Is it possible for autistic or ADHD people to be fit longterm or are most too lazy and low motivation to do it?

Is it possible for autistic or ADHD people to be fit longterm or are most too lazy and low motivation to do it?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Knew a guy with ADHD who was very fit and made a living as a personal trainer

    • 10 months ago

      I have autism and adhd; I got obsessed with training. I’m now usually the strongest person at my commercial gym.

      ADHD is not real, we've had this discussion many times.

      • 10 months ago

        >we've had this discussion many times.
        This is the most redundant statement ever. Being an aggressive deboonker who makes thousands of posts doesn't end an ongoing conversation

        • 10 months ago

          You know the weirdest part about these losers is there’s nothing to gain by them doing this.

          Seriously, I’ve tried finding ways that it can be justified and even the best case scenario for these wannabe inspector homosexual debunkers is the following which gains them nothing in life, they’re still wasting time doing what’s seems like mental masturbation
          >they see and realize many people are self diagnosing mental health issues and wearing them like they’re a fashion statement
          >teenage girl talking about depression and anxiety despite that she has a perfect life, various hot women claiming to have autism on tiktok so they can feel like they struggled to get where they are in life and brag about “super powers” not realizing actual autism is nothing to romanticize at all
          >debunker seeks to shame these varieties of people
          >for some reason debunker does it on a place where the people saying they have those issues are more likely to be telling the truth and actually diagnosed, probably because elsewhere online his words go unnoticed and he gets nowhere
          >gains ???? By doing this
          >probably a sense of control so he can feel comfortable while looking like the OP image

          I mean shit the reality is these issues are real, but what no one wants to discuss or look at is how rampant they’ve become in the last 30 years. Stuff like ADHD are being caused for most people, few people are naturally genetically like that.

          • 10 months ago

            Many people are ignorant about even the 101s of certain topics and they’ll talk about them anyway. We’ve all done it, but the what matters is if people will bother reading about what the other side says. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and have purposely read lots of ‘ADHD isn’t real’ articles and stuff yet people ITT with no actual skin in the game won’t bother to challenge their worldview.

      • 10 months ago

        if adhd is not real then why did my israeli doctor diagnose me with it?

        • 10 months ago

          To sell you amphetamines that you have to take daily for the rest of your life.
          You're a walking ATM for the pharma industry if you have to take pills daily. Just like those with SSRI.

          • 10 months ago

            >it's all a conspiracy by big pharma!
            lol. Americans are fricking lunatics.

            'In countries where associations are free, secret societies are unknown. In America there are factions, but no conspiracies'.
            - De La Démocratie en Amérique (1840)

          • 10 months ago

            Adderall has been widely prescribed as a generic since 2012. Unless the "conspiracy" is a bunch of Indian generic manufacturers making pennies on a bottle of Adderall somehow getting every doctor in America into their cabal, this is moronic.

            • 9 months ago

              all dem quarter of pennies docs makin' from BIG PHARMA comissions I tell yer huwuat.

        • 10 months ago

          a israeli doctor diagnosed me with the 'tism which isn't real either honestly

      • 10 months ago

        >we've had this discussion many times.
        Lol the pure arrogance
        Youre a nobody

        • 10 months ago

          >we've had this discussion many times.

          Who, you and the voices in your head?

          No, we had ADHD threads many times on this board, the consensus is that it's at least 90% environmental and behavioral, there might be some genetic component in terms of predisposition to dopamine tolerance, but it's minor.

          If you want amphetamines go ahead and take them, but don't pretend you have some disease that came out of nowhere and that it has nothing to do with your dopaminergic and overstimulated lifestyle.

          • 10 months ago

            >We've talked about this
            >the SCIENCE is SETTLED
            >ALL the EXPERTS agree

            Hmmm where have I heard this before

          • 10 months ago

            Peanut allergies are environmental since they only happen in environments with peanuts present.

          • 10 months ago

            Can’t genetics make you more susceptible to certain environments?

            • 10 months ago

              It is suspected that some genetic component makes you more sensitive to dopamine tolerance triggered by overstimulated lifestyles and environments, which would explain why in the same environment some people get attention deficit from dopamine tolerance and some people don't.

              That aside, those people that experience focus and attention issues can easily remedy this by changing their behavior and consumption of dopaminergic activities.

              It's commonly seen in retreats, prisons, militaries, that "ADHD" kids are cured after a month without screens or very stimulating activities.
              Here in my country where amphetamines are illegal even as prescription medicine, it's common knowledge, and ADHD is cured by CBT. It's not a real disease, only the consequence of a bad lifestyle, like obesity.

              • 10 months ago

                "problems organizing and following through on tasks and endeavours that will create a desired long-term outcome, but for which there is not sufficient short-term reward."
                "Individuals with ADHD have less dopamine available in the brain’s reward networks. Thus, it is more difficult for someone with ADHD to generate the drive to engage in a task unless it is inherently enjoyable, or if there is some other strong incentive for doing so, such as the pressure of a deadline."
                "There is also an aversion to the delay of rewards (i.e., delay of gratification). This delay makes it more difficult to generate the motivation to persist toward longer-range goals even though you logically know that they are important."

                i'm assuming you're from Japan, amphetamines are banned, but i think Methylphenidate is available. ADHD isn't even considered 'curable' like it can go away, but rather that the symptoms are managed. medication is considered a temporary helper to help the person develop good habits so that they can come off the medication and be functional. CBT is also recommended where I am from, and perhaps it would be more successful if other factors in my life allowed it to be, like having a job or family/friends to help keep me in check. CBT including things like developing better habits, keeping journals and seeing progress, etc., are always recommended, but medication makes CBT easier to succeed with. medication is only considered permanent in the most extreme cases. i have no doubt that going to prison for a month would heavily reduce my symptoms, but being out of prison and back to my current lifestyle could slowly unravel the discipline i have.

                >its not a real disease
                its considered a disorder, not a disease. every psychiatrist agrees its a consequence of a bad lifestyle, but a bad lifestyle is more susceptible and harder to break if you have ADHD. there are genes that makes people more susceptible to heroin and alcohol addictions

              • 10 months ago

                >Here in my country
                Lemme guess, some poorgay 3rdworld where they still believe that sugar gives you diabetes.

              • 10 months ago

                This is a pretty good example of the 'savage' brain.

                They don't let you into the military if you have adhd, in civilised countries.

                'I have no doubt that as men argue in their dreams to-day, mankind argued, even in their waking moments, for thousands of years: the first causa, that occurred to the mind with reference to anything that stood in need of explanation, was accepted as the true explanation and served as such. (Savages show the same tendency in operation, as the reports of travelers agree). In the dream this atavistic relic of humanity manifests its existence within us, for it is the foundation upon which the higher rational faculty developed itself and still develops itself in every individual. Dreams carry us back to the earlier stages of human culture and afford us a means of understanding it more clearly. Dream thought comes so easily to us now because we are so thoroughly trained to it through the interminable stages of evolution during which this fanciful and facile form of theorising has prevailed. To a certain extent the dream is a restorative for the brain, which, during the day, is called upon to meet the many demands for trained thought made upon it by the conditions of a higher civilization'.
                - Menschliches, Allzumenschliches

              • 10 months ago

                in english, doc

              • 10 months ago

                'The function of the brain which is most encroached upon in slumber is the memory; not that it is wholly suspended, but it is reduced to a state of imperfection as, in primitive ages of mankind, was probably the case with everyone, whether waking or sleeping. Uncontrolled and entangled as it is, it perpetually confuses things as a result of the most trifling similarities, yet in the same mental confusion and lack of control the nations invented their mythologies, while nowadays travelers habitually observe how prone the savage is to forgetfulness, how his mind, after the least exertion of memory, begins to wander and lose itself until finally he utters falsehood and nonsense from sheer exhaustion. Yet, in dreams, we all resemble this savage. Inadequacy of distinction and error of comparison are the basis of the preposterous things we do and say in dreams, so that when we clearly recall a dream we are startled that so much idiocy lurks within us'.

                The 'savage (cavemen, poors et cetera)' is not shocked by this idoicy, but it is their natural thought process; their logic.
                Poors function on a logic of accepting the first explanation that they believe to be true; civilised people function on the logic of exhausting all possible explanations.

              • 10 months ago

                The dream connections are interesting, you should read Ernest Hartmann. In his sleep/dream research, he points out that one aspect of "condensation" theory that doesn't seem to work, are the lineal/logical activities that we engage in while awake. Specifically reading, writing and math - very seldom occur in dreams. Certainly far less than would be expected, given the content of waking life. His conclusion is that these are brain/thought patterns that are at the extreme end of conscious "wakefulness" and therefore can't occur in dreams with any reliability. People often think they are "reading" in a dream, but notice that if they try to look at the whole page of material, it doesn't really look like their native language.
                Or if a non-digital clock appears in the dream, you will notice that the numbers are missing, or wrong. This sometimes results in the dream become "lucid" because some aspects of conscious thought is breaking into the dreamscape. Also why this is the point that people typically wake up.
                You might also like "The Savage Mind" by Strauss, or if you are down with a religious perspective, "The Great Shift" by James Kugel.

                Most of what you are saying is attributable to unicameral vs bicameral mind.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                I was talking about military service that everyone does.
                There are tons of TikTok addicted kids that can't read a page in one go because their dopamine is fried. After one month of doing literally nothing in the army they are cured.

              • 10 months ago

                >There are tons of TikTok addicted kids that can't read a page in one go because their dopamine is fried.
                you're making the assumption that they have ADHD or that ADHD was their problem. the discussion ITT are really about adults with ADHD

              • 10 months ago

                You assume every spastic has adhd. This is where your logic has failed. It's rather baffeling moronic that I can't even bring my brain to such a primitive thought process.
                Adults with adhd do not often present spastic qualities.
                I'll just refer to the other anon:

                >It is suspected that some genetic component makes you more sensitive to dopamine tolerance triggered by overstimulated lifestyles and environments
                Yeah, it's called having low genetic baseline levels of dopamine, which is exactly what ADHD is. You're conflating receptor desensitization with dopamine levels themselves.

                >In later life, the hyperactive/impulsive subtype manifests less frequently.[1]:44 The hyperactivity symptoms tend to turn more into "inner restlessness", starting in adolescence and carrying on in adulthood.[3]

                >Adult ADHD is typically marked by inattention and hyperfocus, hyperactivity (often internalized as restlessness), emotional dysregulation, and excessive mind wandering.

              • 10 months ago

                >Adult ADHD is typically marked by inattention and hyperfocus, hyperactivity (often internalized as restlessness), emotional dysregulation, and excessive mind wandering.
                literally me. even when i cut out time-wasting, stimulating activities like video games, IST, youtube, etc., it didn't result in me trying to be more productive but rather that i said there, inattentive, mind wandering, for hours. i could sit still and stare at a wall for hours and not get bored because my wandering mind can keep me occupied.

              • 10 months ago

                Big same. I always played a bunch of video games but eventually became unable to focus long enough to enjoy them. Went from a 12 to a 0 on my lifelong enthusiasm for them.
                I can watch lawn mowing or metal melting videos for hours while I just think to myself.
                I tried thought stoppage on the inner monolog for a few days but it started feeling potentially harmful.
                Mostly now just try to stop the b***hing and redirect myself with my inner voice.
                Happier but still working on it.

              • 10 months ago

                Big same. I always played a bunch of video games but eventually became unable to focus long enough to enjoy them. Went from a 12 to a 0 on my lifelong enthusiasm for them.
                I can watch lawn mowing or metal melting videos for hours while I just think to myself.
                I tried thought stoppage on the inner monolog for a few days but it started feeling potentially harmful.
                Mostly now just try to stop the b***hing and redirect myself with my inner voice.
                Happier but still working on it.

                Long distance running impeoves my attention span, wonder if itll work for you guys as well

              • 10 months ago

                Big same. I always played a bunch of video games but eventually became unable to focus long enough to enjoy them. Went from a 12 to a 0 on my lifelong enthusiasm for them.
                I can watch lawn mowing or metal melting videos for hours while I just think to myself.
                I tried thought stoppage on the inner monolog for a few days but it started feeling potentially harmful.
                Mostly now just try to stop the b***hing and redirect myself with my inner voice.
                Happier but still working on it.

                Tried modafinil? Seems to work for a lot of people and it's relatively benign as opposed to amphetamines that WILL frick you up 10-15 years down the line

              • 10 months ago

                >that WILL frick you up 10-15 years down the line
                Just take the proper dosage.
                I'm willing to bet people are taking a higher dosage than they should.
                You're supposed to stop at the dose you feel even the slightest effect, but I'm guessing most people go to the dose that has a noticable difference.

                Of course, I'm not saying it's completely risk free. Pros and cons.

              • 10 months ago

                Most peoples bodies build up a tolerance over time and the dosage needs to be adjusted. With higher doses comes the increased likelihood of side-effects. And the cognitive damage caused by amphetamines accumulates over time so while you might not experience any negative sides for the first 5-10 years, you will eventually start experiencing them. And when that happens you're stuck between choosing to live with those negative sides that will gradually become worse and worse, or come off it after more than a decade of use and have to live with permanent damage to your dopaminergic nerve endings. Meaning you'll be fricking depressed and anxious and require a wienertail of other drugs in order to keep that in check, for the rest of your life.

                If you have severe ADHD and you're able to stick to 5-10mg/day even after 5 years of use then by all means, it's likely worth it. But if you have mild ADHD and keep upping the dosage due to tolerance then you are in for a very, very bad time later in life

              • 10 months ago

                What you call tolerance I felt, personally, to be more of a acclimatisation.
                Speaking personally: when I felt that tolerance, I too went up in dosage, until I reached the point where I felt light-headed. But, the thing is, I went back down to that original dosage and felt it was working.
                So that's why, as I said in the beginning, I think it's not so much tolerance as it is a mental/psychological acclimitisation. After a while it does feel 'normal', like you've grown tolerant, but, again, the problem is that it feels normal, meaning you're unaware of the slight difference it is making.
                When that slight difference is gone, you realise its absence.

              • 10 months ago

                >tfw in leafland and doctors are deathly allergic to instant release stims
                I'm on 40mg vyvanse which does absolute jack shit. It gives pretty sick workouts and helps with fasts, but very little in terms of managing inattention and study focus. I think XR meds likely help people more who struggle with hyperactivity than the inattention pole of symptoms, but it doesn't give me enough of a spike require to make the risk/reward center of my brain take interest in studies. Trying to figure out the right combination of words to ask my doctor to try different meds, guess I'll just be straightforward and say that vyvanse isn't helping

                Leo talks about it here:

              • 10 months ago

                I take Adderall xr in morning and immediate release in the afternoon.
                It isn't a magic pill, you have to eat & sleep right. Work on yourself and your habits to make things easier moving forward.
                For studies, writing & rewriting my notes became the best method. You figure out where you're weak or have misunderstanding. Make a note and develop it further for the next rewrite that will become your study guide. Bonus if you use the textbook to expand your note outline.
                Everything takes practice and patience to get better. Hope you find something that works for you.

              • 10 months ago

                I agree fully that I can be doing so much more. Started reading the ADHD toolkit book that a couple anons on here recommended and it's really good so far. Hits the nail on the head with ADHD bros having immense difficulty beginning things and staying consistent with habit formation. It's just a b***h being a total non-responder to meds. Thanks for the support my brother

                ADHDbros, we’re all gonna make it


              • 10 months ago

                The Adult ADHD Toolkit? I've recommended that a few times recently on IST. Glad you're enjoying it. The preface to that book explaining how ADHD affects someone and their motivation was entirely a 'literally me' moment.

              • 10 months ago

                I've been taking them for 12 years & am lightyears better for it. You don't know anything but the "Adderall bad" meme.
                Keep sabotaging people on the internet with this bunk, though.

              • 10 months ago

                Lol what a crock of shit. I'm a non-responder to amphetamines and they just sit on my shelf, which puts me in like an 8% category that sees ZERO improvement on stims.

              • 10 months ago

                >It is suspected that some genetic component makes you more sensitive to dopamine tolerance triggered by overstimulated lifestyles and environments
                Yeah, it's called having low genetic baseline levels of dopamine, which is exactly what ADHD is. You're conflating receptor desensitization with dopamine levels themselves.

              • 10 months ago

                >and ADHD is cured by CBT
                I don't see how wiener and ball torture would help

              • 10 months ago

                Well have you at least tried?

              • 10 months ago

                >ADHD is cured by CBT
                legal speed is probably needed for some, but for lighter adhd-like symptoms you can get some mileage out of things like the adult adhd toolkit, which has decent overlap with CBT

          • 10 months ago

            >the consensus is that it's at least 90% environmental and behavioral
            It can't be these unless its a real thing

          • 10 months ago

            Nah, it's real.
            My wife has it. I've tried her medicine, and it definitely affects her in a completely different way

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, people with fried dopamine circuits (dopamine tolerance) caused by an overstimulated lifestyle react differently to amphetamines.
              But it's a normal consequence of their lifestyle. Not some magic disease that makes them "different".

          • 10 months ago

            MRI scans confirm that amphetamines work very different on an ADHD brain compared to a normal brain. Shove your facebook mom science up your ass

            • 10 months ago

              You have very superficial understanding on the matter.
              Yes, the brain of someone that has dopamine tolerance due to a hyperstimulated lifestyle will have visible differences neurologically to dopaminergic substances, because of said tolerance caused by his behavior.
              This is obvious to anyone that knows the mechanism.

              It's all caused by the individual's behavior and environment. Not by some magical disease that makes your brain different or something.
              Turn off the screen.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not by some magical disease that makes your brain different or something.
                you’re the one treating the brain as magic like it’s not an organ capable of naturally having flaws due to genetics. the brain has hundreds of complex, unique processes, chemicals, and chemical reactions to make it function, yet somehow the idea of genetics making even one of those processes work poorly or an abundance of a chemical being too high or too low is somehow just not possible. people’s speed at filtering caffeine can differ so greatly from person to person just based on the abundance of ONE specific enzyme they have in their liver, the abundance of which is determined by genetics. yet the idea of something similar for the brain is ‘magic’ and couldn’t possibly exist?

              • 10 months ago

                You typed a lot of words only to admit that you don't know shit about the condition and hoped that I wouldn't either.
                Sorry to disappoint I guess.

              • 10 months ago

                What specifically did I say that implies I don’t know about the condition?

      • 10 months ago

        >we've had this discussion many times.

        Who, you and the voices in your head?

      • 10 months ago

        Its not a real thing. My wife tricked herself into beleving she has ADHD. So now I come home after 5 days of work. Dishes everywhere. Piles and piles of dirty laundry. Food is not ready when I arrive but then she jumps up and start cooking while I'm starving already. 'sorry babe I just don't see it the way you do teehee' fricking made up bullshit desease

        • 10 months ago

          was your wife diagnosed by a professional?

        • 10 months ago

          Hopefully she wishes up and leaves you for someone who’s more capable of feeding themselves than an infant.

      • 10 months ago

        adhd is a normal part of boyhood that schools and women arn't dealing with properly. thoughout human history, boys spent their time in unsupervised play, running around constantly doing things. we have them sit in a room and do nothing for 8 hours a day while someone who doesn't understand their mentality talks about a thing in a way that doesn't interest them and wonder why they act like inattentive spastics. then we drug them to be more manageable.

  2. 10 months ago

    I have autism and adhd; I got obsessed with training. I’m now usually the strongest person at my commercial gym.

    • 10 months ago

      Can you clue me in to the beginning of your obsession?

      ADHD is not real, we've had this discussion many times.

      Shut up

      • 10 months ago

        >nooooo shut up you can't talk about this obvious fake illness otherwise I would be responsible for my life choices and I don't want to!
        Grow up.

      • 10 months ago

        if you can channel the autistic/adhd hyper focus part into lifting then yeah.

        like this guy.

        Thank you—I just started lifting in my late teens, ate tons of protein, and got addicted to gains. The rest is history.

        Just out of curiousity, do you have hypermobile joints? EDS is often comorbid with autism.

        No, but I have an autistic friend who does.

      • 10 months ago

        >we've had this discussion many times.
        This is the most redundant statement ever. Being an aggressive deboonker who makes thousands of posts doesn't end an ongoing conversation

        >we've had this discussion many times.
        Lol the pure arrogance
        Youre a nobody

        >we've had this discussion many times.

        Who, you and the voices in your head?

        You people are no different that bluehaired fatasses who self diagnose with "generational trauma" and other bullshit excuses to be given special treatment. Grow up, you're just lazy.

        • 10 months ago

          Generational traumas are real tho

          Honestly I can see how IST got overrun with christgays now, everyone is so uneducated here.

    • 10 months ago

      if you can channel the autistic/adhd hyper focus part into lifting then yeah.

      like this guy.

      • 10 months ago

        >if you can channel the autistic/adhd hyper focus part into lifting then yeah.
        caveat: don't be moronic, e.g. I channeled it into cutting before bulking and fricked my health up hard

    • 10 months ago

      Just out of curiousity, do you have hypermobile joints? EDS is often comorbid with autism.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm another sperg fit guy and I think my joints might be slightly overly flexible too. That's probably why I have a bunion on only one of my legs, those wobbly toes didn't stand in place so I walked not fully symmetrically. It's a total bullshit, that shit doesn't help with anything, I wish I only was a sperg without those slightly overly flexible joints, it's not like I can do splits or anything, I can just move my fingers weirdly

    • 10 months ago

      notice how this sperg points out that strength is what he excels at, totally missing the point of training and the fact that being strong does nothing for social interractions.

      See when you are a sperg and cant read facial expressions or social interactions then you also fail to realize that aesthetics is why you should be training and that strength is entirely irrelevant

      So I guess you might be a sperg, when are you going back to spamming vidya 18 hours a day again?

  3. 10 months ago

    You're just white with an iq over 118. Did you also have a drinking habit?

    • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    If autism isn’t real then why would the government spend billions on paying out autistic neets autismbux?

    t. Autismbux recipient in Australia - I get paid the same rate as the age pension which people can only access right now at 67+

    • 10 months ago

      I’m Australian and autistic and unemployed getting paid by Workforce Australia for applying to jobs and doing job interviews. What service specifically gives autismbux? I even applied for a program in Can era that helps autists get jobs

    • 10 months ago

      It's just bad food and an unnatural style of living that does one in. At least you're getting paid and can say frick off to the "job world".

  5. 10 months ago

    Tell me how to get into fitness longterm with issues like pathological demand avoidance and the low energy issues of these disorders

  6. 10 months ago

    You have to be a little autistic to make it let’s be realistic
    Even for me a natty dyel who doesn’t go for size and is perfectly fine with being ‘small’
    I still have to be autistic enough to remember what I ate yesterday and how will adjust todays calories.
    My diet is pretty flexible I can’t imagine the amount of autism legit pro bodybuilders do on a daily basis.
    Does a fricking normal person eat like this for 7 years if he wasn’t autistic
    Does he remember he ate at a buffet yesterday so today he is only eating a sandwich with some Greek yogurt as desert.
    Or when I went on vacation eating whatever only for to return home to eat nothing for 3 days to make up for it.
    The average person doesn’t give two shit they probably don’t even remember what they ate a hour ago.

  7. 10 months ago

    Idk but dr Bergersteingoldbaum said I have adhd and he wrote me a script for some sickkkkk amphetamines. I know they’re literally hardcore drugs and I use them anyway because they make life way more fun. These paranoid pussies miss out on the wonders of drugs cause they think it might mess up their hairline or something. Just lol.

  8. 10 months ago

    All the guys in this thread spending hours finding excuses for being lazy fricks addicted to amphetamines when they all know deep down that they would be fixed by turning off the screens for a month or two.

    • 10 months ago

      >turning off the screens for a month or two
      but then i wouldn't be able to check email, apply for jobs online, or anything else

      • 10 months ago

        Apply for jobs in person then frickhead, or go to the library for pc access since you'll only be focused on the task at hand.

        • 10 months ago

          >apply in person

          moronic out of touch boomer detected. Kys

        • 10 months ago

          >Apply for jobs in person
          >go to the library

        • 10 months ago

          Last time instead of applying online I went straight to the workplace, met the owner and gave him a firm handshake, he told me that I was the only one that didn't just send an email and gave me the job.

          It's not hard when you actually try.

      • 10 months ago

        See, again trying to find excuses and pretend to not understand what I'm saying.
        Of course you can use devices to work and do boring and necessary stuff. But if you didn't use it for entertainment at all, you would be a lot better very soon.

        No social media, no videos, no games, nothing stimulating.
        Your dopamine would go back to a healthy baseline quickly.

  9. 10 months ago

    If ADHD is real please explain me its biological mechanism of action. No, "muh dopamine receptors are fried" is not a valid explanation.

    >b-but I feel better when I take adderall
    Literally everyone does. It's speed.

    • 10 months ago

      >No, "muh dopamine receptors are fried" is not a valid explanation.
      correct, it isn't a valid explanation and the only people who think its what ADHD is don't actually know what ADHD is. the biological mechanism is having inherently less supply of dopamine available and so the brain tries to make up for this by wanting stimulating behaviour more than normal

      >>b-but I feel better when I take adderall
      >Literally everyone does. It's speed.
      yes, but when i take adderall it only makes me function at an almost normal level, not beyond it. medications that give dopamine will supply enough to bring your base dopamine supply up to normal (typically) so that your brain isn't so desperate to make you get it from elsewhere like video games or whatever. this way, you can actually focus more on things that are not as stimulating with less issues like getting distracted (due to the activity not being rewarding)

      • 10 months ago

        >amphetamines allow me to overcome the dopamine tolerance that I created by having an overstimulated lifestyle
        Yes, that's the whole point. Or you could just fix your lifestyle.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, playing video games is funnier than working. This applies to literally every human being ever. You know what the solution is to the problem? Not playing video games for a while.

    • 10 months ago

      >Literally everyone does. It's speed.
      atypical reaction to uppers is coincidentally one thing that can hint you have the adhdism

  10. 10 months ago

    Made up bullshit excuses for people that werent hit enough as children

  11. 10 months ago

    I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6, became obsessed with bodybuilding when I was 13, and I've been lifting religiously ever since. I also just got re-diagnosed with ADHD about a week ago, so I still have it, although it's not as bad is it used to be. My psychologist said that it's common for children diagnosed with ADHD to mostly grow out of it as they get older. And while I haven't been officially diagnosed with autism, I still feel like I probably have it, at least a relatively mild case, because my thought patterns and behavior are so fricking weird.

    • 10 months ago

      >I still have it
      It's not an std lol, it's just the result of a bad lifestyle.
      It's the obesity of stimuli.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm curious, how tall are you?

      • 10 months ago

        About 6 foot. Why? What a random question.

  12. 10 months ago

    Yes, of course it is

    Stop being a stupid whiny homosexual b***h and do what it takes to reach your goals

  13. 10 months ago

    Best bodybuilders are autistic

  14. 10 months ago

    >methyphenidate does nothing
    >amphetamines do nothing except keep me awake and make me nauseated
    >can't stick with CBT long enough for it to do anything
    >exercise doesn't help
    >vitamins don't help
    >tried SSRIS
    >tried welbutrin

    I truly feel like my life is a joke. A person who was never meant to be alive.

    to stay on topic, not only is it possible, it is usually helpful. The hard part is not keeping the streak going, it's resuming after a break in the streak. if you can defeat that you'll be fine.

    • 10 months ago

      >can't stick with CBT
      Yes you can, you just gave up and don't want to try again.
      It's your choice.

      Here there are no meds for that condition, only CBT, and people get cured by it.

  15. 10 months ago

    Black folk ITT with absolutely no care to even try understanding what executive dysfunction is like. it really is on par with thinking depression isn’t real and that you should ‘just try to be happy, bro’ with absolutely no sympathy or care to what the person actually goes through

    • 10 months ago

      This place thinks that eating only raw meat and milk is a cure-all diet the same way Emily (she/they) thinks crystals are helping heal her fibromyalgia. The only good thing on this board is the sticky.

    • 10 months ago

      >it really is on par with thinking depression isn’t real and that you should ‘just try to be happy, bro’
      It isn't real. People who think they're depressed are in denial of the actions in their life that are causing them to feel that way. Just like ADHD, it's spawned out of laziness and a refusal to change one's habits. Why do you think people who are depressed always have messy rooms, dirty kitchens, never go outside, never shower, etc? It's the not the "depression" that's causing them to act like that, it's their actions that are creating an inhospitable environment that makes them perpetually feel like shit. If you believe in depression you may as well believe in magic, you're literally saying some sort of "dark energy" can influence peoples actions. Sounds like bullshit to me, anon.
      >with absolutely no sympathy or care to what the person actually goes through
      Again, this shit is always used as an excuse by these people to defend their laziness. "Tell me to clean me room?? Don't you know I'm depressed!? You don't know what I've been through!" And then they immediately go back to sulking in bed all day instead of changing anything about their lifestyle that only they themselves have the power to change. It's entirely in your head.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's entirely in your head.
        kek, this line is so perfect that it makes me think you’re just shitposting.

        • 10 months ago

          >t. depressed epic blackpilled doomer
          It is quite literally all in your head. I pray you realize this as soon as possible instead of immediately resorting to the exact same deflection response I outlined in my original reply.

      • 10 months ago

        You might as well be discussing with a wall when you try to take away these people's speed/meth and made up diseases.
        >Verification not required.

      • 10 months ago

        Not really true.

        If you have depression as an illness you will be fricked and not able to properly function. It's mentally terrorizing as all kind of mindfricks can happen 24/7.

        If you can't properly function then you can say goodbye to any kind of meaningful job and money.

        • 10 months ago

          And we should allow these weakminded people to continue life in human society because... ?

          • 10 months ago

            Because despite the illness their lives are often worth more than yours to the people around them

        • 10 months ago

          Not all depressions are disabling. Plenty of people are clinically depressed and still are able to function, get a good job, a family, etc.
          I know, I've done it, while diagnosed with MDD.

      • 10 months ago

        Explain Robin Williams? Lead singer of Linkin Park? All the other wildly successful and beloved millionares that kill themselves?

        • 10 months ago

          Robin Williams didn't kill himself because of depression you dumb homosexual.
          He dealt with an extremely rare degenerative brain disease that like 6 people in the entire world have had. Pretty much ONLY had a name until Robin & his wife gathered top doctors from around the world to collaborate on his treatment.
          He advanced our knowledge & capabilities to treat it so fricking much through his own personal suffering and willingness to be a guinea pig.
          The man would disassociate, unable to control himself or even know what was going on. He would become extremely violent and even threatened his wife and daughter with a kitchen knife during these episodes.
          He had absolutely reached a point where these episodes were extremely common and he did not have many good days left to experience and for his family to remember as a loving man instead of a monster.
          He had a good day, kissed his wife goodnight and went to his separate bedroom becore he strangled himself before there would be no more good days.
          Honor that man, his love and his sacrifice. Don't hold him up for your bullshit or say "he was depressed and needed a hug".

          • 10 months ago

            I didn't know all that. From what you're saying he was a truly good man.

  16. 10 months ago

    If anything, autism is an advantage when it comes to being fit

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on how autism actually affects a person. They could be such a recluse that they would not want to enter a gym or jog outside out of fear that someone would judge them for having weird jogging movements.

      • 10 months ago

        Autism is comorbid with uncoordination and poor posture too. It really depends if you get that part of the tism.

        • 10 months ago

          I have weird posture when I’m alone but automatically adjust it when around other people. When I’m home alone I walk around slightly hunched forward. When I get out of my car I’m slightly hunched forward two for a couple seconds then remember I’m in public and people may see me and so I throw myself up backwards and slowly rock back and fourth into place until I’m standing up at a very specific angle that feels natural. I also manually walk a lot and keep my hands in my pockets because I don’t know what to do with my arms when walking. Thanks for reading my blog

          • 10 months ago

            You sound like you have autism

            • 10 months ago

              Yes sir, Asperger’s regiment, reporting for duty.
              *hands you my doctor’s note saying I have autism*

  17. 10 months ago

    It's easy. Numbers go up, heavy data tracking, optimizing diet and routines...probably the easiest hobby to get into with autism that I've ever found honestly.

  18. 10 months ago

    I’ve always suspected things to be different about me or wrong with me and reading the symptoms some of you diagnosed or even undiagnosed guys have, furthers my belief. I go to a psychologist and have been for months and all he ever asks is how
    I’m sleeping and says “you have to go listen to music alone and be alone more”, but this only makes me think more and draws me further into depression and/or inactivity. Am I doomed to a life like this? Getting medicated here in Spain is an impossible task.

    • 10 months ago

      There's a frickton of incompetent psychologists out there. Most people shop around until they find one that isn't completely useless.

      If your psychologists advice makes you even worse then you find somebody else

    • 10 months ago

      Could be a language issue, but where I’m from psychologists can’t prescribe medication, only psychiatrists can.

    • 10 months ago

      I would honestly suggest tiktok to look up symptoms. Traditional therapy works for neurotypical types, which is why they are fricking useless at helping neurodivergents. The entire system they base things off is geared at 80% of humanity.

      Tiktok really opened my eyes to my issues despite my initial closemindedness. I learned about executive function collapse and all the horrible things that i had spent thousands in therapy to improve to no avail on tiktok for free. It's a great tool and people should use it before it gets corrupted by capitalism.

  19. 10 months ago

    its not possible

    spergs have no interest in impressing other people because they dont understand the value of socializing, therefore they have no reason to improve themself

  20. 10 months ago

    yes. if you're an autistic moron (like myself) who has trouble sticking to a routine, you need to just make your routine as simple and unobtrusive as possible. for weight loss, you can channel your periods of hyperfocus into hardcore fasting (sucks, but i've lost 90lbs doing it). or use the fatvax. for building muscle, i'd recommend a calisthenics routine since it's something you can do at home on demand with more or less no setup

  21. 10 months ago

    I have ADHD, a PhD (got before I took medication) and am fitter than anyone else I know. I also do 80% of my household chores and work a planning and strategy job.

    People with ADHD aren't helpless. I make lists, other than that it doesn't slow me down at all. Working from home helps because I can work on something during a meeting (like this) and don't get bored as shit

  22. 10 months ago

    i'm diagnosed with OCD and Aspergers, probably got ADHD too tho. If anything i think it just makes me more obsessed with calorie tracking

  23. 10 months ago

    I have ADHD and people say im autistic because I cant let something be undone and shit have to be fricking perfect. Ive been hitting the gym for 16 years so far consistently.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't have "ADHD" it's not a real thing.

  24. 10 months ago

    ADHDbros, we’re all gonna make it

  25. 10 months ago

    ADHD and I'm not fit yet

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