I'm joining the Marine Corps soon, how do I get?

I am 6 foot three and weigh 150 pounds. I am underweight and weak and it shows. However, I have been doing pretty decent job at the PTs we've been having on the weekends, with the exception that I can't complete a really good solid push up and I can't do any pull-ups. I have Meps in less than a week, and assuming I can pass, I will ship out to bootcamp on the 28th of August.

Basically, do you guys have any advice for me on how I can get strong enough within a month in order to survive marine boot camp? And what specific exercises should I do to improve my upper body strength enough in order to do several proper pull ups. Thanks a bunch.

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  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      are da joos in the room with us, right now, senpai?

      • 11 months ago

        hopefully not

    • 11 months ago

      >Govt spent an extra 40B from previous years in preparation for Russia
      >Dude still thinks the US gives a shit about Israel even after denouncing BB many times

  2. 11 months ago

    >joining the corps under biden
    you are actually dumb as frick enough to be a jarhead
    >I can't complete a really good solid push up and I can't do any pull-ups
    What the frick? Is this a joke? You need to cancel MEPS and reevaluate your whole life. And i'm not joking

    • 11 months ago

      >you are actually dumb as frick enough to be a jarhead
      explain lol
      >I can't complete a really good solid push up and I can't do any pull-ups
      Neither can a lot of recruits, the bar has fallen in recent years to the point where half of the up-and-coming recruits are skinny shits like me or short women.

      • 11 months ago

        Marine Corps has always been the dumbest branch of the military for enlisted. But tough and brotherhood and all that. The military as a whole is the wokest and weakest it has been since the 70's. Why are you joining? Literally just go to community college for a two year degree and work on getting actually fit and then rethink joining. The fitness you have now is GOING to get you hurt in boot and you will have to roll back several times IF you even get that far.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes but 40% off college tuition and quirky comsci certifications and being literally just Reserves got me going wild fr fr

          • 11 months ago

            You sound kind of moronic and are 100% going to get rolled but I'll help since you seem like a Doofus with heart in the right place

            Get as much chicken, milk, salads, and fish as you can possibly eat from now until you report. Every single day do a 5 sets of max pushups with 2 minutes break in between sets. That means you do as many pushups as you can in a row and thhen wait two minutes then do that four more times. in the evening do that same thing with bicep curls since you can't do a pull up. with the curls, instead of taking a two minute rest drop into a plank and hold that until failure. then do that four more times.

            Also watch the boot camp YT videos and shit. full metal jacket and hacksaw ridge have accurate boot scenes and are good films in general

            ask me any more questions if you have them

            • 11 months ago

              Thanks for being helpful, dude! I will follow these things steps religiously from now on. But I also wanted to ask, is biking a good cardio workout if I want to get better at running? There is a lot of running and jogging in the marines so I want to see if that would be a viable option to improve myself.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah it's pretty good but it's not as good as running of course. Also MEPS is now a b***h to get through so make sure you know what your doing in terms of medical history etc

                THE BEST cardio for boot is sprints up and down stairs, running on the beach, and running on outside trails. Bike once a week and do the running twice a week. i would do the pushups ,planks and curls every single day (maybe sundays off at most) until boot. hope that helps

  3. 11 months ago

    If you wanna be good at pullups, do pullups. If you wanna be good at running then you need to run. What do you expect us to tell you? There isn't any magic training, just search marine bootcamp training and do that i dont know.

    • 11 months ago

      No, I understand, but I just was looking for some good recommendations for exercises and exercise routines that can help improve my upper body strength in general. Push ups and pull ups are great, but other exercises would also be nice.

      • 11 months ago

        Look, your increases in strength in a month doing actual weight lifting will be negligible. You can increase your pull-up and push-up numbers in that time by doing those exclusively. For push-ups I'd recommend just doing them till failure 3 times a day or downloading a pushup app with a workout plan. As for pull-ups, you need to do negatives as slowly as possible. If you can do pull-ups, do as many as you can and then negatives. If you can't do pull-ups, do negatives until you can. I wouldn't expect a miracle though. You might be able to increase your pull-ups by like 4-5 in a month and push-ups by like 10-15 depending on how well you eat and train.

  4. 11 months ago

    >I can't complete a really good solid push up
    I weigh over 300lbs and am your size and I can do like 20 strict pushups

    • 11 months ago

      I can do 10-15 good push ups but the marine corps is going to ask for a lot more than just that. I know the answer is doing more push ups, but if there are any good exercises that can also build those same muscles and increase my core strength than that would be great.

    • 11 months ago

      how many pull ups can you do?

  5. 11 months ago

    >Basically, do you guys have any advice for me?
    Yes, suck on the end of a gun and pull the trigger. Imagine wanting to join the military in the year of our lord 2023, when it's been clearly established that there are never any justified, moral invasions or wars anymore.
    Go die for Israel and NATO interests if you want to moron, but the real blackpill is that no matter what you do, your dad will never be proud of you because he's probably incapable of showing any kind of emotion.
    Just because you grew up looking for the approval of some sociopathic/psychopathic masculine figure (deeply repressed), doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into one and join the legions of ZOG mercenaries who would shoot kids on sight abroad and drop drone strikes on civilians just for a check and the allure of being a ''soldier''.
    Literally nothing EVER EVER justifies joining the military in this day and age, and worse you will make your own country worse when they start shipping boat loads of war refugees into your own country.

    So, if you still want to go wage war abroad... Please just shove a barrel into your ass and pull the trigger, homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      why anyone would want to join the military in the usa is beyond me
      if you haven't been paying attention, you'll be fed poisoned drinking water at your us military base, sent to the desert to get your legs blown off and rely on charities like wounded warrior to take care of you for the rest of your life, be left in the mountains and forgotten or more than likely die for israel in the near future. All for $40k a year. If you really have no other prospects just go be a truck driver or postal worker.

      Maybe he's going as a cook or some other non combat MOS orwhatever they call it in the Marines

      • 11 months ago

        Oh nice...the ''I was just stamping envelopes in the admin office'' argument. Now where did I hear that one? Oh yeah, at Nuremberg.
        Don't be a part of the war machine, period.

        • 11 months ago

          Why would joining the Marines mean I have to commit war crimes? Especially if I am an officer or working in cybersecurity like I intend to.

        • 11 months ago

          You’re a homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        the corps trains everyone as an infantryman first


        I am 6 foot three and weigh 150 pounds. I am underweight and weak and it shows. However, I have been doing pretty decent job at the PTs we've been having on the weekends, with the exception that I can't complete a really good solid push up and I can't do any pull-ups. I have Meps in less than a week, and assuming I can pass, I will ship out to bootcamp on the 28th of August.

        Basically, do you guys have any advice for me on how I can get strong enough within a month in order to survive marine boot camp? And what specific exercises should I do to improve my upper body strength enough in order to do several proper pull ups. Thanks a bunch.

        you REALLY need to do at LEAST 10 pull ups BEFORE reporting to MEPS if you want to AVOID BAD at boot

        • 11 months ago

          Can you elaborate on what you mean by BAD?

    • 11 months ago

      Thanks homie for the enlightenment

  6. 11 months ago

    War crimes to failure

    • 11 months ago


      why anyone would want to join the military in the usa is beyond me
      if you haven't been paying attention, you'll be fed poisoned drinking water at your us military base, sent to the desert to get your legs blown off and rely on charities like wounded warrior to take care of you for the rest of your life, be left in the mountains and forgotten or more than likely die for israel in the near future. All for $40k a year. If you really have no other prospects just go be a truck driver or postal worker.

      Iraq and Afghanistan are over lol

      Maybe he's going as a cook or some other non combat MOS orwhatever they call it in the Marines

      I am primarily interested in computer science and want to get into either data networking or cybersecurity. I am also specifically joining the Marine Reserves, this means most of the time, at least after boot camp and marine training, I will be going to college and university. After several years, I will then try to enter the PLC as I intend on becoming an officer as well. I do not intend to have a long career in the military, hence why I am joining the reserves, which will afford me a shit ton of freedom to focus on my education. Plus there are a lot of cool certifications for computer science that I can get after taking various tests, which can increase how hirable I am in the civilian workforce.

      • 11 months ago

        You will be used.

        To carry weapons around until you expire. The hot-air, tin-star 'generals' at the pentagoon, couldn't lead a squad out of a wet paper bag. They only need extremely naive types, like you, as warm bodies, to hold the weapons they get kickbacks on.

        Your chances of getting an asthma-induced TBI are very high at Basic. The 'moldy barracks' syndrome is due to an HVAC system purposely underdesigned, and then undermaintained, that harbors organic material in the unfiltered air. Technically, it has a fiberglass mesh filter, but that is not enough to filter anything of consequence. No matter how much Kilz they paint on the walls, it's coming from the ducts.

        Now that you know you have a high chance of a drop in IQ at Basic and some level of permanent neurocognitive decline, do you still want to go?

  7. 11 months ago

    why anyone would want to join the military in the usa is beyond me
    if you haven't been paying attention, you'll be fed poisoned drinking water at your us military base, sent to the desert to get your legs blown off and rely on charities like wounded warrior to take care of you for the rest of your life, be left in the mountains and forgotten or more than likely die for israel in the near future. All for $40k a year. If you really have no other prospects just go be a truck driver or postal worker.

  8. 11 months ago

    have a nice day zog bot

  9. 11 months ago

    Run as often as you can, fricker. Running is most of what they make you do.

  10. 11 months ago

    Why does the military trigger IST and /misc/ so much? It's politicians that decide when and where the military goes to war. Be pissed at them and not the 20 year old trying to get his life together.

  11. 11 months ago

    wienersucking till death
    bootlicking till death
    might as well have a nice day and everybody you love now

  12. 11 months ago

    I will never understand wanting to be a marine or infantryman in 2023. You will do nothing but sit on base and you're almost guaranteed to be injured during training instead of in actual combat. Every ex-military dude I've met has had severe health problems from their time in and literally none of them have been combat related.

    Why not at least do something cool like SF or regular law enforcement?

  13. 11 months ago

    >I'm joining the Marine Corps soon
    As I combat veteran, I feel sorry for you

    • 11 months ago

      At least he can yell at strangers in bars for not thanking him for his service

      >t. non veteran that hangs around a lot of jarheads that think they're God's gift to the Earth for signing a contract and fricking hookers on some base in California

    • 11 months ago

      Kek. You people are moronic. Are the israelites in the room with up right now?

  14. 11 months ago

    Wtf, I joined in 2014 and our recruiter didn't ship people until they could do at least 10-15 pullups.
    >PTs on the weekends
    This is your problem, the majority of the work you do needs to be on your own time. If you somehow, amazingly, make it through boot camp and get to the fleet, if you just do unit PT and nothing else you'll become fat or scrawny (probably scrawny) and never get promoted.

  15. 11 months ago

    Bulk up with crayons.

  16. 11 months ago

    Former marine here. Join the Navy instead. Get a contract to be an IT/admin person. Stay in as long as possible, then claim as much as you can for VA disability.

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking welfare queen. have a nice day ZOGbot

    • 11 months ago

      Also this, navy is better in literally every way. If you go IT/nuke you have a good chance of being in A/C while you're inevitably in SEA because the servers require significant cooling, and will certify most basic shit like sec+ to get an easy 80-180k/yr job as a 4/6 and out

  17. 11 months ago

    brother you're going to survive it no matter what. We had 60lb overweight morons running 18 minute miles make it within standards. It's good to get your fitness up but you don't need to be terrified or worry about failing

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