Is anyone okay with not being okay?

>sad head voice wont go away
why live? is it always going to be this way?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Take antipsychotics to make the voices go away, antidepressants to be able to make yourself help yourself, and then work on doing the things that will make you happy.
    Most important is probably realizing that being on the internet all the time at home on places lit IST is the main thing keeping you back from being happy, and that you should graduate from IST and start doing things that makes you happy instead. Start hanging out with people, do things and hobbies you like, work out, go hiking, start working on a project outside whether it's a car or fixing a house or sawing down a little forest.
    You're not going to experience change in your life unless it's you making those changes. You're the one in the way of getting where you want. When you realize that, you should make the steps to go forward.
    We're all gonna make it brah.

    • 12 months ago

      >Take antipsychotics to make the voices go away, antidepressants to be able to make yourself help yourself, and then work on doing the things that will make you happy.
      lol yeah just take mind numbing drugs that turn you into a zombie that is what really makes you happy

    • 12 months ago

      >take serotonin antagonist
      >now take serotonin agonist
      Very epic, thanks Shlomo.

  2. 12 months ago

    Here's what you do, ignore them. That's it.

  3. 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    I envy people who can use lifting as a means of escapism. For me it's added even more things to feel despair over while not diminishing the nightmare of living outside of the gym one bit. Now on top of being a miserable, broke, autistic, lonely piece of human waste, I now realize that I'm an overweight, manlet, liftlet, old, unaesthetic piece of human waste on top of it all.

    • 12 months ago

      shut the frick up and move on bro.

      Read Arnold Schwarzenegger's books. If there's one thing that man knows its to never feel sorry for yourself. Take the beating and keep moving. Enough pathetic sobbing.

      • 12 months ago

        Frick off. There is nowhere to move on to, and everyone I ever interact with continues to drag me down even farther just like you. My entire life is nothing but beatings and no matter what it's never going to end. Go frick yourself you preachy homosexual, you've never endured hardship once in your life.

        • 12 months ago

          HAHAHA "nobody understand me nobody else ever suffered" WE ALL HAVE BEEN homosexual! THING IS, none of us are willing to become a sobbing homosexual freak like you. Project less and lift more.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm not saying nobody. I'm saying (you). have a nice day homosexual. You've also probably never been to a gym in your life.

            • 12 months ago

              seethe more. I gave you helpful advice. the truth is you are incapable of being helped. This means you need to have a nice day. Projecting again, but you already know what needs to be done. A noose would do.

              • 12 months ago

                Take your Black person phone fingers back to plebeddit. Your chimp brain can't handle real discourse.

              • 12 months ago

                lol your too new to this weaving forum to be considered even remotely. Go to quora if you want sympathy we are about rising above emotions. You are like a little woman (but you will never be one)

              • 12 months ago

                lol your too new to this weaving forum to be considered even remotely. Go to quora if you want sympathy we are about rising above emotions. You are like a little woman (but you will never be one)

                Will you two gays either post body or get a room

            • 12 months ago

              seethe more. I gave you helpful advice. the truth is you are incapable of being helped. This means you need to have a nice day. Projecting again, but you already know what needs to be done. A noose would do.

              Now kiss

          • 12 months ago

            not him, but how can i get over it?

            what steps could i take to actually learn how to talk to people? i don't have interesting things to talk about and i am scared to voice the few opinions i have. i can talk perfectly fine in a work setting and i'm not scared at all when i have to give a presentation to my department or lead a meeting, but socializing for fun is completely lost on me.

            how can i "practice" talking for fun and getting to know people instead of talking for a pre-defined purpose like at work?

            • 12 months ago

              Develop a hobby outside of this place. It doesn't even matter if it's something stupid we'd all judge you for here, just something you're passionate about. Then dial that passion back a few notches and try to steer a conversation to where you can talk about it a bit.
              Start by trying to go out with a group of coworkers some Friday afternoon or something.
              Above all, remember that nobody cares about you so as long as you don't do anything spectacularly moronic everyone will forget about it in a few days and you can start over.

              • 12 months ago

                interesting, thanks anon.

                >trying to go out with a group of coworkers some Friday afternoon or something
                that's off the table for me, but i see what you mean. my company is 100% remote and my coworkers are scattered across the company. we have big events twice a year where everyone is flown out to headquarters and i'm definitely going to go there, but that's a long way away.

                so i understand getting a hobby so i have something to talk about and enjoy, but how can i practice the actual conversation part? if i freeze up in social environments, what could i do to make that better? or is it all just trial and error and i should be ready to make a fool of myself?

              • 12 months ago

                >100% remote
                its always the same story

            • 12 months ago

              why does it matter who you socialize with? If you are remaining useful your doing fine. Most people are all upset and gaygitty because they are trying to live up to obscure and constantly changing standards.

              Anon thanks for not being a gay. Keep pressing on honestly. Go to work jump at the next opportunity that presents itself.

              • 12 months ago

                >why does it matter who you socialize with? If you are remaining useful your doing fine
                yeah but i want to learn how to connect to people on a deeper level. i feel like i'm missing out on an important part of the human experience, and actually getting close to people and forming relationships will help fix the loneliness in me. talking about work related stuff feels more transactional and less soulful, like i don't feel like i grew as a person after talking for 2 hours about data analysis

              • 12 months ago

                in my experience which may differ from yours, all anxiety including social stems from inaction and anger. Unless you have a documented social disorder it should come naturally while you follow you interests. Connect with other people who love what you love.

              • 12 months ago

                >all anxiety including social stems from inaction and anger
                i never really thought of it that way before but that makes a lot of sense. thanks anon. i guess i just need to try new things and find out what i love that takes me outside my home.

                >100% remote
                its always the same story

                yeah remote work definitely has its pros and cons. it's amazing how quickly remote work has taken off, with help from the lockdowns, and i think it will take decades before we really understand what kind of effects this isolation has on people.

              • 12 months ago

                >it's amazing how quickly remote work has taken off, with help from the lockdowns, and i think it will take decades before we really understand what kind of effects this isolation has on people.

                hopefully will lead to mass suicides by insufferable tech homosexuals

              • 12 months ago

                Hey man don't be hard on yourself. Some people have every reason to be suspicious of others. Im not all for avoiding emotions, but if its self pity like some other people in here its a hard no. You definitely seem from a short interaction like your gonna turn out 100% fine if it matters at all what some random dickhead thinks.

              • 12 months ago

                >it's amazing how quickly remote work has taken off, with help from the lockdowns, and i think it will take decades before we really understand what kind of effects this isolation has on people.

                hopefully will lead to mass suicides by insufferable tech homosexuals

                I have a female friend who got remote work after working in an office for years, all i hear from her is how she now doesn't leave her apartment and barely talks to anyone.

                It's fricking pathetic. That sounds great to me.

              • 12 months ago

                >That sounds great to me.

              • 12 months ago

                >all anxiety including social stems from inaction and anger.
                waht do you mean with inaction?

              • 12 months ago

                as in doing nothing, posting on IST and resenting the society that exists for you to take advantage of and succeed. As in it isn't ethiopia and any man worth his salt can accomplish something.

  5. 12 months ago

    Some would say that life itself is some combination of boredom and suffering. If you're lucky you'll have them fluctuate with one another in a ratio that makes the other more bearable

  6. 12 months ago

    >is it always going to be this way?
    Yes. If you were unfortunate enough to be born with the voices, then congrats, you're not a normie npc and get to experience life with a much wider spectrum of emotion and self awareness. You can experience much higher levels of pleasure and happiness than other people can. The insane drawback to this is that it's a two way street. Your highs are higher, but so are your lows. This means that if you're living a depressed life, you're going to be way more miserable. You cannot fix this with weed, drugs, or shrooms. I went through a period where I was a sex addict, with three fwb and escorts, was smoking weed everyday, and doing shrooms every weekend, and it still wasn't enough.

    The only healthy way to fix it is to live with a purpose and fill every single day with healthy habits that occupy all of your time. You cannot allow yourself to get bored. Boredom becomes self destructive and the voices will always be too loud. I started my own business and work about 80 hours a week, I have one girl I see every other week, and I lift every other day and swim in between days. I never miss days.

    • 12 months ago

      Wow, good for you anon, may I ask what type of business it is?

      And do you have any tips for reaching this level? Particularly with remaining consistent as this is what I struggle with.

  7. 12 months ago

    Mog the voice in your head, anon.

  8. 12 months ago

    the sad voice has pushed me to be a better person than the comforting voice ever did

    the sad voice knows I can be better
    the comforting voice is happy letting me waste my life

  9. 12 months ago

    Yes and no. It is something you have to manage rather than expecting it to be cured, but there are lots of managing techniques you can learn. One of the most effective ones I've found is to ask your depressive inner voice what it has done for you lately. You are not obliged to agree with it just because it originates internally.

  10. 12 months ago

    >It's okay to not be okay
    What homosexual language for a homosexual way of thinking. It's never ok to be a pussy; the best you can do if you find yourself being a pussy is stop that and use it as a learning experience how to not be like that.
    Man the frick up, butthole. Nobody is going to give you a hug and tell you it's alright, because you're a man and men don't need that shit. You claw your OWN way out of whatever you're whining about because whatever it is, a million guys did it before you, so you can do it too.
    Or just fricking kys, I don't care. Hugbox wuss.

  11. 12 months ago

    You’ve strayed from God and are alone. He exists but don’t think that means you’ll find faith right away. Faith is something you build over time and once you have you’ll see how far you’ve come and how much sense this post makes. Start by praying daily, brother. Good luck on your journey if you choose to take the step. Or stay ignorant and live in the hell you’ve built.

  12. 12 months ago

    Im a schizo dyel and would like to thank the feminine energy guy who sends me nice things to read

  13. 12 months ago

    Bros i'm only 35 and i got diagnosed with severe arthritis in both my hips. Doctor said the surgery will be a bretty difficult one. I'm terrified

  14. 12 months ago

    >Asian b***h is mad that I ghosted her
    >wayyyy uglier in person plus standard insecure flip personality type
    >eventually the language starts ramping up
    >comments about dick size, being a bad person, ugly on the inside shit comes out
    >tempered in the fires of fit for years
    >the shit she says doesn't compare to anything on here
    >continue to ignore because my power level would send her into utter psychosis
    thanks fit
    also I think it's about time to only date people from 1st world countries, the 3rd world really makes it mark

  15. 12 months ago

    Get therapy.
    You can learn to tackle each thing the sad head voice says before it makes you sad, and your quality of life can improve pretty fast after that.

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