Im depressed and Im afraid my girlfriend will notice and leave me.

I’m depressed and I’m afraid my girlfriend will notice and leave me. The image I’ve always purported to her is that I’m tough, fearless and confident. If she knew about this then the image I have cultivated would crumble and I don’t even know how she would perceive me as a person. She’s extremely beautiful and I don’t even know why she’s with me. I’m not even pedastilising, I’m being objective.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Go on /adv/ moron.
    Maybe lift more you huge pussy.
    Why would you be with a woman you can never just be yourself around? It’s one thing to be a man but it’s another to just craft a whole personality around someone else. It’ll be draining and not worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      The red pill told me to never expose any weakness to women

  2. 2 years ago

    That’s why you’re supposed to be yourself. That way you can open up about things like this without feeling like you will be judged. Should’ve been that way from the get-go. Dump her and start over.

    • 2 years ago

      My sense of self fluctuates a lot. It didn’t feel like I was putting on an act when I first met her, and those were the conclusions that she came to about me. That I wasn’t like her feminine beta friends and that I was different, exciting, confident, etc and then when my sense of self starts to fluctuate I don’t feel that those traits accurately reflect me and I become extremely insecure and dull. I don’t even want to see her when I’m like this, she would notice.

      • 2 years ago

        Either man up and show your true self to her or move on and build the confidence to do it for someone else.

        • 2 years ago

          >Either man up and cry so she leaves you or leave her and hopefully find another girl 4 years later and repeat this process again
          Amazing advice.

          • 2 years ago

            I didn’t realize OP was hopeless without the roastie. My bad. Yeah if she’s your only chance of the girlfriend ever then probably don’t leave her.

            • 2 years ago

              On paper things look good with me. I’m 6’0, in good shape, gonna compete i. My first boxing bouts, have good lifts, have a good degree, have a good job and I can be charissmatic when I’m going through one of my good periods but when I feel low and negative the emotions really, really amplify and cripple me. I have serious self esteem issues and I don’t want to go to therapy because it would make me feel so weak.

            • 2 years ago

              Bro, he posts on IST and has been with the girl for 9 years. Straight up throwing that homie to the wolves.
              Regardless, telling men to show weakness around women is really bad advice. Do you know how I know it's bad advice? Because women give it and women are fricking moronic. They don't want men that are emotional. They say they do, but they also say they like "dad bods".
              There is no upside. Women do not understand how men think or how we deal with our problems. They will just tell you to try some new age pagan witch doctor shit they saw on tiktok and then tell you to pay some other woman hundreds of dollars an hour to listen to you talk and also not solve your problems. Then after she convinces you to drink chlorophyll to get out the "toxins", she will leave.
              Get your hormones checked and never, ever talk to women about your problems.

        • 2 years ago

          I’d rather try and work out my personal issues, get back into my “mojo” and resume from there. It’s just hard right now because she can definitely sense something is up and I’m not behaving the same way I used to.

          How long have you been with her? How serious are her feels for you?

          I’ve been with her 5 months and she has pretty serious feelings. I’m her first ever boyfriend. I dont like to say it but it definitely feels like love, after having sex we willl just cuddle and stare at eachother and smile for ages, shit like that. Lately with the funk that I’ve been in it doesn’t feel the same though, I feel like I’m lacking that vitality that she was initially attracted to. I go through periods where I feel like I have nothing really to say to people, and I can’t articulate myself well. Mostly when I’m depressed. I’m afraid she’ll notice.

          • 2 years ago

            >5 months
            That's not that long, might be a gamble to say something tbqh. Then again, if you're her first bf it's probably a lot safer.

            On paper things look good with me. I’m 6’0, in good shape, gonna compete i. My first boxing bouts, have good lifts, have a good degree, have a good job and I can be charissmatic when I’m going through one of my good periods but when I feel low and negative the emotions really, really amplify and cripple me. I have serious self esteem issues and I don’t want to go to therapy because it would make me feel so weak.

            >I don't want to go to therapy because it would make me feel so weak
            Anyway, open up to your gf and hope she helps and consoles you. If she leaves you, then you're really going to need therapy.

      • 2 years ago

        How long have you been with her? How serious are her feels for you?

        • 2 years ago

          She means a lot to me. We’ve been together for 9 years. I even stayed with her after she cheated on me. I love her.

          • 2 years ago

            Wtf? You’ve never been depressed in the 9 years you’ve been together? After a decade how do you not know every last detail about each other?

            • 2 years ago

              I always had ups and downs but it was never this bad till now.

  3. 2 years ago

    yeah, femoids dont like it when you dont have all of your shit together nomatter what they say, its evolutionary biology. Ok maybe smaller stuff is ok or maybe that you frame it as it is under control but you need to work on stuff.

    Use extended family, friends and therapists

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