I'm trying to break the code on willpower so I can start tasks I don't want to do like leg day and writing.

I'm trying to break the code on willpower so I can start tasks I don't want to do like leg day and writing. Is there anything I haven't tried that I could try? So far none of this has helped

>Visualization and mantras
>Pomdoro timers, alarms, calendars, time blocking
>To do lists of all kinds
>Walking. Outside. Inside walking methods.
>Diet change, nootropics, sunlight, Vitamin D, fish oil. Sleep change
>Dopamine Detox. No electronics of any kind for weeks
>White noise, brown noise, music
>Sitting in a library or outside side space
>Scientology TR (training routine) forms of self hypnosis
>Esoteric/occult practices. Gurdjieff, Rudolf Steiner, Jose Silva Method, Emile Coue, Psycho-Cybernetics, Jules Payot,
>Goggins/Jocko style "JUST DO IT" No thoughts
>Productivity methods like atomic habits, deep work. Making your tasks as simple as possible. Building habits. Reward yourself. Setup your environment
>Concentration tools like staring at one point for 20 minutes. Focusing your mind to concentrate on the task. Things of that sort

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Visualization and mantras
    >Pomdoro timers, alarms, calendars, time blocking
    >To do lists of all kinds
    >Walking. Outside. Inside walking methods.
    >Diet change, nootropics, sunlight, Vitamin D, fish oil. Sleep change
    >Dopamine Detox. No electronics of any kind for weeks
    >White noise, brown noise, music
    >Sitting in a library or outside side space
    >Scientology TR (training routine) forms of self hypnosis
    >Esoteric/occult practices. Gurdjieff, Rudolf Steiner, Jose Silva Method, Emile Coue, Psycho-Cybernetics, Jules Payot,
    >Goggins/Jocko style "JUST DO IT" No thoughts
    >Productivity methods like atomic habits, deep work. Making your tasks as simple as possible. Building habits. Reward yourself. Setup your environment
    >Concentration tools like staring at one point for 20 minutes. Focusing your mind to concentrate on the task. Things of that sort
    Or.... Just start doing things you don't want to do. This is how you build discipline.

    • 5 months ago

      This is included in the
      >Goggins/Jocko style "JUST DO IT" No thoughts.

      I've sat there for hours. Just saying in my head. "Just do it". Get up and start. Nothing else works but starting right now. Who's gonna carry the boats... Shit don't work. Body physically won't move.

  2. 5 months ago

    Great movie

  3. 5 months ago

    >Talk to a doctor about suspecting you have ADHD
    >get prescribed ritaline, adderall, concerta, or vyvanse
    >compulsively complete tasks under the influence of powerful stimulants

    • 5 months ago

      >Die of heart attack at 45, become zombie with no emotions, become drug addict, or commit the sandy hook 2.0
      Yeah no thanks. No meds for me

  4. 5 months ago

    There's one tool that you haven't tried. The most powerful of all that any therapists will try to get you to do.
    It's called
    .meht htiw tnemtimmoc a gniriuqca dna efil laer ni elpoep rehto htiw slaog ruoy gnirahS

  5. 5 months ago

    Read Steve Pavlina's article on 30 day challenges (free). If you want all that stuff to work and you tried an easy 30 day challenge and still couldn't do it, you probably need medication

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks. I will try it

  6. 5 months ago

    Try meth

  7. 5 months ago

    People with adhd will do anything but go to the fricking doctor and get the help they need.. gesus

    • 5 months ago

      Too many serious side effects with meds. I know from friends and family

  8. 5 months ago

    fix your diet

    if you dont want to write then dont
    if you dont want to squat then you are fricking pussy and should absolutely squat
    do it every other day so you dont weird out when you have to squat once in a week or some shit.
    literally squat is the foundation of everything
    good sleep
    proper hormonal function
    muscle growth
    etc etc.

    • 5 months ago

      literally build your life around squat
      the better you can recover for squats the better your life will be
      not recovering? identify what is the problem and fix it? not enough sleep -> bad recovery -> fix sleep -> better recovery -> better squat -> better life. not eating enough? same thing.
      not training enough? same thing
      training too much? same thing.
      When you get the graps of things aka. squats life becomes suddenly easy mode.
      >god bless mr. Rippetoe

  9. 5 months ago

    It's very simple. You start doing one simple task every morning, religiously. It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it's something you're not already doing. For example, I started by unloading the dishwasher every morning. Once you find that you do this task automatically, effortlessly and without thinking about it, choose a new task to stack until it has become a habit. Repeat this ad infinitum.

  10. 5 months ago

    At a certain point I guess you just have to accept you're in the middle of the bell curve and your life is going nowhere.

    Perhaps consider the angle that you're not only letting yourself down but you're also letting God down, and you'll probably get exactly what you deserve from it.

    • 5 months ago

      Why would God do this to me? You see I've done everything in my power to get better but he gives me nothing. No progress. Nothing positive. I pray and God is silent

      • 5 months ago

        That's what Cain thought. It isn't true. You can do more.

  11. 5 months ago

    Self respect is the origin of self discipline which is what willpower is.
    Some israelite stole that from a Greek who said it first.
    But the idea is true nonetheless.
    Respect yourself, do things that build respect for yourself, and your willpower will increase.

  12. 5 months ago

    Don't try to implement more than 2 new habits a week. They don't tend to stick. Just focus on those one or two for 2 weeks until they're routine and add another after. You got 28 2-week blocks a year that's plenty of stuff to potentially add and engrain. Self improvement (for lack of a better term because /sig/ is cope) is not something that's easy to do in bursts.

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