Intervention on fat people

Do you guys have any experience in helping fat people lose weight? Assuming they want to change and ask you to help, what would you do to help them?
Here's my situation. A female friend of mine is overweight and now bordering obesity. This was a wake up call for her and asked the only IST autist she knows (me) for help.
How would you proceed in my situation? Of course food has a big part in the conversation, so aside that I think I will take her to the gym with me and start soft from there.
Any tip is welcome

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  1. 1 year ago

    I work with a fat guy. Hes 5'6 and weighs 275. Hes listened to a ton of health advice ive given him. Had blood work taken, has started taking supplements. Started sleeping more. Started drinking more water. Stopped drinking soda. But hes still the same weight. He eats all the time. I tried to get him to fast, count calories, meal prep. Hes just not interested. He knows most his problems will go away if he stops eating but hes addicted to it and wont stop

    • 1 year ago

      That dude is telling you what you want to hear and not doing any of it. The thing is, fat people don’t care that they are fat. That’s why they are fat.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah. I literally see him drinking the water bottle he carries around that he didnt before. I see him on break not drinking soda. I can tell hes less tired cause he doesnt look like hes about to fall asleep anymore. Hes made some changes just not enough. Im sure hes not making progress cause now that he doesnt drink soda he "rewards" himself with an extra thing of cheese and mayo or whatever fat people eat

        • 1 year ago

          My roommate is overweight bigtime he says its genetics but I can hear the mountain Dew cans opening "secretly" in the other room

      • 1 year ago

        This. Fat people are a lost cause. I find it so hard to get over 180lbs, people guzzling soda and living on goyslop can frick off and stay ugly

    • 1 year ago

      at least sounds like he's making progress thanks to you, keep at it anon

      • 1 year ago

        If I kidnapped him and locked him in my bathroom for two weeks do you think he would call the cops on me? He weighs 275. After two weeks he would probably weigh like 250. Hes got a toilet and a shower. And all the water he could drink. He'd be so much healthier 25 pounds lighter

        • 1 year ago

          I think theres some signal that goes out in a universe that whenever im typing in a thread that hasnt been bumped in a long time, someone will post in it seconds before me. I've noticed that a lot over the years
          >thread be on page 8
          >no one has posted in an hour
          >I started typing
          >someone has just posted seconds before me

          Going by these two posts I can tell you're mentally unwell.

        • 1 year ago

          You would have to have him sign some sort of contract eliminating all responsibility on your end to do something like that. Even if I had a contract I wouldn't do something like that without talking to a lawyer first. That would unironically be the absolute best way for a fatass to lose weight though. Just get them to drink a certain amount of snake juice every day to make sure they don't die and then prevent food from entering their body. That's all you need to lose weight in the quickest way possible. Also, turn the ambient temperature to just above freezing so his body has to work triple time in order to keep him hot enough to maintain homeostasis

        • 1 year ago

          He probably wouldn't actually lose 25 pounds even on a 0 calorie diet while completely sedentary locked in a room. Not in two weeks anyway. Surprisingly ineffective benefits for such an extreme course of action.

  2. 1 year ago

    Taking them to the gym or doing activities with them will be far better than just telling them to do it because it’s easier when someone you know is there with you.
    Food will be tough since they do that themselves. For that you could share recipes, try new things together, but you really can’t control how much they eat or how much they are snacking. If you notice they have certain foods/drinks they always consume offer alternatives that are lower calorie options.

  3. 1 year ago

    Normally I gaslight them into getting fatter, weaker, and less healthy. This includes the many fat an psychologically fragile people I work with. When they see I'm IST I minimize the effort that goes into it or whether or not I think it directly correlates to a person's value and spout body positive garbage to make them feel at ease. Then I encourage them to continue in their terrible habits and even allude sometimes to the fact that I too succumb to cravings or "let loose" with desserts and drinks and all their other fatty fat shit. Of course it's not true, but I don't care. I watch these fat slobs slowly expand around me.

    If someone came to me and asked me for help though I'd help them and be as honest as possible. I refuse to spend time trying to fix people who are uninterested in fixing themselves. Being IST and losing weight is a deeply personal struggle. I'm a big believer that networks and friends and family and all this social support for losing weight is a big load of horse shit that leads to eventual slips back into being fat. The main motivator should be embarrassment and self-loathing. This should build a fire internally of hatred for what you are and intense desire to do whatever is necessary to reverse it. That level of drive is what the 5% of people who lose weight and manage to keep it off forever have that the others don't. You always see these people so emotional about food and weight and body. The only emotions you should be feeling are hatred for yourself for being so weak and stupid as to have allowed that to happen in the first place.

    • 1 year ago

      >The main motivator should be embarrassment and self-loathing.

    • 1 year ago

      >The main motivator should be embarrassment and self-loathing.

      Both of you are moronic. Self-loathing doesn’t actually make people eat less or eat healthier. It just makes people more stressed out and eat more.

      Dieting has nothing to do with willpower. It had everything to do with changing what you eat. You can’t eat the same crap that got you fat and somehow lose weight. People need to eat less soda and less junk food.

      No one was obese 100 years ago. If you ate like the average person 100 years ago did, you simply wouldn’t be fat.

      • 1 year ago

        You're the moron here. Those people are fat because they're weak. They give in to comfort, they give in to gluttony. They let their base feelings and impulses rule them.

        >it just makes people more stressed out and eat more
        If they don't have it within themselves to recognize what they are, despise it, and if they don't possess the fortitude to push themselves through the "stress" of not getting to stuff their fat fricking stomachs full of goyslop, then they don't deserve to be IST.

        If you ask me, you've outlined exactly why obesity should be viewed as a form of eugenics. 100 years ago few people were fat gobs of shit, sure. But they were just as weak and open to temptation and vice as they are today. Obesity gives you a visual marker of which people lack elite levels of character and fortitude. Which people are painfully mediocre animals who give in to their base impulses and stuff their faces.

        It's true, people can be trapped or tricked into it, especially someone who is fat as a kid, since it's their moronic parents who are to blame. But if that person does not have the ability within themselves to hate their fat, hate their unfitness, hate their weakness, and push through on an individual level to redeem themselves and correct the mistakes, then they deserve their fate ultimately and I hope they get fatter, more unhealthy, and die quicker without reproducing.

        Fitness is eugenics. Why in the frick would I want to encourage and waste my time allowing genetic failures to increase longevity or god forbid, breed? The more fat fricks that take themselves out, the more IST people that reproduce, the stronger and healthier we get as a species in the long run. I can see a day where obesity has been eliminated and not because it was conquered via diet plans and supportive communities, but because it was bred out of existence.

        • 1 year ago

          Lmao shut up you sperg

        • 1 year ago

          >The more fat fricks that take themselves out, the more IST people that reproduce, the stronger and healthier we get as a species in the long run. I can see a day where obesity has been eliminated and not because it was conquered via diet plans and supportive communities, but because it was bred out of existence.
          And yet somehow, obesity rates keep increasing.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, turns out a lot of people are useless genetic filth and don't deserve to exist. Weird, huh?

            • 1 year ago

              Usually, line going up means your method of eugenics isn't working very well.

              • 1 year ago

                Who said that you can weed out all genetic filth in just a generation? The problem will get much "worse" before it gets better.

                Typical low iq subhuman trying to speak with authority about something they don’t even understand the basics of.

                Stay mad, fatso

              • 1 year ago

                >We've been getting fatter and fatter for like four generations
                >"No need to fear! The course will correct naturally!"
                >" My method of hateful super nazi science is to sit back for 200, 300 years and wait"
                Well, alright.

        • 1 year ago

          Typical low iq subhuman trying to speak with authority about something they don’t even understand the basics of.

        • 1 year ago

          >Obesity gives you a visual marker of which people lack elite levels of character and fortitude. Which people are painfully mediocre animals who give in to their base impulses and stuff their faces.
          This, so much this, holy frick it's true dude. They say you shouldn't judge someone based on how they look, but fatties are weak-willed pieces of shit that are legitimately dumber than their skinny/fit counterparts. If you know someone that is fat you can easily write off their opinions or their claims. They don't do shit except for work enough to not die and then work some more to be able to shovel as much hot garbage into their mouths as they want

      • 1 year ago

        Ah, yes, permanent change to core habits do not require some level of willpower.
        Self loathing absolutely has a role to play in losing fat permanently, and unravelling the core habits (food, drink, sleep, physical movement) you built up over a lifetime that led you/them to become a lard golem in the first place. That is not to say that it is a requirement, but as a visceral motivator, hating yourself will probably do more than just wanting external validation/desiring to please an external actor. Hell, hatred of self pushes people to go against their lizard brain trying to keep them alive.

        • 1 year ago

          Okay sure but what happens after you get the body and strength you desire but still hate yourself afterwards

  4. 1 year ago

    Easiest babies-first-fitness activity is going on walks.

    Try to schedule 3-4 walks a week with her, and talk fitness while you walk together. If she's not committed, she'll wash out quick, but if she is, it'll give you tons of time to share the wisdom and educate her on things most fat people just don't get, like proper portion control and the calories that come from stuff they weren't counting.

    As she gets better, you can upgrade to stuff like sharing your daily meal plans with each other to keep her accountable, or jogging, going to the gym, helping her setting up a more precise work out goal, etc. You may become much better friends as well, which is a nice benefit if she's fun to be around.

    If she washes out, well, now you know she's beneath you.

  5. 1 year ago

    It generally doesn't work. Once you hit obese tier, it's statistically very unlikely that they'll lose weight over more than a 12 month period

  6. 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    An acquaintance of mine has put on something like 50 lbs over the last decade. Every time I see him he talks about how he wants to lose it. But
    >won't change eating habits, won't put nutritionist's advice into practice
    >won't hit the gim more than once a week, despite membership including noob coaching program
    He wants the change without making one. I don't allow the talk anymore.

  8. 1 year ago

    It depends. If the person has been obese all their life, I don't waste my time because they likely lack the willpower and motivation to make any real changes. I'll suggest keto and that's about it. If they actually go through with it and make progress, I might put in more effort and discuss CICO, meal plans, exercises, etc.
    If the person is a relatively healthy weight and just wants to lose 10-20lbs, I'll put in more effort. Share my favorite meal plan recipes, workouts, etc.

  9. 1 year ago

    Sort of. I share my views and experiences with anyone who asks but very rarely do people listen/implement.

    For your situation: what another anon said. Go on walks, talk about fitness, health, and nutrition, and, if they want you to, hold them accountable once they start.

    t. Me. Came to the US from an impoverished country. Everyone in my family gained a massive amount of weight including me. At my heaviest, I was 270 pounds. I'm now 170 with a good bit of muscle. Everyone else in my family is still unhealthy and overweight. Feels bad but I still offer guidance to anyone who asks.

  10. 1 year ago

    You can't help them, the answer is always the same
    >I'm here for a good time not a long time
    And apparently chowing down on goyslop is a good enough time

  11. 1 year ago

    Go to her house, throw away her slop.
    She gas to grocery shop with you for the first three months.

    • 1 year ago

      Almost, this is on the right track though. Fat women tend to be binge eaters and breaking the cycle of binging is the only way for them to lose weight. Even if they get lipo/stomach chop/go on ana diet/take pills and lose the weight, it inevitably comes back since they never really broke the cycle.

      If you can replace some of the things she enjoys eating with healthier alternatives (example: if she likes a big stupid chicken salad with fried tenders and a gallon of ranch, replace the fried chicken with baked chicken, the ranch with greek yogurt + dry ranch seasoning). The only sustainable weight loss comes from getting in to the habit of making conscious healthier decisions in diet.

      Also, no soda, no juice, no alcohol. Just water and maybe a Spindrift for something sweet.

      • 1 year ago

        >no alcohol
        At all? Not even like a vodka with soda?

        • 1 year ago

          Booze is a diet killer. Drinking your calories is never a great choice to begin with and booze lowers your inhibitions to eat shitty food

        • 1 year ago

          Not OP, but when I was first changing my eating habits, being drunk made it hard not to binge. I used to regularly eat 3,000cals of Taco Bell when I drank.

  12. 1 year ago

    Helped a girl lose 100lbs over less than a year. She was probably 300+.
    She was still working on it when I left though so she might be down further. That was years ago.

    >mistook another fat girl from the back at a starbucks we were getting coffee from
    >she asked me how I could have made the mistake
    >explained her primary feature was that she was fat
    I believe I worded something like:
    >In an emergency, like I had to identify you to a firefighter or police officer, I would say '"She's the fat one."
    She was a little upset but immediately got to work. Gold's Gym sponsored her to lose weight iirc.

    • 1 year ago

      >In an emergency, like I had to identify you to a firefighter or police officer, I would say '"She's the fat one."

    • 1 year ago

      God damn, what a wake up call that must have been.

      "All of your unique traits, everything that makes you special and distinct? Irrelevant. Its all been subsumed by the fat. Your make up, your clothes, your personality, its all hidden behind the fat wall. You are not a person. You are a fat."

      Glad it got her ass moving. That's powerful.

  13. 1 year ago

    I am a fat frick who needs help.
    I don't know how to cook though.
    Can you teach me how to get fit 101?
    Supplements I bought and started using:
    >Omega 3.
    >Zinc 25 mg.
    >Vitamin D3 2,000 IU.
    >Magnesium 100 mg.
    >Centrum Energy.
    All 1 pill a day.

    • 1 year ago

      If you don't know how to cook, salads, rice, chicken and veg are the best place to start.

      Get a meat thermometer if you have doubts on how "done" chicken is. Either grill it or bake it until it reaches proper internal temp. Season with salt and pepper until you can figure out how you like your chicken to taste.

      Rice is also simple. You can buy a cheap rice cooker to make it even easier. Ratios are usually 1:1 water/rice, I add a little garlic powder and a touch of oil to make it a bit more interesting.

      For me, the tastiest and easiest roast veg to make and eat in volume is asparagus. It It's easy to make, the frozen stuff is cheap and plentiful, and you can eat a TON of it. When the tips crisp up a little is when it tastes best imo.

      Arugula/Kale are the best salad bases to use, or butterhead lettuce if they're too bitter for your taste. Red onion, halved cherry tomatoes, shaved parm and roasted corn/sweet potato are great flavor/texture enhancers that let you get away with using lighter/less quantities of dressing.

      Unless your schedule is well and truly fricked, get in to the habit of buying groceries for the meals you want to make. Instead of going once a week and getting a big haul of food I might not make before it goes back, I go 2-3 times a week to buy a small basket of ingredients at a time. Ends up being cheaper and you start knowing what to look for when you shop.

      Don't do away with everything you love. If you like a Domino's pizza every now and then, plan which day you want to eat it. The pizza is not going anywhere, you don't need to eat it immediately or every day. Eat less on your pizza day in order to maximize the enjoyment of your treat without going over your daily calorie count. If you do mess up, even for days in a row, do not let it discourage you. It is a process that takes time and a lot of error to get used to. Progress, not perfection.

  14. 1 year ago

    Sis husband is a massive fat frick. He constantly goes on "miracle" diets that lasts like week or two but then relapses immediately. Tried giving him advice but I don't think he likes me that much so he doesn't listen. He'll probably die out of heart attack before giving me a chance to be an uncle.

    • 1 year ago

      >I don't think he likes me that much

  15. 1 year ago

    Address her mental problems first. There are always mental problems I fricking guarantee it. If she denies keep asking. Only when the mental problems are solved then you could make some progress.

  16. 1 year ago

    There's next to nothing you can do. Everyone who has successfully lost weight and kept it off has been entirely self driven, if you get invested it won't help her succeed and will just make you frustrated when she (almost definitely) fails.

    What you can do is steer her away from fads and crap information, join her for workouts if she initiates and try to make them fun and just be supportive and available.

  17. 1 year ago

    I am going to college with this very wealthy (parents)half german-half Taiwanese kid. He's a fat furry, but I use him for programming and I study with him because he is pretty smart. So he is overweight and has been asking me for advice, and I've been trying to get him to go to the gym with me and I got him to install a calorie-counting app. Ive been giving really easy and basic advice. "just stop drinking soda" "cut down on snacks especially sugar" because even if he eats a shitload, cutting soda and candy should work. He is trying to get serious, but I keep catching him drinking soda at school, like thrice a day. He hs gone through with hiring a personal trainer and applying for the most expensive gym in my area. After spending so much money on clothes, trainers and gym sessions, I still see him eating goyslop at school( buying it overpriced from deli's nonetheless) and he complains about how he hasn't lost weight yet and that I'm lucky for having a white body lol. I just use the free college gym and don't have too much sugar, anything special IMO. Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant about how fat people lie and how I seeth about rich people.

  18. 1 year ago

    ITT: zero helpful advice

    • 1 year ago

      If I kidnapped him and locked him in my bathroom for two weeks do you think he would call the cops on me? He weighs 275. After two weeks he would probably weigh like 250. Hes got a toilet and a shower. And all the water he could drink. He'd be so much healthier 25 pounds lighter

      I think theres some signal that goes out in a universe that whenever im typing in a thread that hasnt been bumped in a long time, someone will post in it seconds before me. I've noticed that a lot over the years
      >thread be on page 8
      >no one has posted in an hour
      >I started typing
      >someone has just posted seconds before me

    • 1 year ago

      Stop fricking eating fatty. There, just gave you the only advice that's going to work you weak willed piece of subhuman trash

      • 1 year ago

        N-no u

    • 1 year ago

      There's plenty of useful advice in this thread, with a variety of approaches that should be able to fit just about any way OP should care to approach this (or even not to bother with it).

      I don't see you providing anything better, or why none of the advice here is any good.

  19. 1 year ago

    Leave them alone, only a heart attack can change them. Kevin Smith’s book talks about how much he knew he was unhealthy but there were more important things.
    >We know skiny mini’s, we just have other problems.
    Then he almost died on stage. Take their advice and leave fats alone. It is a self correcting problem.

  20. 1 year ago

    They're absolutely hopeless. Snake Diet guy had fat b***hes come live with him and they still couldn't lose the weight. They would sneak food late at night when he was sleeping.

  21. 1 year ago

    Some will listen to sense, others will need to come around on their own.
    I tried to get my younger brother to live better some 6 years ago, after I had managed to lose a great deal of weight myself, but it was only last year that he began to take steps. He's gonna make it, he's a good half head taller than me and it sounds like a sewer pipe when he pisses.

  22. 1 year ago

    if she wants to lose weight you and I both know that the most important thing is diet. I've tried many times to help my fat frick friend, and time and time again I've failed. The fricker refuses to change his diet, always making up excuses or straight up lying. I also can't get his fat ass in the gym more than once a week, often times I can't convince him to go even once a week. But even then, every few months or years he'll ask me again for help, and because he's my friend I'll always offer it to him. If your friend doesn't change how she thinks, there will never be any significant change. Fatness is an addiction to food after all, and an addict needs a change on the inside to heal. That being said, never give up on your friend. If they throw in the towel, push them. If they refuse after that, wait until they come to you for help again. So long as they always get back up, I think there's hope

  23. 1 year ago

    Yes. If they come up to me, i will give them some basic info: calorie deficit. If their reaction is anything other than "that makes perfect sense" i stop helping because they're too moronic to do grade 4 level arithmetics.

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