I'm quitting weed after smoking almost every day for 12 years.

I'm quitting weed after smoking almost every day for 12 years. Although I don't specifically feel that weed is a problem in my life, it occurred to me there's no way to know for sure considering I no longer remember sober life (I don't drink). For all I know things could be much better, as I do indeed suffer from depression and amotivation. If any of you have any advice, experiences, or abuse, I'd love to hear it.

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  1. 5 months ago

    I'm 5 months off it. Life is still shit because I didn't work on good habits. I just walk 15k steps a day and avoid my parents. Make sure you don't sleep in until noon or later because that will make things worse and tends to happen after quitting. Also smoked for 12 years anon

    • 5 months ago

      Not sleeping in will be tough as I currently sleep from 10-12 hours. The longest break I took was a single month, and I remember my sleep improved to where I felt comfortable with 9 hours since the sleep was much more restorative. I'm looking forward to improved sleep more than anything

      • 5 months ago

        Enjoy the return of dreams. I'd say about 2 months and you'll be 90% back. The job and staying busy helps a lot. Be sure to read daily. GL anon

        • 5 months ago

          Different anon but oh shit I forgot dreams come back when you quit. I'm on and off with weed but right now I'm quitting so I can get a real job. Just today I slept in because I had this dream about this girl I see every 6 months or so. I kept going back to sleep to continue the dream and it worked. We cooked together and for some reason had a really deep conversation. Really vivid dreams are only temporary I've noticed though. And that's a good thing because you're also less likely to have terrible nightmares. Man, I still think about nightmares where I legitimately felt like prey to an apex predator. Would not recommend

          • 5 months ago

            I take T breaks once the brain fog sets in and my dreams are continuous and vivid like I'm watching a movie. I'll wake up to take a piss and let the cat out and immediately return to the same dream once I shut my eyes

          • 5 months ago

            One of the reasons I take delta-8 (tincture) is because I get night terrors, where I wake up and think I’m still in that scenario. Fricking hate waking up multiple times a night like that, especially because I’m married. I probably have ptsd from my youth, I experience some fricked up trauma. Sucks, I wish I could just go back to sleeping like a normal person.

  2. 5 months ago

    18 months into no smoking after 12 years daily
    The first two months you notice just how different sober life is, it's actually crazy how much better it is
    After 2-3 months it slowly becomes normal
    But you'll know that going back to smoking daily (or even just during the day) will mess your routine and habits up so much and make them basically impossible so there is then zero desire to smoke

  3. 5 months ago

    OP here. Should I just throw all this shit out or what? How are you supposed to dispose of vape pens w/ batteries?

    • 5 months ago

      donate to the local crackhead

    • 5 months ago

      really makes smoking weed look pretty degenerate. glad I stopped a decade ago. shit is bad for your brain.

      • 5 months ago

        that's because he is acting like a crackhead. Just have a bong and some weed, all you need


        OP here. Should I just throw all this shit out or what? How are you supposed to dispose of vape pens w/ batteries?

        why are you living like this. Put your shit in a proper box and clean your bong it's as simple as that.

        • 5 months ago

          it's all gone now anyway

          • 5 months ago

            it's over

    • 5 months ago

      Yes anon, the best way to quit any substance is get rid of EVERYTHING associated with it. Otherwise, it becomes very tempting knowing you have a stash in your house when the day comes you have a shitty work day and want to escape a bit. It's better to throw everything out. It's a little painful at first maybe, but long term it's the way.

    • 5 months ago

      Drop it off at your local train tracks in a plastic bag.

    • 5 months ago

      Throw them in the river

    • 5 months ago

      >How are you supposed to dispose of vape pens w/ batteries?
      River anon is a devious misinformer. Throw them in the ocean.

    • 5 months ago

      send that shit to me

    • 5 months ago


      I'm quitting weed after smoking almost every day for 12 years. Although I don't specifically feel that weed is a problem in my life, it occurred to me there's no way to know for sure considering I no longer remember sober life (I don't drink). For all I know things could be much better, as I do indeed suffer from depression and amotivation. If any of you have any advice, experiences, or abuse, I'd love to hear it.

      Don't throw out the weed, just keep it. But as another poster said, throw out or clean your gross paraphernalia. Keep that shit hidden.
      That said, I've quit for years/months at a time.
      >Although I don't specifically feel that weed is a problem in my life, it occurred to me there's no way to know
      You'll find out in a week, I quit for 2 weeks recently for a perspective change and tl;dr you should quit whenever you don't have your shit together. You don't need a lot of time off weed, the withdrawal (which i find interesting and useful) is over in days and you're back to normal.
      Quit weed during times in your life that you need full attention. I don't find any long-term effects personally.

      • 5 months ago

        >the withdrawal (which i find interesting and useful) is over in days and you're back to normal.
        The immediately noticeable effects wear off in days but your dopamine and hormone levels take longer to reset, the benefits of higher-quality REM sleep take longer to manifest, and your cannabinoid receptors can take months to reregulate themselves depending on how often and for how long you were innundating them with unnatural levels of exogenous cannabinoids.
        You need to go far longer than two weeks to know what life is like without the green israelite's influence.



        >so if they can feel better over time, I can too.
        You absolutely can.

        A lot of people stop for a week or a month and then think "huh life is shit without weed, might as well go back to it" not realizing that they are literally still in recovery and not experiencing the state of true sobriety yet.

        For anyone whos been smoking heavily for a decade I'd say give it 6 months to truly reset and assess the differences. It seems like a long time and it probably takes less time than that, but it's a good intermediate goal to aim for.

        Also remember like with anything, relapses don't undo the good of the abstinence that preceeded it and shouldn't prevent that which should follow. If it happens just dust yourself off and get straight back on the horse. YGMI

        >A lot of people stop for a week or a month and then think "huh life is shit without weed, might as well go back to it" not realizing that they are literally still in recovery and not experiencing the state of true sobriety yet.

        And before anyone shits themselves over my use of the word "unnatural", there is nothing "natural" about modern cannabis. It has been selectively bred and harnessed over the years to the point where it is so potent in THC that you if you ever tried naturally growing cannabis you probably wouldn't even feel a buzz by comparison.

        Modern weed is about as "natural" as a Great Dane or a Chihuahua.

        • 5 months ago

          I spent the entirety of 2022 sober and I didn't experience any of those effects. I went back on THC in 2023 for the bloodflow, better orgasms, focus, etc. and quit for a month during that while I was changing jobs and sorting out finances. I wouldn't touch it if I'm in progress of getting some shit together.

          • 5 months ago

            I think the main problem with THC is the stimulation.
            >Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
            You get a lot of brainpower but it doesn't actually translate into success. Like "I can engineer combustion engines but can't talk to women." Sometimes you get the right answers from less thinking.
            You can have 160 IQ and can run circles around people in an FPS game with your superior intellect but does it matter when you're unshaved, have 50 filled trash bags in your walkway, can't pay the bills, etc.
            If you can know when to quit, THC can be a very useful tool. Don't get high in public ever, you also can't trust other people when they're high. Communication is hard enough these days.

        • 5 months ago

          This anon makes a great point. A lot of the weed you can buy in dispensaries is full of all sorts of shit to enhance potency. Plus, the concentrates are so strong that people can burn out completely way quicker than with flower.
          I remember smoking with a buddy of mine like a decade ago and his uncle joined us for a hit or two. He tapped out and said the weed nowadays is nothing like the shit he grew up smoking in the 1970s. Now ten years later I imagine it's even more far removed from that.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't want all your gizmos but I'll take that flower and THC sugar off your hands

    • 5 months ago

      i have that same grinder 🙂

    • 5 months ago

      Can you link me to that bong with the wooden base and rubber mouthpiece? Looks awesome.

      • 5 months ago

        it's not really a bong, it's a mflb accessory.

        • 5 months ago

          Looks fricking insane. Thanks, anon.

  4. 5 months ago

    I only started last year. Im on a tolerance break rn because I don't get high like I used to. I crave it a lot walking or at the gym since thats when I would do it. I hope to make it to 21 days to fully restore my shit so I can go back to being high. Sober life isn't that distant of a memory for me, although I did drink infrequently in highschool, alone. Much prefer ganja. I would like to develop a healthy relationship with the plant though so I don't end up like a degen like everyone says I will. I'm in college and I go to the gym everyday so I'm working on bettering myself with or without cannabis, it never really got in the way of doing what I need to do but it affects everyone differently.

    • 5 months ago

      >I hope to make it to 21 days to fully restore my shit so I can go back to being high.
      Just be clear with yourself here, if you are planning on using, you are still using, even if you're on "break." Nothing wrong with that
      Recognizing that weed was having a negative impact on my life was gradual and subtle. My decision to stop is part of a larger set of decisions to improve my life, and not the single thing to turn my life around. When it comes to overcoming depression, quitting weed is like 10% of that, among things like exercise, social life, creative outlet, spiritual practice etc. So I wish you luck in building a healthy relationship with the plant, but in my experience it can be tough to gauge how negatively it impacts your life since those effects can be subtle. Be honest with yourself

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I haven't seen any neagtive affects other than money possibly. When the plug sold carts it was perfect because it would last me a month and get me faded every time. 30 dollars wasn't a bad deal for a month of enjoyment. I don't think I'll ever stop but I never did it every day, at most 3-4 times a week.

        • 5 months ago

          >I don't think I'll ever stop but I never did it every day, at most 3-4 times a week.
          Considering how long thc remains in the body, this may as well be every day. Heavy use creeps up on you which is the whole problem with the drug.

          • 5 months ago

            what do you mean? I know it shows up on a drug test for a while but don't you stop being high after like 2-3 hours? I don't feel high the next day, sometimes I feel well rested or happy but not high. Does it still affect you mentally that long after?

            • 5 months ago

              Half life of THC is like 45 days or something

              • 5 months ago

                It's 20 hours. It's that thc is stored in your fat cells and keeps releasing. The fatter you are and longer you smoked the longer thc metabolites are detectable in your urine. If you are 10%bf and constantly do fat burning cardio you will test negative far sooner than a 35%bf fatty. It's not actually the half life of the drug doing this though.

              • 5 months ago

                It's 20 hours. It's that thc is stored in your fat cells and keeps releasing. The fatter you are and longer you smoked the longer thc metabolites are detectable in your urine. If you are 10%bf and constantly do fat burning cardio you will test negative far sooner than a 35%bf fatty. It's not actually the half life of the drug doing this though.

                But isn't that just the metabolite, that isn't psychoactive. But come to think of it I did feel kinda high today during my workout even though I haven't smoked in 4 days. Is there any literature about this?

              • 5 months ago

                Huberman has 30 minutes on youtube about it

  5. 5 months ago

    i’m on day 4 after 5 years of daily use. i’m taking 4 grams of cbd a day and i’m still on the verge of suicide due to the anxiety, restlessness, and general hopeless feelings i have. it’s going to take months to fully recover from the leafy israelite. but i will be better at the end of it

    • 5 months ago

      for reference, i was running through 2g carts in 2-3 days for the last year.

    • 5 months ago

      if you need a month to recover from 5 years of daily use, is it really a dangerous drug?

      • 5 months ago

        is it really a dangerous drug if i have to use an asthma inhaler daily because i smoked for 5 years? what about the heart pain i felt?

        • 5 months ago

          not my problem

          • 5 months ago

            didn't say it was, just thought your question was dumb

  6. 5 months ago

    You'll save money by not buying it. Same with tobacco or alcohol. I'm not stopping coffee.

    • 5 months ago

      Caffeine is terrible. I’ve never felt better off of it but the thing is it’s an incredible appetite suppressant and thermogenic. Great for fat loss but wew, getting off of it is hell it takes like 5 days of having no energy. I have to make sure I’m not working when I get off.

  7. 5 months ago

    >almost every day for 12 years
    Doubt you'll ever be able to quit, especially since your brain is fried because of it

    • 5 months ago

      We'll see. My month long break wasn't too hard, but longer than that is unknown. It's possible that I've smoked myself moronic, if so that will become more clear once I can better distinguish stoned life from sober life.

      • 5 months ago

        Going sober for like a month or two is easy. Indulging a small amount like once a week is hard. That's what I'm doing with alcohol. Denial isn't sustainable.

        • 5 months ago

          For sure I could never make tapering work

        • 5 months ago

          Ive been doing a version of this where I smoke for about 1-2 weeks until my tolerance builds and then stop for about 2 months. Actually not very sustainable if your goal is to be clean most of the time. I'd prefer to switch to 1 day/2 weeks as you would be able to piss clean within 1-2 weeks reliably.

  8. 5 months ago

    Used and abused drugs for a solid ten years. Nicotine, alcohol, coffee and weed were the mainstays. Quit nicotine after going from cigs to vape to gum. Quit weed and then quit alcohol. When you stop an addiction, you generally need to replace it with something. I used green tea, sweets and fasting quite a bit and it's been effective. It's easier to give up an addiction if you're giving up everything all at once (like while dry fasting). I absolutely love being sober now. I love that I'm happy without much. I love telling people I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. It's a great excuse to avoid bad company and bad behavior. I am far more reliable and stable now. I can relate with other sober people much better. I have a bit of a PTSD type response to seeing or thinking about booze, nicotine and weed. It's like yuck, I don't want to feel like shit anymore. That's all that stuff does to you. It makes you feel like shit. You think it makes you feel awesome, but that's literally for a fraction of the time it makes you feel like shit. Everything that goes up must come down and for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So you get high in a concentrated period of time, blowing your neurotransmitters up, and then you've got to basically feel shitty enough for long enough until you can be normal again, but you keep pressing reset on the clock because using is the quickest way to not feel like shit. Not the way to live. Sober is the way.

    • 5 months ago

      based and truthpilled, happy it worked out for you anon :]

      I think the differences in body chemistry really must be big in this regard or something, I find it hard to explain to myself why/how some people can tolerate being high so often while for me it makes me basically incapable of normal not-standing-around-laughing-and-talking-nonsense activities.
      Does the body really get so adapted to such a point where it's so easy for the person not to even see the difference between their high and sober self or what?

  9. 5 months ago

    >Although I don't specifically feel that weed is a problem in my life
    >I do indeed suffer from depression and amotivation
    God damn, stoners are the stupidest motherfrickers out there.

    • 5 months ago

      I phrased it that way because I think quitting weed will not automatically solve those problems. Quitting is one of many decisions I'm making to improve my health. I don't want to set the expectation that quitting alone will make depression and amotivation go away.

      • 5 months ago

        good cause it won't

        I haven't smoked for two years straight, and only sporadically for 5 or so years prior to that because I wanted to work in an industry that piss tests often and the only difference is shit is less fun, which doesn't help depression

        I live in a legal state and there's a store 5 minutes up the street so it's not like it's enormously compelling but not smoking does make life a tiny bit worse

  10. 5 months ago

    I quit February of last year. I really didn't believe I could do it. Had been smoking an eighth a day for 16 years. $600+ a month on average. I was always afraid that if I stopped buying weed I'd lose touch with my dealers, and then I wouldn't be able to find any. The first 3 months were a bit difficult but only because I would wake up at 4:30 or 5 am every morning. For some reason I couldn't sleep til 7. Anyways, I started going to the gym every morning. Finally after that initial 3 months I was able to sleep as long as I wanted. I don't even think about weed anymore and I saved a ton of money since February.

  11. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    Weed isn't the problem
    It's issues in your development as a human being
    Marijuana itself is a nootropic and an adaptogen
    Back in the day, everyone was High all the time
    I wouldn't even call it being high, its more like being cocooned in a warm glow, a shield against the devil

    • 5 months ago

      >Back in the day, everyone was High all the time
      cannabis didn't exist in europe until the 1200's, nicotine until 1500, moron
      if you're a european, your only heritage drugs are booze, mushrooms, or opiates

      • 5 months ago

        >the year 1300 is not "back in the day"

        • 5 months ago

          >Back in the day, everyone was High all the time
          cannabis didn't exist in europe until the 1200's, nicotine until 1500, moron
          if you're a european, your only heritage drugs are booze, mushrooms, or opiates

          >the year 1300 is not "back in the day"

    • 5 months ago
  13. 5 months ago

    Thanks for sharing

  14. 5 months ago

    weed heads are worse than heroin junkies
    at least the heroin junkies zone out and are quiet
    weed heads constantly call 911 because they get schizo attacks, fricking cripples, frick off weed now

  15. 5 months ago

    I quit for 2 years and started again. Turns out weed is a net positive in my life, so I indulge. It makes me more creative and to a lesser extent productive. After the first hit I basically knew I was hooked for life, unlike other drugs I’ve tried. Quitting was a piece of cake. Made sure that I was really tired before going to sleep, only struggled a bit with low appetite. Settling back into the sober mind took some time but the brain fog should clear up in about a month, maybe longer because it’s been 12 years for you. Keep yourself distracted if needed, wishing you happiness and good luck. Obviously the depression and lack of motivation won’t suddenly disappear now that you decided to quit, but I think you’re aware of that.

    • 5 months ago

      This is good to hear man, I'm the same way. I don't want to end up addicted and dependent on it but life would be a little gayer if I couldn't smoke the occasional preworkout blunt. I think if I had other shit going on it would be less challenging to take a break from it but I persevere nonetheless.

    • 5 months ago

      Quit for 3 & started again a few years ago.
      Weed is a total net positive for me as long as I don’t don’t dumb stuff like hit a cart 5 times before at work.

      It helps me communicate with dumb people in the way that I don’t lose interest waiting for them to get to whatever point they’re trying to make.

      More so than anything though I’ve learned depression will take a worse toll on my life than any drug could ever hope to.

      As long as I’m getting big, getting paid, feel fulfilled & not being depressed; who gives a flying frick if I’m stoned 24/7?

      This is America. No one really gives a frick what drugs you do as long as you can handle your high.

  16. 5 months ago

    i smoked for 12 years since highschool i think its overall held me back. for one its alot of money i could have otherwise saved up or used on more useful things. its also alot of time spent and wasted being high which i could have otherwise spent more productively. im not one of those people who can get shit done while high i would end up just sitting around alot doing not much of anything. i also believe i was using it as a coping mechanism for long term depression that begun in highschool and 12 years later im still no closer to being any better if not being far worse off than i started. im 2 months off right now. id be close to 3 months but i hit someones weed vape at a halloween party when i was drunk. i think its too early to be sure of results i think you need to be off a long time before your habits and lifestyle change. im just going to commit tho i dont wanna be high anymore.

  17. 5 months ago

    weed is like booze. it's fine if you don't get at it too often. Problem is most people can't moderate for shit and make a habit out of smoking/drinking 'to help them relax' or some silly shit.

  18. 5 months ago

    get melatonin supplement and take it, sleep is big one
    apetite is another one, but food will stop being unappealing after a while. If possible try to eat somewhat clean. Junk food deregulates you and might make fighting cravings more difficult.
    ideally, find yourself something to do. If netflix/tv/videogames were your main pass time it might turn out you just don't enjoy that when sober.

  19. 5 months ago

    The withdrawal sucks for a few weeks. People scoff at the idea that there might be such thing, but there is and it sucks. Insomnia and irritability were the things that affected me the most. When I quit, this girl I knew kept on talking about how different I looked, and how much happier I seemed. I didn’t even tell her I had quit smoking, it was like she just saw a big change in me. Good luck bro.

  20. 5 months ago

    I've only smoked weed a handful of times and it just made me stupid, slow and confused and it also took a couple days to recover from. Wtf is the appeal? It doesn't get rid of your inhibition like alcohol or make you feel alive like coke, why would anyone want to smoke it?

    >inb4 it's relaxing
    It's not

    • 5 months ago

      people have different reactions to drugs, for example see this guy's post

      I quit for 2 years and started again. Turns out weed is a net positive in my life, so I indulge. It makes me more creative and to a lesser extent productive. After the first hit I basically knew I was hooked for life, unlike other drugs I’ve tried. Quitting was a piece of cake. Made sure that I was really tired before going to sleep, only struggled a bit with low appetite. Settling back into the sober mind took some time but the brain fog should clear up in about a month, maybe longer because it’s been 12 years for you. Keep yourself distracted if needed, wishing you happiness and good luck. Obviously the depression and lack of motivation won’t suddenly disappear now that you decided to quit, but I think you’re aware of that.

      >After the first hit I basically knew I was hooked for life
      Brains are weird man. Some people with adhd get sleepy when they take caffeine

  21. 5 months ago

    28 months sober here. No alcohol, no drugs, no cigs. I was using alcohol and drugs (including weed) as complementary substitutes for 15 years.
    The only advice i may give you is to look for some help from state anti alcohol/drug agency. Also i recommend visiting NA. For me it’s not working, but lots of people are able to stay sober mainly due to NA or AA.
    With time sobering up you will start to notice that using narcotics (including cigs, alcohol and weed) gives you absolute zero benefits plenty of bad sides.
    Also, it’s crucial to develop new, helpful rutine, habits. Sports work wonders.

  22. 5 months ago

    weed is for Black folk

  23. 5 months ago

    >I do indeed suffer from depression and amotivation
    Cannabis blows the frick out of your dopamine receptors and cannibanoid receptors. This can cause or massively exacerbate depression and amotivation. It can also take literally months for your receptors to upregulate back to normal after years of downregulation in response to unnatural amounts of cannabinoids, so don't be disheartened if you don't feel amazing straight away and don't be tempted to return to the old lifestyle if even after a month or two you feel like you "miss it". You haven't recovered by then. Give it time.

    Cannabis also increase prolactin which is a dopamine antagonist and reduces testosterone so it further exacerbates the symptoms described above but on a hormonal level. That recovers faster than the cannabinoid receptors though.

    It also absolute TANKS your sleep quality, no matter what anyone says. You get to sleep easier, you sleep for longer, but the quality is atrocious and you get all the negatives that come with a poor night's sleep.

    >t. smoked almost every day from 17 to 27
    About to turn 31 now and never felt better. I will maybe have an edible 2-3 times a year, but since I understand the mechanisms behind the Devil's Lettuce I will never go back to smoking even semi-regularly. Good luck

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks for the encouragement. During my last break I very much enjoyed getting higher quality sleep, yet sleeping for less time. I've read that even methheads can return close to their baseline level of dopamine if they stay sober long enough, so if they can feel better over time, I can too.

      • 5 months ago

        >so if they can feel better over time, I can too.
        You absolutely can.

        A lot of people stop for a week or a month and then think "huh life is shit without weed, might as well go back to it" not realizing that they are literally still in recovery and not experiencing the state of true sobriety yet.

        For anyone whos been smoking heavily for a decade I'd say give it 6 months to truly reset and assess the differences. It seems like a long time and it probably takes less time than that, but it's a good intermediate goal to aim for.

        Also remember like with anything, relapses don't undo the good of the abstinence that preceeded it and shouldn't prevent that which should follow. If it happens just dust yourself off and get straight back on the horse. YGMI

  24. 5 months ago

    I quit when I was 22-23 after smoking daily for about 7 years. I consider quitting one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Had more energy, became more clearheaded, less socially anxious and moody in general. Became way more productive and felt like my IQ had doubled after laying off it for a week or two. Weed may affect some people differently but for the vast majority of people it's definitely not a net positive. I grew up around a lot of people smoking weed, only 3 people I grew up with still smoke daily and 2 of them are mentally ill burnouts with no prospects at all. In the off chance you are some kind of hyperproductive maverick who has a hard time switching off from work, yeah weed might not be so bad for you. It's terrible for the vast majority of people if they smoke regularly

  25. 5 months ago
    Dunning-Kruger Stollenblogposter

    ITT: ex-indica lovers

  26. 5 months ago

    Been daily for about 14 years here, but only smoke at night 1-2 hours before bed. I'll probably never quit, it's just too nice of a way to unwind when the day's over. If you were a daytime smoker I understand though, that can frick with your life.

  27. 5 months ago

    quitters never win

  28. 5 months ago

    You've quit, you're not quitting. You no longer identify as a smoker.

    I used to smoke daily and quitting was the best decision I ever made in my entire life.

    • 5 months ago

      >You've quit, you're not quitting. You no longer identify as a smoker.
      You're right thanks

  29. 5 months ago

    I did weed when I was 15, drank vodka till I blacked out that year too, drank codeine when I was 16, consumed phenibut when I was 18, did shrooms when I was 25, LSD at 26, meth at 27, 2c-b at 27, microdosed LSD at 27

    Now I am 28 and well on my way. Good thing to do is to be aware of yourself and your surroundings. That alone will remove your desires. Realize all drigs are need to heal some past trauma and find a way to heal it in a positive way. Go to therapist maybe.

    But yea, this thread has nothing to do with IST so eat shit homosexual

  30. 5 months ago

    Im gonna tell you my personal pov.

    I smoked for more than 15 years, all sort of degeneracy with weed and other drugs.

    Last year I stopped for about 6 months and sober life was a fricking trip dude, I got so much shit done I a sense that I had a clear mind to think what I really wanted in life but it was a fricking struggle.

    Couldnt fricking eat or sleep well for the first 45 days, after that it was all sweet. I had to overcompensate with exercise and other hobbies and got really good at them. Even monetized one for a bit.

    In the 6 months I was sober I learned a lot about myself.

    I am now vaping with my trusty volc and learned to not be a fricking fiend about it, got on medicinal cannabis and treat it with respect now.

    I might be better without it but I dont drink or do other drugs so I guess everyone need something.

    My 2 cents

    • 5 months ago

      >sober life was a fricking trip dude
      This. It's like you get high in another direction after you cycle off weed.

  31. 5 months ago

    >millennials smoking weed for 12 years

  32. 5 months ago

    What's with this influx of "cannabis is le bad for you" glowie threads? Jesus christ.

    • 5 months ago

      Turns out cannabis is bad for you.

      There was so much propaganda about it being bad that was just outright lies for so many years that now dudeweedlmaobros consider any criticism to be of that same ilk, but now it's so prevalent it has been studied and observed legitimately and it turns out that "weed being bad for you has been debunked" has been debunked.

      • 5 months ago

        Show me those studies on rare to moderate usage, glowing moron. Everything is obviously disastrous for your health and mind if you take too much of it, like the anons above.

        • 5 months ago




          And these don't even touch on it's effects on dopamine, prolactin, REM sleep, and massively downregulating your endocannabinoid receptors. You can look that shit up yourself.

          >i-it's safe if done rarely! r-rare to moderate usage!
          Nice goalpost moving. You can be fine doing alcohol, opiods, or fricking black tar heroin once in a while by your standards but they are still objectively harmful substances.

          It is objectively bad for you. Yes you can function well and minimize the downsides if you only do it once a week or once a month or a few times a year, but anyone under the age of 25 shouldn't touch it even once, and you know as well as I do that 99% of users are dudeblazeit420everydaylmao types justifying it as healthy, you disingenuous little fricktard.

          Don't ever (you) me again

          • 5 months ago

            I didn't even find mentions of the usage frequency or the sober state for the studied persons in the links that you have provided, except for the third one, but its conclusion is
            >The role recreational cannabis use plays in speech and voice production remains equivocal. Our data indicates there are subtle differences in speech timing, vocal control, and voice quality between individuals with a history of predominantly low-to-moderate cannabis use and matched controls, however the statistical significance of those differences disappeared for all but one measure (voice clarity on the reading task) after utilizing a false discovery rate to adjust for multiple comparisons.
            So it's a nothingburger.
            >And these don't even touch on it's effects on dopamine, prolactin, REM sleep, and massively downregulating your endocannabinoid receptors. You can look that shit up yourself.
            I don't think I will. Neither I nor my friends have sleep or dopamine problems and we are not heavy smokers. There was one who got fricked kinda hard, but he already had mental problems and smoked way too much.
            >but anyone under the age of 25 shouldn't touch it even once
            Yes, obviously.
            In short, be over 25, prefer edibles and don't overdo it, especially if you have mental problems.
            >Nice goalpost moving
            You're fricking moronic. And probably underage.

    • 5 months ago

      Edibles are fine in moderation
      Actually smoking anything is so fricking moronic

  33. 5 months ago

    Reefer, bro

  34. 5 months ago

    I have smoked a half oz every week, every night for the last 10 years.

    Weed has given me massive spiritual gains, helped me with alot of internal struggle and also surprisingly gotten me b***hes - but thats about it.
    There is nothing inherently positive about it on paper but it's also tricky because it has a lot of obvious positive clinical uses, like for those with Parkinsons for example.

    For most people it's an offering to the cosmos at the end of a productive day.
    Feels like a warm fuzzy blanket keeping you safe from the cold, dark world.
    Nothing quite hits like that first blunt, you can feel every muscle and cell in your body just sheeeeesh into a relaxed state as the high takes hold.
    Your head gets heavy and filled with empty, meaningless thoughts.
    Nothing fricking matters in that moment, nothing.
    Which is when you realize that thats pretty much the problem with it.

    >You will do nothing and you will be happy.

    One day when I'm ready I too will say goodbye.
    Good luck anon, you're making a good decision.

  35. 5 months ago

    The degree to which weed fricks you up is proportional to how many errors there were in your development
    The theoretical perfectly healthy, perfectly developed human being feels no ill effects from weed

  36. 5 months ago

    I smoked last night for the first time in forever. It was great but going to sleep was trippy. Is this because I've done psychedelics since last time?

    • 5 months ago

      Shrooms do use the same neural pathways as weed so weed can retrigger shrooms trip

    • 5 months ago

      Shrooms do use the same neural pathways as weed so weed can retrigger shrooms trip

      (not the original anon)
      After my first acid trip I'd get very trippy highs when smoking weed for like a year, even with actual visuals of my field of view coming apart into this rectangular grid thing, seeing colorful patterns patterns and whatnot. It just stopped on its own, spooked me at first but after I'd gotten over that it became quite fun.

  37. 5 months ago

    >If any of you have any advice, experiences, or abuse, I'd love to hear it.
    just avoid it, I've never had such an awful experience with a drug, and I've robotripped and been in a k-hole
    every time I've smoked or vaped weed or thc or hhc or whatever, literally every time it's the same shit:
    >incredibly hard to dose, stengths for everything are all over the place
    >always starts way too strong
    >get incredibly fricking paranoid, extremely conscious of how bad I must smell if it's actual weed
    >alternate between thinking that I forgot that I made plans with someone, thinking that I'm hearing my phone ringing, or having delusions that there are cops immediately outside my window
    >go jack off in the bathroom
    >mentally calmer, still physically feel like absolute shit
    >eat an absolutely insane amount of whatever garbage that I can find anywhere, usually an entire bag of chips, then an entire jar of pickles, then literally just drinking hot sauce or eating year-old stale crackers
    >lie on the couch miserable for hours
    then one of my friends was like "dude just try edibles"
    >eat brownie
    >immediately get a migraine and sleep for 16 hours
    >eat gummies from dispensary
    >uncomfortably high for like two days

    it ruins the frick out of my sleep, worsens my back pain, and as someone who normally has zero anxiety, makes me painfully anxious and paranoid
    I would rather take LSD and go to a job interview than smoke weed again.
    it might just be me and my chemistry, but it's always been WAY easier to pull myself out of a depressive or anxious episode on psychedelics just by reminding myself "you took a psychedelic, calm down"

    • 5 months ago

      >it might just be me and my chemistry
      I think it is. I'd never do any of the other shit you described. Only have ever regularly done weed and alcohol. And I've never experienced any of the symptoms you described after being high (except for the munchies for the first few years but not anymore)
      Some people just shouldn't smoke weed and I think you're one of them anon. Good you recognize it.

    • 5 months ago

      Smoking weed gets good in season 2 but by season 8 you think man it should have ended in season 5. The "all grown up" reboot is based though

  38. 5 months ago

    I quit for the new year, mainly for the sleep quality gains. So far, so good (for the most part). I was worried I'd miss it or be bored as shit, but I've been much more productive, and since I've been keeping myself busy, I haven't really felt the urge to smoke. That being said, today I tried to work on something I've been procrastinating and anxious about for months, and I immediately felt the urge to light up as a way to distract myself from it and put it off. It made me uncomfortably aware of how I've been using weed to avoid my problems.

  39. 5 months ago

    who smoked all my purple nurple

  40. 5 months ago

    Been three years since I quit. Still miss it tbh.

  41. 5 months ago

    drug addicts should be killed

    • 5 months ago

      are you gonna do anything though

  42. 5 months ago

    Just know you can get withdrawal, I smoked everyday for a year then had to quit cuz outta nowhere It gave me extreme anxiety everytime I smoked. Once I quit for a few months I had extreme brain fog and couldn't think, it was real bad and fricking horrible.

    • 5 months ago

      >average weed smoker 10 minutes after a joint

  43. 5 months ago

    It's fascinating that some people itt say recover takes a few days while others say it take many months. The fact that there are so many differing opinions regarding thc's negative effects is proof that the drug is not understood, and should motivate stoners to examine their thc use more critically

    • 5 months ago

      if you arent a degenerate all day stoner for years, it really only takes a few days. however if you’re dabbing it up 5x a day for 5 years, it definitely takes months to recover. i’ve been on both ends and honestly, dude lmao weed is a net negative for myself and most other people.

    • 5 months ago

      No, it just shows that it's a glowies propaganda thread.

      • 5 months ago

        Isn't it more likely glowies want citizens drugged up and complacent?

        • 5 months ago

          That's a schizo take.
          In one of the earlier threads, anon said they want you to consoom and spend money. And with weed you can be happy for much, much cheaper. I kinda dig this take.

          • 5 months ago

            I get what you're saying but things like Jan 6th wouldn't happen if everyone was content and stoned at home. Honestly stoners are just as consumerist as everyone else

            • 5 months ago

              9/11 wouldn't have happened if everyone just smoked a joint man

            • 5 months ago

              the taliban defeated the us army on about a million tons of hash, so bullshit argument

            • 5 months ago

              >Honestly stoners are just as consumerist as everyone else
              An old game, some fruits and a hot shower is all I need.

    • 5 months ago

      >The fact that there are so many differing opinions regarding thc's negative effects is proof that the drug is not understood, and should motivate stoners to examine their thc use more critically
      No it's proof that morons cope and think they're owning the glowies and sticking it to the man by sedating themselves. Listen to their arugments ITT. They call people underage while acting like sixteen year olds. It's pitiful.

      >recover takes a few days while others say it take many months
      The most noticeable things take a few days, others can take months depending on extent of abuse, but those things are obviously much more subtle so impatient stoner morons pretend they don't exist so they can justify their continuation of a destructive lifestyle and call you a glowie or a schizo if you tell them otherwise.

  44. 5 months ago

    I stopped smoking because a) it's not cool anymore and b) women have told me I smell like smoke and they don't like it

    Apart from that I like weed, but it does t even get me high anymore, I just liked smoking but even that got boring. I wish I quit Sooner but I don't think it mattered really, got a good job and a hot wife

    Nicotine and alcohol are way worse than weed and I don't use either

  45. 5 months ago

    someone explain the couch potato low testosterone bullshit? for me a little weed turned my into a beast, as soon as i had a hit i'd be on the bike,running, skateboarding, lifting, dancing. i almost feel like i need to start smoking again to get that back. weed turned me into a high testosterone whirlwind of energy

  46. 5 months ago

    I quit smoking pot back in June and have not regretted it one bit. Battled depression for decades, and while it didn't completely disappear, the symptoms of it are about 30% of what they were while I was an active smoker. Memory and mood have both improved, lung function is better. I smoked 21 years, from 17 to 39. If I can do it, so can any anon, including (You).

  47. 5 months ago

    >t. daily user for several years with a few gaps between
    I have been considering quitting for a while. At this point, I vape less than half a gram in the evenings after I have everything I need to do for the day finished. Despite this relatively low usage, I feel like I'm basically losing 3-4 hours of my day because of it. Once I get stoned, I spend most of my time engaging in mindless activities like rewatching Sopranos or Breaking Bad for the twentieth time or mindlessly scrolling the chans. Surely there is something more productive I could be doing with this time. I just don't know what it is. I also have concerns about my sleep quality and overall health because of it. At the same time, everything in my life besides my financial situation has been improving greatly despite my habit. I'm very conflicted. I think the biggest thing holding me back is not having a strong reason to do so. There's nothing I currently want that weed is preventing me from having. Maybe I need to quit the weed before I am able to find something to replace it. If any anons have ideas, I would love to hear them.

    • 5 months ago

      >find something to replace it
      For me is was competitiveness. I didnt see smoking weed as a problem until i started to compete with others. Then it bodered me alot that i had horrible reaction times and couldnt focus well. See it with others all the time. They start their sport, live as usual but when they are good enough to compete they suddenly trop their bad habbits and loser friends. Or just the gym could be enough. Maybe there is no desire to smoke in the evening if your more tired from a session

  48. 5 months ago

    weed erased much of my memories from 14 yo to around 20yo

    and after a while you just get into a vegetative state, not even high

    you also can get to jail and be raped
    some of you might wish this last one

  49. 5 months ago

    The hard pill to swallow is that you're a daily smoker for that long, you need to go out of your way to get into new things that take up your time. Sitting around doing the same shit sober is the reason I've relapsed every time. But with hemp products so widely available now I pretty much just take delta 8/hhc/delta 9 blend edibles only which is much healthier and easier than quitting altogether (for me)

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