I'm gonna be 26 in a few months and recently first time in my life I noticed this "I'm getting old" feeling.

I'm gonna be 26 in a few months and recently first time in my life I noticed this "I'm getting old" feeling. Like I feel my bones are not as strong as before, my body is not as flexible. Very minor difference yet but I still feel it.
Is there any 40+ anons? How is live up there? How hard it is to not become fatty when you hit 40s?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Get ur test levels checked (only responded because of adam Jensen image)

    • 12 months ago

      Based I might play it again. I only play one game or two a year and that particular one really impressed me.

      don’t give up op as you get older it takes more research and planning because your body can’t tank as much shit. personally I’ve changed my nutrition and put in a lot of time into trying to make sure my body needs everything it needs to heal and maintain itself. I don’t do anything drastic like cutting out all unhealthy food, but I make sure my body gets what it needs. that’s my main tip.

  2. 12 months ago

    >getting old
    Take care of your health with nutrition and exercise and you will be fine into yours 40s. After that problems start coming up. But the healthier you are the easier it is. Don't slide into complacency

  3. 12 months ago

    It's in your head

    • 12 months ago

      Doofus here, what's BEE?

      • 12 months ago

        It stands for BEEyourself

        • 12 months ago

          Thanks anon, I needed that chuckle.

      • 12 months ago

        basal energy expediture. kids have it high because of growing.

  4. 12 months ago

    I was feeling that at 10

  5. 12 months ago

    I'm 37 and so far it seems to me that your strength and energy (both physical and mental) can stay more or less the same if you don't let yourself go. Stay physically active, sure hit the gym but also do sports because it's fun, spend time in nature and don't just watch movies and tv try to make your non-physical hobbies engaging as well - play video games for example (but not video games which are basically watching a movie while pressing the x button) or even better play boardgames.

    I had numerous friends from college who succumbed to the sedentary lifestyle, and it's so sad to see - they got so used to doing basically nothing that all they ever want to do is watch movies and shows, eat, and go to work. They don't even want to go out for drinks or to the concerts. So that's why most of my friends now are 10-15 years younger than me and my wife but people our age are just so boring you wouldn't believe it.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm 31 and kind of feeling the same. I recently started hanging out with a group of people who are a few years younger and it's wild how much more fun these homies are. Rock climbing, camping, skateboarding. I love my other group of friends but holy shit all they like to do is drink and watch movies/netflix.

      • 12 months ago

        It's not about how old you are. Some people are boring even as teenagers. Granted, people do tend to become more boring as they age and especially once they get married/have kids/have a 9-5, but not necessarily.

  6. 12 months ago

    1980 here, I'm a CSM in the Infantry in my country's Army. I started feeling 'old' when I was in Afghanistan for my 4th deployment in 2010 when I was 30.

    The anti coalition militia in the area had lugged this 14.5mm russian anti aircraft machinegun up a mountain just to shoot at our patrol and they opened up on us when we were on the side of a mountain out in the open on a slope made of rocks and gravel.

    There was this 200m stretch of open ground going from where we were pinned down up to a qalat and we were peeling guys one at a time while we layed down a base of fire. I sent my MAG58 gunner up first so he could set up in cover at the other end and I took his pack so he could get up there quicker.

    The incoming fire stopped and everybody peeled to cover safely only when I got up to run with two fricking packs on the c**ts started ripping into me with a whole new belt. I remember sprinting as hard as I could, legs burning with lactic acid with the ground exploding around me and I felt like I was going nowhere.

    Granted I had approximately 60kg of shit on my back but that was the first time it properly hit me that I wasn't young anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      Didn't even need to say you were a csm, we can tell long winded ass homie

  7. 12 months ago

    I'm 33 and in the best shape of my life. I don't know your feel.

  8. 12 months ago

    I'm 37. I turned into an absolute circle until the last three months. I'm almost as strong as I was in my 20's. The biggest change I've noticed is sleep quality and quantity and recovery time. I was able to sleep more soundly and longer when I was younger which made recovery much faster. I used to workout everyday and could workout several hours every day and be alright. Currently I workout 2 solid hours and im spent until the next workout. I space my workout days to be every other day to account for that.

    Otherwise it's not too bad. I see guys older than me in the gym who are in better shape then I ever have been so I'm pretty hopeful for the future.

    I think it comes down to attitude and what you are willing to sacrifice for your most optimal gains. I'm willing to sacrifice more today than I did when I was younger so I think I'll end up being in better shape than I was 10 years ago.

  9. 12 months ago


    At 36 you'll understand how young 26 really is.

    • 12 months ago

      you look about 50 tho?

      • 12 months ago

        I never said I was 36, numb nuts. I am just saying when you're 36 you'll see 26 as young, and when you're 40 plus like me, super young.

  10. 12 months ago

    I turn 37 in a month. I started lifting 2 years ago and haven't felt this good since I was 15. I've probably been over BMI 25 once or twice, but for the most part I've just been skinnyfat. Still am, but with slightly more muscle. I some ways it's easier to do the work now (various distractions lose their allure as you age). In other ways it's harder. I have two kids, and the time you spend in the gym pretty much guarantee you sacrifice an hour playing vidya or whatever.

    But in all honestly, I don't see why one should worry about ones health at least until your 70s. My mother turns 60 next year and is more active than ever playing various sports and go on hikes and shit. You might have to be a bit more careful doing some things, but it's insane how some (particularly americans) seem to think it's completely normal to be a walking pill box by the time you hit 35. And sure, you can always get sick with cancer and shit and be generally unlucky, but honestly you should be able to make changes now so that your overall health condition won't be of any concern for decades to come.

  11. 12 months ago

    I'm 40 and fitter than I've ever been

  12. 12 months ago

    >I'm gonna be 26 in a few months and recently first time in my life I noticed this "I'm getting old" feeling. Like I feel my bones are not as strong as before, my body is not as flexible. Very minor difference yet but I still feel it.
    Have you tried lifting? You're radiating b***h homie energy

  13. 12 months ago

    I'm 42 and I feel weaker than at my prime. I lift less, pure and simple. As another anon mentioned sleep quality and duration worsens as you get older, which also affects your hormones, including test levels, and makes your cortisol soar. I have gained about 3kg of pure fat this year from doing the exact same things I got away with 10 years ago (munching on crisps in the evening, drinking beer to cope with tfwnogf etc). You HAVE to be more ont op of your diet as you age or you will gradually get fatter.

    • 12 months ago

      >As another anon mentioned sleep quality and duration worsens as you get older
      The changes in sleep quality associated with aging are due to lifestyle changes, not directly because of some unavoidable biological process. With you it's stress caused by a lack of satisfying social life

  14. 12 months ago

    Black person you should be feeling even stronger and more flexible and athletic than any ohter point in your life.
    Take care of yourself

  15. 12 months ago

    Diet. Stop eating meat Black person.

  16. 12 months ago

    Take HGH, TB 500, BPC 157, NMN, and Testosterone

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