intermittent fasting is a meme right?

intermittent fasting is a meme right?

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  1. 2 years ago

    All meme diets are just tricks to make you eat less. Keto is no different. Fatty foods to make you feel full and stuff less down. You can also just choose to eat less.

    • 2 years ago

      carbohydrate restriction increases expenditure even if you eat the same amount

      • 2 years ago

        kek, no it doesn't. That's a line from the homosexuals who try to sell you on it, but there's literally nothing that a keto diet does that's special. If you eat too much on a keto diet, you won't lose fat, I've done this myself when I first tried it and was still eating 3000+ cal of meat and cheese per day. Nothing can outrun your TDEE levels when it comes to where you have to eat to be able to lose fat, not even the memest of diets.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's ok for maintaining weight but if you have to lose you need to do an omad or more.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah I lost weight with intermittent fasting
      Omad and snake fast are just faster ways

  3. 2 years ago

    Every single diet is CICO.
    Every. Single. One.

    • 2 years ago

      Based take. Took me 20 years to figure that out, I fell for the meme too many times. But, since my time doing CKD plan was always calorie-restricted, it was the one that was easiest for me, but keto isn't magical in any capacity.

    • 2 years ago

      >all you need to do is count calories bro
      >just use this TDEE calculator it'll tell you exactly how many calories you burn every day and just eat less than that
      >nah bro don't worry about your hormones being affected they don't do anything important
      >nah bro your metabolism totally doesn't decrease during extended periods of calorie restriction
      muh CICO gays never take into account the fact that eating less of the same diet nukes your metabolism and makes you feel tired all the time. They also like to pretend you can actually count the calories you consume and burn with stuff the average person has access to. It's just guessing and you might not get the results you expect from it.
      Counting calories won't work for most people trying to lose weight because they don't have the mental capacity to actually do it. Meme diets like keto are great because they trick fatties into eating less than they usually do.

      • 2 years ago

        >Counting calories won't work for most people trying to lose weight because they don't have the mental capacity to actually do it.
        jokes on you I just pay lunchbox company to do it for me

      • 2 years ago

        Calorie counting is just one of the many diets based on CICO.

        • 2 years ago

          Calorie counting is what 100% of people mean when they say CICO, nice try though.

          All those words just to admit that every single diet is CICO.
          Thanks for playing.

          Every diet is "eat less than you regularly do to drop the amount of weight you want," not CICO.
          CICO is the "trust the science" of dieting.
          Riddle me this, if I burn 2000kcal in a day and drink a 330mL can of gasoline which has 2700 kcal (yes these are the exact same kcals used to describe food and they are measured in the exact same way as food), how much weight will I gain? Keep in mind that amount of gasoline won't kill you unless you're less than 30kg.

          >My hormones are the reason I can't loose weight!
          >b-but what about STARVATION MODE!?!
          I have heard every argument in your post nearly word for word come from morbidly obese women with purple hair on Tumblr.

          You can change the way you eat to control your hormones to make it suck less to lose weight.
          I'm not making excuses for them, just pointing out that if you expect someone braindead to be capable of doing math you'll both be disappointed.

          • 2 years ago

            0,09071847400000017 kg

          • 2 years ago

            CICO isn't a diet. It's a Newtonian law of physics.

          • 2 years ago

            >Riddle me this, if I burn 2000kcal in a day and drink a 330mL can of gasoline which has 2700 kcal (yes these are the exact same kcals used to describe food and they are measured in the exact same way as food), how much weight will I gain? Keep in mind that amount of gasoline won't kill you unless you're less than 30kg.
            You're an absolute moron. You legit think you're so clever when you are completely braindead.

            Riddle me this: how do horses and cows gain so much muscle eating grass and other shit with almost no protein?

            I'll tell you the answer and how it's related since you're too stupid to connect the dots. We are not obligate herbivores and cannot process fibrous plant matter like they do, and pass most of it (insoluble fiber). Likewise we are not combustion engines and cannot process gasoline. I can't emphasize enough how stupid you are. Kilojoules (calories) are just a form of measurement of energy. Just because you can apply one unit to one subject doesn't mean it applies to everything containing that unit in the same way.

            • 2 years ago

              I will eat the sun and enter ultra instinct kyriakos grizzly mode.

            • 2 years ago

              So you admit CICO is a fundamentally flawed way of thinking of weight loss
              Grass has the same amount of calories whether a human or a horse eats it and you acknowledge that we process it differently
              It's almost like the biomechanics of weight loss is more complicated than how much energy you get when you set food on fire

              • 2 years ago

                I admit you are an absolute brainlet that can't comprehend simple scientific facts. A unit is a unit is a unit. How you use the unit is key, and by your own admission, complex systems such as biomechanics (BTW that's not even the right area of study you fricking moron; biomechanics deals strictly with movement, metabolism is what you're actually trying to discuss; yes the two are interlinked but you are too dim to see the difference, as always) must deal with multiple factors, but that doesn't mean you can magically ignore one factor over others because you simply feel like it (i.e. the mean calories/kJ hurts your feelings).

                Again, another simplified example for your tiny brain:
                Imagine sprinting 100m. I ran it in 11s and you ran it in 15s because you're slow as shit. With your logic, you will complain to hell and back because I ran it at a different elevation, temperature, and humidity, and we are different heights/proportions, and we ran on different tracks (e.g. harder track vs. softer track), and the tracks were measured differently (tape vs. laser measure), so you cry foul and say that both meters and seconds are an irrelevant measurement of speed because of all these factors that let you cope with your shit time.

                Do all these factors matter in measuring how good of a sprint you ran? Absolutely. Does that mean measuring distance and time is somehow irrelevant? Absolutely not, they are still far and away the most relevant measurements, JUST AS CALORIES IN AND CALORIES OUT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEASUREMENT. There are things that will adjust that time just as there are things that will adjust CICO, but the base measurement here is still distance over time and calories in vs calories out. Keep coping, brainlet.

      • 2 years ago

        All those words just to admit that every single diet is CICO.
        Thanks for playing.

      • 2 years ago

        >My hormones are the reason I can't loose weight!
        >b-but what about STARVATION MODE!?!
        I have heard every argument in your post nearly word for word come from morbidly obese women with purple hair on Tumblr.

      • 2 years ago

        We tell people all the time to be patient but people want quick results and starve themselves. Many such cases.

      • 2 years ago

        >muh CICO gays never take into account the fact that eating less of the same diet nukes your metabolism and makes you feel tired all the time.
        Three months in and I feel fine and I'm still losing weight consistently. Maybe if you're a moron and try to to cut a thousand calories deficit.

        • 2 years ago

          >Three months in and I feel fine and I'm still losing weight consistently.
          If you were on a keto meme diet you would already have reached your goal in those 3 months

          CICO is unironically believing a morbidly obese hamplanet can just eat 100 calories below their TDEE and continue doing so for 50 years until they are skinny. Hormones play a massive part in this even more so than calories. If you are fasting and you are injected insulin every few hours your body will be unable to properly use its stored fat and you would starve to death. People with type 1 diabetes used to diet at a very young age due to not being able to produce insulin and so being unable to store fat. They would slowly wither away no matter what they ate. All the excess would just be pissed away.
          But sure your body is just a simple calculator that works consistently and hormones don't mean shit.

  4. 2 years ago

    slippery wet dog poop

  5. 2 years ago

    Skipping breakfast isn't fasting lmao
    Fatties just want praise for not stuffing their disgusting faces 24/7
    Any "fast" under 48 hours isn't fasting
    >I ate today and yesterday
    >but I still did a 36 hour "fast"

    • 2 years ago

      It still helps with hunger. Also, Breakfast means breaking the fast lol.

      • 2 years ago

        >It still helps with hunger.
        I don't get it. i'm trying it and i'm hungry for my yogurt all night and all morning.

        if i'm good at controlling what i eat, fasting is useless right?

        • 2 years ago

          fasting probably has some minor rpg stat bonuses vs say a normal diet and vice versa if we did a deep dive on the medical litterature. CICO is still king obv. If you can eat 3 meals a day and count calories then you don't "need" fasting to achieve your goals. They're just different dieting strategies.

        • 2 years ago

          worse than useless. I fasted on my cut and lost more muscle than fat. I knew it was moronic because actual strength athletes eat lots of little meals but I did it anyway because it was easier and faster. Don't make my mistake.

      • 2 years ago

        Originally, the first meal of the day was "dinner" which comes from the Old French "disner" (Modern French "dîner") which means "take the first meal of the day." In Medieval Europe, dinner ('breakfast") was eaten around 11am, with a smaller light supper in the evening after work was done. Snacking was frowned upon as gluttonous, though of course they drank light beer or wine throughout the day.

        Point is, two meals a day is more than enough and the American eating schedule is moronic. No one should be eating with two hours of waking up. Eating too early was also considered gluttonous.

    • 2 years ago

      What is fat adaptation

      • 2 years ago

        I think that's a Warframe mod.

  6. 2 years ago

    It helps with grehlin hunger problems. You can fast a little on the weekends in order to bulk more during the week, gives you a nice buffer and you get to eat closer to maintenance on lifting days if you are dieting down. It saves time for you to do other things but might not be as optimal anabolically speaking as having more regular protein intervals.

  7. 2 years ago

    for the most part yea
    skipping breakfast is easy way to eat 500 calories less. that's about it.

  8. 2 years ago

    This board is full of drug addicts who are anti-science. If you want to learn the benefit of IF I suggest you read some articles about it on Johns Hopkins.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's all about CICO.

    But my digestion does feel great when I have long gaps between meals I will admit.

    • 2 years ago

      > digestion does feel great when I have long gaps between meals
      I thought I was the only one. If I start eating, I will need to continuously eat every 3 hours until I am done eating for the day. It also helps me shit out everything at once next morning.

  10. 2 years ago

    yes, just eat less you fat frick

  11. 2 years ago

    My mother has been bragging about this for half a year but hasnt made any progress
    100% meme

    • 2 years ago

      The best friend of my gf does this too but for the last 2 years or longer, still weights as much as me, but she is a female and at least 30cm smaller than me.

  12. 2 years ago

    All diets come down to CICO and the occasional cardio (when dropping <12% BF).

  13. 2 years ago

    ever since i started skipping meals, i can't poop no more

    brehs help
    i still eat veggies for fiber but under CICO


  14. 2 years ago

    Intermittent fasting isn't even fasting. OMAD isn't "extreme." Literal fake news.

  15. 2 years ago

    Think of your body like a factory in Factorio

    There are bottlenecks, where your body can't use up calories. There are surpluses and deficiencies and there are built in mechanisms your body has to notify you of these (hunger, full, heartburn, lethargy, energy).

    Treat it like trying to optimize your factory.

    Fasting has its place. Use cardio at the end of your fasting. You will eventually need gas to refuel (food). Gas up throughout a time period to prepare for another fasting period. Obviously best started after sleeping so you have a 6-8 hour head start.

    There are fast and slow burning fuels, but I don't really get that in depth with it. After I've fasted and stacked cardio, I know I've earned a little treat. Just know how severe that treat is will need to be taken of. Burned off, or stored. Those are your only options.

    Play factorio. Lift weights. Do cardio. Eat responsibly.

    • 2 years ago

      >Think of your body like my current favourite video game which I play instead of studying something like biomedical science.

      Gee, thanks.

  16. 2 years ago

    Read the sticky and come to your own conclusion.

    • 2 years ago

      Cardio really is king. Eating HEALTHY and RUNNING A LOT has almost given me abs, but eating 900 calories a day has only given me actual fatigue.

    • 2 years ago

      >on TV
      >watches TV

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    T. OMAD nearly 8 years

  19. 2 years ago

    a lot of misinformation in this thread but no, its not a meme.

    it takes about 12-16 hours to deplete your liver glycogen, you are constantly burning energy whether its from your short term energy stores (stomach contents), medium energy store (liver and muscle glycogen) or long term energy store (body fat).

    You have a bunch of different metabolic processes and hormones that regulate the homeostatic functions of your body regulating everything in your water.

    Your body fat is controlled mostly by two hormones, insulin and HSL (hormone sensitive lipase), insulin triggers the conversion of excess glucose to body fat and HSL triggers the conversion of body fat to glucose and ketones.

    you might notice I called it hormone sensitive lipase, thats because the action of HSL is directly inhibited in the presence of insulin, so if your insulin levels are high, your HSL levels will be very low and inhibited.

    intermittent fasting works because you're effectively depleting your short/medium energy store on a daily basis allowing you to minimise insulin secretion and maximize the functioning of HSL, not only do you get these benefits but there are a vast amount of benefits from autophagy of which i have linked a study below

  20. 2 years ago

    Everyone does intermittent fasting. I don't know a single person who constantly eats during the entire course of a day, not even fatties.

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