Is DEXA. a fricking meme?

I went in for my routine DEXA scan and I finally got <15% body fat, but I don't have any abs. I did DEXA because people say it's the most accurate.

Why don't I have abs if I am less than 15% body fat?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Did you know that you're black?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    It's not a meme, but you can carry fat in places that make it so a dexa isn't completely accurate.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Mistyped, so they eye test isn't completely accurate. The only thing more accurate than a dexa is an MRI scan.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Ur abs weak lol

    Do an anavar only cycle

    • 4 weeks ago

      Should you do test only for a first cycle?

      >He fell for the "abs are made in the kitchen" meme
      Exercise your abs.

      I do ab crunches, what else should I do?

      • 4 weeks ago

        decline sit ups with a weight, hanging leg raises, other cool shit

        • 4 weeks ago

          This. Build obliques with suitcase carries and twists. Shit's good.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, test is too masculinizing (read: aging) anavar lets you stay youthful but extra strong

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anavar will shut his nuts down.
          >Its only 25mg
          >Coming from Dr. Mike Israetel
          OP La watch some anabolic Doc vids and then get bloods done to check for any issues that could be corrected.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What specific vid should I watch. I just assumed to do a test only cycle since it's what most people say is the best for a first cycle, and has the least side effects.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Do not listen to this. You are stupid. Anavar only is a bad idea.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's what I was think as well.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    built 4 bbc

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >He fell for the "abs are made in the kitchen" meme
    Exercise your abs.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    No its not a meme, its the current gold standard for a reason. You may have some bloat, and typically definition gets worse throughout the day as you eat and drink. Most likely though, you just don't have any abs.

    "Abs are made in the kitchen" is only half of it, you still have to train them like anything else. Crunches don't do shit. Do ab wheel, hanging leg raises, kneeling cable crunch, etc.

    Abs recover fast, you can hit them pretty much every day. Other than the first session or two; they'll be sore af after you put them under some real tension for the first time. Like sore to the point it will probably be difficult for you to take a shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If I was to incorporate an ab workout into my routine say twice a week, how long would it take for them to show?

      >Why don't I have abs if I am less than 15% body fat?
      Abs do not really show until 10-12%. You are muscular enough now they will. Under 15% with a bit of bellyfat is fishy results. One told a skinny guy I knew he was 10% bodyfat but he had no abs or muscles.

      Eyeballing it you look around 15-20% bodyfat

      You will be skinny any leaner so I would try to recomp

      How long you been lifting?

      I've been lifting since September so about 8 months. Would recomp mean eat at maintenance? I was 15.8% body fat according to DEXA 6 weeks ago, so I'd assume I got lower, hence the 13.6% number.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I can explain why you have no abs:
        you been lifting under a year you need to build up more muscle to look leaner at 15% bf at which point 12-13% you should have outline or 4 pack abs.

        Eat at a slight surplus on training days (keep in protein and carbs btw) say 100-250 calories over. And on days off eat at 250-500 calorie deficit. One day a week fast.

        Cut out fat and sugar for most part. Keep some good fats but keep the macros low fat high carb high protein.

        This pic is old but its how I leaned out and you are almost there already as proof.

        Yea not a fitness model physique or anything but its how I did it.

        Whole wheat toast, egg whites, whey, lean ground turkey, chicken breast only ate the classics.

        • 4 weeks ago

          So overall should my weekly calories be in mantainence?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Typically, yes, you want to be around maintenance calories or slightly below to lean out a bit more. It's a delicate balance, but maintaining your calorie intake around maintenance level is a good starting point. Adjustments can be made based on progress and individual response.

            If you stall out or lose strength or mass increase your calories or cut back cardio. If you gain fat then decrease or add more cardio.

            Also workout abs ie planks, weighted situps, hanging leg raises etc do 3-4 sets to failure each workout.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Also here is an example pic of what I mean. You just need to maintain same bodyfat or losing bodyfat while building muscle.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Why don't I have abs if I am less than 15% body fat?
    Abs do not really show until 10-12%. You are muscular enough now they will. Under 15% with a bit of bellyfat is fishy results. One told a skinny guy I knew he was 10% bodyfat but he had no abs or muscles.

    Eyeballing it you look around 15-20% bodyfat

    You will be skinny any leaner so I would try to recomp

    How long you been lifting?

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