Is dog food good for you? Lets find out.

A few days ago an anon posted a link to a raw dog food website where they sell ground chicken, beef, and organ meat. I bought some and just ate it for research purposes.

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  1. 9 months ago

    did you eat it raw?

    • 9 months ago

      why do US Americans always sperg out about meat consumption... unless its fried, baked, cooked or whatever !?

      • 9 months ago

        I'm a Yuro, just asking because if it's safe raw then it's even safer cooked

        • 9 months ago

          you are type like a pussy

        • 9 months ago

          'safe' ... 'even safer' ...

          If its dog food it'll probably have all sorts of fun parasites in it for people, they have very few controls compared to mean for humans.

          grow up, shit aint gonna kill you, you can not sanitize yourself and your world, in fact that would kill you and its a delusional wish that only signifies a lack of general education

          >why do Americans freak out about cooking raw meat meant for dogs?
          And I thought not understanding framing and drywall was bad.

          cuck houses fitted with air conditioning to suit the needs of the weak
          also meat is meat, its not like there was 'special dog meat'
          in addition a dog, like any mammal, functions pretty much like a human, theres no difference

          • 9 months ago

            So you've never built anything in your life and don't understand basic things. Got it

          • 9 months ago

            >grow up, shit aint gonna kill you, you can not sanitize yourself and your world, in fact that would kill you and its a delusional wish that only signifies a lack of general education

          • 9 months ago

            It takes about half the time for food to pass through the digestive tract of a dog compared to a human. That means bacteria has twice as long to propagate. That's why dogs don't get sick drinking from ponds and eating dead birds the way a human would.

          • 9 months ago

            >grow up, shit aint gonna kill you, you can not sanitize yourself and your world, in fact that would kill you and its a delusional wish that only signifies a lack of general education
            Enjoy parasites getting into your brain then.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        If its dog food it'll probably have all sorts of fun parasites in it for people, they have very few controls compared to mean for humans.

        • 9 months ago

          frozen + cooked would kill almost all bacteria
          better to boil with some vinegar, but still

      • 9 months ago

        >why do Americans freak out about cooking raw meat meant for dogs?
        And I thought not understanding framing and drywall was bad.

  2. 9 months ago

    >What is it?
    Pic related, from the website description its beef from 7 day old calfs that are milk fed, butchered and ground with organ meat and they use a ratio of 10-15% bone, 10% organ meat and 1% fat.

    • 9 months ago

      970 kcal per kilogram???
      how much of this shit do you have to eat lmao

    • 9 months ago

      >How did you eat it?
      I cooked 200g in a pan, at first with some water since it was still a bit frozen and I wanted to cook the shit out of it. Once the water evaporated I let it go in the pan for a while like ground beef and added some beef tallow because this stuff is so lean that it will insta-stick to the pan. I seasoned it with black pepper, garlic, and salt. I out it over rice and cooked some peppers and onions in the same pan. This is something I cook all the time with 93% ground beef so it is easy to compare the two.

      I'm not keto or a raw meat guy. I don't see a problem with eating raw meat if you know where it came from and that it's been handled properly. Its not something I do often and definitely wasn't going to do it with this.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >How was it?
        Tasted fine, like beef with a frick ton of cartilage in it. There were some bones that are soft enough to chew and some that are too hard. Pic related are the bones from that 200g which were too hard.
        >Is it worth it?
        5 lbs of this was about $21 USD and shipping was nearly $40 because its frozen. The bones are annoying. If you think that organ meat is the golden key to good health you're better off going to a butcher or something. If your enough of a sperg to buy it from an online pet food store do a bulk order of their organs only mix and put them in your freezer.

        • 9 months ago

          You just frickin paid 12 dollars a pound to make dog food for yourself anon.
          What the frick

  3. 9 months ago

    the shit you guys do to impress IST

  4. 9 months ago

    Probably better for you than hot dogs, alpos macros used to get posted here.

  5. 9 months ago

    My dog had a pancreatis issue (allergic to certain meat proteins, I unironically suspect it was brought on by the Rabies vaccine) so we had to switch him to this stuff. The thing is, I opened it and both of my other dogs suddenly went fricking NUTS and I noticed it smelled... kind of nice? So I ate a piece, sue me. Tasted like chicken-broth cereal tbh. All this to say, if I was dirt broke and couldn't afford a steak a day I'd probably eat this crap. The macros are insane too.

    • 9 months ago

      You should smell some of the high end cat food if you like that. cats are more muscular than dogs and need better food.

  6. 9 months ago

    You need some muscle horse turbo

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