Is CarnivoreWerewolf right? Were the nutritionists lying to us? Have we been deceived?

Is CarnivoreWerewolf right? Were the nutritionists lying to us?

Have we been deceived?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >sugar is bad for you

    • 9 months ago

      > its a youtube comment thread
      about as a legit as modern nutrition I guess

      Those aren't arguments, Moxyte.

      • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >still has visible strong shoulder and would mog 99% of 50 year olds
      >isn’t fat at all despite eating 3 lbs of ribeye a day
      What is the vegan argument here again?

      • 9 months ago

        >>isn’t fat at all despite eating 3 lbs of ribeye a day
        He's skinnyfat.

    • 9 months ago

      the dog can't contain his laughter
      nothing more pathetic than a DYEL boomer

  3. 9 months ago

    > its a youtube comment thread
    about as a legit as modern nutrition I guess

  4. 9 months ago

    Yes. Too much sugar bad.
    Think of yourself as a wild human. How much sugar could you realistically eat in the wild? That's your limit.

    • 9 months ago

      >muh natural primate
      i hate you homosexuals so much it’s unreal
      You nerds should get off this site, get rid of all your shit go meditate in the woods or something from the shit you love to post.
      You won’t though, because you’re all pussies who won’t put their money where their mouths are.

      • 9 months ago

        >referencing healthy human diets for the past millennia
        >hurr durr go live in the woods
        You fatasses will nmi

    • 9 months ago

      >How much sugar could you realistically eat in the wild? That's your limit.
      The problem with this line of reasoning is that you look at your environment, some massively overdeveloped, cultivated, and unnatural landscape, and assume that prehistoric humans lived in a similar setting. Modern hunter-gatherer groups eat a very large amount of sugar.

      >The Hadza are a protected Hunter-gatherer Tanzanian indigenous ethnic group
      >During the wet season, the diet is composed mostly of honey, some fruit, tubers, and occasional meat.
      >Honey represents a substantial portion of the Hadza diet (~10-20% of calories) and is an important food for many hunter-gatherer societies living in the tropics.

      >In a study of three traditional Caboclo populations in the Brazilian Amazon, açaí palm was described as the most important plant species because the fruit makes up a major component of their diet, up to 42% of the total food intake by weight.

      • 9 months ago

        >Anyone with more than a few braincells understands that sugar is unhealthy because it played almost role in our evolution.

        >But if meat wasn't responsible for the increase in brain size 1.8 million years ago, what was? Cooked tubers, says Wrangham, arguing that these starchy roots would have been quite abundant on the plains of Africa 2 million years ago, even when drier climates made fruits, nuts, and perhaps animal prey scarce. Today, there are 40,000 kilograms of tubers per square kilometer in Tanzania's savanna woodlands, for example. Other tuber-eating animals, such as wild pigs, thrived in Africa during this time, and Wrangham notes that fossil mole rats, which subsist almost entirely on tubers, have been found among hominid remains from 2 million years ago.

        Studying people still wearing loin clothes in 2023 isn't the great example you think it is.

        Also how the frick does Wrangham refer to fossil records of mole rats as evidence but ignores the complete lack of fossil evidence of humans eating tubers? It's much more likely humans ate cooked mole rats than digging up dirt clod shaped tubers.

        • 9 months ago

          >Studying people still wearing loin clothes in 2023 isn't the great example you think it is.
          This is how humans lived for 99.9% of our evolutionary history so I'm not sure where else you would look for evidence of our natural diet.

          >ignores the complete lack of fossil evidence of humans eating tubers?
          Why do you people always insist on starting debates on topics you don't understand? I don't get it. When I know nothing about a topic, I don't start trying to lecture people on it. IST in particular is very bad about this, like you're so aggressively confident in your ignorance. Is it a low IQ thing? Regardless,

          >Cooked starchy food in hearths ca. 120 kya and 65 kya (MIS 5e and MIS 4) from Klasies River Cave, South Africa
          >Here we offer the earliest evidence of identified fragments of charred starch plant tissue (parenchyma) from cave and rock shelter hearths dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e and MIS 4, from the Middle Stone Age
          >Our study is relevant to recent genetic and biological research into the human carbohydrate diet. This research has led to a hypothesis that homosexual sapiens adapted to increased levels of starch as part of an omnivorous diet (Perry et al., 2007, Lazaridis et al., 2014, Inchley et al., 2016). Our findings provide the archaeological evidence that has been previously lacking in support of this hypothesis.

  5. 9 months ago

    What are the odds that every single nutritionist, university professor, doctor, and research scientist is wrong, but this one random guy on twitter with no fundamental understanding of human physiology who thinks butter is healthy managed to get it right?

    • 9 months ago

      Butter is refined though, natural fats in natural places/quantities is what most paleo etc types suggest

      • 9 months ago

        I thought saturated fat is good for you and cholesterol is a myth?

    • 9 months ago

      Pretty high actually. no one can reproduce studies, many studies have been blocked from the academic community for not conforming to their donors, etc.
      It's an ~~*industry*~~ my fren.

      • 9 months ago

        >no one can reproduce studies
        Ah yes, therefore the inverse of the consensus is true

        • 9 months ago

          >cannot reproduce studies
          >therefore the consensus is true
          See how moronic you are? If something cannot be recreated it is therefore questionable at the very least. Why won't you at least question a questionable consensus?

          • 9 months ago

            What a terrible strawman

            • 9 months ago

              You have no idea what that word means you disingenuous lil frick lol
              Don't ever (you) me again

      • 9 months ago

        >600 different studies arrive at the same conclusion: saturated fats cause heart disease
        >Yeah but I read about the replication crisis so they don't count.
        Enjoy having your first heart attack at 48yrs old, moron.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you have any ideia how many studies "found out" eggs are bad for you?
          They distort everything and publish only what benefits them.

          • 9 months ago

            Too many eggs are absolutely bad for you if you're a hyper responder to dietary cholesterol.

    • 9 months ago

      galileo might have some words for you

      also , all "gender confirming" treatments for gender dysphoria , are derived from a case study by a man called dr john money, which turned out to be falsified and he was actually a kiddie diddler, and scarred the persons involved in said study so bad , that one commited suicide and the other od'd both before the age of 37.

      yet the paper is still firmly embedded in the scientific literature and cited to this day. arguably creating the troony disaster we have today.


      • 9 months ago

        >galileo might have some words for you
        what kind of moronic argument is this?

    • 9 months ago

      Butter IS healthy you dumb frick, all of those professionals are pushing a green carbs good agenda because they are getting paid to do so and if they don't they might get dropped out of their profession.

      • 9 months ago

        In what way is butter healthy?

        • 9 months ago

          Its animal fats which contain nutrients: Butter is an animal fat obtained from milk. It is the result of churning cream, the fatty portion of milk. Churning involves breaking up the fat globules in the cream to form tiny droplets. The fat released then clumps together into grains of butter and tiny water droplets are dispersed in the fatty mass.

          Too bad you are a vegan sóylent green slurper that don't appreciate life.

          • 9 months ago

            >Butter is an animal fat obtained from milk. It is the result of churning cream, the fatty portion of milk. Churning involves breaking up the fat globules in the cream to form tiny droplets. The fat released then clumps together into grains of butter and tiny water droplets are dispersed in the fatty mass.
            I know what butter is, you mongoloid. I'm asking what makes it "healthy".

            • 9 months ago

              Exactly what it is you fricking c**t, it has the nutrients you otherwise wouldn't be getting out of your vegan trash burgers stupid bugman.

              > (You) Picrelated.

              • 9 months ago

                What nutrients? Saturated fat? Cholesterol? Fricking ESL.

              • 9 months ago

                >all-encompassing mineral profile
                >healthy fats
                >best source of calories
                >thermoregulating effects
                >highly adaptable macro
                >our brain was designed to run on fats
                Any more questions?

              • 9 months ago

                >>all-encompassing mineral profile
                Lacking Vitamin C, Vitamin A (the healthy form), all the B vitamins except niacin, vitamin K, etc.
                Atherosclerosis, bowel cancer.
                >>best source of calories
                I can think of a million better sources.
                adaptable macro
                Meat is good true
                >>our brain was designed to run on fats
                It runs on glucose. Ketones are starvation food and converted to glucose before use.

                Oh wait you're talking about butter. Swap this list for every vitamin and mineral.

              • 9 months ago

                >I can think of a million better sources.
                Name all of them, schizo

              • 9 months ago

                Considering butter has ZERO nutrients in a 2500 calorie intake (except 50% Vitamin E)

                I nominate:
                >all food

              • 9 months ago

                But 100% of vitamins are fat soluble so without fat you are not absorbing them.

              • 9 months ago

                >But 100% of vitamins are fat soluble
                All B vitamins and vitamin c are not fat soluble.

              • 9 months ago

                >Vitamin A (the healthy form), all the B vitamins except niacin, vitamin K, etc.
                Nice bait

              • 9 months ago

                >>all-encompassing mineral profile
                >>best source of calories
                adaptable macro
                >>our brain was designed to run on fats
                Holy shit you're moronic

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah I thought he was talking about meat but it turns out he actually thinks butter is some sort of nutrient powerhouse.

                Just pull it up in cronometer it has literally nothing except fat.

              • 9 months ago

                You are not even trying to answer the question. It has no nutrients

              • 9 months ago

                as if veggies aren't chock full of antinutrients lmao

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                What a terrible strawman

              • 9 months ago

                >Fat, an essential macro nutrient, has no nutrients
                Just rope yourself dude jesus

            • 9 months ago

              Because fat is an essential nutrient moron bastard.

              • 9 months ago

                so is copper that's not an argument for eating coins

              • 9 months ago

                >Fat is an essential nutrient
                >Eating naturally obtained animal fats therefore is healthy
                >Copper is an essential nutrient
                >Eating indigestible and regardless toxic levels of copper is unhealthy
                Id call you a moron again but youre just a loner who needs his social interaction for the day so youre being purposefully ignorant for (yous)

              • 9 months ago

                there's no need to eat more than a very small amount of fat

              • 9 months ago

                >The dose makes the poison
                Congrats anon, you just discovered why & how animal fats are bad for you.

              • 9 months ago

                Essential is not the same as healthy. Fat is essential therefore trans fats are healthy?

              • 9 months ago

                Omega 6 PUFAs are an essential fatty acid too but you homosexuals sperg out about seed oils all the time.

              • 9 months ago

                There is no such thing as an essential fatty acid. If you actually care about your health, look up the original studies that this claim is based around and you'll learn a lot.

              • 9 months ago

                Lol, lmfao even.

              • 9 months ago

                Imagine that you're a human living in Africa 200,000 years ago. Agriculture won't be invented for another 190,000 years so there are no grains, no seeds, certainly no seed oils oils. There are no boats; it's physically impossible for you to obtain fatty fish. Where are you getting your "essential" polyunsaturated fats from?

              • 9 months ago

                You think humans didn't eat grains and seeds 200k years ago? And you expect me to take a single other thing you have to say seriously.

              • 9 months ago

                >You think humans didn't eat grains and seeds 200k years ago?
                They didn't in anything other than small, insignificant amounts. Even if we didn't have ample archaeological evidence of this fact, we also have modern hunter-gatherer tribes across the world that have been intensively studied over the past few hundred years. None of them eat seeds or grains in any meaningful amounts and certainly not in the amount necessary to get any kind of regular fat intake from them.

                You're welcome to try to prove otherwise but you won't because you're wrong and we both know it.

              • 9 months ago

                >None of them eat seeds or grains in any meaningful amounts
                You mean Amazonian primitives or Congolese pygmies don't have advanced agriculture?

                ALL GRAINS = EVIL

              • 9 months ago

                What kind of sad attempt at deflection is this supposed to be? Literally no population anywhere on the planet had "advanced agriculture" prior to the most recent 10,000 years. The advent of agriculture was kind of a big deal, you know? You don't seem to know much about this topic so here, educate yourself a bit:

                My question to you, which you've been avoiding for quite some time, is still the same: if polyunsaturated fats are "essential" then where were prehistoric humans getting them from?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not that anon. I'm laughing at your stupidity.

                You can't eat grains because they have glyphosate which hurts your damaged tummy 🙁

              • 9 months ago

                This is on the level of some Indian guy bragging about how he can eat cow shit so he's better than people who don't. We're all very proud of your ability to eagerly poison yourself anon, good job.

              • 9 months ago

                All this ancestral dieting blah blah blah is just a codeword for one thing:
                >I am a goyim, and I am getting swindled.
                Repeat after me
                >I am a goyim, and I am getting swindled.

                You really thought grifters wouldn't catch onto your desires to eat healthy and profit off of you?

              • 9 months ago

                lmao yeah bro I'm getting swindled so hard by restricting my diet to meat and fruit from small local farms wow what a sucker i am

                those damn dirty farmers, can't believe they're profiting from me
                i'll never eat another orange again

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm getting swindled so hard by restricting my diet to meat and fruit
                >small local farms
                You mean Walmart?

              • 9 months ago

                >You mean Walmart?
                uhh no, i mean small local farms
                i drive out to a farm a few times a month and buy my food directly from the people who produce it
                if this is a scam then i'm completely fine with it

              • 9 months ago

                No you don't. You watch chiropractors on YouTube and then b***h about it on the internet. You wouldn't know a CSA box if it caved in your skull.

              • 9 months ago

                i feel bad for guys like you, i really do
                i cant imagine being so disconnected that the idea of having easy access to local farmers is something that sounds like an absurd, unbelievable claim
                i have over a dozen small farms within a 30 minute drive, dont know what to tell you

                Fascinating. Didn't know they sold oranges year round at ye olde farmstand

                the growing season for oranges is october through june so yeah, it's pretty close to year round
                and this is gonna blow your mind but they've invented these things called freezers that let you preserve food so you can eat it even outside of the growing season
                pretty crazy, right?

              • 9 months ago

                >why yes
                >I do live in Florida and eat frozen oranges

                Freezers aren't very primal. I think grain eaters invented those.

              • 9 months ago

                I live in farm country dipshit. You clearly don't.

                >I'm not going to prove shit to you because
                You're not going to "prove" it because you can't, because the evidence doesn't exist. A few scattered populations eating wild grains out of desperation while starving is not even close to the same as using them as a stable food. Both the fossil record and modern studies of extant hunter-gatherer tribes are in agreement on the typical diet of premodern humans regardless of their position on the globe, and that diet looks like this:
                with not much else in it. You're insanely misinformed if you think that molars are an adaptation to grain consumption, like...I don't even know where to begin if you're that confused. I gave you a link to the wikipedia page on the Neolithic revolution earlier in the thread and I highly recommend that you read it and try to learn a little bit about this topic.

                This homie is still insisting that people were eating dirt clods because mole rats eat them. Lmfao.


                You literally have people who've been on the Carnivore Diet for decades cause otherwise their Chronic Idiopathetic Autoimmune Diseases make their life a living Hell.

                >Incredibly rare outliers prove rules
                Tell me you didn't think your anecdote about some 80yr old cattle rancher was going to sway anybody.

              • 9 months ago

                >I live in farm country dipshit. You clearly don't.
       live in "farm country" but you can't buy food from local farms? Why not?

              • 9 months ago

                I never said anything about the availability of farm fresh food in my diet. That's your schizo projection about your own dietary shortcomings

                I'm sorry, was "carnitard" supposed to be a term of affection? You're only argument so far, if we can even call it that, is repeatedly insulting me and calling me a liar over incredibly mundane things like driving out to the farm to buy food.

                I never said carnitard either. Unsurprisingly there's more than one anon that things your diet plan is dumb as a box of rocks.

              • 9 months ago

                lol ok, if we've reached the point where you're going to just pretend you didn't say all the dumb shit we can all clearly see that you've said then i think we're done here

                i accept your concession

              • 9 months ago

                You're literally talking to two different anons. God damn. Go find a board with IDs if you're too stupid to talk to two people at the same time.

              • 9 months ago

                oh ok, well if you're someone different then i want you to know that i accept your concession as well
                have a blessed day anon

              • 9 months ago

                Go eat dirt clods and kick rocks dipshit.

                You could get a bad E.Coli infection in your gut. Like a different sub-species of it or your good bacteria in your gut biome is done away with (e.g. an Adverse Effect of ABX) so the E.Coli in your Gut Biome is allow to reproduce greatly than it usually could because the good bacteria isn't there to keep it in check.

                Yeah that's called food poisoning. It's not magic that makes you die from eating fiber for 20yrs until some quack gives you antibiotic induced C.Diff and pretends he cured you.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's not magic that makes you die from eating fiber for 20yrs
                And here we go with this anger-fueled kvetching yet again
                >13% of people with food poisoning go on to develop SIBO

                Everyone with a bloated gut underlaying their fat has SIBO. That's around 80 million Americans. Bloating ONLY occurs in the gut and it's ONLY caused by
                >E. Coli (strain 14)
                >Klebsiella pneumoniae

                It is, factually, an infection. How many times do I have to try to beat some sense into you broscientist morons? What I'm telling you could literally spare you from a life of misery.

                >gfy (meaning either go fix yourself or go frick yourself)

                Last post in this absolutely putrid thread.

              • 9 months ago

                Fascinating. Didn't know they sold oranges year round at ye olde farmstand

              • 9 months ago

                From animal fats, nuts, and seeds. What do you think they gathers gathered while the hunters hunted? It sure as shit wasn't dirt clod tubers.

              • 9 months ago

                >It sure as shit wasn't dirt clod tubers.

                >Studying people still wearing loin clothes in 2023 isn't the great example you think it is.
                This is how humans lived for 99.9% of our evolutionary history so I'm not sure where else you would look for evidence of our natural diet.

                >ignores the complete lack of fossil evidence of humans eating tubers?
                Why do you people always insist on starting debates on topics you don't understand? I don't get it. When I know nothing about a topic, I don't start trying to lecture people on it. IST in particular is very bad about this, like you're so aggressively confident in your ignorance. Is it a low IQ thing? Regardless,

                >Cooked starchy food in hearths ca. 120 kya and 65 kya (MIS 5e and MIS 4) from Klasies River Cave, South Africa
                >Here we offer the earliest evidence of identified fragments of charred starch plant tissue (parenchyma) from cave and rock shelter hearths dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e and MIS 4, from the Middle Stone Age
                >Our study is relevant to recent genetic and biological research into the human carbohydrate diet. This research has led to a hypothesis that homosexual sapiens adapted to increased levels of starch as part of an omnivorous diet (Perry et al., 2007, Lazaridis et al., 2014, Inchley et al., 2016). Our findings provide the archaeological evidence that has been previously lacking in support of this hypothesis.

              • 9 months ago

                There's ample evidence of human grain consumption going back 400k years. It's why you have molars in your mouth. I'm not going to prove shit to you because you glommed onto one idiot that has a naked mole rat fetish to base you entire understanding of anthropology and human nutrition on.

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm not going to prove shit to you because
                You're not going to "prove" it because you can't, because the evidence doesn't exist. A few scattered populations eating wild grains out of desperation while starving is not even close to the same as using them as a stable food. Both the fossil record and modern studies of extant hunter-gatherer tribes are in agreement on the typical diet of premodern humans regardless of their position on the globe, and that diet looks like this:
                with not much else in it. You're insanely misinformed if you think that molars are an adaptation to grain consumption, like...I don't even know where to begin if you're that confused. I gave you a link to the wikipedia page on the Neolithic revolution earlier in the thread and I highly recommend that you read it and try to learn a little bit about this topic.

              • 9 months ago

                Uhhh, carnitard. What happened to carbs being poison?

                Are we moderating because our unsustainable diet isn't working anymore?

              • 9 months ago


                You literally have people who've been on the Carnivore Diet for decades cause otherwise their Chronic Idiopathetic Autoimmune Diseases make their life a living Hell.

              • 9 months ago

                >Chronic Idiopathetic Autoimmune Diseases make their life a living Hell.
                Yeah it's caused by SIBO, a gut infection. Look up Dr. Pimentel.

                Basically what Carnitards/Ketolards do is cope by going on inadvertently low-FODmap (fermentable fiber) diets which starves out the infection. Providing relief. The moment they eat a carb their symptoms come back.

                I'd pity them if they weren't such ruthless proselytes for their moronic meme diets.

              • 9 months ago

                Then that would be resolved with ABX and just having a Keto-Diet; yet only eating Meat and most other Animal-Products seems to completely alleviate their diseases.

                It's not SIBO and not just carbs. They also avoid supplements. They don't replenish their Vitamin C yet they never get scurvy...

              • 9 months ago


                >Chronic Idiopathetic Autoimmune Diseases make their life a living Hell.
                Yeah it's caused by SIBO, a gut infection. Look up Dr. Pimentel.

                Basically what Carnitards/Ketolards do is cope by going on inadvertently low-FODmap (fermentable fiber) diets which starves out the infection. Providing relief. The moment they eat a carb their symptoms come back.

                I'd pity them if they weren't such ruthless proselytes for their moronic meme diets.

                Then that would be resolved with ABX and just having a Keto-Diet; yet only eating Meat and most other Animal-Products seems to completely alleviate their diseases.

                It's not SIBO and not just carbs. They also avoid supplements. They don't replenish their Vitamin C yet they never get scurvy...

                Vit C is used to metabolize carbs. When there's fewer carbs to metabolize you need less Vit C.
                Fresh meat already contains more than enough Vit C to metabolize protein into glucose in the liver.

              • 9 months ago

                >What happened to carbs being poison?
                I don't know kid, you tell me. You didn't notice me talking about eating fruit? If all you have left are these sad strawmen then I think we're done here. Some friendly advice, you'll argue better if you get those anger issues under control.

                >why yes
                >I do live in Florida and eat frozen oranges

                Freezers aren't very primal. I think grain eaters invented those.

                Grains are unhealthy therefore all modern technology should be discarded? You've haven't been putting on a very good show so far but that's an absurd leap, even for you. But no, I'll admit that during the off-season for local fruit then I eat fresh imported fruit.

              • 9 months ago

                >Some friendly advice, you'll argue better if you get those anger issues under control.
                Jumping to ad hominems is the most obvious sign of a lost argument.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm sorry, was "carnitard" supposed to be a term of affection? You're only argument so far, if we can even call it that, is repeatedly insulting me and calling me a liar over incredibly mundane things like driving out to the farm to buy food.

              • 9 months ago

                >You didn't notice me talking about eating fruit?
                Nah you have the exact same writing style, syntax, and images as the same keto/carni schizo who has been posting here for years.

                I've watched you slowly moderate as a result of your inability to control your cravings
                >hint hint: a sign your diet isn't optimal

                If you were smart you'd do some research and find out your food sensitivities are actually caused by E. coli and Klebsiella infections of the gut. You won't do that though.

              • 9 months ago

                >E coli infections in your gut
                Holy shit you're dumber than the carnitards

              • 9 months ago

                You could get a bad E.Coli infection in your gut. Like a different sub-species of it or your good bacteria in your gut biome is done away with (e.g. an Adverse Effect of ABX) so the E.Coli in your Gut Biome is allow to reproduce greatly than it usually could because the good bacteria isn't there to keep it in check.

              • 9 months ago

                Dr. Mark Pimentel director of gastroenterology at Cedars-Sinai Los Angeles says so.

                >get infection after food poisoning, stress, poor lifestyle, etc.
                >infection is fought off by body
                >infection can't be fully eradicated in the gut for various reasons (usually poor immune function)
                >body is hypersensitive to bacterial antigens
                >infection causes leaky gut
                >ANYTHING that feeds the infection will trigger massive inflammation as the antigens attach to the undigested food particles
                >enter bloodstream = autoimmune disease

                The solution is a course of specific antibiotics like rifaxamin or herbal antibiotic combos taken over a longer period followed by probiotics.

                >this will cure your food sensitivities

                You could listen homosexual, but you won't. Instead I have to watch your endless monkey-tier diet wars over whether broccoli is the antichrist because your stupid ass never went to the doctor.

                >gfy (meaning either go fix yourself or go frick yourself)

              • 9 months ago

                >herbal antibiotic combos

                I don't have any food sensitivities because I eat a well balanced diet.

              • 9 months ago

                lol what the frick is this
                I literally had to stop for a minute and check what board i was on, usually i don't see this level of insane shit outside of /x/. If your only response to my points is
                >uhh i know you're saying one thing but i know that you actually believe a completely different thing because i know that you're some other guy i argued with in a different thread last month, i can tell by the syntax
                then I think we're done here too.

                I accept your concession as well.

              • 9 months ago

                >Scientists had thought that bread was not invented until after humans began farming. New archeological evidence uncovered in northeastern Jordan has proven that humans made flatbread baked on a stone some 14,500 years ago — millennia before the development of agriculture.

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, humans have been around for 300,000 years. Moving the "we started eating grains" marker back from 10,000 years ago to 14,000 years ago is not a significant change. Additionally, we're talking about foods that were a regular part of the diet and per your own link,
                >The charred remains found in Jordan appear to be an anomaly and there is no evidence to suggest that Natufians ate bread regularly

                But I'll make sure to check back on this thread later in case you want to try again. Good luck, lil guy,

              • 9 months ago

                >Modern HGs
                Low test, low IQ manlets because their metabolisms are permanently shut down from not having access to a steady source of calories.

    • 9 months ago

      every study is wrong because da joos
      this random social media account is right because it has a badass avatar

      galileo might have some words for you

      also , all "gender confirming" treatments for gender dysphoria , are derived from a case study by a man called dr john money, which turned out to be falsified and he was actually a kiddie diddler, and scarred the persons involved in said study so bad , that one commited suicide and the other od'd both before the age of 37.

      yet the paper is still firmly embedded in the scientific literature and cited to this day. arguably creating the troony disaster we have today.


      what do galileo and trannies have to do with nutrition idiot

      • 9 months ago

        >what do galileo and trannies have to do with nutrition idiot
        That muh science is not sacred and you're a literal moron if you use it as an authority

      • 9 months ago

        >what do galileo and trannies have to do with nutrition idiot

        it has to do with the poor state of the scientific literature. many errors and incomplete or un verifiable assertions are treated as facts, a nutritional example would be vitamin d , for the longest time it has only been treated as being relevant for bone health, when it has major effects on many different systems in the body. there has been evidence for this for a very long time ,was once used to treat tuberculosis , before antibiotics were available, yet the importance and overall understanding that vitamin was incomplete and to this day treatment guidelines are incomplete /insufficient.

      • 9 months ago

        >da joos
        Ah. You’re one of those morons who doesn’t acknowledge israeli power

      • 9 months ago

        >what do galileo and trannies have to do with nutrition idiot
        If you can't put it together your IQ is just too low
        >da jooooooz
        Oh yeah, you're definitely moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        >what do galileo and trannies have to do with nutrition idiot
        oh no! it's moronic

    • 9 months ago

      >university professor, doctor, and research scientist

      • 9 months ago

        >A handful of frickups erases the contributions of millions up on millions of academic researchers
        I thought autistic morons were supposed to be good with numbers?

        • 9 months ago

          Just pointing out that basedence isn't infallible.

    • 9 months ago

      I'd say the odds are about 50-50.

    • 9 months ago

      If the vax is any metric, I’d say pretty high

    • 9 months ago

      A guaranteed certainty

    • 9 months ago

      The odds are extremely high. I would trust a sentient piece of burnt toast before I'd trust the medical and scientific establishment, because I don't suffer from the mental illness of expert worship. Your rhetorical question is not the gotcha you thought it was.

      • 9 months ago

        This is so incredibly ironic

        • 9 months ago

          It literally isn't. But keep trusting the "experts" like a good goy. I'm sure that'll work out well for you.

          • 9 months ago

            I see you didnt even comprehend the point. Fair enough. You should also stop using words you dont know the meaning of. It makes you look silly to knowledgeable people.

            • 9 months ago

              I comprehended just fine. You think you're smarter than me for trusting le science, and your arrogance drips through every post. You're just an NPC trying to shame me into conforming to the mainstream accepted opinions, and it isn't working. Keep seething, kiddo.

              • 9 months ago

                >I comprehended just fine.
                I dont think so, you literally used the Hebrew word for nation to refer to me as an insult so

    • 9 months ago

      Personally I don't trust things I haven't verified my self. It is possible both are wrong.

      • 9 months ago

        Your verification will be your heart exploding when you're 46yrs old.

    • 9 months ago

      Good post. You really riled up the morons.

    • 9 months ago
      Hoaxes have been perpetuated by academia for decades like that alzheimer research scam. If something goes against current academic dogma, people will do anything to cope.

    • 9 months ago

      just get the vax, or you'll kill gradma

    • 9 months ago

      science is a tool to generate knowledge. if a study isn't reproducible, then the hypothesis failed and didn't generate any new knowledge. what people like you are doing is worshipping unproven hypothesis.
      >oh my god this scientist talked about it and made a study about it therefore it's true
      that's not how it works and i don't know why the west har forgotten about how empirical research is done. i guess it's about money as always? see the grievance studies affair. it's exactly what we're talking about here.

    • 9 months ago

      nutritionists =/= dietitian

      • 9 months ago

        chiropractors on YouTube =/= (nutritionists or dieticians or doctors or research scientists)

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >trust the experts, goy
      Oh boy, I thought we've already all been through this phase and collectively agreed to never again though ?

    • 9 months ago

      >Appeals to Majority and Authority.

      You'd be pretty fricking surprised given the history of medicine and biology.

      >Be Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch Businessmen
      >Create your own Microscope as a hobby and be the first to discover Microbiology.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Biology and Medicine call you a stupid homosexual who's full of shit cause you don't have the necessary credentials.

      >Be Louie Pasteur, a Mathematician and Chemist.
      >Further prove the Germ Theory of Disease is legit via discovering Vaccines, Pasteurization, and the biomechanics behind Fermentation.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Biology and Medicine call you a stupid homosexual who's full of shit cause you don't have the necessary credentials.

      >Be Semmelweis.
      >Discover the importance of Antiseptic Techniques and Procedures.
      >Reduce the Mortality Rate in Childbirthing from 20% (1/5th) to 2% (1/50th) and earn the title "Savior of Mothers".
      >Get beaten to death by orderlies at an Asylum that you were sent to through sociopolitical-connections cause you were being a super-annoying Stupid homosexual insisting everyone needs to clean their hands and equipment when the zeitgeist at the time was to look super cool experienced with your dirty as frick medical equipment and Germ Theory Of Disease was still only a "Theory".

      >Be Forssmann
      >Be a badass who essentially created the Clinical Application of Cardiac-Catherization, the Gold-Standard to treating Heart-Attacks.
      >Zeigeist at the time was don't frick with the heart directly like that or it'll be fatal (pierce a vessel, pierce heart-muscle, or poke it into a lethal dysrhythmia): ergo any experiments are unethical.
      >He does it to himself to prove it.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Caridac Medicine call you a stupid homosexual for doing it, remove your license to practice Cardiology; but take your results cause why not.
      >20 years later get ability to perform Cardiology again and given a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine for your findings.

      • 9 months ago

        Good post

      • 9 months ago

        I agree with the point, but disagree with the examples. Pasteur was a fraud and Germ Theory is one of the biggest hoaxes in history.

        • 9 months ago

          >Germ Theory is one of the biggest hoaxes in history
          live stream yourself drinking water from the ganges river

    • 9 months ago

      >Appeals to Majority and Authority.

      You'd be pretty fricking surprised given the history of medicine and biology.

      >Be Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch Businessmen
      >Create your own Microscope as a hobby and be the first to discover Microbiology.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Biology and Medicine call you a stupid homosexual who's full of shit cause you don't have the necessary credentials.

      >Be Louie Pasteur, a Mathematician and Chemist.
      >Further prove the Germ Theory of Disease is legit via discovering Vaccines, Pasteurization, and the biomechanics behind Fermentation.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Biology and Medicine call you a stupid homosexual who's full of shit cause you don't have the necessary credentials.

      >Be Semmelweis.
      >Discover the importance of Antiseptic Techniques and Procedures.
      >Reduce the Mortality Rate in Childbirthing from 20% (1/5th) to 2% (1/50th) and earn the title "Savior of Mothers".
      >Get beaten to death by orderlies at an Asylum that you were sent to through sociopolitical-connections cause you were being a super-annoying Stupid homosexual insisting everyone needs to clean their hands and equipment when the zeitgeist at the time was to look super cool experienced with your dirty as frick medical equipment and Germ Theory Of Disease was still only a "Theory".

      >Be Forssmann
      >Be a badass who essentially created the Clinical Application of Cardiac-Catherization, the Gold-Standard to treating Heart-Attacks.
      >Zeigeist at the time was don't frick with the heart directly like that or it'll be fatal (pierce a vessel, pierce heart-muscle, or poke it into a lethal dysrhythmia): ergo any experiments are unethical.
      >He does it to himself to prove it.
      >The Leading People and Societies of Caridac Medicine call you a stupid homosexual for doing it, remove your license to practice Cardiology; but take your results cause why not.
      >20 years later get ability to perform Cardiology again and given a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine for your findings.

      Ran out of characters. Essentially, you're the same stupid homosexual seen in many previous eras.

      Holy frick, dude. The fields of medicine and biology popularized the concept of "Second Opinion" for a reason.

      • 9 months ago

        The moron you're replying to unironically believes fat consumption is deleterious to health. You can't talk sense to someone that fricking moronic

    • 9 months ago

      The chances are 100%. Always distrust academics. They are the living example of "the blind leading the blind".

      Whenever I see a moron quoting studies and posting countless links to PubMed I immediately assume he's wrong.

      • 9 months ago

        everything you know is based off academics. You might as well say don't trust anyone that breathes oxygen

    • 9 months ago

      Be careful with your overconfidence.

      Sugar industry paid scientists for favourable research, documents reveal

      Harvard study in 1960s cast doubt on sugar's role in heart disease, pointing finger at fat

  6. 9 months ago

    The real redpill
    >half the people in the West are infected with bacteria that feed off of arginine found in meat and cause heart disease

    It's a hidden pandemic

  7. 9 months ago

    When I worked for a farmer this past year, he mentioned how we (In a natural environment,) would only eat what was available to use, so vegetables and fruits and such, although still healthy, weren't what we were eating all the time. This is where meat comes in, in that it is the most abundant kind of food do to the size of the animals and proliferation of species populations. This would also extend to foods that can be preserved year round such as Nuts, that although have a season, last year round. I'm not with the carnivore diet, but it does have a point, likely the nutrition guidelines we've been given over the years are bought by the people who grow the food to sell, i.e corporations, and thats not a bad thing, because a farmer who specializes in growing non essential products needs enough more to keep growing that product and keep or diet diverse. There pros and cons to everything, etc-etc.

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot the part where every farmer utilized grains and potatoes as the core element of their diets.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you call him a brainlet? Most of us haven’t had hunter gatherer ancestors for thousands of years. And hunter gatherers eat all kinds of shit, not just pounds of meat every day. Saw one on the people of papa New Guinea and they ground up a sago tree leaving the sides intact and mixed it with water and ate what was essentially pure starch. They ate whatever they could and that depended on where they were. The only instances I’ve seen that were hugely disproportionately meat were the Inuit and they have genetic adaptations like a larger liver because of that diet

  8. 9 months ago

    questions for moxyte: why do you think all ketochads are carnivore schizos? Why do you think Atkins is keto? Where did the ketones touch you?

    • 9 months ago

      It's funny how he will nonchalantly post screencaps of these threads on his subreddit where you can clearly see the (You)'s marking his posts, but he will never ever admit to being here in a IST post

  9. 9 months ago

    Anyone with more than a few braincells understands that sugar is unhealthy because it played almost role in our evolution. Midwits can't process arguments from first principles they just cling to appeals to authority which is why they trust fake studies, activist-scientists etc instead of thinking for themselves.

    It's not complicated just eat ancient foods and you will be healthy. Eat modern foods and you will be sick;

    • 9 months ago

      Name one "ancient" food. You sound like a buzzword gargling idiot.

      • 9 months ago

        the difference between modern wheat and ancient red wheat insane. Just like between hybrid cherries and wild ones.
        nothing has fricked our diets up more than domestication. Look at the mineral profile of a wild dandelion that we are for millenia vs modern baby spinach
        I can see wild caught fish being healthy if not for pollutants but every domesticated animal is an abomination.

        • 9 months ago

          >the difference between modern wheat and ancient red wheat insane
          Just tell me the difference (there is none)

          • 9 months ago

            ancient red wheat has a much higher nutrient profile - especially when comparing iron and protien.
            hybrid cherries have much more sugar in them than wild ones
            the reason we eat shit food is because it is easier for industrial agriculture to grow and sell on an uninformed population.
            We are completely depleting our topsoil from overproducing shit food. we need like a decade of foraging to get things to a sustainable level

            • 9 months ago

              >muh sugar and iron
              Literal nothingburger

    • 9 months ago

      >modern foods

    • 9 months ago

      >ancient foods

    • 9 months ago

      >Anyone with more than a few braincells understands that sugar is unhealthy because it played almost role in our evolution.

      >But if meat wasn't responsible for the increase in brain size 1.8 million years ago, what was? Cooked tubers, says Wrangham, arguing that these starchy roots would have been quite abundant on the plains of Africa 2 million years ago, even when drier climates made fruits, nuts, and perhaps animal prey scarce. Today, there are 40,000 kilograms of tubers per square kilometer in Tanzania's savanna woodlands, for example. Other tuber-eating animals, such as wild pigs, thrived in Africa during this time, and Wrangham notes that fossil mole rats, which subsist almost entirely on tubers, have been found among hominid remains from 2 million years ago.

  10. 9 months ago

    Anything the "experts" say - do the opposite. It's all a business which consists of making you ill, weak, poor and dependend.

    I have always tried to eat healthy which led me from cooking everything myself, to a "balanced diet", to a "bodybuilding diet", to a "vegetarian diet" which was the final straw and led me to the worst state of being.

    After that I tried the Primal Diet and after 3.5 years it hasn't failed me - I enjoy the food, I'm satiated, satisfied and stronger with less pain. I can train daily and not feel ill or tired.

    I would advise against eating "no meat"(NWO) or "all meat"(OWO).
    Both camps have an agenda albeit for strength/life energy one would prosper more with an all meat diet. The catch is that the body needs some fruit/veggies to cleanse itself. Animal food like eggs cleanse you but there's things like tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, coconut, parsley, celery, carrots, dates, etc. that all have a function too and are a must to complement the meats, cheese and fats.

    • 9 months ago

      I'll humor you. What, exactly, is cleansing about those particular vegetables? Have you attempted a carnivore diet, or are you still trying to find a diet that works?

    • 9 months ago

      I'll second this with a caveat:
      >you need to source QUALITY ingredients
      store bought shit doesn't cut it anymore. It's all laden with pesticides, GMO frankenfood.

      Buy from your farmer but preferably GROW IT YOURSELF. Use heirloom seeds. No joke anons the guys in charge want us dead and they won't stop at vaccines. The food is giving us tons of diseases too and it's on purpose. Pic. rel is what happens to you if you eat the slop.

  11. 9 months ago

    This was in the israeliteyorktimes years ago how is this controversial? The hotter take is its heated seed oils causing a lot of cancer and heart disease

  12. 9 months ago

    Just avoid PUFA
    everything else is good, saturated fats, sugar, salt etc

    • 9 months ago

      PUFAs are essential fatty acids. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about because you're regurgitating shit that some chriopractor on YouTube told you.

  13. 9 months ago

    let me find out deese homies dont even eat 90% of their meat raw
    le mao

  14. 9 months ago

    9 month carnivore here

    used to shit blood 20 times a day

    tried many diets

    then I went meat-salt-water, literally nothing else
    i consume 8-10 grams of salt a day

    got rid of severe ulcerative colitis, now off meds, and all my doctors are refusing to believe I ever had it because they're can't cope with the thought they wasted so many years in med school

    perfect shits now, literally zero gas - i genuinely never ever fart even

    just finished having a large bowl of bacon, backfat (slanina/szallona/salo 4 eurobros) and beef short ribs, that i sprinkled shitloads of smoked salt on

    tomorrow I will wake up and have some salami, wild tuna, backfat, and pork tenderloin

    i check my blood every 2 months

    stay mad while I spend every day feeling amazing
    if only you weren't 2 pussy 2 give this a 3 week experiment

    • 9 months ago

      How are your lifts?

    • 9 months ago

      Meat repaires tissue but in the long run eating it exclusively may not be optimal.

  15. 9 months ago

    Please allow me to explain why keto is the superior choice: our ancestors were hunter gatherers, right? Now, we can all agree we have both of these aspects within us.
    Gorging on carbs brings out your gatherer, following a brain-friendly ketogenic dietary regimen brings out the hunter in you, which is why keto makes you feel better.

  16. 9 months ago

    I remember hearing that the sugar industry bribed "experts" to say that eating fat is bad. Is that true?

  17. 9 months ago

    As a general rule if someone has carnivore in their name I immediately disregard anything they have to say

  18. 9 months ago

    My mom's nutritionist friend told her to stop consuming dairy and to get her calcium from nuts
    >400 cals worth of nuts have the same calcium of half a cup of milk
    She's menopausal and wants to lose some weight btw. It's just absurd how the things "professionals" say are as bad as the shit posted here

    • 9 months ago

      Its weird how you didnt get the point even thought you just said it

  19. 9 months ago

    I don't care what some random homosexual on the Internet says, I WILL eat cheese (animal fat, oh God the horror) on a cracker (grains, oh God the horror). Nobody in history ever worried remotely as much about what food to eat as you people these days and they were fit and healthy.

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking based. I personally enjoy eating pork liver paste on toasted bread with butter spread on it. 10/10, nutritionists can suck my big fat bvll dick.

    • 9 months ago

      this. literally just stop eating seed oils and all that refined crap/additives that got added to food in the last 100 years. humans are adaptable and can tolerate many different diets depending from person to person. after that find out what works for your body and what doesn't (eg, if you can tolerate a lot of plant fiber or starch or whatever)

    • 9 months ago

      >Nobody in history ever worried remotely as much about what food to eat as you people these days and they were fit and healthy.
      Yes but they didn't have their food being genetically fricked with and poisoned with 1000s of different pesticides specifically designed to destroy their guts and health in general

      Meme dieters are moronic but inadvertently right.

      • 9 months ago

        Exactly, lmao. That dude you're replying to is as dumb as those fat b***hes who bring up the fact that chubby was the attractive paragon in some eras of history; yet omit the fact that's because the wealthy could afford to get chubby and the majority of people (poors) were getting by day by day on whatever they could eat.

      • 9 months ago

        >Yes but they didn't have their food being genetically fricked with and poisoned with 1000s of different pesticides specifically designed to destroy their guts and health in general
        And yet humans live decades longer. You schizos always refuse to acknowledge that part.

        • 9 months ago

          >humans live decades longer.
          American lifespans are actually decreasing for the 1st time in history and 100% of what you just said is because of advances in medicine and sanitation.

          • 9 months ago

            >Grain consumption goes up in lockstep with human life expectancy
            >But ackshually...
            Why are you morons like this. Did you get molested by a loaf of bread as a child?

  20. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Not only do I hate that dude cause he's probably doing that Nu-Male-Smile/Onions-Face; but it irks me as an RN he's trying to post with a monitor that doesn't say anything other than his routine blood-pressure checks.

  21. 9 months ago

    everyone in this thread is moronic. none of you are even real.

    • 9 months ago

      if we are merely part of your brain, and we are dumb, what does that say of you, anon?

  22. 9 months ago

    >Were the nutritionists lying to us?
    >Have we been deceived?
    Government established what doctors recommend as healthy. Government always lies.

  23. 9 months ago

    Why are vegans always so angry? Hormonal imbalances?

    • 9 months ago

      B3 is a vital mineral for mental health. It's abundant and easily absorbed from meat and offal, while harder to obtain from the few plants that contain it.

  24. 9 months ago

    >food pyramid

  25. 9 months ago

    >its the substance that occurs naturally and that every animal has a biological imperative to like that is the problem and not the artificial chemicals we lace your food with, goy
    once you cut out all the additives from your diet it suddenly becomes very easy to remain healthy.
    I consume more sugar than my ancestors and yet I am in way better shape.
    taller, stronger, never sick.
    >its da suggaaa

  26. 9 months ago

    When I go carnivore I feel my heart beating and have irregular heart beats usually when it's time to eat. Any way to stop that?

  27. 9 months ago

    Yes and no. I studied nutrition in the Netherlands (which means I know a lot of people who now work as a dietitian or became scientists in nutrition). It is absolutely 100% true that 90% of these people just blindly follow the mainstream narrative which is often false and created by funded biased research. However, to say that sugar is the 1 ultimate evil is about just as moronic as saying saturated fat is. Reality is usually a bit more nuanced than the opinion of a carnivore or vegan influencer.

  28. 9 months ago

    I mean, technically the guy is right I think.

    Main reason of heart disease is being a fat frick. Sugar is really addictive, and slowly leads you to becoming a fat frick, especially if you don't have any self control when it comes to food.

    Cholesterol and fat might also be bad, but the main problem nowadays is that people eat way too much, and sugar is a huge part of that problem and the fact that it's added to everything to make shit taste good.

  29. 9 months ago

    >Have we been deceived?

    Yes we have been deceived. And its not even a "conspiracy theory",

    See articles above and many many more about the sugar industry.

    • 9 months ago

      >the media has deceived us
      >see the media for proof

      • 9 months ago

        lol loser moving goalposts.
        sugar industry paid scientists

        • 9 months ago

          I dont dispute what you said nor did I move any goalposts. I'm juts pointing out the irony of your logic

  30. 9 months ago

    Couldn't get past the god awful grammar and punctuation.

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