Is American food really that shitty that the average person will end up obese just by living there?

Is American food really that shitty that the average person will end up obese just by living there?

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  1. 10 months ago

    No, Americans just act like they are force fed fast food

  2. 10 months ago

    Nobody forces you to eat the goyslop. We have cheaper quality groceries than anywhere else in the world, and ultimately, quantity determines obesity. Everything is cheap here, so overeating is financially possible for more people. It's also cheaper to get a home gym than anywhere else, and a house with enough space to host it.

    • 10 months ago

      Americans complain a lot about how much walking of required in Europe though. I imagine the more car centric infrastructure does lead to an even more sedentary existence that just adds to the problems already there, like all the added corn syrup in food

      • 10 months ago

        Only nigs, spics, and the lowest echelon whites do that. They stand out in Europe so it's all you see so it's all you believe exists.

        • 10 months ago

          I would think it depends more on where people live and how much of a nessecity cars are

      • 10 months ago

        It definitely contributes but the goyslop is the worst part. In my experience Euro grocery stores have much more "real" food and their diets are much better and rounded out. Meanwhile US grocery stores are just full of shit like oreos, chips, and soda on every isle cap. A lot of Euros also carry their own groceries so they can't load up on nonessential garbage as easily as fat Americans in their trucks can haul off.

        • 10 months ago

          You're thinking of Walmart, the store that poor people go to. There are other grocers in the US like HEB, which have massive produce sections and they aren't expensive, they just don't build them near ethnic communities since they wouldn't make money there anyways.

          • 10 months ago

            >they just don't build them near ethnic communities
            have you seen the demographics of houston?

            • 10 months ago

              No no no, you idiot. The Greater Houston Area is more than just the City of Houston. Its many little cities in a big metropolitan complex. The demographic data you find for major US cities often don't include wealthier areas of the "city" like that since its always broken up into smaller cities most people don't even know the borders of.

              • 10 months ago

                yes no shit moron, everyone knows it's a metroplex. have you seen the demographics of the metroplex?

              • 10 months ago

                I don't know what to tell you. There's definitely some wealthier communities in Houston, and then there's the third ward with Walmarts and corner stores.

              • 10 months ago

                there's plenty of HEBs and youre delusional if you think all, or even most, are in wealthy white neighborhoods. whole foods already has that market down pat

            • 10 months ago

              >checks map
              Yeah, there's no HEB in Fifth Ward or Rice Military, that anon's point stands. They're in the predominantly White/Asian areas, hispanics have Fiesta and nigs have gas stations to rob.

              • 10 months ago

                I took a look and there's still a bunch of grocery stores within walking distance even if you live in the middle of Fifth Ward and there's even some semi-frequent bus lanes if you need to go farther.
                Still seems like a poor coverage compared to Europe but I guess it's because it's all low density housing.
                Anyway it certainly doesn't look like a "food desert" people living out in the suburbs here(our suburbs are much less dense though) have about the same access to public transport and grocery stores.

      • 10 months ago

        It definitely contributes but the goyslop is the worst part. In my experience Euro grocery stores have much more "real" food and their diets are much better and rounded out. Meanwhile US grocery stores are just full of shit like oreos, chips, and soda on every isle cap. A lot of Euros also carry their own groceries so they can't load up on nonessential garbage as easily as fat Americans in their trucks can haul off.

        Rent free Eurotrash, rent free.

      • 10 months ago

        Perhaps. People also act like Europeans are bastions of physical health but in reality the vast majority of them are grotesque skinny fat schlubs. Yeah it's not obese but they may as well be

        • 10 months ago

          >they're practically the same as us

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe, but not in NYC

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody forces us to be in this godawful site, yet here we are

      • 10 months ago

        Cheer up c**t, atleast were not on Twitter or x or whatever the frick it's called these days.

        • 10 months ago

          That looks like an uwrapped head texture from a videogame

    • 10 months ago

      >Cheaper quality groceries than anywhere else in the world
      Where the frick have you been? I can buy months worth of groceries with a single day of my pay in South America and Africa.
      At the street markets you can buy fresh produce from farms nearby, the American equivalent is the farmers market with ludicrous prices.

      • 10 months ago

        Relative to pay, brainlet. You can go to some shithole and buy a days worth of food for $1, but the average person in that shithole makes $3/day.

        • 10 months ago

          no you're moronic, grocery bills are becoming sky high due to inflation and price gouging in the us. wage growth has not at all kept up, that anon is right
          rope yourself

          • 10 months ago

            What Americans consider “sky high” is still frick all compared to what Europeans pay for basically anything. Inflation over the last few years and increased price of produce and meat due to the war in Ukraine have taken the American people from “can comfortably afford as much food as they like” to “the grocery budget is cutting into my takeout budget.” There’s still no real concern about not being able to afford enough food.

          • 10 months ago

            Relative to pay, brainlet. You can go to some shithole and buy a days worth of food for $1, but the average person in that shithole makes $3/day.

            What Americans consider “sky high” is still frick all compared to what Europeans pay for basically anything. Inflation over the last few years and increased price of produce and meat due to the war in Ukraine have taken the American people from “can comfortably afford as much food as they like” to “the grocery budget is cutting into my takeout budget.” There’s still no real concern about not being able to afford enough food.

            uk gay here
            hes right
            i went to america and was fricking shocked at how cheap all your food was. even at restaurants the portions were massive for cheap as frick prices. literally 3rd world tier prices almost it was cold. and thats with the fact that you guys got double our wages, but muh healthcare so it balances out. homie u guys get insurance from employers. leff it

    • 10 months ago

      Food in the US is extremely low quality compared to developed 1st world country, also housing is expensive as shit. My US coworkers pay more than 1K5/month for their house/apartment and think it's normal.

      • 10 months ago

        housing in places where people actually want to live is expensive in most of the world
        if you don't want to rent a room you're looking at at least $500, usually more than $750 here... cheap, right? Well no, median household income here is $28k compared to $70k in the states. That's for small studio or one room apartment, renting a HOUSE is borderline impossible.

        For me housing in the states outside of most desirable areas in major cities always sounded alright, but the healthcare and education costs are truly insane.

        • 10 months ago

          >if you don't want to rent a room you're looking at at least $500, usually more than $750 here... cheap, right? Well no, median household income here is $28k compared to $70k in the states.

          Median rent in the USA is $1700. Major cities run from $2500-$3500.

          • 10 months ago

            median is higher here as well I'm talking the absolute cheapest hovel that can still commute to the metro area

            • 10 months ago

              Your absolute cheapest hovel doesn't mean shit when rural shitholes still charge $1500 for rent.

        • 10 months ago

          >mfw sweden
          >mfw housing queue
          >mfw i pay $700 a month for a 63 sq m apartment 15 minutes from central station

    • 10 months ago

      Mexicans are even fatter than US, and they're poor as frick.

      Poor parts of the US (South) are fatter than wealthier parts of the US.

      Even in fricking Hong Kong, most people could easily afford enough food to keep themselves fat. It just isn't part of the culture.

    • 10 months ago

      >American land and property is the cheapest in the world
      I don’t get the joke

  3. 10 months ago

    the food isn't just extra tasty and palatable, but also the culture around food is different. when you eat a meal, you feast, and then there's lots of snacks and a lot of group activities involve food in some way, and if you don't take any, you're subtly shamed.

    • 10 months ago

      french and japanese food tastes better and theyre slimmer

    • 10 months ago

      This. The added sugar to everything is not a help, but the bigger problem is the culture of: take out food, bingeing, desserts, sodas, advertising creating wants, food as a subsitute for companionship, loneliness, absence of walking (just walking for ten minutes after a meal imporoves blood sugars better than insulin, or something), and the complete absence of an organic, natural native food culture. American food is capitalist swill.

      Would, though. Both. repeatedly and frequently. b***h is my type.

    • 10 months ago

      >the food isn't just extra tasty and palatable
      your food is straight up unedible to people who didn't grow up in the usa

  4. 10 months ago

    >college student
    Somehow I think that has more to do with it in this case than anything else

  5. 10 months ago

    I mean, she chose to eat what she did.

  6. 10 months ago

    >leave parents home in communist country and get freedom of choice in diet for the first time in your entire life
    >eat goyslop and Starbucks every day
    >why am I fat?
    really difficulty connection to make I guess

    • 10 months ago

      >Hong Kong

      God bless the American educational system

  7. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      And yet you can still walk to the produce and meat aisle. homosexual.

      • 10 months ago

        nta but you're missing the point of the video. it's showing where the average consumer's priorities are, since the store made a conscious decision to use up that much display space just for frozen pizzas. obvious the person who took the video was criticizing it, not endorsing it.

        • 10 months ago

          >obvious the person who took the video was criticizing it, not endorsing it.
          exactly. ISTizens are low IQ kek

      • 10 months ago

        wow that got you pretty triggered huh anon? Let me guess, you grew up eating frozen pizza and saluting the flag?
        >I’ll never let those Iraqis take my pizza and freedom fries!

    • 10 months ago

      Is this woodman's? looks like woodman's

      • 10 months ago

        Almost certainly. And I wouldn't use Woodmans as an example of a standard supermarket. For instance see pic related

    • 10 months ago

      That pizza is terrible for you, that shit is basically all I ate as a kid

      • 10 months ago

        what's even in it? can't remember the last time i saw one

        • 10 months ago

          Shit, basically no nutrition from what I remember. It's all wheat, sodium, and basedbean oils from what I remember. The perfect dish for people who don't want to cook for the kids lmao, lol

    • 10 months ago

      2500kcal per pizza * 10 per row * 4 rows per column * 20 columns = 2 million kcal in a single webm

      • 10 months ago

        no way that fricking pizza has more than calories than i eat in a day

      • 10 months ago

        Those pizzas are like 1200kcal and what's even the point of that post. I can show a grain silo and that's millions of calories. Why are euros so poorly educated.

      • 10 months ago

        >2500kcal per pizza
        doubt, the pizzas I eat from the supermarket have a bit over 1000kcal, up to 1500kcal if I buy the bigger ones

        • 10 months ago

          Those pizzas are like 1200kcal and what's even the point of that post. I can show a grain silo and that's millions of calories. Why are euros so poorly educated.

          no way that fricking pizza has more than calories than i eat in a day

          so call it an upper limit *shrug*

          • 10 months ago

            americans are wild

      • 10 months ago

        I eat those pizzas all the time. They are more like 1200 to 1500 calories each.

    • 10 months ago

      I would title this simply "Triumph."
      It shows ultimate triumph over the one constant in humanity's, nay, life's existence: the question where the next meal comes from.

      In case you don't get the tone I am invoking, I am not speaking appreciatively of it. Also not the opposite. I am just beholding it.

      • 10 months ago

        lmao never read such an empty collection of words. dilate. YWNBAW

    • 10 months ago

      The European fears the pizza aisle

      • 10 months ago

        Rightly so. Burgers should learn to.

    • 10 months ago

      would make a third worldie cry

    • 10 months ago

      Enough Pizza to feed all of Africa. Too bad none of those spear chuckers will eat.

    • 10 months ago

      >Go to pizza store
      >Get mad there is pizza

    • 10 months ago

      >Be a grocery store in a black neighborhood
      >They only buy frozen pizza and snack foods
      >Store responds to demand buy stocking every type of frozen pizza and snack food they can find
      >The news runs a story about how there isn't fresh, healthy food available

      Every fricking time

    • 10 months ago

      do americans really?

      • 10 months ago

        No. Do you morons not understand that these videos are taken because they are out of the ordinary? Because they are something unusual that struck someone as strange enough to warrant taking a video of it to post online? If this was a normal thing then this video wouldn't exist in the first place.

        • 10 months ago

          >If this was a normal thing then this video wouldn't exist in the first place.
          This aisle exists in every single Walmart in the USA. Alongside 90% of grocery stores (except small buildings).

          What's with the half a dozen replies of relentless impotent seethe?

          • 10 months ago

            No they do not. In every grocery store I've been in, frozen pizzas take up maybe a third of one side of an aisle in the frozen section. No, having two entire aisles dedicated entirely to frozen pizza is not common or normal, and you're a fool if you believe it is.

            • 10 months ago

              >No, having two entire aisles dedicated entirely to frozen pizza is not common or normal, and you're a fool if you believe it is.
              Walk into walmart moron

              • 10 months ago

                I have. Several of them. They didn't look like that.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Okay, continue to revel in your ignorance then.

              • 10 months ago

                So let me get this straight. My "ignorance" is in stating that Walmart has two pizza aisles, which sends you into an autistic rage.

                Seek mental health facilities.

              • 10 months ago

                Europe has coolers of horse semen next to the diary products. People casually buy a 50 cl of it to add to their coffee

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                >posts a gay ukrainian as if it doesn't underscore my point

              • 10 months ago

                You asked if it was a normal thing. I responded that no, it is in fact an usual thing. You then flew into an autistic rage insisting that literally every grocery store in America must have two aisles dedicated to frozen pizza and anyone who disagrees is fat.
                Consider your own advice. You hate fat people and yet you apparently have an entire folder dedicated to a weight gain fetishist youtuber. Stop seeking out things to be upset about. It's not healthy for you and it's fricking annoying for everyone else to have to listen to your screeching.

              • 10 months ago

                >You then flew into an autistic rage insisting that literally every grocery store in America must have two aisles dedicated to frozen pizza and anyone who disagrees is fat.
                Imagine being so buttmad that someone called our your shitty worthless country you actually typed this

          • 10 months ago

            Why is he prancing like a homosexual ? What the frick ? Who is this fricking guy ?

        • 10 months ago

          pffft, seethe harder amerifat, I have to live in your shitty country and that is EXACTLY what it looks like, even in the "quality" supermarkets.

          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              stay delusional, I could go to any QFC (seattle homosexual here) and find an aisle just like that, and QFC is supposed to be the good kind of supermarket.

              • 10 months ago

                I wouldn't be caught dead in the green-haired onions latte homosexualland that is Seattle, so I wouldn't know.

              • 10 months ago

                yeah I hate it too, but even in this pozzed lefty city, the supermarkets are full of frozen shit food, but I see you don't have an argument

              • 10 months ago

                Even the ghetto-ass walmarts I shopped at when I lived in Dallas didn't look like that, so maybe it's a regional thing? Maybe it's just a pozzed lefty city thing? They had frozen food aisles, sure, but they had things like frozen fruit and vegetables too, not entire aisles dedicated solely to frozen pizza.

        • 10 months ago

          Not necessarily true, there are many popular (or, rather, common) degenerate things people are inherintly disgusted by. We have an intrinsic sense of good and evil and right and wrong, although when you are young it must be honed . Many simply choose to ignore their better judgement.

    • 10 months ago

      You could eat one of these everyday and still lose weight.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      DAMN, I just had lunch, but now I want to heat up some frozen pizza

    • 10 months ago

      oh wow. a store

      • 10 months ago

        this is the funniest post itt, I hope it's unironically an anon that does not see the problem with the webm

    • 10 months ago

      I kneel…

    • 10 months ago

      Nothing wrong with a delicious frozen 'za twice a month

    • 10 months ago

      So much pizza, nobody is buying it so they must pile it up.

      • 10 months ago

        Fricking A
        This is why it is a DUTY to exercise regularly
        Lards make my piss boil

  8. 10 months ago


    it's good, moron, that's why everyone is fat.

    food also costs far less here than where you live for high quality food

    • 10 months ago

      >it's good, moron, that's why everyone is fat.
      such is the mind of the amerifatass

  9. 10 months ago

    America just doesn't have the culture of home cooking. It's mostly eating out, takeaways or ordering food.

    • 10 months ago

      >America just doesn't have the culture of home cooking.

      completely false, you've never set foot in this country

      • 10 months ago

        Your idea of "home cooking" is microwaving hot pockets and drowning them in ranch dressing

        • 10 months ago

          >proves his point

          • 10 months ago

            big mad he is telling the truth

    • 10 months ago

      That's moronic. Everyone that makes the median wage or lower cooks most of their meals. To do otherwise would lead to bankruptcy.

      • 10 months ago

        That's basically another problem. They get into debt and don't cook their own food.

    • 10 months ago

      Your idea of "home cooking" is microwaving hot pockets and drowning them in ranch dressing

      This anon is right. I'm a college student and I can confidently say most of my peers essentially do not cook. Often when I'm talking to someone older than 35 they'll ask me if I cook. The norm in America, especially for young single people is to eat frozen food or fast food for almost every meal.

      • 10 months ago

        Lmao, that's just college students man. Nobody in their late teens early 20s actually cooks. You don't really get into cooking until you're finished with school.

    • 10 months ago

      This is accurate. Young people don’t cook, basically ever.

      • 10 months ago

        Speak for yourself nuboom

  10. 10 months ago

    >leaves a culture where women are valued less and criticized more for their physical appearance, and then coming to a culture where gender equality and body acceptance are promoted
    Yeah, wonder how she got so fat...

  11. 10 months ago

    >cant walk anywhere cause the whole city is designed to force you to buy a 40k metal box that costs you thousands a month
    >constant bombardments for sugarfilled garbage everywhere you go
    >zero exercise unless your a gym meathead
    >wtf why is everybody fat
    walkable cities are not a meme and would cure obesity overnight. Toss in a sugar tax too.

    • 10 months ago

      israelite York is absolutely walkable and most people who live there so not own cars.

      • 10 months ago

        True but it's dangerous to walk alone in the walkable parts so not as much

        • 10 months ago

          The same could be said of Paris or London. That has more to do with swarthy populations replacing the higher quality whites than anything.

          • 10 months ago

            True but aren't those the fattest parts of those countries also

            And yeah I know it's either swarthy moids or Black person moids shitting the place up

      • 10 months ago

        israelite yorks bigger issue is it’s a cloaca of genetic trash
        Even the fat parts of the country look healthier than the average nyc sack of shit

    • 10 months ago

      >walkable cities are not a meme and would cure obesity overnight
      It would only slow the decline, European countries are all obese too just not as much as America.

    • 10 months ago

      >cant walk anywhere cause the whole city is designed to force you to buy a 40k metal box that costs you thousands a month

    • 10 months ago

      Moving to America is more of a test of willpower. You are surrounded by people encouraging you to be fat, establishments making it easy for you to be fat, and people viewing being fat as stunning and brave. You can either head to the local supermarket and buy healthy non-processed food for about 100$ a week, or you could head to fast food establishments and stuff your face for $400 a week. It really is simple, fat "people" are sub humans who are subservient to gluttony, the dopamine rush that stuffing their face gives them. It is entirely their fault.

      This but it's the fat not the sugar

  12. 10 months ago

    Moving to America is more of a test of willpower. You are surrounded by people encouraging you to be fat, establishments making it easy for you to be fat, and people viewing being fat as stunning and brave. You can either head to the local supermarket and buy healthy non-processed food for about 100$ a week, or you could head to fast food establishments and stuff your face for $400 a week. It really is simple, fat "people" are sub humans who are subservient to gluttony, the dopamine rush that stuffing their face gives them. It is entirely their fault.

    • 10 months ago

      And also most humans the world over would fail this willpower test but people online don't want to believe it. You see European, Latin American, Middle Eastern, Chinese, etc wealth increases correlating with rising obesity rates. It astounds me there are countless people online who live in countries that fall into one of the following categories:
      >As fat as the US.
      >Fatter than the US.
      >As fat as the US was a decade ago.
      Yet they still post about how absurd it is Americans are fat, totally oblivious to the fact their own country is filled with fat morons. Those three groups basically cover all the areas I listed above, yet nobody talks about it. We just pretend like they aren't fat when they blatantly are.
      To be clear I'm not excusing fat people because non-fats in other countries would be fat if they had the wealth America has, I just don't think most people should be considered intelligent. At least I can tell morons at a glance in fat countries like the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, etc.

  13. 10 months ago

    Your average human being is an abysmally stupid and unbelievably moronic NPC. If you stick them in a society where it's difficult to come across goyslop they will be thin or normal. The US pioneered goyslop and ways to get npcs to devour it, and it's been highly successful for those who push it. It took longer for places like Europe to adopt American goyslop practices, but it's having the same exact effect over there, just delayed.

    If you take a random NPC from mostly anywhere else in the world and plop them down in the US, especially in an urban or suburban setting, they will balloon exponentially out of control. If you know any Americans who are fit and in control of their diet, recognize that these people are not NPCs, they are the few valuable people genetically speaking that our society has to offer because they are resistant to the mental infection telling them to be lazy fat slobs.

    • 10 months ago

      You're no different

    • 10 months ago

      This guy has a comically narcissistic world view. Let me put it in more sober terms: all of us, by virtue of our species, base most of our decisions on what groups of other humans are doing. The weighting of this is along a spectrum — some people give much more consideration to the decisions of others to guide their own and others give less — but it’s a big part for everyone. Some people are so far to one side of this spectrum that they basically aren’t choosing what they’re eating at all. They’re eating what they are coming into contact with and what they assume those around them are eating. They don’t process or calculate the immutable physical characteristics of food the same way a bodybuilding or, indeed, simply a mindful eater would. They don’t do that because they don’t do that for anything. Their decision-making for all facets of their life has been unconsciously guided by the heuristic “if other people are doing it, do it” and it’s mostly worked out for them. This heuristic works for a lot of things and generally being a part of a group is psychologically rewarding. Of course your body can’t ignore physically deleterious habits just because “everyone else is doing it”. The idea that they need to parse information and make a decision based on that — with no influence from other people’s decisions — is a foreign, but not unlearnable, concept for them. It is understandably hard, though, for many to come to terms that they are life through this lens. It’s probably a big ego check.

      • 10 months ago

        lol look at this gigantic homosexuals and his wall of wrong text

        • 10 months ago

          Enough irony to give someone heart issues

      • 10 months ago

        nice poast. lit quality on pol?

        The NPC is sheeple for zoomers. There are definitely low agency humans who don't think critically or lack spacial awareness, but dehumanizing people is a common tactic of the antisocial personality.

        If you eat a frozen pizza you're subhuman? bro chill let's CHECK your resume? Because to me if you don't have a 100k plus job and a home your opinion on who or who isn't an npc is irrelevant lol

      • 10 months ago

        Nah they're classical NPCs. They'll be moronic no matter what.

        Those with intelligent minds (like myself) were born that way and didn't require other's input to make decisions. We can adapt to our surroundings but we aren't completely molded into them.

    • 10 months ago

      >The US pioneered goyslop and ways to get NPCs to devour it
      The biggest Achievement of US is how to target and manipulate the consumer to make you rich.

  14. 10 months ago

    she's been ripened for motherhood, now it's just a matter of who's man enough on this board to find her, start a family with her, and make those milkers swell even more

  15. 10 months ago

    Lack of walkable/bike friendly areas + abubdant food and drive thrus = chonker

  16. 10 months ago

    it’s the culture. her family, peers and community in China would’ve bullied her for being fat. jsidjdjdjdjdxjjdjxjcjcjc

    • 10 months ago

      that's what'd be hottest; she'd be so embarrassed she'd fly back to Burgerland, USA and eat to cope and before she knows it she's 100 Big Macs plumper and bursting out of most sweats. That just makes her more ashamed as she tries to navigate life as a clumsy balloon of a human being until she shacks up and is content to eat and grow

  17. 10 months ago

    This makes me mad. I want to move to a remote small town somewhere where walking is necessary. Too many nigs here.

    • 10 months ago

      >remote small town somewhere where walking is necessary.
      moron. Those are more car dependent.

  18. 10 months ago

    >Is American food really that shitty
    Speaking as an American, yes. I just spent 7 weeks living in Spain and got back to the US last week. I miss it already. I've heard Euros talk about how bad food is in America, but I didn't really get it until now. Shit's really bad here.
    >almost all produce is oversized and basically flavorless
    >supposedly fresh eggs are this sickly artificial yellow with runny whites
    >meat is full of hormones and anything grass fed is considered a luxury
    >bread is disgustingly sweet, even the loafs my local grocery store bakes themselves are shit tier
    >potentially worst of all is the quality of olive oil, good lord
    Not to mention on top of its miserably low quality, food in America is still ridiculously overpriced.

    This might sound moronic, but coming back to the US has filled me with a strange sensation of dread. I'm trapped here now, I have to eat this shit. Unless I want to break the bank buying imported foods I have to eat the slop that's commonly available in American grocery stores. I've started researching what farmers markets are nearby, and I can only hope the stuff I find there is of higher quality and more reasonably priced.

    • 10 months ago

      I felt the same way coming back from a trip overseas. I felt dread.

    • 10 months ago

      the smoking gun is the fact that american chain restaurants that open up locations in other countries actually use better ingredients and fewer chemicals in those foreign stores than they do here in the US. it's because most developed countries actually give a shit about their citizens and regulate the horrible chemicals out as much as they can. if you don't believe me, watch the Food Insider videos on youtube and look at the ingredient lists they post on the screen comparing the same food from another country. the foreign list is small and the US list usually has to scroll down just to list off all the chemicals and additives.

      • 10 months ago

        Pic rel. is the slop they serve our military

        • 10 months ago

          Whoa I'm actually shocked how not bad that is. Sodium phosphate is the only major red flag.

          • 10 months ago

            >UK bot speaks

            >sodium nitrate (cancer)
            >BHA, BHT (estrogenizing, cancer, thyroid disease)
            >Sodium phosphate (kidney damage, liver disease, death)
            >Sodium erythrobate (headaches, kidney disease, gout)
            >glycerol (headaches, dizziness, stomach cramping)
            >natamycin (difficulty breathing, vision loss, skin rashes)

            Off the top of my head. But I'm sure kidney failure, liver disease, cancer, and death is no biggie, right?

            • 10 months ago

              >sodium nitrate
              Stopped reading there it doesn't contain this.

              • 10 months ago

                My bad, meant nitrite, which nitrate is metabolized into and is even more deadly.

        • 10 months ago

          Every country's field rations are, by necessity, slop

          • 10 months ago

            Israeli MRE:

            >ingredients: beans
            >ingredients: chickpeas, tahini
            Matzo bread
            >ingredients: flour, water, salt
            >ingredients: pineapple
            Chocolate spread
            >ingredients: hazelnuts, cocoa, water
            >ingredients: sardines, olive oil, salt, water

            >not moronic and morbidly obese

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah but the tradeoff is that you have to be Israeli

              • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              That's not a MRE you dipshit, it's clearly cafeteria food. With brains like yours it's jo surprise you need the most advanced military tech available to kill Palestinian children

              • 10 months ago

                I'm pretty sure it's an MRE put on a plate. I recognize the format from a YouTube channel.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's not a MRE you dipshit, it's clearly cafeteria food.
                The reviewer opened the MRE and put it onto a tray for display.

                The hostility you display sure shows your malice and arrogance tho

        • 10 months ago

          MREs are fricking expensive, so no they don't serve them everyday. Only when the power is out, or you pack a couple in your sack when you've got to be in the field.
          I guarantee the food served most days in the chair force is 10x better than what the average Amerifat eats.

        • 10 months ago

          LMFAO he literally says it's the "holy grail" i.e. uncommon. I'm not even an american but i'm afraid this isn't a good example to display american army diet.

          • 10 months ago

            >display american army diet
            Every single MRE review he's done on American "food" shows it's garbage quality. Literal poison for the goys.

            All foreign foods are magnitudes better in all respects. Even China is better.

    • 10 months ago

      >bread is disgustingly sweet, even the loafs my local grocery store bakes themselves are shit tier

      this is the one that seems emblematic of the rest. sugary bread. bread the staple of civilisation has turned into cake. And Americans will defend it. I occasionally go to baking forums and people will unironically say "yeast needs sugar to work" as if that explains the disgusting state of one country's bread.

      But the main difference seems to be social acceptance. Australia is only marginally less fat but it's still not normal to be a fat frick. There's research that the fatter your friends the fatter you think normal is. If everyone is fat you might not even know you have a problem.

    • 10 months ago

      No, there's huge availability of real food but americans don't cook. I moved from the UK to WA and I would argue I have more and more varied access to quality food. It is more expensive but then I also earn triple what I was doing.

      Literally everywhere has whole foods now if nothing else. If you legitimately live in some food desert in Kansas then move idiot because those places are universally shitholes.

      the smoking gun is the fact that american chain restaurants that open up locations in other countries actually use better ingredients and fewer chemicals in those foreign stores than they do here in the US. it's because most developed countries actually give a shit about their citizens and regulate the horrible chemicals out as much as they can. if you don't believe me, watch the Food Insider videos on youtube and look at the ingredient lists they post on the screen comparing the same food from another country. the foreign list is small and the US list usually has to scroll down just to list off all the chemicals and additives.

      While it's true that they do this, the US also has really strict labelling requirements. In Europe you get away with "artificial flavoring" or "natural flavoring" mystery ingredients to this day. In the US you have to list whatever it is. This is often why the ingredients lists are so much longer.

      It's not necessarily the food, but the lifestyle. It's pretty much impossible to get fat if you live in Rome, Paris, Tokyo, etc. Lets compare.

      >wake up
      >grab a light breakfast, maybe a juice or a coffee with a croissant or a toast
      >walk/bike to work, 15-30 minutes
      >lunch break, walk to the deli across the street, grab a sandwich
      >home time, walk/bike home, another 15-30 minutes
      >stop at the butcher's and the corner store on the way home, make a nice dinner for yourself
      >maybe walk to your friends place, or the bar and hang out before walking home

      >wake up
      >late for work already
      >30-45 minute commute to the office
      >take your pigfat SUV through the starbucks drivethrough, get an 800kcal "coffee"
      >you resist eating any of the break room snacks and it's lunch time
      >only have 30 minutes before Mr. Shekelstein wants you back at work, so you grab a meal from the McDonalds down the road (+1500kcal)
      >finally it's time to go home
      >30-45 minute commute back home
      >dead tired, have a ton of chores and only a few hours to relax before you have to go to bed for work again
      >throw on a frozen pizza (+1200kcal) and a down a few beers while watching TV (+500kcal)

      Simply put, life in America is expressly designed to make you fat.

      I literally live this "European" lifestyle in the US. Your US caricature is also entirely responsible for their problems. Nobody in an office job should be dead tired and if they are it's probably because they eat like you outlined.
      >you can't get black coffee in the usa
      >you can't make your own lunch
      >you can't oven cook healthy things
      not even trying, which it's true most americans don't but america isn't why.

      Europe is getting fat too. The biggest difference is how expensive and convenient it is. Countries like Italy pride themselves on their food too and wont substitute or compromise it. The rest are catching up though. Home cooking is simply a must to be healthy.

      • 10 months ago

        >I literally live this "European" lifestyle in the US. Your US caricature is also entirely responsible for their problems.
        A lot of it has to do with this, in addition to many parts of the US having car-centric infrastructure.

        • 10 months ago

          so you work slightly less than we do here in eastern Europe? I don't understand your point

          • 10 months ago

            Notice how Eastern Europeans are generally fatter than Western Europeans as per


            No, there's huge availability of real food but americans don't cook. I moved from the UK to WA and I would argue I have more and more varied access to quality food. It is more expensive but then I also earn triple what I was doing.

            Literally everywhere has whole foods now if nothing else. If you legitimately live in some food desert in Kansas then move idiot because those places are universally shitholes.
            While it's true that they do this, the US also has really strict labelling requirements. In Europe you get away with "artificial flavoring" or "natural flavoring" mystery ingredients to this day. In the US you have to list whatever it is. This is often why the ingredients lists are so much longer.
            I literally live this "European" lifestyle in the US. Your US caricature is also entirely responsible for their problems. Nobody in an office job should be dead tired and if they are it's probably because they eat like you outlined.
            >you can't get black coffee in the usa
            >you can't make your own lunch
            >you can't oven cook healthy things
            not even trying, which it's true most americans don't but america isn't why.

            Europe is getting fat too. The biggest difference is how expensive and convenient it is. Countries like Italy pride themselves on their food too and wont substitute or compromise it. The rest are catching up though. Home cooking is simply a must to be healthy.

            ? This is likely due to less leisure time resulting in a higher intake of takeaway foods, less time for exercise and so on.

            • 10 months ago

              you are fricking moronic
              we don't have a "higher intake of takeaway foods"
              western Europe consistently rates higher in fast food consumption

            • 10 months ago

              no it's because they eat worse and are less intelligent

        • 10 months ago

          bruh look at italy you're talking cap

      • 10 months ago

        >the US also has really strict labelling requirements. In Europe you get away with "artificial flavoring" or "natural flavoring" mystery ingredients to this day. In the US you have to list whatever it is. This is often why the ingredients lists are so much longer.

        >I moved from the UK to WA

        This poster is a bot. It also posts on /misc/ talking about the glorious US labeling laws which aren't half as stringent as Euro laws.

        It's a disinformation bot designed to make America look good.

        • 10 months ago

          ok schizo kun
          yes IST is one person and thingd being banned has anything to do with labelling

          • 10 months ago

            American food is absolute poison.

            Everytime it gets exposed bots/shills are sent in to meme about
            >muh europeen labeling laws just aint telling da whole trufee!
            Which is absolute fricking nonsense. American food is such trash quality most of it's banned for import in the EU. "Natural flavors" in the USA can mean 30k different toxic substances, not even needing to be labeled because
            >muh proprietary recipe
            >muh it's DERIVED from natural substances (can still be artificial)
            The existence of Whole Foods which bans 99.9% of what most people eat daily is no fricking exception.

            • 10 months ago

              >here's my picture of goyslop
              if you even consider mountain dew uk or us version then you're ngmi
              the labelling laws are more strict in the us but less substances are banned i don't know why you can't reconcile these two things they don't overlap whatsoever
              i've never had issue finding real food in the usa but then i don't eat doritoes with ketchup and sunny d

              • 10 months ago

                >the labelling laws are more strict in the us
                An absolute, complete fricking lie.

                The rest of your post deserves zero recognition.

              • 10 months ago

                > MSG - Linked to headaches

                That's all I need to read to know this visual is moronic

              • 10 months ago

                >made with ammonia
                Something being derived from something else doesn't make it toxic you utter brainlet
                >MSG linked to headaches
                By a bunch of fat moronic chud boomers who thought their massive hypertension from too much salt was caused by eating Chinese food and not... consuming too much salt.

              • 10 months ago

                Those boomers were literally trolling btw. They pretended to be moronic and then actual morons believed them and ran with the story.

                That fricking Voltaire quote

              • 10 months ago

                >Rene Descartes

              • 10 months ago

                He's an idiot but watch him try to say
                >I knew that, I did it on purpose!

              • 10 months ago

                Frick I'm also a moron. I thought it was a Voltaire quote.

              • 10 months ago

                May have been, I don't know, but that guy in the pic is Voltaire kek.
                Looked into it and looks like neither of them said it. From internets.

              • 10 months ago

                So I'm not that moronic, only marginally

                Thanks anon

              • 10 months ago

                Are you genuinely moronic or are you an ESL who doesn't know what labelling means?

            • 10 months ago

              For me its cool original flavor, my favorite mystery ingredient!

            • 10 months ago

              none of that is food, would not eat even the UK version of that
              also if you go to the eastern europe you will start to see a lot more poison

      • 10 months ago

        >Germany that low
        Can't believe that.

    • 10 months ago

      I can only hope you didn't try non-American chocolate. It's not healthy by any stretch, but American stuff unironically tastes like vomit due to how they treat it when producing it (to make it last longer).

      • 10 months ago

        This chocolate meme is a perfect microcosm of willful ignroance for the sake of vitriol. Euros act like Hershey's is the only chocolate available in the US despite only having 33% market share. The vast majority of alternatives are normal ass chocolate, in fact the same exact brands you'll get in Europe.

        • 10 months ago

          >vast majority of alternatives are normal ass chocolate
          aka the chocolates that only whole foods sells that is cordoned off from 99.9% of stores, which ALL sell complete goyslop trash.

          • 10 months ago

            If that were true, Hershey would own more than 1/3 of the market share. Other chocolates are inexpensive and widely available. You just might have to walk an extra 200 feet.

            • 10 months ago

              >even chocolate in America is owned by an oligarchy

              Pathetic country.

        • 10 months ago

          Even then they use a different recipe to what you’d get in Europe

    • 10 months ago

      I felt the same way coming back from a trip overseas. I felt dread.

      No refunds Yankee Boy, stay in murica, we don't want you here.

    • 10 months ago

      I lived 3 years in Germany and my impressions were that it actually wasn't that much better than the US. Or rather the US isnt as bad as people like yo say. Yes, American "bread" is downright sinful, but most of the other comparisons are mitigated by simply finding nicer options. One of the main differences between American supermarkets and European ones (at least German ones) is that there is much much more variety, typically in the form of "bargain" products. The cheap eggs you get in America are watery and Weird, but spending a little extra on a better option will massively improve the freshness.
      Also I dont know what you're talking about by comparing produce, European stuff is practically the same as the US.
      If you find a fair 1:1 comparison of supermarkets, you'll find that the quality difference isn't that noticeable. Case in point is Aldi

      • 10 months ago

        These American self hatred have never left their own country or went to the bakery section of their own super market or went to a farmers market

      • 10 months ago

        >even though the average American lives a horrifying, emiserated existence, it’s not so bad if you’re upper class
        definition of a third world country, the same is true in Nigeria or India, and those countries didn’t have the advantage of plundering an entire continent

    • 10 months ago

      Stop buying groceries at Walmart.

      • 10 months ago

        you got any better suggestions? out here in bumfrick rural land, walmart has us by the balls

    • 10 months ago

      the beef here is delicious because it is full of fat, otherwise, yeah shit is pretty grim

  19. 10 months ago

    >seeing that before picture
    this is an absolute tragedy. why didn't anyone stop her?

    • 10 months ago

      yeah now i have another reason to hate new york after seeing that

      • 10 months ago

        have you even been to New York? the majority of people there are of normal weight, unlike some rural shit town in Louisiana where everyone is 500 pounds

        • 10 months ago

          nah the people there weren't fat. i just didn't like it. i'm sure the people in other parts of the US are fatter.

      • 10 months ago

        when I was i NY everyone looked relatively thin

      • 10 months ago

        lmao tell me your state anon, and I'll give you a reason to hate it.
        Spoilers: unless you live in Colorado, it's the same reason for all of them.

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            LMAO and you are shitting on NYC? you are fricking clown. I bet you love Desantis

  20. 10 months ago

    Try that in a small town, foreigner. I reckon you won't

  21. 10 months ago

    As a burger I think we have the widest selection of food both healthy and unhealthy. Like do yuropoors have Zilk and pic related? I doubt it, but that’s also why we have the fattest people and also the most Olympia wins.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh shit I forgot about those bad boys

    • 10 months ago

      Based. P&S on a stick was a breakthrough in breakfast delivery technology, while seething europoors have to spend hours to get a single croissant

    • 10 months ago

      are two packs of these per day a good starting point for a lean bulk?

  22. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Jesse Dubai, good luck

  23. 10 months ago

    young people especially now dont even cook. i enjoy it.

  24. 10 months ago

    >used to eat pangolins, bats and dogs
    >suddenly has access to regular food
    >gets fat

  25. 10 months ago

    Americans are accustomed to bigger portions at restaurants AND hardly cook their own food.

  26. 10 months ago

    Kek it's funny how people think that image is real. The girl in question was born and lives in CANADA.

    • 10 months ago

      You could have told me Korea, Japan, or Bali and I would believe you.

    • 10 months ago

      Same here brother. I've seen this fake image posted so many times, and yet the goyim users on this site just lap up slop posts like this and just accept it as reality, and really react strongly to it. Sad to observe.

    • 10 months ago

      Same here brother. I've seen this fake image posted so many times, and yet the goyim users on this site just lap up slop posts like this and just accept it as reality, and really react strongly to it. Sad to observe.

      Source or frick off Black person

    • 10 months ago

      Canada is basically a US territory

  27. 10 months ago

    Is this the thread where Amerigays scapegoat their weaknesses on food? Cool.

  28. 10 months ago

    What food does the US have that others don't?

    • 10 months ago

      HFCS and PUFAs in literally everything. Your bread is some chemical sponge too, not bread.

  29. 10 months ago

    Fact check time:
    Her name's cestvrai_ on instagram.
    She's not an exchange student from Hong Kong. She lives in Montreal.
    She finally realized that being fat sucked and lost most of the weight over the past six months.
    She now has permanent stretch marks on her stomach from gaining all that weight and keeping it for so long.

    She definitely fell for the body positivity meme for a while as she still had a pretty decent following after getting fat. Sadistic women and men with fat fetishes probably kept telling her she looked great.

    • 10 months ago

      Or she got fat from college and wanted to lose weight? No woman fell for the fat positivity meme. It was a psyop.

      • 10 months ago

        I've fapped to this girl for years, she is fricking moronic. Constantly posting anti-natal, body positivity, and other dumb copeoid shit for her throwing away her thin waist, fat ass, huge breasts and cute face. Shes lost weight but still eats like shit and now has that gross flabby skin/stretchmarks.

  30. 10 months ago

    I'm overweight and working on just fixing my sleep and diet so I can go to the gym in the AM.and avoid the idiot zoomers but I will say that the only reason people are fat is because of how lazy they are.

    With a little prep you can have a healthy meal in 10 minutes. I try to cook as often as possible. Pic related was something I made the other day in 10 minutes. Steak, spinach and beet salad, and a sweet potato. Want to see laziness in real time? Go to a McDonald's around lunch or dinner and I'd bet the drive through line is packed but you could go inside and order and get out before most of them placed an order.

    • 10 months ago

      Hell I even know skinny as frick lazy people who eat unhealthy goyslop but they eat like 1 taco bell meal at 8pm and call it a day. The "meal" is under 800 calories total.
      It's just shit habits all around.

      • 10 months ago

        That too. I'd be lying if I said my habits weren't bad. Hence trying to cook more and fight laziness. I also refuse to listen to anyone, mainly women, who say CICO is a meme. I did it in the past and went from 212 to 190 but gained back up to 208 because of bad habits. It works if you dont bullshit yourself and are realistic.

        • 10 months ago

          >mainly women
          but if a Black person tells you its not you'll be on hands and knees ready to listen homosexual

          • 10 months ago

            american moment

    • 10 months ago

      Hope you make it.
      Sexo on the potato ngl...

      t. 130kg > maybe 75-80 right now. over the years tho...

    • 10 months ago

      >the drive through line is packed but you could go inside and order and get out before most of them placed an order
      I frequently eat at McDonald's and have noticed this too. The drive thru is 8-15 cars long but the inside line only has 2-3 people.

  31. 10 months ago

    Shouldn't you europoors be getting ready for bed?

  32. 10 months ago

    Even though she didnt come from asia, its worth mentioning this.
    Chinese food especially is not healthy. Its oily, greasy, far more so than american food. Literally every street has a store selling fried chicken (same with Japan and Korea but to a lesser extent).
    The actual difference is how society treats fat people. Theres a heavy (lel) fat shaming culture. So women are very conscious about their weight and will exercise/skip meals etc to keep weight down.
    But by coming to america, all that fat shaming culture dispersal and is replaced with fat acceptance and body positivity. So they put on a few pounds, arent shamed by their friends, family, colleagues, and then continue to put on more weight.

  33. 10 months ago

    If you dont know how to navigate it yes it is, foods that are acceptable healthwise are probably less than 10% of your grocery store. I dont even have a crazy definition of acceptable, all I ask for is food that isnt loaded with extra unneeded sugar or saturated fat.

    Yes you can navigate successfully and be lean in America but its definitely a systemic issue that many are so fat here. In other countries people that are effortlessly thin end up fat here.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not systemic. It's laziness. If you don't exercise much, watching your calories and learning how to cook can make it easy. There's plenty of meals you can make in less than 10 minutes that are healthy and you'll save way more money in the end.

  34. 10 months ago

    There was an exchange student from Germany who lived with us for a year and he gained 30 pounds. We‘re all skinny people. I think he was just overwhelmed with how much food we had and went nuts with it. And it‘s not like Germany is some kind of poor country that has no food. It just goes to show how much prosperity we have when even people from Germany can‘t handle it.

    • 10 months ago

      This is the most American take I’ve ever heard.

      • 10 months ago

        USA #1, cope and seethe about it

      • 10 months ago

        Damn straight.

  35. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Obviously not as big of an issue as alcoholism or general overeating

      Fix those 2 first, then we can entertain your moronation

    • 10 months ago

      Hey its the correlation=causation moron again

      • 10 months ago

        >calories increase
        >calorie increase caused by seed oil intake increase
        >calorie increase leads to obesity
        What don't you understand about this?

        • 10 months ago

          >correlation != causation
          >that's not at all what this is! There's a correlation that shows causation@

    • 10 months ago

      i am a seed oil avoider but this chart can easily be interpeted as
      "while all other forms of dietary fat caloric intake have stayed relatively the same, adults are now eating 400 more calories of dietary fat per day and obesity is skyrocketing because of it"
      sure those 400 calories are seed oils but we all know its not just dietary fat that has increased in the american diet

    • 10 months ago

      try telling normalgays about seed oils and you'll just get the flouride stare in return

    • 10 months ago

      i mostly try n avoid oils n onions

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      are these "sneed oils" in the room with us now?

      • 10 months ago


  36. 10 months ago
  37. 10 months ago

    I know a young fat woman who moved to Japan for a year to teach English. When she came back she was slender. Six months in the USA later, fat again.

    In Japan people walk A LOT, eat smaller meal portions, and have much less sugar in their food. They also are shamed if they start to get even a little chubby. When I was there, 98% of women were slender regardless of age. When I came back to the USA, I was disgusted. Not just by the fat asses, but the pig mentality, throwing garbage everywhere and not giving a shit about anything but their own convenience. I'm going back to Japan. Can't live here anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      Damn. How sad. Also I plan on going to teach english there and hopefully staying.
      I hate my parents eating habits, mainly my mother. Always eating. She's not obese but she's bot spender. In Europe they were thinner. 30+ years in Amerifat and she's blobbier. My father also has diabetes even though his weight is controlled.

    • 10 months ago

      ywnba nihonjin

    • 10 months ago

      My fetish is chubby asians. Are they easier to get there because of the shaming? Or does the shaming make them so rare that they are highly desireable?

  38. 10 months ago

    Not American , but I watched probably 90% of Food Wars. , to be honest I can understand why people eat like pigs there, amazing varieties, so many food chains I wish to taste... for frick sake...

  39. 10 months ago

    It's not necessarily the food, but the lifestyle. It's pretty much impossible to get fat if you live in Rome, Paris, Tokyo, etc. Lets compare.

    >wake up
    >grab a light breakfast, maybe a juice or a coffee with a croissant or a toast
    >walk/bike to work, 15-30 minutes
    >lunch break, walk to the deli across the street, grab a sandwich
    >home time, walk/bike home, another 15-30 minutes
    >stop at the butcher's and the corner store on the way home, make a nice dinner for yourself
    >maybe walk to your friends place, or the bar and hang out before walking home

    >wake up
    >late for work already
    >30-45 minute commute to the office
    >take your pigfat SUV through the starbucks drivethrough, get an 800kcal "coffee"
    >you resist eating any of the break room snacks and it's lunch time
    >only have 30 minutes before Mr. Shekelstein wants you back at work, so you grab a meal from the McDonalds down the road (+1500kcal)
    >finally it's time to go home
    >30-45 minute commute back home
    >dead tired, have a ton of chores and only a few hours to relax before you have to go to bed for work again
    >throw on a frozen pizza (+1200kcal) and a down a few beers while watching TV (+500kcal)

    Simply put, life in America is expressly designed to make you fat.

    • 10 months ago

      >watching TV (+500kcal)
      frick no wonder I can't see my abs

      • 10 months ago

        good troll

  40. 10 months ago

    Don't be a gluttnous sinner and follow in the path of your lord jesus christ and you will flourish anywhere.

  41. 10 months ago

    Kinda. It’s more about the culture than of food in America and the fact you’re shamed/not allowed time to actually cook. You’re essentially gaslit into eating “normally” like everyone else until you acquire a medical problem like acid reflux or hypertension. But thats fine because by then you’re the target demographic for things like fad diets and medication that racks up a lotta profit for the food and medical industry.

    Just pretend you have celiacs or some other food disorder and eat when you’re comfortable like a normal person.

    • 10 months ago

      >the fact you’re shamed/not allowed time to actually cook.
      this continually blows my mind, people argue constantly that cooking at home is just not possible
      here even fricking divorced construction workers in their 50s who work 12+ hours a day STILL cook their food, even if it's rarely actually healthy
      >bu-but there's no grocery store in walking distance
      so? just drive to one or take a bus, you're getting to work somehow right? you can get to a grocery store the same way
      truly bizzare

      • 10 months ago

        My advice to you personally is to cook big meals for yourself along with the people you care about. The price of fish, affordable cuts of beef/pork, mincemeat, and whole chicken or select parts, cooked with a good deal on vegetables you can get seasonally is vastly disproportionate to carry out prices here. Now is the time to learn to cook and season better than those places and meal prep.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's more about the culture than of food in America
      This 100%. It's politically incorrect in the US to openly have a sexual preference for non-fat people. I'm not even joking.

  42. 10 months ago

    A former colleague of mine went to the US for a year and when he returned I couldn't even recognize him. He didn't just put on at least 30 kg he also had terrible acne.

    • 10 months ago

      Thats more likely due to consuming too much of our mainstream junk food and personal care items than his overall diet. Stuff like soap and shampoo or chips and candy that isn’t premium priced or bought from specific places that emphasis small brands with values (hippy shit) are for the most part garbage made to be cheaper either for more profit or diminished effect which can in turn generate even more profit.

  43. 10 months ago

    Is american food making women's periods worse?
    they're always complaining about cramps that are bad enough to kill them for some reason, but only the american women complain about them

    • 10 months ago

      A lot of the things people on this board commonly worry about causing low t and gay thoughts are in fact endocrine and hormonal disrupters which in women cause irregular cycles and uterine cancer. Which is partially why a lot of younger women here get cysts up in their plumbing.

  44. 10 months ago

    Their food isn't shittier, they just eat a lot of it and tend to cook less so more of it is fat-laden takeout. The UK also has a similar pattern.

  45. 10 months ago

    No. It can happen when you move to anywhere. I moved to Hong Kong and got fat because j ate out a lot more because I wanted to try all the things. Restaurant food is not meant to be consumed regularly. They put all sorts of shit in there to make it taste good.

  46. 10 months ago

    Fat fricks will literally blame everything under the sun for their fatness except their own gluttony. Geography doesn't make you fat. Eating like a disgusting pig does.

    • 10 months ago

      >Geography alone

      simple minded anon spotted

  47. 10 months ago

    Having only visited the US many times I can tell you its not that its shiity. Food in USA is so excessive and cheap. But its also full of unhealthy foods which taste really fricking good, and there is so many different options because of all the cultures there. A lot of the best versions of a food I've ever had were just from shitty little rinky dink places in America. Best tacos I ever had in my life was at 1am at some shitty little taco shop in an old kfc with barely anything in there but a shitty jpg sign and a bunch of Mexicans working a hot grill serving on paper plates.

  48. 10 months ago

    Reminder: the wall can be attributed to weight gain caused by hormonal contraceptives and/or antidepressants

    • 10 months ago

      >hormonal contraceptives
      It's crazy that women love this shit so much. What do period blockers really do for them? They give them the ability to put more dollars in Porky's pocket as they fail to start a family and reproduce. Yet women act like it's given them freedom. Insanity.

    • 10 months ago

      >futa is a 7 on taboo and only a 2 in interest
      What the frick? Literally almost as bad as necrophilia to normalgays

  49. 10 months ago

    That's an upgrade

  50. 10 months ago

    Furiously would, both versions

  51. 10 months ago

    There's shitty food available in every country.
    It's more about culture and availability.

    • 10 months ago

      This, you can get fat anywhere

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


  52. 10 months ago

    Between normalized alcoholism and restaurant portions being quite large, it's easy to slip into obesity if you don't exercise

  53. 10 months ago

    American cuisine simply has too much fat.
    >umm fat makes you lean, low fat is cancer, butter is my superpower
    There's nothing wrong with fat, but it's the easiest and tastiest way to add calories to a meal, because it's both calorically dense and liquid in and of itself. Carbs inherently need water to be palatable, and sure bread might be an easy way to scarf down calories, but at least you notice eating two loaves of bread.

    • 10 months ago

      What the hell are you talking about. It is seed oils, mystery ingredients, sugar and corn syrup. Not fat.

      • 10 months ago

        >seed oils
        You're a prime example of food fad cluelessness, what do you think oils are if not fat? And HFCS is not more unhealthy than regular syrup, not that your diet should contain more than a small amount of sugars.

        • 10 months ago

          Corn doesn't even occur naturally in nature. It is completely artificial as a food. Syrups are bad in themselves already.
          Squeezing an ingredient for its ratio to appear in foods in extremely exceeding amounts is a huge red flag. Compare that to fat on an animal, which completely covers their musculature.
          Compared to animal fat, you eat a lot more of something that is naturally more scarce. Think of how much more effort it would take to eat that amount of seed oil naturally. How many sunflowers would you have to eat, etc?
          Right off the bat, even from a cursory evolutionary point of view, it makes 0 sense to think seed oils are healthy. This does not even account for the scarcity of these seeds, which includes their seasonal availability.

          • 10 months ago

            seed oils are especially bad for you yes, but saturated fat is just as calorific. Dousing your food in butter will fatten you up just as nicely, im not talking about a fatty steak here. Corn syrup is just syrup, it's essentially chemically the same as any other syrup. Those two are demonized because they're cheap shit that get crammed into any slop.

            • 10 months ago

              >fat is just as calorific.
              If you look at food in terms of strictly of calories, then I don't know if I am speaking of a robot who thinks strictly in terms of energy fueling his batteries or something.
              You need to get the calories and make sure they are accompanied with real nutrients.
              This seems like the biggest psyop in America.
              Sugar etc is not bad because, oh no le calories, it is bad because it will rot your teeth, etc.
              Not sure if that's what you are implying, but it makes my brain explode.

              • 10 months ago

                No, pufa and excessive sugar is bad for you in many different ways, but the main contribution to obesity is in calories.


                corn syrup is mainly glucose and oligosaccharides
                high fructose corn syrup is that but its been enzymatically processed into fructose (40-75%)
                sugar syrup/invert sugar is 50-50 fructose glucose
                hfcs that is 50-50 is the same as sugar syrup but there are some problems when theres more fructose than sugar which is the case a lot of the time

                I'm not sure if fructose is especially bad for you rather than the problem being an excess of sugars

              • 10 months ago

                excess sugar is a problem but whatever fructose isnt filtered gets stored as fat immediately because the body cant use it in that state, vs glucose which the body can use immediately. it also goes to VLDL (the really shitty cholesterol)

            • 10 months ago

              corn syrup is mainly glucose and oligosaccharides
              high fructose corn syrup is that but its been enzymatically processed into fructose (40-75%)
              sugar syrup/invert sugar is 50-50 fructose glucose
              hfcs that is 50-50 is the same as sugar syrup but there are some problems when theres more fructose than sugar which is the case a lot of the time

          • 10 months ago

            >Corn doesn't even occur naturally in nature
            If you're arguing that modern corn crops are bad because they are a product of selective breeding then you probably shouldn't eat literally anything from your produce section

            • 10 months ago

              Sheltered YouTube food fad 'tards not even close to comprehending how far any food they eat in the modern day bears almost no resemblance to their pre-agriculture forms.

              Silly food fad 'tards, do u rly think the beef you eat for your 'tarded paleo/keto diet is even remotely close to the beef that our prehistoric ancestors were eating? Lmfao you only have to go as far back as the 50s and cows were like half the size with a completely different body composition from the selectively bred monsters that are now standard in developed agriculture.

  54. 10 months ago


  55. 10 months ago

    It's not the food, it's the culture surrounding it. Go out with friends to eat every night, go out for drinks, it begins to add up. People don't think about how many calories they're consuming because they're focusing on the social aspect of it. Before you know it you've gotten fat.

  56. 10 months ago

    Mutts triggered that their literally poisonous goyslop isn't considered real food by actual human beings

  57. 10 months ago

    It is. I know people who get there and they gain weight.

  58. 10 months ago

    >thread about healthy food
    >shills immediately start divide and conquer tactics
    >"amerilard", "burgers", "mutt", "europoors", etc
    >thread devolves into shit fling instead people uniting against israeli food

  59. 10 months ago

    It's nice how we've been having a regular "shit on the amerilards thread" at the end of yuropoor hours for a while now. Comfy way to fall asleep.

  60. 10 months ago

    I refuse to believe this is the case
    I'll go to US for the first time next year probably if I can find a good reason to take 3-4 weeks off of work (a certificate program or a seminar) and I'm pretty sure I'll not gain excessive weight

    I might gain some as I have a literal list of goyslop venues I want to visit kek but not much

  61. 10 months ago

    >Is American food really that shitty that the average person will end up obese just by living there?

  62. 10 months ago

    its a thing, cousin from canada came from the US and ended up gaining 10 pounds in a month just from eating the same foods and same meal sizes

  63. 10 months ago

    It's New York City where most people aren't fat especially if you're wealthy. I'd say that's all alcohol bloat since every social interaction here involves drinking especially if she immigrated to work in finance or tech (she's asian)

  64. 10 months ago

    average IST poster

  65. 10 months ago

    I'd still hit it

  66. 10 months ago

    im the same weight I was when I came here 20 years ago. It did go up when I ate mall food every day, so I stopped doing that.

  67. 10 months ago

    Sort of. It’s really cheap and easy to get fat here, but it’s also really easy to be lean if you’re not a complete idiot about your diet.
    I don’t think that has anything to do with that pic either way, in my experience most people tend to gain a fair bit of weight whenever they do an exchange program because:
    1) they’re usually trying to experience the culture including the food, so they eat more
    2) they’re usually partying more and doing less studies than a regular semester
    3) they usually aren’t working out a ton or doing regular exercise.

  68. 10 months ago

    No, there are plenty of thin people in America. Nobody's going to come to your house, point a gun at you and force you to eat shitty food.

    People always talk about "the food" in places as if it's some bizarre tribal village cut off from the rest of the world - it's 2023, "the food" is the same everywhere. A burger is a burger, broccoli is broccoli, an apple is an apple - nothing in America about these things will make you instantly fat. Maybe some restaurant dishes have more calories, find a different restaurant or just be very mindful of what you're eating.

    • 10 months ago

      >"the food" is the same everywhere
      >burger is a burger
      Comes from GMO glyphosated corn-fed cows pumped full of steroids, antibiotics, and vaccines. Kept in feedlots and slaughtered right before they drop dead of innumerable diseases.
      >broccoli is broccoli
      Selected for size instead of flavor and nutrition, grown on nutritionally deficient soils using only NPK instead of the 52 different minerals needed for healthy plant life.
      >an apple is an apple
      Chockful of irremovable pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. Soaked in preservatives that cause kidney damage and cancer. Kept in storage for 6+ months before it's even sent to the supermarket. Grown on deficient soils. Utterly nutritionally dead and often flavorless.

      >nothing in America about these things will make you instantly fat.
      All of these poisons double as endocrine disruptors and endocrine disruptors poison the metabolism, causing weight gain. These are known as "obesogens". And their existence is a F A C T.

      American "food" can't legally be labelled as food in other countries. In fact, most countries even third world shitholes ban US food imports.

  69. 10 months ago

    Yes. The goyslop in this country is real bad.

    There's a ton of food that just isn't satiating and leads to overeating. I truly believe that processed food, goyslop, and farming for size rather than quality has promoted this.

    That being said, still your fault if you get fat.

  70. 10 months ago

    I would marry and pump kids into her so hard

  71. 10 months ago
  72. 10 months ago

    Beautiful dugbu

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