standing and ground.

      In practice many bjj place's only engagement with standing is "pull guard or double leg" then spend 60 mins doing nothing but ground. Whereas judo is 45 mins standing focusing on a particular technique then randori followed by the same for newaza.

      With that said I'm

      While i agree in general, i feel a good bjj gym is preferable due to incorporating both judo and wrestling. I recognise that gym which has a structure beyond "do this sub/transition/position for 30 mins then roll" are very much in the minority.

      and my current bjj gym has a range of trainers including the national team judo coach, an mma guy and some gi specialists with the head bjj guy being directly trained by carlson gracie. The two judo place i have trained the coaches were also all brown belt or above in bjj.

      My previous bjj place, however, was the "pull guard and roll around for an hour" style despite having a world champion head trainer.

      Basically, do you research. Judo will almost always be significantly cheaper but there are more than a couple weeb purists who sperg out of you point out a competition rule makes no sense

    • 10 months ago

      Judo is for takedowns, and jiujitsu is for grappling on the ground. The lines a very blurred and you're not going to find a pure judo or jiujitsu. I train BJJ and we practice takedowns every once in a while but the focus is definitely ground work.

  2. 10 months ago

    While i agree in general, i feel a good bjj gym is preferable due to incorporating both judo and wrestling. I recognise that gym which has a structure beyond "do this sub/transition/position for 30 mins then roll" are very much in the minority.

    • 10 months ago

      BJJ is worthless if you learn Judo.

      What's the difference between israelitedo and israelite-Jewtsu?

      Judo is better in every way.

      • 10 months ago

        If this is true why don't Judo guys enter ADCC and other grappling tournaments and dominate?

        • 10 months ago

          Because submission fighting is submission fighting and submission fighting is worthless.

          • 10 months ago

            How would you test Judo over other martial arts?

            • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                And the Judo champs are where?

              • 10 months ago


                MMA fighters don't wear Gi's, many Judoka's don't go into MMA for that reason alone.

              • 10 months ago

                When does anyone wear GI except grappling?

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                In the Streets...at least where I live, people wear cloth

              • 10 months ago

                judo throws are very easy to adapt to nogi, the hard part of judo is feeling balance and timing
                judoka dont go into mma because the ijf will ban them from competing in judo forever

              • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          Reminder: A Judo chad beat the everloving shit out of the creator of BJJ in a match that was rigged for the BJJ guy

          • 10 months ago

            You are not kimura, anon

        • 10 months ago

          >Ranked judoka are forbidden from participating in other pro fights or else they forfeit their registration
          >Competition rule set is the only thing you can find being taught outside of hardcore ultra-rare gyms.
          Because the IJF are a bunch of fricking homosexuals that have been systematically neutering Judo ever since it was made an olympic sport.

  3. 10 months ago

    And there we have it.

    20 inches. 20-fricking-inches.

    Does anyone of you anons seriously mean to beat me in a street fight? Do you even dare to open your mouth or look elsewhere than the tip of your shoes when I grab your chick by the ass in the bar and do a double bicep pose. Yeah, that's what I thought. You pencil necks can only sit on your ass and stay mad. I do preacher curls with 100s. My humongous arms ensure that I can do whatever the frick I wanna do. I have a great power and you will never have it.

    Now you know your place you little rats 🙂 I just had to tell you how things are in the real world when everyone acts so tough in the internet and trolls with no limits. Know your place if you see me in the bar. Even when I grab your girl without permission. Don't worry. I bet she likes it when she gets manhandled by a real stud 😉

    Mad? So what. I enjoy my life.

    • 10 months ago

      >Sends a high velocity metal projectile that explodes your bicep
      >People cheer as you (a rapist) writhe on the floor in pain
      >nothin' personal kid

      • 10 months ago

        >Sends a high velocity autist to the floor
        >People cheer as you the autist (you) writhe on the floor in pain
        >nothin' personal kid

    • 10 months ago

      I would rape you, metaphorically, then literally to assert dominance
      .t 6"3' strongfat Judoka / MMA player

    • 10 months ago

      That's 18" tops, you're measuring the wrong way

  4. 10 months ago

    Man... I dislike how physically intensive judo is. I feel like I would need to condition my knees and joints beforehand; maybe even be a triathlon champ just to barely last a class.

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you on a fitness website if you can't even do one Judo class?

  5. 10 months ago

    pull out 10" d ring Bowie

    let's dance homosexual

    >340pd in enigma holster as back up

    I simply use tools on your goofy ass

    • 10 months ago

      >enigma holster
      Does it also double as a strap-on holster for your girlfriend?

  6. 10 months ago

    There are very very few people who can do that to the person whose stats you gave. 200 pounds pure muscle with boxing is very dangerous.

  7. 10 months ago

    >*makes you cry like a baby*
    Nothing personell kid

  8. 10 months ago

    if you are in the US, canada, UK, or Aus the level of bjj is going to be miles better than judo, outside of anomalies like tenri or jimmy pedros or something.

  9. 10 months ago

    I'm an amateur kickboxer with like 5 wins 0 losses and I wanna go into MMA, is Judo a good grappling art to supplement my fighting? I'm looking into all BJJ, Greco-Roman wrestling, Freestyle Wrestling, Sambo and Judo btw and rn Judo and Sambo seem to be much more fun and effective to learn than BJJ

    • 10 months ago

      Depends. took me 2 years of Judo 3x a week to get any good at it. By the time I got to 6 years I could throw any one with ease. Id recommend learning some good foot sweeps and focusing on undehook hip throws if you do

      • 10 months ago

        Based sasae-tsurikomi ashi patrician

        • 10 months ago

          I have a Kosoto Gake variant that doe the trick for me. Set up by Sumi untill they step the foot back and Osoto comes out

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks, the place near me actually offers both Judo and Sambo so I will just check out the classes there and decided then

        • 10 months ago

          Its a blast bro. go in there expecting to get smashed and learnin from the process and you'll have a good time. It'll spook you when you face a real black belt and realise you can't even hold onto them

  10. 10 months ago

    6'4 and 200 lbs is skinny

  11. 10 months ago

    >used to powerlift
    >got into judo 1.5 years ago
    >can still life more than everyone in the whole judo class
    >20 yos half my weight who can't bench more than 20kg still kick my ass in randori
    >tiny old dude literally folds me like bedsheet
    lifting is fricking useless

    • 10 months ago

      Come join our martial arts discord: https://discord.gg/3VNHzBBS , we talk about training quite a lot

      I have been doing martial arts for 6 years. At my BJJ gym, a small old man came to class. He has a Judo blackbelt. When rolling I was able to flatten him out for the most part, but at one point he got me in some kind of headlock and held me down on my back. And MAN, I was completely helpless. I have never been so thoroughly pinned on my back. There was literally nothing I could do.

      Anyway, I don't know if Judo is a very good martial art overall, I just thought that was incredible what that one Judo guy did to me.

      MMA fighters don't wear Gi's, many Judoka's don't go into MMA for that reason alone.

      Come on that is such a lame reason. If the gi is a barrier to getting into MMA, how did BJJ become such a staple of MMA?

      • 10 months ago

        >If the gi is a barrier to getting into MMA, how did BJJ become such a staple of MMA?
        Gracies got in on the ground floor of premier pro fighting in the states & their team does good PR & marketing. It's all smoke and mirrors. Yes grappling is integral to being a well rounded fighter, but knockouts count for the overwhelming majority of wins in every MMA promotion. The only parts of BJJ that are even applicable the majority of the time is no-gi, which could even be argued isn't BJJ anymore. It's infuriating the amount of techniques that are attributed to BJJ, yet predated its existence. Thats like all of them. Nearly every major submission technique utilized in MMA today predates BJJ. It's significance to the martial community is wildly overblown bullshit puffed up by authoritative mouth pieces that have little to no unarmed fighting experience.

        • 10 months ago

          Man you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

          BJJ is just good marketing? So the UFC has seen a ton more BJJ than Judo purely because of marketing? You would think there would be elite judokas who would love to join the UFC and sweep the competition, and you would think the UFC would love to bring them in for the exciting fights, but no, marketing stops this. Wtf, makes no sense.

          >knockouts count for the overwhelming majority of wins in every MMA promotion
          Blatantly false. Where did you get the absurd confidence to say this? Knockouts are not even a majority of wins in the UFC, much less an "overwelming" majority.

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