I'm quitting smoking. Did anyone here use nicotine gum? Did it work for you?

I'm quitting smoking. Did anyone here use nicotine gum? Did it work for you?

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  1. 8 months ago

    now I chew gum between cigs

  2. 8 months ago

    Used the gum used the lozenges used the patches. None of it worked. I'm convinced gsk just got the fda just got the call them "cessation aids" so they could sell what is effectively zyn or on! at a markup and get insurances to cover it. Cold turkey worked though. It was hard for little bit and I still get cravings after 10 years but they usually fade away.

    • 8 months ago

      Did you smoke a cigarette within those 10 years?

      • 8 months ago

        Once or twice but the insidious part is I find myself craving the mini-lozenges more than cigarettes. Like you grow to prefer the slow and constant nicotine intake and what was a 32mg-40mg (8-10 cigs) a day habit becomes a 55-60mg a day habit really quick.

        • 8 months ago

          Sorry for your loss.

          • 8 months ago

            I miss her so much.

            • 8 months ago

              You people are funny.

  3. 8 months ago

    Zyn/ nic pouches. Didn't even have to try to quit anymore. Seldom have the nic pouches either anymore, just weaned off naturally

  4. 8 months ago

    >used champix
    >tried to kill myself
    >realised trying a second time would suck so didnt touch a ciggy again
    Worked out in the end, 6+ years no duzzahs
    10 posts in 20 min, still full captcha shit

  5. 8 months ago

    The truth is that all the weening off products are a scam. If you want to quit, you just need to do it.
    Anytime you get a craving, ask yourself "am I a weak little homosexual who can't control himself? Or am I a man working towards a goal who is willing to accept being uncomfortable to achieve it?"

    You will get a ton of cope responses to this from addicts, but the honest truth is that Cold Turkey is the only way. Throw everything smoking related out. Packs, lighters, etc.
    Don't go to your cigarette buying spot anymore, its dead to you. Never buy another one, starting the bad habit association with a new location.

    It will suck ass for 2 weeks. Oh well, what is two weeks really? You can't have a shitty 2 weeks?
    After that you will have no physical cravings. It will all just be lizard brain habit desire. That only gets broken through yeats of ignoring. That takes you being strong willed enough to have control over yourself.

  6. 8 months ago

    I quitted smoking by using vapes as they are intended, mixing your own nicotine with the liquids and lowering the nicotine concentration every two weeks. In two months and a half i was completely clean.
    >just quit cold turkey
    Shut the frick up moron. Nicotine withdrawal is terrible if you are a heavy smoker, you cant just cold turkey into it, you need to lower it gradually and in some cases this is not possible by just smoking one less cig because most people always relapse.
    Get a vape and gradually lower nicotine levels, its better imo

    • 8 months ago

      everyone's different, you cannot apply your own personal experience to anyone but yourself. Some people have no trouble.

    • 8 months ago

      isn't it something like 40% of vap user start using both?
      >double the pleasure

    • 8 months ago

      Cope. You lack the discipline and fortitude to quit. It's over.

  7. 8 months ago

    acid reflux speedrun

  8. 8 months ago

    Alan Carr's stop smoking worked for me. I was a pack a day smoker for years then turned into a serial bummer going through stints of buying packs. Reading that book and just listening to him and repeating what he says in my head for a few weeks made me not smoke or crave it at all.

    I work in a factory and have a family of all smokers. I genuinely don't have a desire anymore despite being constantly around it. It's been 6 months.

    It did take a few weeks after reading to finally put the cigarette down unlike what the book claims. I'm aware it's lame listening to some dead English accountant tell me what to believe but it did work.

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