In the end... I don't give a fuck about fitness. I just want to not be depressed.

In the end... I don't give a frick about fitness

I just want to not be depressed.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Jus try being more normal. You probably feel isolated because you have weird thoughts. Try tapping into the hive mind a little more.

    • 7 months ago

      I think this is a bad approach. Forcing yourself to become a npc and not “be yourself” is what makes people depressed imo. Better yet is to try new things and find like minded or at least interesting people you enjoy to be around, and to learn not to give a shit about the opinion of the majority. This will also challenge you to leave your comfort zone, but it's highly rewarding.
      All that applies of coure only when theirs no biochemical reason for the depressing thoughts.

      • 7 months ago

        >biochemical reason for the depressing thoughts.

        • 7 months ago

          You know, bad nutrition, drug abuse, not enough movement, not enough sunlight, illnesses...
          Society is not the only thing making us depressed.

        • 7 months ago

          You know, bad nutrition, drug abuse, not enough movement, not enough sunlight, illnesses...
          Society is not the only thing making us depressed.

          Vitamin D and zinc

          - Cut out sugar.
          - Cut out vegetable oils.
          - Consider fish oils for brain health (not that important, but still)
          - Increase iodine intake
          - Increase vitamin D
          >if you go the sun route, that's all. if you go the supplement route, make sure to get 10 000 IU + vitamin K.
          - Make sure to get enough sleep
          - Get some physical activity in, I'm not even saying to go to gym just don't lay in bed all day.
          - Pray or Meditate.

          Most people's depression is due to biological causes in my experiences.
          >but anon how does meditation be a biological factor
          meditation doesn't affect the brain

          "Meditation leads to reduced default mode network activity beyond an active task"

          Was going to say this guy was right but didn't some old times anon kill his liver on top much vit K?

  2. 7 months ago

    did you really have a lightning mcqueen comforter?

  3. 7 months ago

    Here’s my two cents on depression

    I’ve had periods where I thought I was depressed. GF cheated, family members and pets passed, hated where I was in life, etc. I can understand these things and how they would bring people down. Eventually I just hit a point where I finally realized I don’t HAVE to be stuck feeling this way. For cheating GF, I decided to just give myself a glow up. Start exercising and dieting, new wardrobe, haircut, skin care, etc. boosted my confidence to talk to more women. Family members passed, I turned to the Bible, forgave myself for any residual guilt, and decided to go on and live a life I know they’d be proud of. For where I was in life, I reevaluated what my end goal in this life was, figured out the straightest line possible to get there, looked for different avenues of money, and just got my hustle on. You catch my drift

    I’m not saying these things are what your are currently dealing with or that this is the solution to these problems for you. These are just what worked for me. What I’m trying to say is, are you depressed over things you have control of? Or what? Cause if it’s something you do have a level of control of (which believe me, you have a lot more grip on your life than you think) then I find it hard to be depressed when your day to day life is focused on improving these things and working on a better life for yourself. Falling in love with the process type of thing.

    I just can’t stand when people say they are depressed when there are easy and quantifiable steps they can take to reach a solution. Like, why waste time complaining and moping when you can start taking action right now.

    • 7 months ago

      I understand that mindset, but you don't have experience with it. You had things that are unpleasant to a person, sure. And I'm sure they were terrible to experience. But you didn't have (clinical) depression.
      It's not something you can understand until you experience it. I'll give a different analogy that will also make you scratch your head.
      I've had late fees before due to paying bills late because I couldn't just make myself do it. I had the money, it was purely some dumbfrick aversion to anything concerning deadlines. Honestly once autopay came around it was a godsend.
      Ultimately the exchange boils to:
      >but anon, just do it?
      >no, you don't understand
      And that's really where it has to end. No amount of anyone explaining will get you to understand the subjective experience, even if you understand the theoretical aspects.

      • 7 months ago

        If your example is real, that has less to do with depression and more to do with being an actual moron
        >damn I got another late fee
        >”well do you have the money?”
        >”then why not just set a reminder and pay it on time next time”
        >I just cant
        >”dude, I’m trying to help you out. You’re only screwing yourself. Just set a reminder for next time”
        >idk, we’ll see

        That what it feels like talking to people with depression. Im not even talking about “just be happy”, as I said it’s setting a realistic and quantifiable step to a solution. The quote “if you were truly unhappy with where you are in life, you wouldn’t be there very long” comes to mind.

        Besides, as a man you don’t have time to be depressed. Yeah I know it sucks but it is what it is. Life isn’t always about what you feel, there’s work to be done a progress to be made regardless how you feel. It’s about looking at things with a more stoic attitude. You may not be able to control X Y or Z, but you can control how you approach and react to it.

        >No amount of anyone explaining will get you to understand the subjective experience
        And this is the kicker for people with “depression”. The whole “you just don’t understand my experiences”. As if everyone else’s life is so easy and straightforward. That’s what separates us. Regardless how I feel, I still get up and get shit done. You just give some sorry excuse as to why you can’t pay your bills and cry that your life is so much harder and no one can possible understand your experiences. Grow up. Everyone struggles and deals with hardship. You’re just weak for thinking it gives you an excuse to not take action.

        • 7 months ago

          Well yeah, my example was more due to a specific variant of anxiety than depression.
          And you reacted exactly as I said you would, too.
          It's fine, I don't expect you to understand. All I wanted is for you to acknowledge that it's a thing you don't understand, rather than pretending you experienced the same thing and beat it because you're just better or whatever.
          Also in no part of that post of mine did I imply it's an excuse to whatever. The only intent was, once more stressing it, that you don't understand.

          I dated a girl once who had terrible migraines almost everyday. People who shared that mindset of yours would say things like "regardless of how I feel I still get up and get stuff done", not realizing that her brain would spasm or whatever in such a way as to affect vision / hallucinations or whatever.
          I don't expect you to understand having daily migraines either, all I'd ask for in that example is for you to say "yeah, that sucks, it's not something I've experienced".
          You had an ex cheat on you, and family died. You had a coming to Jesus moment that's honestly a bit enviable. But you didn't have depression.

          Also, no where did I say my life was hard or that no one can understand my experience. I actually have a pretty good life all things considered; pretty healthy physically, etc. I'm just saying that -you- can't understand it.
          Like I'm sure it's probably a safe bet to say you don't understand starving or long term fasting just because you've gone a few hours or a day without food. Go long enough and it affects your mind, but you don't actually know the subjective experience until you experience it yourself.

          • 7 months ago

            >heh, you fell right into my trap
            Oh wow, you got me to admit I don’t succumb to loser mindset.
            You really are actually moronic for comparing an actual physical crippling pain to some false sense of hopelessness people call “depression”

            But there you go again, comparing my life you supposedly have figured out and thinking everything is so straightforward and easy. You want other people to feel sorry for your experiences, yet you can’t even begin to imagine yourself in other peoples shoes. You think you’re the only one who has woken up feeling beat down, tired, overwhelmed, alone, stressed, etc. and still had shit to do. You aren’t special, you are human. Very, very, very few people have had a good life handed to them. And even fewer have never stumbled or fallen along the way.

            what makes you or other depressed peoples problems worse than mine or anyone else’s? I’m not talking about migraines, starvation, or any of the other irrelevant shit you brought up. Why aren’t my problems important enough to call myself depressed, but yours are?

            you can’t defend depression without also sounding like you just want people to feel sorry for you. As I said already, when you have realistic steps you COULD be taking, but refuse to do it, it doesn’t mean you are bearing the weight of the world and that no one else out there could possibly understand what it’s like to struggle the way you do. It just means that there really isn’t any exigency to your situation. You just simply want to romanticize feeling bad for yourself

            And I already know what you are going to say. “Durr you don’t understand it’s so complicated and too complex for you”. Yeah, I also believed that at one point. The plot twist, is that it’s really not. Weird enough, my life got immeasurably better when I shifted my mindset. If you haven’t hit that point yet, it’s because your circumstances aren’t dire enough to need to change.

            • 7 months ago

              You're projecting things into that anon's posts that he has never said. Also appears to have trouble understanding understand the concept of depression itself. Your reek of dunning-kruger. I'll be optmist and assume you're just 23 or something and leave it at that. Remember Christ's lessons too. No point in going to the church and reading the Bible if you can't muster humbleness and compassion towards others.

              • 7 months ago

                Was it humble to beat money lenders and chase them out the temple?

        • 7 months ago

          >Besides, as a man you don’t have time to be depressed. Yeah I know it sucks but it is what it is.
          Also, for a completely different reason, I have to highly disagree with this mindset. Yeah I get that you have things to do in life, but deep introspection is something I believe most people should do. I'm referring to contemplating life, spiritual thoughts, etc. If you're ran so ragged by work and the wife and kids and tv and football that you don't have time to yourself to just contemplate your existence, then I feel really bad for you. I mean, it's something that you're ultimately deciding for yourself so whatever, but I feel like you're missing out.
          Then again you'd probably say the same to me about other things so shrug.
          (Not that I'm saying depression is the natural end result of said contemplation, but to imply you don't have time is a lamentable thing).

  4. 7 months ago

    - Cut out sugar.
    - Cut out vegetable oils.
    - Consider fish oils for brain health (not that important, but still)
    - Increase iodine intake
    - Increase vitamin D
    >if you go the sun route, that's all. if you go the supplement route, make sure to get 10 000 IU + vitamin K.
    - Make sure to get enough sleep
    - Get some physical activity in, I'm not even saying to go to gym just don't lay in bed all day.
    - Pray or Meditate.

    Most people's depression is due to biological causes in my experiences.
    >but anon how does meditation be a biological factor
    meditation doesn't affect the brain
    "Meditation leads to reduced default mode network activity beyond an active task"

  5. 7 months ago

    Fitness will not fix depression but it will help you get a gf and that will.

  6. 7 months ago

    Cardio and lifting help my mental state a ton.
    Next biggest thing is socializing and doing something during the day(not ISTning/scrooling 24/7).
    Going out into nature is great too.
    When I miss one of these I a doing okay, but if I don't do any of them it's a bad time.

  7. 7 months ago

    Not being depressed or being not as pedressed as you would otherwise is a part of being fit, my friend.

  8. 7 months ago

    Do cardio
    I was feeling depressed but I just did cardio and I'm feeling good.
    I ran last night too, and today I woke up early and rested

  9. 7 months ago

    Same, I only lift to avoid feeling ashamed of myself

  10. 7 months ago

    Go find a shared hobby, socialise + make friends with the people within the hobby (bonus points if you find a woman) and then do things with them outside the hobby. It's not hard, you just need a little trial and error and some practice.

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