Is cannabis the best supplement?

Is cannabis the best supplement? When mixed with CBD its medical properties are powerful, I feel like I’ve made way more gains and have a better recovery just by smoking weed.

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  1. 6 months ago

    I don’t know if weed aids recovery but if you need a vice to relax and want to still be IST it’s much better than anything else

    • 6 months ago

      I’ve read about NFL and other high level athletes being recommended to take cbd. The thc is what gives you the muscle relaxant properties though and when its combined together its better than any pharmaceutical they can prescribe you.

    • 6 months ago

      >weed aids
      is it better than regular aids?

  2. 6 months ago

    fricks up my sleep so probably not at least for me. if you dont use it too close to bedtime it might be helpful

  3. 6 months ago

    I miss when weed was fun for me, i'd get crazy munchies and laugh like a moron at anything.

    Nowadays, I get crippling anxiety from it. It just takes off the rose tinted glasses that I have of the world and realize how much of a loser I am. I also start reliving deep painful memories of me being a sperg from 10 years ago

    • 6 months ago

      I got that too and then I obviously quit weed for good. I see a pattern, there's a type of people who got this.
      It's those of us who got their shit together and got serious about earning, and careers, and hobbies, and social life.
      When we were in high school, now almost 10 years ago, we had 0 cares. We had afternoon after afternoon to waste trying out these new cool weeds and finding new ones and new ways to smoke them and telling each other funny shit.
      It's not like that and it can't be like that. The only ones who still use it are minimum wage losers and I really doubt they still enjoy it as much.
      I'm fine with accepting it's a finite part of life like all else. While it was a very sweet part of my late adolescence that I reminisce with my friends in our moderately expensive cars we've got as adults, I can't pretend to go back to it.
      We're old, and we grew up right. There's other joys to life.

      • 6 months ago

        nta, I disagree with you. I'm 33 making six figures, have my own place, and only now getting comfortable talking to attractive women after ending a long-term relationship. Weed is just like any other recreational substance and it's entirely dependent on the user using it. I speak only for myself, but my anxiety stems from insecurities, regret, and many other negatives that I grew up directing internally instead of externally. I could make new PRs, be productive at work, get that raise: you name it. The moment I smoke weed, I start to realize how fragile I am and the thickness my walls have become since my long-term relationship ended.

        Just last weekend I wept like a b***h losing her pups while watching a coming of age movie because I got stuck in my own head. Thinking about how closed off I become from most family members when holidays come around. But my nephew, he'll never know how important he is to me and how much he saved me from my self hatred. If he's happy, I'm happy, and this Christmas will be my first in a long time to be vulnerable with others.

        • 6 months ago

          crazy how men have to get therapy from a mongolian basket weaving forum

          • 6 months ago

            Well I'm not going to pay some israelite to half-listen and give me a prescription

          • 6 months ago

            It's unironically better to get advice from other misanthropes who've gone through the same shit you have and will be honest with you, than some dumb prostitute with a psychology degree who's charging you by the minute to tell you to "b urself :)"

        • 6 months ago

          I get the feeling that's more directed at yourself than my post but it's cool man, I like the honesty.
          I'm 25 and my life has been crazy hard so far. I got out of literal poverty and I'm now barely making 6 figures too, my lifts are pretty good, and I'm sober. I've lost many friends and family. One could even argue that weed in some moderation was helpful; God knows what it feels like to go home after an extended shift in manual work to sleep and do it again as soon as you're up for the rest of the month until your day off.
          It sure wasn't the devil itself and I'm being honest when I say that I miss enjoying it, and the company. It's more of a cold reality that it doesn't do it for us anymore than anything and truth be told, it's the smallest change I've been through those years.

      • 6 months ago

        No reason to shit on weed, weed was not holding you back

        • 6 months ago

          Weed makes you lazier. There's no way you can argue with that.

          • 6 months ago

            Smoke weed once you finish all your responsibilities than. Not that hard to practice moderation

            • 6 months ago

              >Maybe I'll just smoke a little weed to make this more enjoyable
              >Maybe we smoke a little weed and then go to the gym once we sober up
              >Let's not go to that party and just smoke weed instead
              The number of times I've seen stoners (including myself) in these exact situations is uncanny. Face it, 99% of weed smokers are lazy degens.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, I do this shit every single fricking day.

                >"frick i really need to study but that shit is so boring"
                >"i know, i'll just take a hit or two to make the experience a little more pleasant"
                >end up spending 4 hours reading about the intricate lore of the devil's hole pupfish

                Like, smoking weed does give me a sort of extreme focused autism quite often, but I can almost never direct it towards a positive end.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not bad for language study. I don't smoke anymore but one of my biggest hangups with language learning is focusing too much on the stuff I didn't understand rather than using the context of what I did understand to infer meaning to what I didn't. Made the whole listening comprehension and watching media in other languages with that languages subtitles a lot more fluid of a process. I haven't found it useful otherwise except videogames stuff which is also something I rarely do anymore.

    • 6 months ago

      You're taking too much. What I realized in my weed rediscovery was that I was taking way too much and that was giving me tremendous anxiety. Now a 2.5 mg edible or a single puff of a j and it's all breasts and rainbows again.

    • 6 months ago

      That's called growing up. All teenagers like weed. Take a look at grown up adults who actually like the weed high: Black folk and women with mental problems(usually bpd.) That's what weed is, a drug for Black folk and fricked up women (same thing really.) And no, taking less will not help. I've tried this. Only taking one hit, taking only 1 very small hit, 1 very small hit every day for month to build up a tolerance, etc. The results are always the same. Terrible high for a normal huwhite man.

      • 6 months ago

        Why do black people seem to enjoy weed so much more? They can smoke like a whole blunt at once. If I smoke its like a fifth of a joint at a time and even that can be too much

        • 6 months ago

          because their brain is a combination of the other 2 subgroups that like weed: teenagers and mentally ill women.

      • 6 months ago

        every young white guy I know has a bong and smokes weed mixed with cigarettes

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah "young" being the keyword. Everyone likes weed when they are a teenager.

      • 6 months ago

        >its another episode of anon pretending he’s better than other people because he doesn’t smoke weed
        Of all the things you could be an elitist prick about, you choose DUDE WEED LMAO

        • 6 months ago

          learn to read moron

    • 6 months ago

      I got that too and then I obviously quit weed for good. I see a pattern, there's a type of people who got this.
      It's those of us who got their shit together and got serious about earning, and careers, and hobbies, and social life.
      When we were in high school, now almost 10 years ago, we had 0 cares. We had afternoon after afternoon to waste trying out these new cool weeds and finding new ones and new ways to smoke them and telling each other funny shit.
      It's not like that and it can't be like that. The only ones who still use it are minimum wage losers and I really doubt they still enjoy it as much.
      I'm fine with accepting it's a finite part of life like all else. While it was a very sweet part of my late adolescence that I reminisce with my friends in our moderately expensive cars we've got as adults, I can't pretend to go back to it.
      We're old, and we grew up right. There's other joys to life.

      This pretty accurately sums up how weed became for me. Before it was just all fun and games and no cares in the world. Now everytime I smoke I just get all paranoid and overthink the dumbest shit. And my life is very fine right now. In a good career making good money, saving a few grand a month, have emergency savings for the next 6 months, health is better than ever, very consistent with the gym, and I still turn into a paranoid schizo when I smoke.

      I do miss the days of just having my friends over and getting high and playing video games or watching shows or whatever. Now whenever I look at grown adults who live their life like that I just pity them.

      • 6 months ago

        Smoking balanced THC:CBD strains solved these issues for me. Same story, used to be a big daily smoker then out of no where its like I gained an intolerance to weed. Tried CBD balanced strains and now its enjoyable again, but the high you will experience is very toned down compared to a straight THC high.

        • 6 months ago

          why not just take like one or two hits of regular thc and not get as high? whats the point of mixing it?

    • 6 months ago

      I got that too and then I obviously quit weed for good. I see a pattern, there's a type of people who got this.
      It's those of us who got their shit together and got serious about earning, and careers, and hobbies, and social life.
      When we were in high school, now almost 10 years ago, we had 0 cares. We had afternoon after afternoon to waste trying out these new cool weeds and finding new ones and new ways to smoke them and telling each other funny shit.
      It's not like that and it can't be like that. The only ones who still use it are minimum wage losers and I really doubt they still enjoy it as much.
      I'm fine with accepting it's a finite part of life like all else. While it was a very sweet part of my late adolescence that I reminisce with my friends in our moderately expensive cars we've got as adults, I can't pretend to go back to it.
      We're old, and we grew up right. There's other joys to life.

      You're taking too much. What I realized in my weed rediscovery was that I was taking way too much and that was giving me tremendous anxiety. Now a 2.5 mg edible or a single puff of a j and it's all breasts and rainbows again.

      That's called growing up. All teenagers like weed. Take a look at grown up adults who actually like the weed high: Black folk and women with mental problems(usually bpd.) That's what weed is, a drug for Black folk and fricked up women (same thing really.) And no, taking less will not help. I've tried this. Only taking one hit, taking only 1 very small hit, 1 very small hit every day for month to build up a tolerance, etc. The results are always the same. Terrible high for a normal huwhite man.

      This pretty accurately sums up how weed became for me. Before it was just all fun and games and no cares in the world. Now everytime I smoke I just get all paranoid and overthink the dumbest shit. And my life is very fine right now. In a good career making good money, saving a few grand a month, have emergency savings for the next 6 months, health is better than ever, very consistent with the gym, and I still turn into a paranoid schizo when I smoke.

      I do miss the days of just having my friends over and getting high and playing video games or watching shows or whatever. Now whenever I look at grown adults who live their life like that I just pity them.

      I'm starting to realize this.

      I've fricked up the last 10 years of my life playing Fortnite and getting high all day. I'm a loser. I want to quit the weedisraelite but I'm addicted. i've moved to carts only and quit dabbing off a 500 degree rig evrery day. but i cant seem to get a job or quit smoking.

      • 6 months ago

        >i've moved to carts only
        Aren't carts strong as shit? Why not get a bowl and switch to CBD flower? To me CBD flower feels like diet weed and if you get a bowl you can't carry it around and hit it every 5 seconds.

    • 6 months ago

      I do too. I realized the trick is to take a micro dose of it to still have that euphoric feeling. You won't be "high" but you will be buzzed enough to not have anxiety.
      But its very easy to think to yourself you can take a bigger dose, takes a bit of discipline to not go over the dosage

      • 6 months ago


  4. 6 months ago

    I didnt smoke weed till i was 18, about a year after i graduated high school,

    34 now, in the trades, use it reglarly, People are often pretty surprised to find out. Most people dont really ever learn that I do. But keep your hair cut and beard trimmed and all the people saying only degenerates smoke weed never ever pick up on it.

    You never know, but there's definitely a population of healthy people out there who just keep their mouths shut because of how much some just love to hate.

    I go in a lotta people's houses for work, some folks who have glassware would really surprise you.

  5. 6 months ago

    bruh tf is the guy in the pic doing lmao. just break the fricking bud into small pieces you imbecile

    • 6 months ago

      maybe they just wanted the pic and didnt want to actually smoke it, so they didnt grind it up

    • 6 months ago
  6. 6 months ago

    I feel many things too. Once I took ayahuasca tea and felt the Kundalini serpent in my belly though I was transcending but ended up shitting my pants and mattress big time

    We all are felling you

  7. 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    You shouldn't smoke weed daily but out of all the major recreational drugs it's probably the least harmful and most mild

  9. 6 months ago


  10. 6 months ago

    Its terrible. Drugs are for addict homosexuals who suck wieners for drugs.

  11. 6 months ago

    Yo uh..
    U guys tal1k1in11 bout Cannabis???

  12. 6 months ago

    do heroin and start to talk with a deep and dragged voice
    then hit your car agains a wall
    become homeless

    start sucking dicks to survive

    that is the path you are going in
    specially the last part

  13. 6 months ago

    How do I smoke and not fail random drug tests for work? There has to be a way.

  14. 6 months ago


  15. 6 months ago

    My sleep and recovery are amazing with cannabis but it comes with huge downsides:
    1. It makes me hungry as frick so I end up snacking at night - impossible to cut.
    2. I become unable to sleep on nights where I don’t use cannabis.

    Makes bulking SO easy but I had to quit for the sake of my health and sleep.

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