I'm low T

How do I fix my T levels or is it over?

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  1. 1 year ago

    >workout at least 3 times a week
    >eat well
    >sleep at least 8 hours a night
    >get at least one hour of direct sunlight

    • 1 year ago

      For the sunlight, does time of day matter?

      • 1 year ago

        Prime hours are best, 10am to 4pm is the best. A good rule of thumb is mid day in the summer and hottest hour of day in the winter.

        When I sleep 8 hours I wake up tired and exhausted. I've found that when I sleep 6 hours I wake up feeling good. Will this affect my T?

        As the other anon suggested 8 hours is a good indication of deep sleep, with optimal growth hormone production. 8 hours can repair any damage caused through stress or weight training.


        >>get at least one hour of direct sunlight

        wtf does that have to do with testosterone, op wants to be a real man not a plant

        The sun is necessary for vitamin D, which regulates your hormone levels. Sun exposure = testosterone production

    • 1 year ago

      When I sleep 8 hours I wake up tired and exhausted. I've found that when I sleep 6 hours I wake up feeling good. Will this affect my T?

      • 1 year ago

        Not getting deep high quality sleep in 6 hours thats why you are less tired. Sleep deprivation will rape your test. Get 8-9 and thats it.

        • 1 year ago

          >not getting high quality sleep in 6 hours that you feel less tired.


          • 1 year ago

            Might as well be taking a nap at that point. You feel more tired after longer sleep because you body has been able to go into deeper sleep.

            • 1 year ago

              Why though, I've been sleeping longer so shouldn't that give my body more time to go into deep sleep?

              • 1 year ago

                Sleep for 8-9 hours no more, no less. Get your circadian rhythm in check. Nice warm shower in the morning with 2 minutes cold at the end. Then make sure your diet is good. Lift once a day with some cardio now and then. Do this for a few months. Thank me later.

              • 1 year ago

                Because quality is everything with sleep. If you slept for 8 hours, but it was all dreamy REM sleep, you'll feel like you only took a nap. It's all about the delta brain waves and deep sleep. If you wake up feeling groggy as shit, it means you didn't get enough sleep and you probably interrupted a very deep level of sleep

    • 1 year ago

      >>get at least one hour of direct sunlight

      wtf does that have to do with testosterone, op wants to be a real man not a plant

      • 1 year ago

        Vitamin D leads to big D

        • 1 year ago

          Are vitamin d supplements worth it or is that shit just flour?

          • 1 year ago

            Vitamin D expert here:
            >Google “vitamin d math error” and you’ll see the RDA is actually 10,000iu D3day just to MAINTAIN your D levels, not even raise them. So you’re min-dosing.
            >Take 20,000-40,000iu per DAY, with 200mcg K2 (MK-7, not MK-4) per day
            >the K2 helps prevent kidney stones by moving the D3 where it needs to go, avoiding calcium buildup (aka kidney stones)
            >if you get a kidney stone or want to be extra safe, drink some lemon juice (cut it with water, throw in some erythritol sweetener (not maltodextrin or dextrose etc, those jack your blood glucose up as bad as sugar) for a lemonade taste…the lemon juice will break up the calcium
            >in most drug stores depending on your country you’ll only find 99iu D3 pills max cause of the RDA math error, so order online where you can get 10,000iu gel caps, the easiest to take
            >You should feel more energy in general especially during the winter when you don’t get much natural sunlight
            >inb4 “but muh 30 min of sunshine instead”. This will sound made up but you can Google it: you need the sunlight to actually hit your bare skin. So sunlight through your glass windows doesn’t actually do anything (except help with your circadian clock shit), and that 30 min thing is if you’re tanning practically naked out in the sunlight daily, it’s not just your face and bare arms getting sunlight. It works but downing a few pills once a day is easier
            >you will BTFO covid if you catch it, I still haven’t caught it and I go to stripclubs and bars and shit
            >people super-dose D3 for various diseases, like 50,000-100,000iu doses, not every day but the point is you don’t have to worry about overdosing. You’d have to do like 500,000iu/daily for a year or some shit. The real concern is calcium buildup which is what the K2 is for
            t. 40,000iu/day 200mcg K2/day for like 5 years now

            • 1 year ago

              Why not mk4 k2? Is there a major difference

            • 1 year ago

              Whats the best time of day to take a vit D supplement?...if it matters thst is
              ..also is taking a vit D and K combo pill acceptable?

              • 1 year ago

                3:47 pm

              • 1 year ago

                It doesn't matter at all. Vitamin D has an extremely long half time, so you can really take it whenever you want

  2. 1 year ago

    It's over.
    Do the gene pool a favour and have a nice day

  3. 1 year ago

    >high protein diet
    >lift 3x a day

  4. 1 year ago

    What does you blood test say?
    You are most likely another loser with perfectly healthy testosterone levels who wants to blame all your shitty life problems on being "low T"

    • 1 year ago

      Exactly, I'm a fricking loser but I'm still trying my best. Feel like something is up as I dont match the characteristics of high t men

      • 1 year ago

        how do you know what some random dude's test level is?
        You dont even know what yours is but your convinced youre "low T".
        A man who is fit, good looking and has a social life has nothing to do with being "high test". He could have test levels lower than yours, the only difference is he isnt a fricking loser.
        So what happens if you get you test level checked and it turns out to be within normal healthy range?
        What will you blame your problems on then?

        • 1 year ago

          I'm also amazed how you freaks literally worship testosterone like its a miracle drug that cures every mental and social problem you have but you are terrified to inject 500mg of it and call everyone who does a "roidtroony".

        • 1 year ago

          I'm also amazed how you freaks literally worship testosterone like its a miracle drug that cures every mental and social problem you have but you are terrified to inject 500mg of it and call everyone who does a "roidtroony".

          People take the idea of a 'high t' man too literally, they're better off trying to emulate the characteristics of the 'high t' man instead of trying to literally raise their testosterone. All the suggestions for raising T aren't bad and probably should be done, but it's not going to magically fix their lives. It's the classic motivation vs discipline argument.

  5. 1 year ago

    dont stay up till 4am each night maybe

  6. 1 year ago

    Regular sleep schedule getting 8 hours a night (yes every night), no alcohol or drugs, hard exercise (preferably resistance training of some sort and good full body cardio), lots of saturated fats, sunlight or red light therapy, and taking risks (talking to hot girls, martial arts, anything ballsy)

    • 1 year ago

      I notice you muh test maxx losers never post pics of your awesome test maxxed bodies.

      • 1 year ago

        2 years of doing this, I can tell you for a fact that my hormones were fricked up in left, I feel incredibly different in right. I was smoking tons of weed, drinking, eating shit food with no nutritional value, sleeping maybe 5 hours a night going to sleep at 4am, etc. Now have energy, more vitality, more ballsy. Now please post body

        • 1 year ago

          >I can tell you for a fact that my hormones were fricked up in left
          you confirmed this with blood test or "how you felt"?
          And your test level is higher now according the lab work?
          so you changed your shitty lifestyle and went to the gym.
          All that test max bullshit likely had nothing to do with it.

          • 1 year ago

            >source?? source?! gonna need a source for that!!
            How moronic do you have to be to think that fixing a shitty lifestyle and losing weight won’t alter your test levels? No, I didn’t have blood work to confirm but I can make some educated assumptions and say that my hormonal profile has definitely changed. But no, I changed everything and no measurable difference occurred in my body, all because I don’t have “proof”. Cmon man

            • 1 year ago

              because any increase or decrease in testosterone within the normal range does frick all.
              Going from say 500 to 700 is completely unnoticeable and doesnt give any extra measureable "gains".

              • 1 year ago

                Maybe not noticeable regarding building muscles but you will notice psychological effects like confidence, libido etc

              • 1 year ago

                Unless youre clinically hypogonadal and the test increases brings you into the normal range

          • 1 year ago

            And you still haven’t posted body

            • 1 year ago

              homie I'm not even natty.
              I've done 1 gram/week test blasts and dont get all these imaginary effects you people claim to get from sunning your balls or whatever dumb shit you do.

  7. 1 year ago

    Does anyone have experience with HCG? My balls feel kinda small and I’m wondering if it’ll help that and test levels

    • 1 year ago

      HCG is great, but it will only raise your testosterone levels by like 50% maximum. What makes it so great is that you can blast roids without having to fear about testicular atrophy while you're on it.

  8. 1 year ago

    >How do I fix my T levels or is it over?

  9. 1 year ago

    >How do I fix my T levels

  10. 1 year ago

    Fix your lifestyle, especially your sleep cycle, and check for deficiencies. If that doesn't help, take HCG. If that also doesn't help, take TRT.

    • 1 year ago

      Will HCG turn me into a troony if I get off

      • 1 year ago

        No. The LH deregulation it causes is only temporary and always goes back to fully normal within a few days, contrary Leyden-desensitisation roids cause. So worst case you'll feel like shit for a few days when you get off it

        • 1 year ago

          It doesn't matter at all. Vitamin D has an extremely long half time, so you can really take it whenever you want

          Thank you

          3:47 pm

          Kys u unfunny not helpful gay

  11. 1 year ago

    >get 80-100g fats in your diet daily.
    >only jerk off once a week at max.
    >sleep at the same time every night and get at least 7 hours a day in a cold pitch black room.
    >ice your testicles for 20 minutes 3 times a day.
    >do heavy compound lifts like squats and deadlifts every week.
    >avoid plastics.
    >get 5000iu vitamin D3 every day. some people need more or less but 5000iu is a fine starting point.
    If none of these work after 3 months you could also try a 2-3 month cycle of hcg to kick start your testicles. If you can't source hcg then clomid is your next best bet.

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