Is "I train to REAL FAILURE, unlike you" a fake natty tell?

People with sus physiques like pic related who claim natty chalk it up to
>I train to failure, to REAL failure (different from what you peons think is failure)
or even
Yet the evidence consistently fails to show benefits to failure training.
Is this
>I just train HARDER
meme a dead giveaway that these people are on gear?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Yes. Next question.

  2. 12 months ago

    it's posturing to distance themselves from the rank and file. this helps create the illusion of being an authority, which is inevitably monetized. disregard.

  3. 12 months ago

    >eceleb gossip thread
    keep it on israelitetube

    • 12 months ago

      It's not gossip.
      The research has consistently failed to show a benefit to training to failure, especially when volume and effective reps are equated, yet lots of "natties" with abnormal results boast about their hard training as the cause of it.
      It's possible they're outliers, and for them failure provides an edge, but it more and more looks like they're getting caught with their pants down (and their steroid-atrophied balls exposed).

  4. 12 months ago

    Probably. Training to failure shouldn't be something you do every set every time. It's something you do every other week or so to see if you could potentially add weight since you're only testing orms probably twice a year. It's not worth the fatigue, considering the training stimulus is indistinguishable from 1-2 reps in reserve. Still you gotta know your limit so you can push them within reason.

  5. 12 months ago


  6. 12 months ago

    Yes. Fake natties create a lot of euphemisms for gear. Training for 10+ years is also one of them but you guys probably don't want to hear that.

    • 12 months ago

      I talked with a guy before who swore up and down that he's natty and totally the only natty guy in a bodybuilding competition he was second place in and that it's all just hard work and training for over a decade.

  7. 12 months ago

    im usually pretty lenient on roid usage but when they are 240 and shredded kinda hard to not say. If you wanna tell me that guy is actually 180 then maybe, but I know this homosexual wouldn't be able to resist saying he's actually 250

  8. 12 months ago

    HOLY SHIT this guy was my summer camp counselor like 15 years ago. I can't believe it. His brother was a counselor, too.

    • 12 months ago

      Was he cool and does he pin?

      • 12 months ago

        idk what pin means.

        He wasn't in my tent so I didn't know him TOO well. He didn't have nearly as much muscle. There was sort a light running joke about how his name was spelled. I think we all mis-pronounced it JOFF or something on purpose as a nickname.

        For some reason, all of the counselors in the camp were all from the UK. His brother brought his bike with him to the camp and rode it around everywhere and kind of looked like David Foster Wallace.

        tbh there's a slight chance I'm confusing his brother for another random counselor.

        • 12 months ago

          >idk what pin means.
          It means injecting yourself with steroids, growth hormone, etc

          • 12 months ago

            well he wasn't particularly muscular then. Although I guess one could put on a lot of mass over 10+ years natty.

            • 12 months ago

              He lives in the country where most of the roidtroony HRT-producing underground labs are located, and he he has an extremely punchable, dishonest-looking face.
              His mass + leanness +

              Yes. The most common copes for why [obvious roider] is natty are:
              >I've been training for x years!
              >I train to real failure
              >I use [insert weird training methodology]

              = he's a fake natty

  9. 12 months ago

    I've trained natty for more than a decade, doing HIT for periods training beyond failure, and I never really made any significant improvements to my physique past the 3 year mark. Essentially the best I could do was recreate my peak body composition. This notion that you can train to failure and magically make drastic body composition improvements to an already advanced lifter is idiotic cope used to trick novice DYELs. And it's always grifters and influencers either trying to sell you things or build a following.

    I'm not even against failure training; HIT is really good if your time is limited and you want to make the same gains in shorter workouts by the trade off is higher intensity obviously. But it's not going to yield better gains than most other systems.

    • 12 months ago

      Just posting to say this was an decent informative post.

  10. 12 months ago

    Anadrol makes my wiener PUMPED and throb

  11. 12 months ago

    it's funny to see these fake natties try to deboonk the studies exposing their
    >I just train much harder than everyone else
    It's especially funny to see Mr "Trust the Science" Layne Norton juggle trying to pick the studies apart to carve out an exception for himself and his gains, while not trying to outright undermine the studies in the eyes of his IFLS audience.
    Also GynoLayne is friends with a lot of the people doing these studies (like Schoenfeld), so he can't go nuclear on them.

  12. 12 months ago

    it would be quite the plot twist the guy claiming good genetics and that works harder than anyone...then turns out he has been roiding for years and that's all what he has to show for it

  13. 12 months ago

    Yes. The most common copes for why [obvious roider] is natty are:
    >I've been training for x years!
    >I train to real failure
    >I use [insert weird training methodology]

  14. 12 months ago

    >literal who thread
    fricking hell OP kys

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