I'm planning on applying to law school next cycle and am studying for the LSAT right now.

I'm planning on applying to law school next cycle and am studying for the LSAT right now. Are there any Lawgays here who can tell me how hard it is to stay in shape while also studying at law school? Is there not enough freetime and how IST is the average law school student?

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  1. 6 months ago

    You know lawyers are dirt poor nowadays right? Choose another career.

    • 6 months ago

      This is a good degree for a frog. Most Internet autists should apply for jobs in the CIA and FBI and undermine globohomo.

      Also, I know attorneys and lawyers and most make good money.

    • 6 months ago

      I dunno man the one lawyer I know makes around 70000 after taxes, pension contributions, healthcare, etc. Not insane money but very comfortable. He's 28 or 29 so he hasn't been practicing for a super long time either.

      • 6 months ago

        Lawyering is like dentistry or an other "mandatory, but not really" profession.
        People absolutely need lawyers, it's mandatory. Most court systems in USA require lawyers (or mediators which often are lawyers). However the outliers are large in this field.
        Most lawyers are what are called family court lawyers, which is basic file the paperwork type lawyers and while it's okay money, it doesn't leave a lot of room for growth.
        However high paying lawyering is competitive to the point of absurdity and just because you see lawyering averages as high paying. Remember that's because only a few are making that much more.
        Like all things the average is much difference than the median pay.

        • 6 months ago

          He is a state prosecutor.

      • 6 months ago

        70k is utter dogshit for a lawyer lol

        • 6 months ago

          No state taxes unmarried. Single person healthcare probably ~400$ a month 4800 a year. Pension contribution probably about 10k. No state taxes, probably 20% from paycheck. Probably 100-110k rough ballpark total salary.

        • 6 months ago

          70k after taxes? In Canada that would mean he's making 160k a year.

    • 6 months ago

      lawyer's are not often "dirt poor" but a law degree is not guarantee very high salaries it was many years ago, especially if it's not from a top ten school. don't listen to this frick. if you are passionate about law, you should do it. no matter what you choose, some homosexual on IST is going to think you're stupid.

      • 6 months ago

        People who go into law typically have well off parents. Theyre not poor if their parents make bank

        • 6 months ago

          t. Poor

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah i have middle class parents. So what? Were not all rich like you trust fund homosexuals

            • 6 months ago

              Because you sound bitter from your very first post. Why are poor people always bitter?

            • 6 months ago

              theres no such thing as middleclass anymore moron. its either rich or poor. your parents are probably in debt up to their eyeballs and have no savings

      • 6 months ago

        i guarantee he isn't passionate about it and only wants to be a lawyer for the prestige and salary. He probably doesn't even know what lawyers actually do all day and thinks he'll be in court all the time like on tv.

    • 6 months ago

      I stayed IST in law school but not after I became a lawyer. and is right, at least 5 years ago (I changed careers so idk what it's like now). There are too many lawyers and law jobs suck. I even graduated from a T14, but the market is just bad and you have to work terrible hours for mediocre pay just to keep a job. The public interest job market is even worse in case you thought you would do that. Even if you want a low paying non-profit job those are very hard to get.

  2. 6 months ago

    Didn't know him while he was in school but the only lawyer I know is a powerlifter

  3. 6 months ago

    If you aren't a brainlet and get into BigLaw it's possible but you will not have a life whatsoever. If you aren't gunning for BigLaw then don't do law there's so many other jobs for the same salary, less work, less stress. No one gives a frick if you are a lawyer.

    t. mid level associate

  4. 6 months ago

    real version

    • 6 months ago

      what's the difference

      • 6 months ago

        no shorts

    • 6 months ago

      what's the difference

      He just poorly photoshopped the underwear away

  5. 6 months ago

    I did it. Its easy. But I also was a FT day student. First year is and should be a lot of studying, but if you enjoy lifting and training, its easy to carve out 1-2 hours every day. Just make a schedule or routine and stick with it.

    Now if for some reason you also need to work AND study AND have family duties, it might get tough. But that was not me. Just class, study and lift.


    Years two and three are evn easier as the pressure subsides somewhat. I still graduated with over a 3.5GPA and a job immediately after taking the bar.

  6. 6 months ago

    Is everyone on fit homies with rich parents?

  7. 6 months ago

    Got a 167 in 2021, got a full ride. It's pretty comfy. I workout a lot, the law school I go to is in the 50-60 range of rankings. It's a big party school. I workout when I want, frick 18 year old art major undergrads who are going to change the world, and study the rest of the time. It's pretty comfy. Most everyone are dyels. But the thing is if you ain't going T14, go for free. I intentionally got a full ride because I knew I most likely wouldn't go T14. It's going to get worse though, they are removing logic games from it because they want to flood the legal system with Black folk. So get in while you can, use your superior brain and logic games to get a full ride and enjoy. I literally have 8 different arthoes I can call up whenever to come to my STIPEND funded apartment. The school is paying me to learn law and frick hot girls. Plus my law school has strong ties to the state politicians, so look into that for your choices. Anyways, everyone else are dyels. I could easily snap them in half.

    • 6 months ago

      Also another thing. The alumni network is really important. My school is in a Midwest state. I expressed my interest in moving to the state and building a family in the state. That also helped me get my full ride. They instantly had multiple big lawyers in the state contact me, we talked about mutual interests like hunting and fishing. I kept in contact. Invited them to dinner. Got an internship. Play the biz.

    • 6 months ago

      how much stpidend do they give you for your apartment? and 167 is not even that high of a score for these kinds of freebies so are you part Black person or something?

      • 6 months ago

        Apartment is owned by the university, stipend includes the "rent" and I get money for groceries. All in all it's about $1400 a month, I end up with $400 for living expenses. And no I am white. I just played the game and had an extremely high GPA for an undergrad engineering student. I was offered full rides and full tuition from 7 universities. I used this as leverage to get a stipend from the school I go to. Midwest living is kino, I go skeet shooting with the dean and some other students once a month.

        • 6 months ago

          why did u go into law when u did engineering? law is the most braindead suicidal profession there is. with engineering u at least make stuff and the creativity has no limits

  8. 6 months ago

    Try not being a lawyer.

  9. 6 months ago

    Dunno about seppostan but you're better off here doing a policing degree then moving into prosecution and getting your law degree through them. That way you pretty much go straight into court rather than being coffee b***h for a few years and/or replaced by AI

    • 6 months ago

      I should add that this is what my mate did on the advice of his dad who is a King's Council (the most senior a lawyer can get, charges a couple grand per hour)

  10. 6 months ago

    >Are there any Lawgays here who can tell me how hard it is to stay in shape while also studying at law school?
    It's not. Most of the BUSY BUSY BUSY of law school is performative bullshit. Unless you don't actually belong there and need to truly smash your head against the books to understand the material (in which case you shouldn't have gone there idiot) it isn't actually a big deal.

    The actual career is a different story but the answer to school is just don't be a weak gay b***h who drinks the koolaid about how hard everyone there works.

    • 6 months ago

      >The actual career is a different story but the answer to school is just don't be a weak gay b***h who drinks the koolaid about how hard everyone there works.
      this but I really want to emphasize
      >The actual career is a different story
      you can be fit as a law student but being a lawyer is miserable and the stress+hours for most jobs make it hard to stay fit.

  11. 6 months ago

    Will going to law school and getting fit get me a Latina gf?

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe if you go to UT or NYU or I guess Arizona.

      • 6 months ago

        Arizona’s one of the schools on my list but I’m aiming for Boston College or Boston University

    • 6 months ago

      Law will be one of the first professions automated by AI. Go ahead if you want to burn $250k.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah but not the law that actually matters and makes bank. AKA cleaning up messes for wealthy people. You think they're going to trust a robot to hide the fact that they accidentally killed a hooker when they were on shrooms in Wyoming last year during the company retreat? Don't think so. AI lawyers will be lawyers only for poors. AI lawyers will just be tools for actual lawyers to streamline things for the wealthy.

        • 6 months ago

          >what's the statue for driving under influence
          >you just did in 1 second what dumbass law degree jackasses learn in 6 years

          • 6 months ago

            Just... just put my damn fries in the bag anon

      • 6 months ago

        >he doesn't know ChatGPT/generative AI programs fabricate cases and statutes

    • 6 months ago

      Latinas always cheat, I don't know why you would ever want one as a serious life partner.

  12. 6 months ago

    It's really not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. The hardest part is simply getting in to law school, even the lowest score in the my graduating class got a decent job. Grades only matter if you're trying to work in like one of those top worldwide firms. Plenty of time to party, plenty of time to work out and plenty of time to have a gf etc... ESPECIALLY now that a lot of institutions have moved to a more remote learning structure.

    That being said, law is a field that is on the decline and it will be a field heavily impacted by the development of more sophisticated A.I.

    You also don't need to necessarily work in big firms to make a lot of money, the best thing you can do is start your own practice and there will be plenty of clients available depending on your specialization. Something like family law, employment law, immigration law will always have more clients than lawyers can handle.

    Also don't listen to the idiots saying the school matters, again it matters if you have specific firms with specific hiring practices but all that matters is the ability to say you have a degree, the rest is up to your networking.

    I highly advise you to work several different jobs while you're in school in order to meet and network with as many people as possible. I worked at a restaurant and always kept tabs on lawyers making sure they knew I was in law school and I got many offers "call me when you graduate" and one of those offers lead to my first job.

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