Is it harder to get jacked as. >A: A fat guy (not necessarily obese but overweight). >B: A skelly

Is it harder to get jacked as

>A: A fat guy (not necessarily obese but overweight)
>B: A skelly

I can see arguments for both

The fat guy just has to keep eating as he normally does (as long as he's not eating like 6000 calories a day) and eventually his body will catch up to him as he lifts

Whereas a guy who's a skelly has to change his entire eating habits and keep upping the amount he eats in order to get big

Also fat dudes already have big energy stores available

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  1. 1 month ago

    Jacked as in shredded or just visibly very muscular? If it's shredded, the fat guy. He's already proven to have little self control or genetics that put him at a disadvantage to get that vascularity even with roids. If just visibly very muscular, skelly possibly. Depends on fat distribution.

    • 1 month ago

      Not necessarily shredded but a minimal amount of fat, like 8-10%

      • 1 month ago

        8-10% of fat is shredded you complete moron.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't get mad there fatty

  2. 1 month ago

    Fat guys definitely have a longer road to getting jacked. A skinny guy who never lifted can get ripped in a year if they started eating and exercising right. I think skinny guys have an easier time getting a decent physique, but struggle to get big where as getting big is more natural to fat guys, but will have to struggle for years to start looking good.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah this is the truth. Big guys get muscles way faster but look like shit until they nail in the cut. Another thing is that bigger dudes will spin their wheels trying to cut for years when they really need to have at least a single solid bulk before they do a cut.

      • 1 month ago

        >Another thing is that bigger dudes will spin their wheels trying to cut for years when they really need to have at least a single solid bulk before they do a cut.
        This myth comes from fat guys who thought they were muscular, and blames it on the cut. You should always cut first if you're overweight.

        • 1 month ago

          It's not a myth and it comes from the way cutting leads to weakness, lethargy, irritability, insomnia, and other annoying symptoms. This happens regardless but it's much worse when you don't have a solid underlying base of muscle and fitness to carry you through the cut, and haven't already established good exercise habits.

    • 1 month ago

      I can't gain weight, fat people definitely have an easier time

  3. 1 month ago

    fatty for sure. A skinny guy might have hard time putting on weight, but that's mostly because he has no appetite/weak stomach/hasn't formed the habit of bulking and needs work to get there. Once he starts eating properly he can gain muscle decently quickly. The fat guy has ample fat to burn, but far more than he can convert to muscle, and will spend months/years trying to shed it.

    • 1 month ago

      you don't convert fat to muscle

      • 1 month ago

        how does it actually work?

  4. 1 month ago

    If you could force them to actually stick to the plan then 100% the skelly.

    • 1 month ago

      easier for the skelly*

  5. 1 month ago

    I'm a skelly that has been trying to get my weight up to a healthier number for the past month. I'm still eating below the recommended intake for my height (slowly working up) and I can easily tell you it is the hardest thing I have ever done, and I've managed to stomp out both a nicotine and alcohol addiction. Being healthy is absolutely a goal itself, but finding that motivation to literally forcefeed yourself every single day to the point of gagging, almost every waking moment, is emotionally draining. I imagine trying to lose weight is the exact same, it's emotionally draining to starve yourself down to a lower weight. Exercising is the easy part, nutrition is where I imagine most people would find their struggle. I'm inclined to think the struggle is about the same, only that skinnier guys show the muscle far sooner as there is less fat to obscure the developped muscle. Take all of this with a heavy grain of salt because I am 70% sure I have no fricking clue what I'm talking about.
    Fat guys have it harder.

  6. 1 month ago

    Fat people often have higher test facial features take a guess.

  7. 1 month ago

    It’s way easier for the fat guy as natties. Not even close. Though some fat guys just have cursed genetics where they are ridiculously fat AND can’t build muscle. But a lot of fat guys can get strong pretty easily. When you bring gear into the equation it’s easier as a skelly. There are actually a decent amount of skellies who are strong responders to gear (think David laid). The gear helps them put on the size and since they’re already naturally lean it’s easy for them to have great physiques. However, for fat guys gear is VASTLY overrated for simply making fat go away (with the exception of tren- which is terrible for you and a nightmare, never do it). So even if they put on a ton of muscle they’re still left with their biggest problem- that they’re fricking fat. Ok if you want to be an offensive lineman or a powerlifter, a dire problem if your goal is to actually look good
    >as natties fat guys as frauders skellies

  8. 1 month ago

    Fat guys have stretched-thin muscles with such poor circulation and nutritional density that they have extreme weakness. All a skinny boy has to do is eat more protein and his normal muscles with no difficulties will grow. Politely not going to bump this thread since you gave an incorrect opinion in the OP instead of leaving it for discussion.

  9. 1 month ago

    Fatties for sure. Worse nutient partitioning means they just get fatter if they eat at a surplus. But you cannot gain muscle unless youre at at a surplus. And even if a fatty is blessed and gains muscle and fat 50-50 during a bulk, all that means is that he has to stay in a cut longer, which is known to be hard.

    Both fatties and skinnies have to train just as hard, but skinnies have to just enojoy another cheeseburger, once per day and they will stay lean and grow muscle. Boo fricking hoo.

    Yes, former fatty currently stuck in 15-18% bodyfat hell

  10. 1 month ago

    Skelly here.
    There's nothing harder in this world to put on a mass as a true skelly metabolism type.
    Fatgays stfu. All you need to do is to follow which foods are low cal. and eat slightly less. And yeah, try hard and deeicated at your workouts. BOOM. That's it.
    As a skelly you just need magic.

    • 1 month ago

      You need to not be a moron. High calorie foods are trivial to eat as a skelly. Fatties will always look like shit unless they cut for a long time which is way way harder than bulking. Just because drinking a protein shake with PB in it and picking up things scares your skeleton brain does not make it harder than the symptoms that come with a long term cut.

      • 1 month ago

        Biological fat homosexual spotted

      • 1 month ago

        Small surplus is easier than a small deficit, but a large deficit is easier than a large surplus

      • 1 month ago

        >You need to not be a moron. High calorie foods are trivial to eat as a skell
        NO THEY AREN'T

        • 1 month ago

          >dude it is literally sooooo hard to fricking eat french fries and drink a protein shake
          do skellies really

  11. 1 month ago

    Bro my appetite is never ending I cant stop eating for the life of me. Fitness is easy for skinny gays cuz all you gotta do is eat peanut butter and cheese (delicious food)

  12. 1 month ago

    It is easier for skelly to get defined muscle, but it is easier to naturally big fat guy to get past it and be big (wide bones obviously allows you to put more muscles on it). Skinny fats (fat skellys) obviously suck.

  13. 1 month ago

    >le harder to build a building than to tear one down
    skellies have to bulk
    fatties have to cut and then bulk
    fatties also get loose skin and have to make more drastic diet changes
    both are hard anyways

  14. 1 month ago

    it doesnt matter as long as you track calories and train hard

  15. 1 month ago

    There's no arguments. It's always harder for a smelly.

  16. 1 month ago

    Losing fat is easier and MUCH quicker than building muscle, everyone who says skinny guy is a delusional mad fatty.

  17. 1 month ago

    I refuse to believe that some fatards actually think not eating is harder than forcing yourself to eat.
    >but I am le hungry !
    morons, I've had to do both and eating until you're one the verge of vomiting is a much harder and longer process, while being more expensive and time-consuming.

    • 1 month ago

      Just eat more peanut butter wtf. Dictating what you eat is way easier than fighting against a hunger

  18. 1 month ago

    depends on how fat, but usually see more twink mode to jacked look better, zyzz, david laid, jeff seid

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