Is Ashwagandha a meme or does it actually boost t-levels?

Is Ashwagandha a meme or does it actually boost t-levels?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I've been taking it for a while but I can't remember why and I don't care.

  2. 1 year ago

    Sounds really african so I don't trust it on principle

    • 1 year ago

      Ash wakanda

  3. 1 year ago

    I've been taking it for about 3 weeks. It's really good for sleep. I would recommend it either way, it's not like this shit is expensive. It'll effect everyone differently, it relaxes your central nervous system, probably aids in recovery. It's going to boost your performance which is probably going to lead to slightly better test.

    Idk if it's changed my test levels, because I've been so ill lately from bongistan viruses I haven't been able to live normally.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's going to boost your performance which is probably going to lead to slightly better test.
      No its not you fricking....... Stop this nonsense already about test this and test that

  4. 1 year ago

    I don't notice anything.

  5. 1 year ago

    It does boost T levels but it doesn’t boost them enough to make a difference in muscle growth, any “natural test booster” is useless. Unless you have clinically low T, and even then it doesn’t help much
    The best ways to boost test is to get lots of sleep and exercise regularly

  6. 1 year ago

    I’ve noticed less anxiety and better erections but could also just be placebo.

  7. 1 year ago

    It grew my wiener 3 inches

  8. 1 year ago

    I toll it for 2 weeks in December I just lost satisfaction in basic stuff like anime and working out seemed pointless. I mean it could of been other things mentally for me, I've been off it for about a week now I don't feel as just mindless or anhedonia I might use it again in the summer when I'm bulking and getting good sun light and such

  9. 1 year ago

    Isn't this stuff known to make people more irritable?

    • 1 year ago

      is it? based, I would love to be more irritable unironically

      • 1 year ago

        Do drugs that give you withdrawals. As a side effect when peaking on them youll feel Nice tho

      • 1 year ago

        cringe. i’ve been on tren and have tweaked out on people for the smallest things, nothing makes you feel worse in hindsight. this weird incel shit needs to stop.

  10. 1 year ago

    It's not a miracle cure but it's a natural product that really does help. Not so much with T production (though there is a tangential benefit), but rather works to relax and de-stress you enough so that your body can focus on optimal hormone production.

    • 1 year ago

      It does boost T levels but it doesn’t boost them enough to make a difference in muscle growth, any “natural test booster” is useless. Unless you have clinically low T, and even then it doesn’t help much
      The best ways to boost test is to get lots of sleep and exercise regularly


      Sounds really african so I don't trust it on principle

      it comes from some 3rd world language word for "horse smell", wait til you hear about the etymology of horny goat weed lmao

  11. 1 year ago

    supposedly helps regulate and balance test levels if you're low-t (it won't raise your test above natty level, this isn't roids obviously)
    but vitamin d+boron does a much better job at that
    so ashwagandha is pointless
    if you want to get hornier, gelatinized black maca is much more potent

    • 1 year ago

      I take maca, ksm-66 ashwagandha, horny goat weed, and zinc. Haven't found a better stack for pure libido gains so far.

      • 1 year ago

        i would drop ashwagandha and hgw and replace them l-citrulline
        and maybe just up the maca intake
        i really doubt you're "triple dipping" with these 3 unless you have some sort of chronic libido issues
        gelatinized maca root is enough to turn a normal male into a horny beast for several hours
        whereas l-citrulline is going to significantly improve blood flow to give you much healthier and harder erections, so you're actually getting two real benefits this time

    • 1 year ago

      is boron worth it. havent tried it. just taking vitamin d and zinc atm

      • 1 year ago

        Boron gives me erections of biblical proportions

        • 1 year ago

          absolutely, it is underrated actually
          it has crazy good synergy with vitamin d and magnesium
          it is also easily the most effective way to regulate and raise your natural test to its natural limit without having to resort to body destroying drugs, in case you're on the lower end and having issues to get it up

          how much are you supposed to take and what type of boron?

          • 1 year ago

            not that anon but after reading the linked article there is an Upper Limit of 20mg/d and you need at least 0.2mg/d; positive effects won't show at 3mg/d.
            So i would say at least 10mg/d dose is a nice middle way.

      • 1 year ago

        absolutely, it is underrated actually
        it has crazy good synergy with vitamin d and magnesium
        it is also easily the most effective way to regulate and raise your natural test to its natural limit without having to resort to body destroying drugs, in case you're on the lower end and having issues to get it up

        • 1 year ago

          Not him but im also only taking Vit D and Zinc? Which type of Magnesium should I take and what dosage? Same question for Boron

          • 1 year ago


  12. 1 year ago

    its called ashwagandha, how legit could it possibly be?

    • 1 year ago

      would it please your moronic anglo ass if it was instead marketed as withania somnifera, its latin name? or would you not trust such big words either because you're a little man who knows nothing?

      • 1 year ago

        I'm going to need the name of the exact chemical that is the active ingredient.

  13. 1 year ago

    At first I took it for boners and energy, now I take it because it helps with my c-ptsd symptoms like depression and calms me down so my nervous system doesn't go as haywire. Dissociation takes less of a toll on my psyche too.

  14. 1 year ago

    It helps optimize natural testosterone production by reducing the stress hormone cortisol, it will never boost testosterone above your natural capabilities.

  15. 1 year ago

    I started taking ashwaganda and within about a month the anhedonia and pure emotional disinterest it created in me indirectly led to me to destroy my 5 year relationship with my first love. it also gave me delightful boners.

  16. 1 year ago

    Been on it for like two months and I've not noticed a thing

  17. 1 year ago

    Fixed my anxiety, a fricking miracle.
    Downside: I'm fricking pissed over minor things now.

    • 1 year ago

      >fixed anxiety
      shit, really? how bad was it before, what got you usually anxious?

      • 1 year ago

        Social Anxiety, usually ranged from constantly on edge and alert to barely functioning some days. Social activity would usually mean: heart pounding, nervous, shaking, afraid, paranoid etc.

        It's still there, but so subdued it gives me more energy to hang out and do shit. And I feel like people can stand me better when I'm not jittery and look like a walking butthole.

        • 1 year ago

          awh frick, good for you that's 100% what I'm dealing with, it's not like I can't properly talk to people if I absolutely have to but I avoid it like the plague
          gonna give this a shot then, can't hurt

    • 1 year ago

      Social Anxiety, usually ranged from constantly on edge and alert to barely functioning some days. Social activity would usually mean: heart pounding, nervous, shaking, afraid, paranoid etc.

      It's still there, but so subdued it gives me more energy to hang out and do shit. And I feel like people can stand me better when I'm not jittery and look like a walking butthole.

      do you cycle it?

      • 1 year ago

        I take on days when I know I'm gonna be under more stress. Maybe two or three days in a week, and then nothing for a week and a half.

        It helps even when I'm not actively taking it. Probably because it made me realize how much fake bullshit I've built up in my head.

  18. 1 year ago

    Its kinda meh, i use it to boost my next day sometime, or when im tired and wanna fug in few hours. Effect drastically diminish if you take it more than 1 week every day

  19. 1 year ago

    This doesn't boost testosterone, it lowers cortisol which negatively affects testosterone. The problem is that people don't cycle this stuff correctly and end up over doing it. Some people I know that have tried this stuff turned into complete sociopaths that didn't care about anything but themselves, that means gaming, their spouses, if they dropped out of university or got fired from work ect. Personally I got a LOT more angrier and lax about things that required my immediate attention, stopped caring about gaming, didn't view responding to my spouse I've been with for two years as a priority. Jumped off that shit and I felt passionate about things again.

    Something to take into consideration too is that most of these products come from poor soil and do damage to the liver/kidneys/brain. Even then there's studies that the supplement from healthy sources is still doing the same damage. I would take it with caution, get a quality supplement and cycle it.

    • 1 year ago

      Just to add to this, before people demonize cortisol as a big bad like everyone always does, it's the same hormone that triggers to get us out of bed in the mornings once we're fully rested, to acknowledge a fight or flight situation when we're in danger. Gimping it completely by taking too much of this stuff will just make you not want to get out of bed in the morning or put yourself in a stupid position you would have acknowledged otherwise. This stuff is also shilled all over Tiktok as well and there have been a rise of doctors dealing with teens/young adults fricking up their endocrine system.

      "Yes, Ashwagandha is an incredibly potent anxiolytic, but there is no such thing as a free-lunch and this is something that needs to be hammered into the minds of people who want to experiment with such substances. Numbing fear might sound worth the risk until you realise you can't feel anything at all."

    • 1 year ago

      people really think ashwagandha is like vitamins that you can take daily indefinitely
      as i have posted before, a better natural "test booster" exists, and so does a better libido booster that you can take daily just fine
      anhedonia is a real concern about ashwagandha
      trying to fight social anxiety with it is pointless, because it is going to come back once you're off with it, and when you start taking it again you're still going to keep making your feelings number and number
      ashwagandha provides good effects for a while, but the trade off is not worth it, a complete and total meme

  20. 1 year ago

    It helped my anxiety, but I've been taking it for like a week. I need to cut it out on weekeneds.
    It helps me calm down, but also gets me extremely pissed about simple things

  21. 1 year ago

    Definite recursion in anxiety, generally calmer throughout the day, blood flow and erections much stronger (but I take other supps as well), etc.

    Takes about a week or two for it to get into and stay flowing thru your system (i.e. to feel the effects) but it’s a relatively cheap option to explore

  22. 1 year ago

    It's been fine for me so far, I've been taking it for like 2 weeks.
    At first, I noticed that I was extremely calmer than I used to be, but later on, I realized that every little inconvenience threw me off my handlebars, to the point where just now I realized that maybe I should stop taking this.
    I'd say take for a week at most, then see how you feel. I know I'm going to stop taking it for a while

  23. 1 year ago

    Dudes get so focused on testosterone levels that they forget about sensitivity to testosterone. The herbal shit doesn’t have to raise blood serum test levels if it makes your gunt more sensitive to the testosterone your tiny scrote is already putting out. If you need more than that then go tell a doc you’re sad and your dick don’t work.

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