I'm fat and I have a girlfriend

What's your excuse?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Im obnoxious with a mid face

    • 1 year ago

      I'm very fit and athletic, that's my excuse.

      I don't interact with girls outside of work.

      that's no excuse. talk to women. now

      • 1 year ago

        Which women? Where?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't want to. Women are ugly and fat and dumb. They can't woo me with either their looks, nor their mind or character.
        I'd jump out of a moving car to talk to a outstanding woman if I saw one. I haven't seen one in over a decade. And even then she was just very pretty and enjoyable, sadly had some issues all women have that prevented her becoming a good wife and mother.

        • 1 year ago

          >They can't woo me with either their looks
          That means you're gay...

          • 1 year ago

            you are a pussy if you think thats the only reason or even the first reason.
            Women are fat and let themselves go so visually they area fricking mess.
            Now young girls that still haven't gotten fat and haven't fricked up their body through all the abuse they put it through....

  2. 1 year ago

    I'm very fit and athletic, that's my excuse.

  3. 1 year ago

    I don't interact with girls outside of work.

  4. 1 year ago

    I don't want to be fat

  5. 1 year ago

    Lets see your girlfriend

    • 1 year ago

      Trick number 1 for getting a gf:
      don't post pics of women without their consent on IST

      • 1 year ago

        Then cover her face and any identifying details.

      • 1 year ago

        we get it, her fat blob body wont fit into a picture

  6. 1 year ago

    women under 8/10 are invisible to me

  7. 1 year ago

    I am also fat and have a girlfriend. My goal is to lose weight and get buff to get mires from other ladies and to keep her in my pocket through seething jealousy + I get to frick her harder the stronger I get.

    • 1 year ago

      you are a shitty person. kys

      • 1 year ago

        Owchies, my feelings! QQ

    • 1 year ago

      that is a noble goal,

      you are a shitty person. kys

      your gf will thank you for it

  8. 1 year ago

    I haven't found a gf yet that wants to frick me and my wife, just me. That's my excuse. :c

  9. 1 year ago

    I'm uninterested in most people especially women. Nature has played a trick on you anyways, all the beauty belongs to men no homo.

  10. 1 year ago

    >no labia
    There's no female bad enough to deserve the punishment of being with me

    • 1 year ago

      Yes there is. I've met c**ts that deserve worse.

    • 1 year ago

      >no labia
      are you transgender

  11. 1 year ago

    I need to feel confident, and true confidence is only attained through effort and achievements. Need to be fit and do well in my job.

  12. 1 year ago

    >whats your excuse
    i dont feel like lowering my standards just to have a "gf"
    my standards arent even that high, if she has a 5-6 face with a skinny body that would be enough for me

  13. 1 year ago

    I'm not financially fit enough to support myself entirely, let alone another person and our eventual child. I'm also not emotionally mature enough, or maybe rather I'm not emotionally healed enough to 1, love someone else unflinchingly, but also to let myself be loved. People expressing affection for me males me feel sick. It makes me want to run away, makes me wish they'd just forget about me. I don't know why, but I just can't handle it. I can love, I can feel bottomless loyalty to someone, but those feelings reciprocated, even a fraction of them, I just can't take it. I'll probably never be alright and I'm coming to grips with that.

  14. 1 year ago

    my excercise as of lately consists exclusively of tossing around my girlfriend.

  15. 1 year ago

    Life is hell bros.
    > ex-gf who I am so madly attracted to yet have sleepless nights over how she hurted me
    >There are literally 5 girls who I see regularly who do the "look at me I exist, validate my existance".
    > I'm 23 and getting older everyday. Still not married and it will take atleast 4 years before I can afford a house

    I just want someone I am attracted to and for that person to be attracted to me. I hate myself because I whine I don't have a girlfriend while I could (probably) have 5. Is it true you can fall in love with someone when you get to know them better? Is love on first sight a meme (like the case of my ex-gf) or is it stupid to lead someone on into a relationship who doesn't make your heart jump through hoops?

    • 1 year ago

      My experience with women is that the best they can give is presented early on and then tapers off and gets worse and worse.
      I'v never, NEVER seen things improve over time, only degrade.
      Yes that applies to girls that seemed perfect soul mates and that I wanted to marry and have 10 kids with. They all just get worse with time, never better. Even maintaining what they are when you meet them is massive feat for women.

      • 1 year ago

        This. I’m glad you posted this, I’ve been wondering if I was doing something wrong. Other than me catching feels for them. I guess this is just natural for most of them.


        Life is hell bros.
        > ex-gf who I am so madly attracted to yet have sleepless nights over how she hurted me
        >There are literally 5 girls who I see regularly who do the "look at me I exist, validate my existance".
        > I'm 23 and getting older everyday. Still not married and it will take atleast 4 years before I can afford a house

        I just want someone I am attracted to and for that person to be attracted to me. I hate myself because I whine I don't have a girlfriend while I could (probably) have 5. Is it true you can fall in love with someone when you get to know them better? Is love on first sight a meme (like the case of my ex-gf) or is it stupid to lead someone on into a relationship who doesn't make your heart jump through hoops?

        I’m still figuring out what love really is. But no love at first sight doesn’t exist. How could you love someone you know nothing about? Who you’ve never bonded with. That’s lust anon. You lust at first sight not love. There’s a few things I do have a rough idea about with this though.
        First is that love for us, men, is natural. It’s easy for us to love. Love is also a choice. A relationship is not going to be perfect 24/7. We have to choose to love through the hardship. And if it’s real it’s easy to choose to love. Best I could do is give an example.
        Your wife has your kid, isn’t really thin after, life with her and the baby has been hell and then you guys have a fight or argument that’s not getting resolved. The next day your 23 year old co worker is hitting on you. You’re human you’re a man, you would like to frick her. No one would even know, she’s leaving the company in a week. But you choose not to because of your family.
        If you can still tell each other “I love you” during or after a fight, even when it’s still ongoing.

        Something I heard that’s always rung true to me though, the “love” we need from women is respect. And it’s far better that we LIKE them, because the love comes naturally for us. It seems getting respect from a woman, and actually liking a woman as a man, are rare things that are also the most important things. The love is natural if you’re fricking and cuddling often.

        • 1 year ago

          >This. I’m glad you posted this, I’ve been wondering if I was doing something wrong. Other than me catching feels for them. I guess this is just natural for most of them.
          No it's so common that is' almost their destiny and you'd do well to plan around it.
          Again some rare, very rare exception exist, where the woman maintains or lmao gets better than when you met her.
          But all the women I'v dated and been in relationships for years with are best starting off and things get worse over time gradually.
          I know men who have stayed the same or improved, it's not super rare, not common either but something you can reasonably expect.
          With women? None. None with my personal experience, none that I know from friends of friends.
          Even if as the years pass and you get more memories together and build a certain fondness and familiarity. Women just degrade in looks, in character, in keeness of mind.
          One could say it's my fault for picking, or my fault for not mentally manipulating a woman to stay better. But that mindset implies the woman is never going to be somebody you can trust or rely on. A meat puppet incubator that you have to moronhandle for the coming decades to have a productive familiy together. What a horrible idea. I don't want to accept it, but at the same time I haven't had success and am stuck trying to find something "stable" in many sense of the word.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks anon what you're saying sounds real to me
          >The love is natural if you’re fricking and cuddling often
          My ex intentionally deprived me of any physical touch among many other cruel things. I guess what I learned was that evil exists. I had never experienced evil before in my life and never on a personal level like that. I had nightmares how I would spend many more years with her and eventually of course ending up divorced and just having someone who knows you in and out making your life a living hell as the sole purpose of their life. Deep down in my heart I am glad we broke up, but that is burrowed beneath a heap of big rocks such as "will I ever find true love?" "Am I worthy of love?", and simply missing the good times with her.

          You talked about respect. The thing is I just don't respect myself at the moment (I have good hope this will change though). I am old (so I think), no girlfriend, no real money on the bank, no job, failed my graduation semester of my Bachelor's twice (was during and after the relationship), developed a porn addiction (never even watched it before), went back to playing videogames after quitting for 1.5 years.

          On the bright side through all of this I have found God. He loves me where I can't. He forgives me where I can't.
          I have genuinely found joy in computer programming. I count that has an extraordinary blessing to be able to do work and actually like the work. I want to get a job in it. I think it will help me get meaning in my life and rid me of the addictions.

          We'll make it one day I guess. Perhaps I will remember these years as the most meaningful and necessary of my life. I don't know. I have hope that I will find love, am worthy of love, and my life will not be one that involves divorce. I will never give up on that dream.

          • 1 year ago

            not that anon but
            You could always be me. I love and respect myself. But others don't. Mainly because I lived up to my values that I consider important. But those values aren't what other people consider important, thus they don't give me respect or like me.
            I essence I have completely forsaken approval or disapproval of others to fully chase and receive my own.

            • 1 year ago

              I understand what you are saying but I am afraid that that will just lead me to watch porn and play videogames for the rest of my life because I feel like I deserve love.
              I think the things that are generally approved by the masses are things that are good for us. I think you and I both just had bad experiences with women who simply weren't in for the best interest for us, perhaps even for the worst interest for us, which in that way reverses any good and positive action you do into a negative and shameful action.

              The thing is also that I can find no higher meaning in life than love. I simply can't fulfill that meaning without others.

              I sincerely wish you well. And I hope that you won't give up on finding true love.

              • 1 year ago

                >I think the things that are generally approved by the masses are things that are good for us
                Absolutely false and I'm brave enough to say so.
                >body positivity
                >acceptance of trannies and gays in society
                etc etc, just because the majority is doing it, does not in any way give you a guarantee that it's good. it just means it's accepted as the norm right now and wont get you in trouble with the group right now.
                at one time it was the norm to do human sacrifices and burn witches.
                >The thing is also that I can find no higher meaning in life than love. I simply can't fulfill that meaning without others.
                well my stance is that family and kids is the best. But failing that, there is a secondary option of building and discovering. Creating things gives lot of fufillment even if it's not a family.

              • 1 year ago

                I mean I agree with the body positivity stuff. But that's just people trying to be politically correct. Ask any bloke on the street what he REALLY thinks about that stuff and he'll tell you it's rubbish. What I meant were things like
                >get educated
                >get a job, and be a professional in it, don't be late, work a little extra, etc.
                >practice sports/lift weights
                >get married
                >get kids
                >see your family atleast once a week

                I think these are things anyone would find wise, good for you, and approve of them.
                But then what happened to you and me is a woman came along who hated us and shamed us for doing all these things. I am just worried for you of what you said here

                not that anon but
                You could always be me. I love and respect myself. But others don't. Mainly because I lived up to my values that I consider important. But those values aren't what other people consider important, thus they don't give me respect or like me.
                I essence I have completely forsaken approval or disapproval of others to fully chase and receive my own.

                it feels like you do not trust anyone anymore because you tried trusting someone before and they screwed you over. I'm just trying to say that she/them isn't every person. She just had the worst interest in mind for you. If you, based on that experience, completely forsake any approval or disapproval of others you are probably missing out on creating good friendships, accepting advice from people that DO actually care about you, and remaining hopeful that not all women are evil. I know it's hard to trust. Even for myself writing this. But don't give up on finding true love. Don't stop imagining what it would look like, feel like, be like. Remain hopeful, just like you were the first time you fell in love.

              • 1 year ago

                >I think these are things anyone would find wise, good for you, and approve of them.
                You can pick and choose from anything, it doesn't make it a good sources.
                For example, some religious book. I'm sure anybody can find something that is sensible and good in it. But it also has shitloads of moronic shit that we dont follow.
                So the source is trash. Because we just pick and choose what we follow anyway.
                Same with "mass approved" shit.
                We pick and choose what we find reasonable and ignore moronic shit that slips through and pretend the source is "good".
                >it feels like you do not trust anyone anymore because you tried trusting someone before and they screwed you over.
                I highly valued friendship, romantic connection, human oriented connections in general. I tried to foster them and put them first my entire life. The results of how people treated me was highly unsatisfactory. I wasted "half" of my life doing this. I'm not going to waste my other half doing the same mistake over and over.
                You know that saying, of "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
                At what point can you keep walking over the same rake in the field and go "okay, look, if I keep doing this nothing different is going to happen"
                If I'm by myself I gain hope. I'm happy.
                I will be the very best of what I think is good, I will bloom the best I can on my own. But I wont put any effort to reach out to people, not any more, if somebody finds any worth, any value in me, in what I believe, in what I'm going for, they can reach towards me for once in my life.
                >from people that DO actually care about you,
                The only people I can say care about me is my parents and it's only to them that I feel a duty because of this.
                >Remain hopeful
                No, I grieved enough.
                >just like you were the first time you fell in love.
                Emotionally I can, rationally I know I shouldn't.

              • 1 year ago

                Not him but have you tried doing volunteer's work? Perhaps for a homeless shelter or for a more personal experience assisting people paralyzed from the neck down in attending their classes in school?
                I am not trying to denounce the things you are saying as if you are lying or that it isn't indeed a very tough situation. But I cannot imagine you assisting someone because you want to, for no charge at all, and that person not appreciating your help at all.

                I know that what I am describing can feel like reaching out towards others instead of someone reaching out towards you but perhaps through this you will not be treated highly unsatisfactory.

          • 1 year ago

            I’m the guy that says good morning to each sir I see.

            But a bigger strike against me is my schizoid and autistic behavior. I wonder how I got this way and if I wouldn’t have turned out a low inhibition Chad if I’d been raised better.

            > I have genuinely found joy in computer programming. I count that has an extraordinary blessing to be able to do work and actually like the work
            Pretty based. I wish I had money to retire on so I could do research into computer engineering and advance the field for my own interest (and profit)

          • 1 year ago

            >We'll make it one day I guess. Perhaps I will remember these years as the most meaningful and necessary of my life
            same here
            let's make it happen, anon

  16. 1 year ago

    Because I'm lifting to get a cute femboy uke

  17. 1 year ago

    Women aren’t fun to be around so I don’t stick around after sex

  18. 1 year ago

    i literally don't know how to talk to women

  19. 1 year ago

    I had one a year ago while fat. I dumped her to get shredded and focus on myself. I want to look good during sex, not be a fat frick and put the woman in with through that.
    Also I left her because she was a b***h.

  20. 1 year ago

    They seem to lose interest the moment I start talking.

  21. 1 year ago

    I only attract unattractive (to me) girls, girls I'm attracted to are not interested

  22. 1 year ago

    How tall are you? What's your Norwood status? What's your race and dick size?

  23. 1 year ago

    No social media.
    If you dont have instagram the following happens:
    Woman thinks it's a MASSIVE redflag and ghosts you.
    Woman dates you but cucks you through it since you can't see what she does there.

  24. 1 year ago

    I hate women

  25. 1 year ago

    I hate myself

  26. 1 year ago

    I'm afraid of rejection.

  27. 1 year ago

    I'm a loser/tism/spergtism

  28. 1 year ago

    All it takes is talking to enough girls

  29. 1 year ago

    Traumatized by my ex into homosexuality, I miss vegana but a hole's a hole and cis women are terrifying

  30. 1 year ago

    I'm autistic and have 0 emotions besides anger, but that anger is only really a thing when I'm online

  31. 1 year ago

    Touch of the tism, likely

  32. 1 year ago

    I don't have a gf but I frick urs behind ur back fatty

  33. 1 year ago

    now that I'm sober my socialisation skills have diminushed and keep getting worse. At least I'm attractive tho.

  34. 1 year ago

    I bet she's ugly n fat too

  35. 1 year ago

    I'm tall, fit and modestly attractive but I'm an uneducated NEET and lack the sociopathy to wrap delusional girls around my finger.

  36. 1 year ago

    I don't even know anymore

  37. 1 year ago

    I don't want a fat girlfriend

  38. 1 year ago

    Don't want one.

  39. 1 year ago

    I'm already a wizard and it seems like too much effort. Don't see the point anymore

  40. 1 year ago

    i post frogs on a panamanian money laundering forum

  41. 1 year ago

    I used to live in a nightmare with a stress of life and death everyday and I've only just started to re-socialise myself.

  42. 1 year ago

    I'm short

  43. 1 year ago

    I dislike 99% of women

  44. 1 year ago

    My interest in women is about the same level as women are interested in men.

    This means I don't put in effort, and unlike women, when men don't put in effort, they don't get results.

  45. 1 year ago

    how fat? do you have money? are you atractive even with that fat?

  46. 1 year ago

    No chin, no height, small dick, shit genetics. I've lost all hope in life

  47. 1 year ago

    i don't want a girlfriend, i just wanna frick.

  48. 1 year ago

    Yeah? I'm fat, got a girl I knew for 3 weeks to go topless and make out with me in a cruiseline cabin full of people. And I'm still a virgin.
    My excuse is I'm not ready for a relationship until I've finished my struggling and then the Lord will send the right woman my way.

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