Is deviated septum surgery worth it?

My doc said i have deviated septum but its up to me if i want the surgery. I kept asking her if she thinks I should do it but she said everyones nose is different. Wtf to do.

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  1. 1 year ago

    If you dont do it now then have fun dying 20 years early

    • 1 year ago

      Proof your claims

  2. 1 year ago

    I fricking hate it when chickenshit doctors can't give you a fricking recommendation. It only happens in shitholes with universal healthcare like Canada because they get paid the same either way.

    • 1 year ago

      Same in Australia.

  3. 1 year ago

    >Is deviated septum surgery worth it?
    I have no idea, but ask your doctor about it after watching 100 youtube videos on the subject. Ask your doctor before doing anything. I am not a doctor. This is not advice.

  4. 1 year ago

    What actual real-life problems is it causing you? I wouldn't unless it's affecting sleep.

    • 1 year ago

      Im not sure sometimes I snore but that might be because of reflux. It might cause adhd or brainfog i guess.

      • 1 year ago

        Do you wake up at night though? Especially multiple times, every night.

  5. 1 year ago

    Yes yes yes yes yes PLEASE do this. It will change your life. It won't FIX your sleeping and breathing, but it will make it significantly better

    • 1 year ago

      Did you get this? Did it change your external nose shape?
      I'm scared because I have a big pointy nose that looks nice.

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but I posted about my septum surgery a few days ago. The surgery definitely made an improvement to my breathing. I had a pretty severe deviation with enlarged turbinates, which the surgery also decreased the size of.
        >Did it change your external nose shape?
        No, that's rhinoplasty. A deviated septum surgery is septoplasty. Trust me bro, getting a nose job isn't worth it. That shit is for truly mentally ill people. If you go through with this surgery and experience recovery period afterwards, you'll understand what I mean. Anyone willing to put themselves through that level of pain and discomfort just to look prettier is fricked in the head.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes yes yes yes yes PLEASE do this. It will change your life. It won't FIX your sleeping and breathing, but it will make it significantly better

          for me it was
          I had like 10 percent breathing through left nostril. it's closer to 70 percent now and my ent said I had the worse case he's ever seen.

          sleep like a baby now. recovery is brutal, stitches were super tight and I had a panic attack after a couple of days having them in which I've never had before

          Any of you homos have any experience/ changes with this stuff specifically?
          I noticed I can barely breath out my nose when I get super anxious and I know if I could breath out of it easier I could better control it

          No idea if mine is deviated, however I’ve “cracked” my nose for relief for years. And I noticed what feels like a crack on one side of my septum.

          • 1 year ago

            almost everyone has a deviated septum to some degree but it's those who have severe cases who need surgery. I'm guess you probably need it as well

            I got hit by a fast ball and cracked my nose

      • 1 year ago

        It made my nose straighter externally, so it looked better. Than was literally the only change.

      • 1 year ago

        Getting surgery to fix a deviated septum is often just a guise for a nose job. Yes, a true septoplasty won't change your nose shape, but increasingly ENTs offer this as a way to do nose jobs/rhinoplasty. I think OP's doc maybe was fishing to see if OP wanted a nose job by offering an optional septoplasty.

        Plastic surgery is way more common than people think. That said,

        NTA but I posted about my septum surgery a few days ago. The surgery definitely made an improvement to my breathing. I had a pretty severe deviation with enlarged turbinates, which the surgery also decreased the size of.
        >Did it change your external nose shape?
        No, that's rhinoplasty. A deviated septum surgery is septoplasty. Trust me bro, getting a nose job isn't worth it. That shit is for truly mentally ill people. If you go through with this surgery and experience recovery period afterwards, you'll understand what I mean. Anyone willing to put themselves through that level of pain and discomfort just to look prettier is fricked in the head.

        is right, it is only for mentally ill people.

        • 1 year ago

          Rhinoplasty is often done along with Septoplasty, but they are entirely different and separate procedures. Septoplasty is literally straightening the internals of your nose, and rhinoplasty is purely aesthetic and external. OP's doctor is asking if he wants a Septoplasty, which means fixing his nose so that he can breathe better. He should 100% do the Septoplasty

          t. Had a septoplasty and literally went from not being able to smell, and snoring so badly it sounded like I was dying in my sleep, to being able to smell, and sleeping much better

  6. 1 year ago

    for me it was
    I had like 10 percent breathing through left nostril. it's closer to 70 percent now and my ent said I had the worse case he's ever seen.

    sleep like a baby now. recovery is brutal, stitches were super tight and I had a panic attack after a couple of days having them in which I've never had before

  7. 1 year ago

    >if you're one of the poor souls like me that get sinus polyp swelling a lot due to allergies, temperature changes, and having a nostril permanently clogged by a sinus polyp swelling then yes it's really beneficial to even out the airflow.

    >I notice at the pool that water gets into my nose canal incredibly easy despite my best effort at holding my breath and keeping it out. It just runs down my nasal cavities.

    >When you get sinusitis or a sinus infection (rare for me bc not a dirty gay) enjoy your debilitating headaches and sweilling of the whole eye socket and just that icky swelly crying feeling you get after you sob bc now you can at least mitigate it by having some decently built turbinates.

    Listen gay maybe your case is different but for losers like me who got dealt this huge facial debuff it's almost necessary if you don't want to die an early death due to lack of oxygen to the brain or whatever.
    I'm serious these conditions shaved off IQ points and years of life expectancy so you better get it fixed before you become a boomer and start to understand why you need it.

  8. 1 year ago


    Get a real doctor

  9. 1 year ago

    My mom had a deviated septum until she was about 30 and she has the worst recessed chin I have ever seen.

  10. 1 year ago

    I had it done as a teen and it didn't work. I had given up on breathing through my nose, since one nostril is totally closed, but recently I've been trying to fix my sleep and came back to the deviated septum stuff. I've been using breath right nasal strips during the day and night and the difference is noticeable. The nostril is still mostly closed, but I'm able to breathe entirely through my nose. I think the brain fog stuff is related to mouth breathing at least somewhat. I've been waking up not tired too, which I've never really experienced in my life. I got some nasal dilators, but none of those really work with my deviation. Xylitol nose spray helps somewhat too. Not sure about surgery since it might fail again, or have bad side effects. But you should definitely try the strips and maybe nasal dilators if you aren't able to breathe just through your nose. I definitely have an easier time focusing, and feel less anxious.

  11. 1 year ago

    I had a septoplasty done about ten years ago. It helped a lot but didn’t totally get rid of my nasal breathing problems. I am glad I was able to address some of the problem without having to use medication indefinitely.

  12. 1 year ago

    look up empty nose syndrome before you go fricking around with your nose anon, and read some of the accounts of sufferers
    >michael jackson overdosed on pills because he had empty nose syndrome from all his nose jobs
    >most ENTs deny its existence despite thousands of cases (like a lot of diseases we now consider "real" that were discounted by doctors decades ago)
    >numerous suicides from sufferers
    >so poorly understood that many people have symptoms or minor cases without knowing so true incidences are even higher than estimated
    >china is for some reason the only region taking it seriously and conducting studies into its causes
    >chinese man hunted down the doctor who performed a procedure on him and murdered him as revenge for giving him empty nose syndrome
    >it is VERY REAL but you have to find out about it yourself because most ENTs won't mention it
    >most ENTs will claim it's only a concern with a turbinectomy but that isn't true either
    >there's LITERALLY one doctor in the US who is studying it and has performed several successful procedures to stop symptoms

  13. 1 year ago

    I'm getting deviated septum surgery in about a month along with getting a nasal polyp removed. Make this thread again in like late April and I'll let you know the effects of the correction.

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