Is it bullshit that the body can only take up like 20g protein a meal?

Is it bullshit that the body can only take up like 20g protein a meal?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Is it bullshit that the body can only take up like 20g protein a meal?

    Just had a 99g protein meal and nothing bad happened. You're just weak, anon.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm just wondering. Not sure why you're calling me weak. I had 55g and wonder if it's bullshit that my body can only absorb like 20g or whatever the number is claimed to be

      • 9 months ago

        btw im trans, idk if that matters

      • 9 months ago

        The number is 25g, but it's bullshit. I wouldntake it more as a recommendation to spread your protein during the day if you can and nothing more

  2. 9 months ago

    lel, I produce that much after a fap.

  3. 9 months ago

    You don't shit out undigested meat if you eat 40g worth. It's getting digested and utilized over the many hours it takes to move through your entire digestive system.

  4. 9 months ago

    Of course it is. Literally just use your fricking brains you fricking moron I cannot fricking believe how you soience gays need a study and research for everything. There are people RIGHT NOW benching 3 pl8's and they eat OMAD. If they only utilized 20g of protein per day they would never be able to build the muscle and strength needed to lift more than a feather.

    • 9 months ago

      Why are you so aggressive?

      • 9 months ago

        Stupidity deserves no tolerance, you moronic frog.

    • 9 months ago

      Homosexual moron

  5. 9 months ago

    Hopefully. I get 200g within like 1 hour

  6. 9 months ago

    20 grams for optimal muscle protein synthesis. After that it's dimishing returns.
    40 will give a slight benifit, but not worth it imho.

    And yes it's totally possible for your body to waste nutrients. Your body will piss put excess protein.

    • 9 months ago

      So if my goal is 200g proteins I need 10 meals a day? If this were true bodybuilders would eat 20 meals a day. And they don't.
      You're moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        ever wondered why they eat every 3 hours?

        • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Lots of gigamoronic bro science in this thread who literally have no clue about biochemistry or how the body works, really pathetic to see people talking about something they literally don't even know the basics of.

        The body will only use 60g of protein per day, the rest will be converted to either carbs for instant energy or fat to store energy. Protein is a building block, so either you add it (muscle, hair, tissue etc) or you burn/store it as carbs/fat after it's been converted. You dont store protein and I am sure you're not gaining 100g of muscle per day.
        Now stop talking about things you know nothing about you galactic moron

        Of course it is. Literally just use your fricking brains you fricking moron I cannot fricking believe how you soience gays need a study and research for everything. There are people RIGHT NOW benching 3 pl8's and they eat OMAD. If they only utilized 20g of protein per day they would never be able to build the muscle and strength needed to lift more than a feather.


        To add on, I think bioavailablity is more important, because 20g of protein from chicken is more easily digested and made ready than 20g of protein from beans, so you get roughly 19g from chicken breast but only 11g from lentils.
        I might be remembering the numbers wrong but I do remember that protein from beans is actually less because your body has to digest a bunch of fiber to get to it, and much of it gets lost in the bean so to speak, so you basically have to eat more beans.

        Your body breaks down every single protein into an amino acid, hence why you can't just eat collagen to get skin benefits. So no, there is no better bioavailability, your body will simply take the amino acids from the food you eat and use them as it sees fit at the moment. No matter if you're eating a vegan diet or a meat diet your body will make the choice of how to use those amino acids. Even if you eat meat and rice it's likely that it will mix amino acids from both of them as they are first broken down and then it used the mix for the muscle or something else.

  7. 9 months ago

    I'm no scientist, but I think it's bullshit, you have people who are fit and muscular and eat one meal a day. They get their 100+grams of protein in that one meal, if they only got 20g from it, they'd be fricked and would see muscle loss.
    Where did you hear this exactly?

    • 9 months ago

      To add on, I think bioavailablity is more important, because 20g of protein from chicken is more easily digested and made ready than 20g of protein from beans, so you get roughly 19g from chicken breast but only 11g from lentils.
      I might be remembering the numbers wrong but I do remember that protein from beans is actually less because your body has to digest a bunch of fiber to get to it, and much of it gets lost in the bean so to speak, so you basically have to eat more beans.

  8. 9 months ago

    It depends on body composition and metabolism, but after some point you'll indeed end up just pissing most of it out.

  9. 9 months ago

    I have two meals a day. Breakfast and an afternoon meal. ~200g protein overall. Works for me.

  10. 9 months ago

    >eat a lot of protein in a short time span
    >piss gets foamy when it hits the water

  11. 9 months ago

    I've asked and searched the same to understand protein utilisation in the body.In short the 20 mentioned is for non trained individuals. It seems at the same time that omad is not the way because body doesn't have a storage for amino acids. I can't back it up but what i recommend people is 60-80 twice a day or a larger snack with protein.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm cutting right now and my ~80g protein shake plus one large meal after work is doing wonders.

  12. 9 months ago

    Ask yourself why OMADers dont die

  13. 9 months ago

    I would really like to know where the "20 grams per meal max" comes from, like if you eat a steak all the protein magically instantly gets digested even trough meat takes up to 16h to fully digest.

    • 9 months ago

      I think it was a study looking at people drinking amounts of whey and seeing how much they excreted to work out how much is utilised. Where things are real food, they take time to digest. If I eat a 12oz ribeye, some of it will be well on the way through my large intestine while a lot is still in my stomach. Do they not teach the digestive system in schools anymore?

    • 9 months ago

      You don't absorb protein in your large intestine. At that point, all of the nutrients your body wants (except for water, electrolytes and a few vitamins) are already in your blood. A "session" as far as protein is concerned is 1-3 hours.

  14. 9 months ago

    >Is it bullshit that the body can only take up like 20g protein a meal?
    It's bullshit, if you want to minmax and get ripped sure 20g several meals spread out throughout the day is the way for optimal protein synthesis, for the average dude working out and eating 2 or 3 good clean meals a day will get you results, also plenty of sleep. Worry about minmaxing when you are already bellow 15% body fat, if you want to go any lower than that.

  15. 9 months ago

    As far as I know, not really. But assuming you are suggesting what I think you are, why wouldn't you distribute your calories and nutrients more evenly? If you look at any serious athlete that's what they do. There certainly is a limit to the useful amount of total protein for non-elite individuals who don't use PEDs. Numbers and data are certainly useful in training but setting arbitrary goals and targets disconnected from reality serves no purpose.

  16. 9 months ago

    It's probably not as low as 20g. However, your body has mechanisms in place that limit anabolic activity (AKA growth, including muscle building). There's evidence that in one digestive cycle, an adult can use approximately 20-35g of protein for stuff like increasing muscle mass. Beyond that, excess protein will be used for catabolic processes (AKA calories). At a certain point, your body will dump the excess protein out into your kidneys, and you will literally piss it away.

    This is why steroids are referred to as ANABOLIC steroids; they force your body to undertake many more anabolic reactions and increase protein utilization. An adult not on steroids will be limited by their genes, hormones, and metabolism.

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot to mention. It's not strictly speaking "bad" to get a bunch of your calories from protein. However, when you need to eat 100+ grams of protein in a day, it tends to more convenient for most people to spread it out over 3-4 meals.

      Protein is also much more expensive than the other macronutrients, so it makes sense to try and get as much mileage out of each gram as you can.

  17. 9 months ago

    It's 20g an hour. There are plenty of people who do one meal a day, eat all of their protein, then just slow digest it over the course of 24 hours. If you're not eating, you're not shitting, so it's just sitting in there being digested.

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