Is a water fast a meme?

Considering going on a short water fast before my trip to Japan to offset the pigging out I'm going to do there

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  1. 1 year ago

    is largely a meme pushed by online grifters that only promote it to make up for the trash diets they try to sell to the public

    • 1 year ago

      >muh grifters
      You can't sell not eating you fricking single digit IQ andy

      • 1 year ago

        Actually I know what some gay is going to say so I'm going to address it now
        >inb4 snake cole
        Merch with his logo on it and premade electrolyte packets for lazy fricks.
        >inb4 the fung guy
        Paid "community". Unnecessary + can easily get that free.
        "Coaching" and "masterclasses". Unnecessary.
        It's just bait for dim normalgays. Nobody posting here is any danger.

    • 1 year ago

      How do you "sell" literally not consuming any food.

      • 1 year ago

        Snake juice. But even that guy just gives you the recipe to do yourself if you want. Kek I don't understand when people here literally don't think at all. There is nothing to sell if you can't consume anything during the "fad" diet.

      • 1 year ago

        Quite easily if you think about it for longer than two seconds. Anybody could not eat for free of course. If you want specific details about how long, how often, what to do to prepare and recover, then you have to hand over some money.

        • 1 year ago

          No you don't all the info is online for free(YouTube, reddit, ect)

  2. 1 year ago

    Do it after

    • 1 year ago

      This, or do it in the lead up to but not literally the week before

  3. 1 year ago

    Not a meme. Very based and you should look into autophagy and the other benefits of it

    • 1 year ago

      Wow, going to go drink same water right now.

    • 1 year ago

      Digits of truth

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      checked for the 5th amendment like my boy frank would say

    • 1 year ago

      Checked and based. Thread should be over by now, go home people and learn about the objective benefits of fasting. People telling you otherwise are fatties coping with the fact that they can't put down the fork for a few hours.

    • 1 year ago

      autohomosexual? sounds gay

  4. 1 year ago

    It works, but effects aren't as exaggerated as most of its hypers claim. You would unironically be better of doing 1-3 day waterfastts rather than longer ones because 1) you lose muscle in addition to fat and 2) after week+ waterfasts, you require recovery day(s) eating broths before being able to eat normally unless you are willing to ruin your digestive health

  5. 1 year ago

    When i went to japan i felt like i was starving and had to get double of everything. I am NOT a fat guy

    • 1 year ago

      sure thing fatso

  6. 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    Fast only have the insane benefits if you're obese. Otherwise it reduced. I did multiple multiday fasts over a 2 months period and lost 45lbs

  8. 1 year ago

    Thanks bros. Will I be more lucid or out of it during the fast (of a few days)? I have quite a bit of work to finish up before I leave on the trip and need to be in a good state of mind.

    • 1 year ago

      I only really do 24-60ish hour fasts but I’d say the first day and second day you will be very clear headed (from my experience) although I drink black coffee and take adderall lol
      >inb4 that breaks the fast
      Idc lol I just want to go ottermode don’t care about your gay definition of fasting

      • 1 year ago

        That doesn't break a fast. Lmfao wtf?

      • 1 year ago

        yeah coffee doesn't break a fast, i'm pretty sure no one disagrees with that.

  9. 1 year ago

    Sort water fasts you don't lose much fat. Most of the weight loss is water loss, digestive waste

    • 1 year ago

      just like any other cut! wow!

      • 1 year ago

        Lol ok? Why are you so catty when you agree with me? Longer water fasts there comes a point where you lose more fat then water weight.

        • 1 year ago

          my apologies mate, didn't realize you meant short instead of sort. i thought you were shoot moronic

          • 1 year ago

            No need I'm moronic for not not correcting myself.

  10. 1 year ago

    If you have to ask, yes. Just do a caloric restriction and sit back and enjoy the fat loss.

  11. 1 year ago

    If you don't care about muscle mass then it's perfect for weight loss.
    It's great for resetting yout metabolism as long as your re-feeds are with whole real foods.
    Too many people think they can fast then eat goyslop.

    • 1 year ago

      It works, but effects aren't as exaggerated as most of its hypers claim. You would unironically be better of doing 1-3 day waterfastts rather than longer ones because 1) you lose muscle in addition to fat and 2) after week+ waterfasts, you require recovery day(s) eating broths before being able to eat normally unless you are willing to ruin your digestive health

      You don't lose any significant muscle as long as you have bodyfat. Morons like you blow my mind in your stupidity.

      • 1 year ago

        Post body

        • 1 year ago

          Sure thing nog I've lost 80lbs fasting and lifting doing progressive overload. Choke on my loose skin.

          • 1 year ago

            Ahaha holy shit lmao. You had no muscle to lose because you are a fricking subhuman even in this society of subhumans. Yeah in your case, keep on fasting bro.

            If you are a normal sized human being who works out, avoid it

            • 1 year ago

              Lmfao thanks for conceding defeat. You can't take it when people prove you wrong with facts then body proof. Keep crying cause you got boddied by a fatty.

            • 1 year ago

              The initial weight gain is your Digestive systems and other organs rehydrating. Also just don't eat like shit after and you can still continually lose.
              Source: have don't multi 7 day fasts.
              Also me

              That's always fat fricks praising long fasting as a miracle diet.

              Some of us are under 20% bf, doing anymore than 48h is a sure way to lose muscle

              what a fricking moron

              newbies exposed

              • 1 year ago

                newbie? I've been on IST since 2008

            • 1 year ago

              He literally has muscle, it's just covered up by the fat. This guy will be huge when he's finished his fast. My bench PR was when I was obese so I know what he means.

          • 1 year ago

            That's always fat fricks praising long fasting as a miracle diet.

            Some of us are under 20% bf, doing anymore than 48h is a sure way to lose muscle

            • 1 year ago

              I never said it was a miracle diet moron. I said it worked for me then showed proof. You boys can't stop crying at a real one like me.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop embarrassing yourself please

              • 1 year ago

                You're the only one embarrassed I'm gunna lose 40lbs the next 2 months and be at 200lbs. Sorry my will power is so far above yours. You could never do what I do.

              • 1 year ago

                >Sorry my will power is so far above yours
                First of all, if you had that much willpower how did you became obese in the first place?
                Second of all, willpower is a limited ressource that needs to be used in different projects, diet and sport being just a small part. An intelligent and busy man knows to spend his willpower sparingly.
                Third of all, although I wish you the best it is extremely common for obese people to lose a lot of weight with extreme methods only to gain it all back once their willpower that they might have thought limitless run out.

              • 1 year ago

                >First of all, if you had that much willpower how did you became obese in the first place?
                Ok then become 325lbs then and lose it homosexual. Oh wait you can't do either

                >Second of all, willpower is a limited ressource that needs to be used in different projects, diet and sport being just a small part. An intelligent and busy man knows to spend his willpower sparingly.
                The most moronic thing I've read from you this whole thread.

                >Third of all, although I wish you the best it is extremely common for obese people to lose a lot of weight with extreme methods only to gain it all back once their willpower that they might have thought limitless run out.
                I don't wish you the best. Thanks for bending the knee to me after I put you in your place. After my long fasts into a lower calorie diet I've done for 10months my stomach has shrunk. I literally can't eat as much as I did before. I'll be fine. Also I'm not a loser like you who thinks willpower is limited.

              • 1 year ago

                You're saying as if becoming a fattie in the first place was an achievement lol

              • 1 year ago

                Yes if it isn't hard then do it and lose the weight. I've heard gays on here cry about not being able to get enough calories. While I would eat a stuff crust little Caesars pizza a gallon of milk and half a bag of Doritos in one sitting then turn the other half of the Doritos into a plate of chips and melted cheese. It takes tremendous will to do that day in and day out. Then to destroy such a hedonistic self-implanted curse. Not to mention how terrible you feel all the time and the lack of female attention. And even so I pushed on. My will power is great.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes if it isn't hard then do it and lose the weight. I've heard gays on here cry about not being able to get enough calories. While I would eat a stuff crust little Caesars pizza a gallon of milk and half a bag of Doritos in one sitting then turn the other half of the Doritos into a plate of chips and melted cheese. It takes tremendous will to do that day in and day out. Then to destroy such a hedonistic self-implanted curse. Not to mention how terrible you feel all the time and the lack of female attention. And even so I pushed on. My will power is great.

                Yeah sure, he's going to risk having loose skin for the rest of his life just to prove he has the same amount of willpower than some fattie on an ego trip.

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot to say I stopped smoking weed cold turkey. And have saved up 10k in the last 5months. My will power is greater then you could ever wish to achieve.

            • 1 year ago

              Ahaha holy shit lmao. You had no muscle to lose because you are a fricking subhuman even in this society of subhumans. Yeah in your case, keep on fasting bro.

              If you are a normal sized human being who works out, avoid it

              The lower your bodyfat % the more muscle you'll lose, so better doing it after your trip not before.

              I have experienced with fasting up to 72 h and even if it works its very easy to put back the weight, better stick to a lower calorie intake for a long period of time.

              If you don't care about muscle mass then it's perfect for weight loss.
              It's great for resetting yout metabolism as long as your re-feeds are with whole real foods.
              Too many people think they can fast then eat goyslop.

              I’ve yet to see any evidence that multi-day fasting cannibalizes muscle at a significantly faster speed than cutting by any other method. Cutting always leads to a loss of strength. Most likely you’ve never tried fasting or you simply had less muscle mass than you thought, before you began fasting.

              • 1 year ago

                There was a super fatty that did the longest medically recorded fast of 382 days. He didn't lose any significant muscle.

              • 1 year ago

                What the hell? how???

              • 1 year ago

                By having enough body fat to subsist on.

              • 1 year ago

                >According to a Chicago Tribune report, he had forgotten the taste of food before his first meal after the fast. He ate a boiled egg with a slice of bread and butter for his first breakfast, telling reporters: “I thoroly [sic] enjoyed my egg and I feel very full.”
                Based Angus

              • 1 year ago

                Google Angus Barbieri's fast

          • 1 year ago

            what a fricking moron

          • 1 year ago

            >lose 80lbs
            >still look the same year after

          • 1 year ago

            looking good, keep it up
            you must be very tall for this weight to make sense

            • 1 year ago

              I'm 6ft2. Not very tall

          • 1 year ago

            kys bro

            • 1 year ago

              You first pal. I'm use to jealous homosexuals like you crying. My will power and discipline trumps yours any day.

          • 1 year ago

            That's disgusting

            • 1 year ago

              Thank you I agree. Try harder homosexual you can't demoralize me. All haters sound jealous. Simple as

          • 1 year ago

            Not even loose skin, still just fat as frick. Keep going and you'll get rid of all of it dude. I'd say get more aggressive with it though. You've got frick all for muscle and you will get it back very quickly once you cut down even if you do manage to lose it. 80 lbs over a year with fasting is basically nothing, but good job nonetheless

            • 1 year ago

              I'm gunna lose another 40lbs the next 2 months already stepping it up trying to get to a total loss of 120lbs this year. 80lbs isn't a lot fasting? Lmfao stfu homosexual

              • 1 year ago

                he's right tho, i lost 16lbs fasting in less than a month without even being obese, try harder

              • 1 year ago

                I lost 45lbs the first 2 months by fasting then the other 35lbs by working out because I can't multi day fast working a physical job. And no you not him are right. That 16lbs you lost was mainly water weight. It's alright you 2 seem to be use to being wrong quite often.

              • 1 year ago

                im sorry anon but you really do have to try harder, 183cm 7.5kg (16,5lbs) and 8cm waist down progress in literally 25 days, total 14 days fasted approximately + 3-5h moderate-intense cardio weekly and lifting 4 days a week (haven't lost strength)
                weighing myself weekly with an average loss of ~200-270g daily which is consistent with mostly fat loss + some water
                will keep going till i get about 11-12% bf

                if your "physical job" still has you looking like that after a year, then it's not that phyisical after all, face reality and try harder. not even trying to be negative, stop eating fatty

                pic related, dirty mirror cause im lazy

              • 1 year ago

                Lmfao you demoralizers just won't stop huh? I'm doing fine and on track to be at 200lbs in a month. Telling me to try harder doesn't mean shit I'm working hard and losing. I'm also known as the strongest guy no matter where I work. I could care less what you do with your body if you're 80lbs in 10 months is worth celebrating alone. Everybody's body is different. I'm a beast and get called a god or moron strength wherever I work. I bet I could outlift you too.

                Yeah sure, he's going to risk having loose skin for the rest of his life just to prove he has the same amount of willpower than some fattie on an ego trip.

                I mean he objectively doesn't. He was the one talking about my willpower and being a negger. If he thinks his willpower is greater then mine then prove it otherwise stfu trolls. Kek

                >ego trip
                Speaking facts is ego tripping? Or talking shit back to people that were talking shit to me is having an ego? Yikes if you can't take it don't dish it out.

              • 1 year ago

                In 2 months*

              • 1 year ago

                If you were talking about your lifts then ok.
                But thinking you are better than others because you managed to solve self inflicted issues like being fat or smoking weed, it's kinda cringe.

              • 1 year ago

                Never said I was better then anyone until they were neggers to me. Keep seething and learn2read. I'm positive to everyone until they are buttholes to me

              • 1 year ago

                >Lmfao stfu homosexual
                ngmi. Shit personality = will start shoving your fat fricking face with food before too long. Can't be helped

              • 1 year ago

                I my personality is fine I'm not gunna be gaslight by some fake positive like you. Eat shit. homosexuals like you hate when people succeed. Kek

              • 1 year ago

                >arrogant even though you're an ugly fat c**t
                >projecting fake positivity trait on other people
                >thinking other people don't want to see you succeed

              • 1 year ago

                >Arrogant because I deserve it and am still pushing on doing better then 80% of the world

                >Not fake positivity at all. It's as real as it can get. I'm just not afraid to put homosexual neggers in their place.

                >Look at this thread most of them here who responded to me don't want me to succeed.

                >Undying faith in myself to a psychotic degree.

                >Reddit spacing

                Definitely gunna make it. Damn it's so easy shitting on you low IQ Neggers

              • 1 year ago

                just letting you know bro (assuming fat fasting anon) I was literally in the same spot as you pretty much and once I hit 225 (I was actually 205, my cortisol was just so high thats how much water I was holding) I began to crave sugar (I hate sweets though) and started literally losing my mind until I quit dieting for like 6 months, also I had like 20g of fat a day.

                But I was also 465, not 300 whatevr it was

              • 1 year ago

                >slobby bastard lets himself get over 300 lbs
                >looks fricking homeless, probably smells like piss 24/7
                >think's he's better than 80% of the world
                >still a fatass
                >thinks he's SMARTER than other people, despite significant evidence to the contrary
                Congrats, you massive fricking homosexual. You've figured out how to not shovel food into your wienersucker. This doesn't make you better than other people. This is simply one of the basic criteria for being considered a human being that every thin and healthy person knows how to do. You're gonna rope yourself when you actually get fit and find out that people fricking hated you all along not because you were a fat slob, but because you're a shithead.

              • 1 year ago

                Tldr. Keep seething at my success. Could care less what a sad angry loser homosexual like you thinks. Keep typing I won't read your hate.

                just letting you know bro (assuming fat fasting anon) I was literally in the same spot as you pretty much and once I hit 225 (I was actually 205, my cortisol was just so high thats how much water I was holding) I began to crave sugar (I hate sweets though) and started literally losing my mind until I quit dieting for like 6 months, also I had like 20g of fat a day.

                But I was also 465, not 300 whatevr it was

                Nice quads also thanks for the info. I'm just intermediate fasting only eating 1500cals a day and doing a full body workout 5-6 days a week on top of my physical job. I'm already insane so it's ok if I get more crazy. Wagmi

          • 1 year ago

            Good shit, keep it going. Ignore the shitters.

            • 1 year ago

              Thanks the positive people in this community gave me the drive to start losing weight. I came from LULZ lol. All us positive bros are gunna make it! I hope the negative bros make it too but it isn't looking good.

  12. 1 year ago

    Depends on where you start
    >Lifelong healthy eating habits and good shape
    Probably will make you lose a few pounds and not be too bad
    >Imbalanced diet and generally non healthy living
    You will gain weight, lose muscle, and might start bleeding internally.

  13. 1 year ago

    The lower your bodyfat % the more muscle you'll lose, so better doing it after your trip not before.

    I have experienced with fasting up to 72 h and even if it works its very easy to put back the weight, better stick to a lower calorie intake for a long period of time.

    • 1 year ago

      The initial weight gain is your Digestive systems and other organs rehydrating. Also just don't eat like shit after and you can still continually lose.
      Source: have don't multi 7 day fasts.

      Sure thing nog I've lost 80lbs fasting and lifting doing progressive overload. Choke on my loose skin.

      Also me

      • 1 year ago

        >Also just don't eat like shit after and you can still continually lose
        Not eating too much after is possible but more taxing on willpower than just running moderate calory deficit on a high protein high nutrients diet, which is also better for sparing muscles.

        It's easier for an obese person such as yourself but even for you I think my method is superior, losing weight might also reduce loose skin.

        • 1 year ago

          I've done both. Ive lost 80lbs in 10months the first 2 months I lost 45lbs doing multiple 3-7 day fasts and walking. I've been strong my whole life. Probably cause I was fat and did physical labor. I didn't lose any strength. Then I lost the other 35lbs the next 8 months by eating at a calorie deficit. Fasting was so much easier for me. And it even got my eating under control. I can't eat as much when I use to binge. I would do more multi day fasting but I got a physical job and it gets very difficult doing both.

  14. 1 year ago

    Tokyo is the best city in the world for food. Acording to Michelin, Tokyo has approximately 160,000 restaurants, compared to approximately 25,000 in New York City and 13,000 in Paris. Tokyo is the world’s most Michelin-starred city, with 226 stars in total. This is more than double the number of stars held by the next closest city, Paris.

  15. 1 year ago

    No one is going to peg you in Japan.

  16. 1 year ago

    I did a 7 day water fast and lost 10 pounds, regained 7 of it after refeeding.

    I'm currently 5 days into a dry fast, and I've lost 21 pounds. You tell me.

    • 1 year ago

      You need to burn 9k calories to lose 1kg, so that's 5 days of not eating. If you lost 7kg by not eating for 5 days, do the math.

      • 1 year ago

        >He doesn't understand water weight
        >He doesn't understand creating endogenous water/electrolytes from fat
        >He doesn't understand pissing away the fat daily in a hot shower


        • 1 year ago

          you don't piss away fat you moron

          • 1 year ago

            >what is yellow pee

            • 1 year ago

              Not fat tbh


              inb4 "it's different when you fast"

    • 1 year ago

      Don't people need water within, like, three days to survive though?

      • 1 year ago

        No you're body can synthesize water from your fat. Not forever but if you have enough fat 3days isn't going to kill you as long as you're sedentary during your fast.

    • 1 year ago

      it's water weight moron

      and you can't lose more than ~4 pounds on a 7 day fast

      • 1 year ago

        Somewhat true. I fasted and lost a frick ton of weight when I started. I lost so much weight so fast for several weeks continuously. The closer I got to being lean, the less weight I lost at a time. At the end of it when I got closer to 20% body fat, I was hitting 0.78 lbs per day weight loss.

    • 1 year ago

      >Dry fast
      The literal morons on internetenjoy your kidneys while they still work

  17. 1 year ago

    tried it before
    it works very well
    not really a good time though

  18. 1 year ago

    Try a 36hrs fast first and see how your body reacts. Every body is different, so you may have trouble sleeping, with energy levels, other stuff, or maybe you'll breeze through it. I you manage ok, try going for a 48-72hrs, drinks lots of water and some pinches of salt here and there after 48. There's tons of info and studies out there, so pick what you think will suit you best.

  19. 1 year ago

    >offset the pegging out I'm going to do there


  20. 1 year ago

    I just finished a 24hour fast (just drinking water), and I'm 4 pounds lighter. Hope this helps.

  21. 1 year ago

    Cico is real moron

  22. 1 year ago

    A video on the benefits of Fasting:

  23. 1 year ago

    A few years ago at my fattest I started a cut with a couple 7 day water fasts spaced a week apart. My stomach shrank a lot so it would have been difficult to eat enough to gain it back so it was easy to lose 40 pounds in 2 months. I went from 185-145.

  24. 1 year ago

    just make sure to add salt/potassium unless you like liver failure when you come out of it, look up David Blaine

  25. 1 year ago

    Anything past Rolling 48s is a total fricking meme
    >t. Day 6 of 7 day fast

    • 1 year ago

      Fasting is more about losing weight, it's about autophagy, willpower training, digestive reset, religious.

  26. 1 year ago

    after doing my own research (not op) it's something like after 16-18 hours you run out of carbs, at 20-24 hours Gluconeogenesis (converting protein into glucose) begins, some other shit happens up until 72, and then Gluconeogenesis increases rapidly. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the protein converted is muscle. However however, from a brospective, muscle costing more to exist than fat, one can only assume it would pull from these stores first, unless stimulated.

    There was also another study estimating that roughly 30-35 calories can be extracted from each pound of FAT MASS within a 24 hour timespan. Assuming you have 60 pounds of excess fat, that would be roughly 1800calories available to burn from fat, so you can be in an 1800calorie deficit.

    Does fasting "spare" muscle? No. Does fasting cause more muscle loss than CICO? Most Likely, but not enough to be meaningful at most body weights vs the speed at which it is done.

    So what is the safest muscle sparing method? Roughly 16-18 hour fasts, following a prompt protein dose at 2-3 meals a day. (3 being assured, 2 being sub-par)

    What is the optimal muscle sparing method?
    3-5 meals a day, spread roughly 3-6 hours apart, with regular protein feedings within each.
    (1.8-2.4g/kg LBM)

    Now my own personal opinion? As long as you get adequate Macros within a 24 hour feeding window you are fine, anything more than a 20 hour fast is most likely improper, but I had personal positives from fasting, so I can't say one is better than another.

    I think CICO is better, but after fasting (36 hour every sunday following a Saturday "refeed", that most times I skipped) for a long while I noticed a few things; my stomach shrank, I couldn't eat more even if I wanted, I was less hungry as often, I learned I didn't need food (you get my point), the weight loss was very motivating, I loved seeing my Monday weigh in.

    • 1 year ago

      >There was also another study estimating that roughly 30-35 calories can be extracted from each pound of FAT MASS within a 24 hour timespan.
      So if you hypothetically only had one pound of surplus fat and you wanted to lose it, it would take you 100 days to do so? Doesn't sound right

  27. 1 year ago

    You won't need to. You'll be walking so much that you probably won't gain any weight even if you tried.

    My longest water fast was 7 days and I wouldn't recommend it.

  28. 1 year ago

    The keto/vegan diet is the way to go.
    You cycle the two: you do bro keto one day, then immediately cycle with a vegan carrot diet the next day. If you feel fatigued, maybe do a cheat day with water only. Best of luck, bro

  29. 1 year ago

    I was think about doing like 2 x 1 day fast in the week. Good idea?

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