Is fasting the best method to lose weight?

I know theres a sticky but my case is kinda odd, i know that lifting is great to lose weight but the thing is i earn a minimun wage and i cant afford a gym sub here where i live (not in the US) else i would be lifting, back in 2018 i had my a schizophrenic episode and was put in the loony bin, since then i mostly stay at home and play vidya, i get money from the gov so i can afford at least some stuff, i weight 233 and im 5,4 (yes im both a manlet and fat as frick) which fasting protocol would you guys recommend for someone new at this?
i mostly eat just rice and some sort of meat, Chicken or beef, but back when i gained all this weight i used to eat fastfood every 10 days or so, most of this year i didnt eat lunch, i mostly eat bread with pastrami or cream cheese, but like 8 slices of white bread (4 sandwiches, and i know thats overkill.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Start with OMAD
    Refeed with Whole Foods, Have fruit after the meal it will keep you fuller
    That’s how I lost 100 pounds

    • 6 months ago

      >start with omad
      that's fricking moronic. You think a fatass can restrict themselves for 24 hours right off the bat? It's better to start with intermittent fasting 12/12 then slowly work your way up to omad.

      • 6 months ago

        You sound fat. 1 meal/day is totally achievable for someone motivated to lose weight.

  2. 6 months ago

    Congratulations friend, im starting with OMAD like you suggested, how long did it take for you to lose 100 pounds?

    • 6 months ago

      meant for

      Start with OMAD
      Refeed with Whole Foods, Have fruit after the meal it will keep you fuller
      That’s how I lost 100 pounds

    • 6 months ago

      The first year which was last year I lost about 70 pounds, I stopped the second year to focus on putting on muscle mass and dropped 30 that year by controlling my carb intake

      • 6 months ago

        Also put on a great amount of muscle, I look like a different person considering I was rotting in my room 8 years prior

        if i go walking will it benefit me? cuz i dont have many things to do besides staying on pc or reading books, but since i live in a mountainous area i can go up a mountain etc, there are many hiking spots, most are usually begginer friendly and take like 20-30 minutes to finish.

        • 6 months ago

          Any activity is great, walking would be a good start to get acclimated to activity, when I started, just walking a block made me short of breath, like panic inducing short of breath lol
          Now I could walk miles forever if wanted to

    • 6 months ago

      Also put on a great amount of muscle, I look like a different person considering I was rotting in my room 8 years prior

  3. 6 months ago

    >is fasting optimal for losing weight?

    It’s a stupid long post to make but you ideally you eat around maintenance and cardio off the calories.

    OMAD will leave you hungry and hunger = binge eating and bad choices.

    • 6 months ago

      OMAD won't do that. It works for a lot of people. But long fasting definitely will. Speaking from experience. It's deceiving because you see these people who lose 20 lbs in one week of fasting but that means nothing since they've just lost water weight, faeces, and glycogen.

  4. 6 months ago

    Running is free, pushups are free. Do those

  5. 6 months ago

    No fasting is not good for weight loss if by fasting you mean actual fasting or prolonged fasting. That is going multiple days without food. There are some benefits to fasting as there is more and more research coming out daily that there is. However for the purposes of weight loss you shouldn't rely on it. OMAD however is great.

  6. 6 months ago


  7. 6 months ago

    >best method to lose weight?
    >best method to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass?
    Absofrickinglutely not and don’t let any dunning Kruger dumbasses convince you otherwise.
    I was visiting my girlfriend abroad during the summer in my university days and she had to leave for like a week. I left my card in the atm like a moron and had no way to get money. This was pre 3g internet days so I was completely fricked. Knew absolutely nobody for miles around and didnt have my local sim yet. Couldn’t bring myself to beg so I ate what little food I had in the apartment and drank water. Lost easily the most amount of weight I ever have in a short time, especially visceral fat. Kept it off for quite a while and was looking good for my last year at school. It works but I can’t imagine doing that while actually having food around. Alternate day fasting didn’t have anywhere near the same effect

    • 6 months ago

      I believe the morbidly obese may be an exception. I did rolling 48 or 72 hour fasts, broken with like a dozen whole eggs to get from 275- 230lbs . During this time I was still able to maintain muscle, doing low volume, high intensity training on my feeding days. But once I hit 230, it became nearly impossible to keep my numbers up and at about 220lbs I felt like i hit a hard wall and my energy in the gym was simply insufficient so I switched to a traditional calorie deficit. This also coincides with where my BMI switched from well into obese, to normal "overweight", my hypothesis is that the obese have enough fat that it can quickly be metabolized to keep energy levels up, where as once you approach healthier weights, you cannot metabolize it as quickly, and you will then experience further muscle loss.

  8. 6 months ago

    ive been doing OMAD low carb since early october with ~12-16k steps daily and im down 44 lbs so far, id reccomend that
    id suggest making sure your meal is at least 6-7 hours before you sleep since thats when you want to be in ketosis, (we burn most fat during sleep/recovery)
    Good luck.

  9. 6 months ago

    Ppl have already made the point but i want to emphasise - as a fattie any losses made while fasting will rubberband back onto your body.
    Might be a couple of days, might be a couple of months.
    Fasting is a good tool to get into peak shape not a good tool for hamplanets looking to go svelte.

    • 6 months ago

      as a fattie any losses made while fasting will rubberband back onto your body.
      Might be a couple of days, might be a couple of months.

      It doesn't matter how you lose weight knobhead. If you don't sort out your eating habits and discipline then it will ALWAYS rubberband back.

  10. 6 months ago

    If you are obese, which you are, I highly recommend fasting. Go literally as long as you can, after 24 hours it gets easier, 48hours and 72 hours are good, I did a 7 day once, but it seems like 72s followed by breaking it with Keto accomplishes the same thing without nearly as much will power. When you are obese it is remarkable how infrequently you can eat without feeling too shitty, but once you approach regular overweight, call it BMI of roughly 29-30, it will get much harder, and muscle loss will be a greater concern, so that would be the time to switch to a traditional diet. The fasting not only is the fasted way to lose weight, but since you are obese and likely have insulin resistance and food addiction, fasting will be the best at regaining your insulin sensitivity, and help you reset your gut microbiome so you are less addicted to sugar and hyperpalatable foods.
    t. 275 to 195 with visible muscle.

    • 6 months ago

      important side note, if you find yourself fantasizing about food, or binge eating when you break it, you might need to fast more. When my fasts were at their peak, I literally felt like I could go for weeks if need be, because my stomach shut off, and the cravings for sugar and fat subsided. I can only speak for my own body, so if your fast leaves you starving hungry. constantly thinking about food and leads you to binge eat, then maybe it isnt for you.

  11. 6 months ago

    how efficient would clenbuterol be for a fatty ?

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