Insulin Resistance

What's better for reversing Insulin Resistance? Low fat vegan or low carb keto?
I'm getting conflicting reports on this.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >Insulin resistance is caused by elevated insulin levels
    >Carbs raise your insulin level the most

    Do the math yourself

    • 6 months ago

      other people say fat causes insulin resistance

      • 6 months ago

        The people who say that also said the mRNA injections were safe and effective.

        It's really easy to separate truth from lies these days. Never been easier.

        • 6 months ago

          ah so you're an anti-vaccine crank

          • 6 months ago

            >ah so you're an anti-vaccine crank

          • 6 months ago

            Only against ones that don't work and are constantly lied about to push a medical scam

      • 6 months ago

        Aight op you are a moron so here's the moron tldr:
        Ideal diet is meat/eggs/milk/chese and good quality carbs like fruits, animal fat is ok.
        >captcha: gg

    • 6 months ago


      The people who say that also said the mRNA injections were safe and effective.

      It's really easy to separate truth from lies these days. Never been easier.


      >ah so you're an anti-vaccine crank


      eat some carbs, your brain is atrophied.

  2. 6 months ago

    Fasting and shit that don't spike your insulin like buckwheat

  3. 6 months ago

    Neither really, most modern articles and understanding regarding IR is very fricked, but generally what you need to do is stated in most places. To makes things simple lets not bother with vitamins and stuff, since thats a very hit-or-miss approach. What you need to dooooo iiiiiis:
    - Avoid any carb that's "quick digestion", such as: bread/pasta from white flour, white rice, sugar, etc, essentially anything thats in fast food.
    - Get proper sleep and make your sleep consistent. This will mostly fix your overall hormonal bs and allow the excess insulin to be offed.
    - Practice intermittent fasting. Fairly obvious, however I think this is the MOST important. Less time spent digesting food you eat == less insulin your body produces.
    - Excersie. 'nough said, only like 20 mins of jogging daily can make a huuuuuuuuuuge impact on your life and hormones.
    - Avoid sugar like the plague (if you live in the states you are kiiinda fricked) and even some sweeteners. If its possible check your insulin levels not too long after digesting some sweeteners to know if they increase your insulin noticably much and if they do avoid them, but otherwise just avoid those that have a tendency to increas insulin. I don't have the list so google it.

    My gf has IR and we've been working on it, so thats my experience with looking into it. You could also go the medicine route, but since you'd most likely need diabetes drugs thats both expensive and a slippery slope, since that just ensure that your condition wont show symtions and hold your body from really getting worse, however it wont cure you.
    IR is really a side effect of the modern unhealth fast-food sedentary lifestyle soooo, essentially just fix that and it'll disappear overtime.

    • 6 months ago

      >Avoid any carb that's "quick digestion", such as: bread/pasta from white flour, white rice, sugar, etc, essentially anything thats in fast food.
      diabetes can be cured by a white rice and sugar diet.

      • 6 months ago

        Vegans say that.

        • 6 months ago

          vegans also say the sky is blue, does that make it wrong?

  4. 6 months ago

    if you want to actually heal it and not just mask it? low pufa.

  5. 6 months ago

    Whatever helps you get into a healthy weight range.
    Avoid simple carbs unless you're 15-30 minutes away from a workout or cardio. (Complex carbs are okay, try to eat a balanced diet, half of your food by weight should be greens) Vegans would have to weigh in because I'm not sure how you'd hit macros optimally doing it.
    Fasting will temporarily decrease insulin resistance but you gotta be consistent with it, 48hrs every two weeks is the minimum I heard working.
    Fix your blood pressure, Strengthen your heart, Strengthen your body and eat a diet that allows you to hit all your micros.
    Don't fall into the ketolard trap of not eating greens either, even if you ignore all the micros. They lower your risk of colon cancer which is the 2nd deadliest form of cancer.

    • 6 months ago

      >Whatever helps you get into a healthy weight range.
      >Avoid simple carbs unless you're 15-30 minutes away from a workout or cardio. (Complex carbs are okay, try to eat a balanced diet, half of your food by weight should be greens) Vegans would have to weigh in because I'm not sure how you'd hit macros optimally doing it.
      >Fasting will temporarily decrease insulin resistance but you gotta be consistent with it, 48hrs every two weeks is the minimum I heard working.
      >Fix your blood pressure, Strengthen your heart, Strengthen your body and eat a diet that allows you to hit all your micros.
      >Don't fall into the ketolard trap of not eating greens either, even if you ignore all the micros. They lower your risk of colon cancer which is the 2nd deadliest form of cancer.

      • 6 months ago

        Post squat

  6. 6 months ago

    insulin is good. you morons literally always cope that diabetics have advantage because they use insulin lol. why is more insulin suddenly bad?

    • 6 months ago

      insulin resistance is when your cells stop uptaking insulin, moronbro.

  7. 6 months ago

    >What's better for reversing Insulin Resistance? Low fat vegan or low carb keto?
    >I'm getting conflicting reports on this.
    Fasting will do the job fine. Low carb does it well. I don't know how low fat would do it but I would imagine any shock to the regular pattern of nutrient uptake would cause the body to try to partition a bit more efficiently.
    Consider an AMPK upregulator like metformin or berberine; or a cAMP upregulator like forskohlin. Peer review studies for these three are on

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