Is it possible to achieve this body solely through calisthenics? What kind of routine would I need?

Is it possible to achieve this body solely through calisthenics? What kind of routine would I need? The only weights I have is a 35 kg barbell.
What kind of diet? I am kind of chubby and was thinking of starting body recomposition soon.

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  1. 1 year ago

    With testosterones enanthate? Yea.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd prefer if there was a natty way. I don't wanna put steroids or any funny supplement/hormone in my body

  2. 1 year ago

    No. Look at a picture of a gymnast (eg. Raj Bhavsar) and that's pretty much the biggest bodyframe you'll get if you do purely cali and eating just slightly above your calorie maintenance for YEARS even on an Olympic training program. Bodyweight is not enough of a resistance to induce hypertrophy past a point, all you will get is just strength and endurance. The body removes excess muscle, so unless you're wearing weighted vests and/or using weights for higher resistance, you're mainly strength-gaining on a pure cali pov. You wanna get aesthetic and/or big, you gotta hit higher numbers than just bodyweight.

    • 1 year ago

      >get fatter
      >bodyweight goes up
      >get bigger muscles because of more bodyweight
      gymnasts are small because its disadvantageous for their sport to bulk up
      if you just care about physique and the physique you want is fat like OPs pic you can just put on fat lol

    • 1 year ago

      >get fatter
      >bodyweight goes up
      >get bigger muscles because of more bodyweight
      gymnasts are small because its disadvantageous for their sport to bulk up
      if you just care about physique and the physique you want is fat like OPs pic you can just put on fat lol

      I don't care much about aesthetics or being ripped. I just want to be strong, the kind of strength that can help out in my daily life.

      I think it's possible but it takes longer than just weightlifting, because you gotta do way more reps.
      I posted my progress of 1 year on /cbt/ [...] - calisthenics only
      Don't have a before picture but I was just fatter with way less muscle

      From what I read online you can build muscle at any intensity, but intensities that are
      too low (<30%1RM) or
      too high (>80%1RM)
      Build muscle less efficiently even with the same volume.

      Actually according to that one inforgraph from startbodyweight, don't I only have to do 4-8 reps for strength?

      • 1 year ago

        >don't I only have to do 4-8 reps for strength?
        Yes but how are you going to do that with calisthenics? Unless you're really just starting or are doing crazy hard variations - seems like a lot of work to me
        Calisthenics + Low reps?
        Every calisthenic exercise I do is at least 15 reps, most more and I'm fairly heavy

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, that was kind of what I was planning on doing, harder variations. Watching my lifting numbers go up doesn't feel as exciting as finally mastering a movement that seemed impossible before.

          >I don't care much about aesthetics or being ripped.
          no, you definitely do, dont kid yourself
          read your first post, dont backpedal
          you are lifting to achieve a look, just because that look isnt a typical aesthetics brah doesnt mean you arent

          idk what made you think that from my post. I purposefully chose a photo of that body because I'm sure this is what builtfat looks like, and being strong is my goal. Otherwise, I could have just googled any ripped aesthetic body and posted that here. I searched for hours for this pic to make sure to convey that I wanted a strongfat body. Sure, aesthetics is a nice bonus but like I said, thats not my original goal.

          • 1 year ago

            "Is it possible to achieve this body solely through calisthenics?"
            >i dont care about how it looks i just want the strength teehee

            • 1 year ago

              aight man I think you're baiting at this point, but alright, whatever floats your boat. I'm just here for advice.

      • 1 year ago

        >I don't care much about aesthetics or being ripped.
        no, you definitely do, dont kid yourself
        read your first post, dont backpedal
        you are lifting to achieve a look, just because that look isnt a typical aesthetics brah doesnt mean you arent

    • 1 year ago

      Same hypertrophy results for 8 reps to 35 reps as long as you reach failure. So your «Not enough resistance» argument fails. You don’t need to add weight if you can go more than 8 pull ups, just add reps. I’ve yet to find someone on this board that can do 35 pull ups in a row.

      Is it possible to achieve this body solely through calisthenics? What kind of routine would I need? The only weights I have is a 35 kg barbell.
      What kind of diet? I am kind of chubby and was thinking of starting body recomposition soon.

      To anwser you OP, yes it’s possible, the hard thing would be the delts though.
      You’ll need wall Handstand Push-Ups and the technique is difficult to master.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, but I have another problem when it comes to handstand push ups. My heads feels like it will explode and my breathing seizes when I get into handstand position.
        also, idk if I wanna do more than 8. see

        I don't care much about aesthetics or being ripped. I just want to be strong, the kind of strength that can help out in my daily life.
        Actually according to that one inforgraph from startbodyweight, don't I only have to do 4-8 reps for strength?

        , the infograph said I'll only need 4-8 reps for strength.

        • 1 year ago

          You won’t get anything near that body with only 8 bodyweight reps, what happens when you reach 8 reps easily and don’t want to add weight nor reps ?NN4AW

      • 1 year ago

        >implying 35 pull ups or 60+ push ups till failure isn't endurance and doesn't give same results as hyper
        stop giving op false hope you fricking moron.

        op just do the program. google proper calisthenics progression. go on reddit if you must because they absolutely have beginner progression sheets. whatever frickshit exercise you do be in calisthenics or weight lifting, as long as you can do more than 8 reps and your goal is purely strength, move on to the next variation/increase weight. its the number 1 basic principle that everyone forgets and its homosexual like that provides false hope. with purely strength calisthenics at 4-8 reps, you will not be able to reach that goal body. that being said, figure out your goals and know what's a realistic looking body for the type of goal you want like what these

        No. Look at a picture of a gymnast (eg. Raj Bhavsar) and that's pretty much the biggest bodyframe you'll get if you do purely cali and eating just slightly above your calorie maintenance for YEARS even on an Olympic training program. Bodyweight is not enough of a resistance to induce hypertrophy past a point, all you will get is just strength and endurance. The body removes excess muscle, so unless you're wearing weighted vests and/or using weights for higher resistance, you're mainly strength-gaining on a pure cali pov. You wanna get aesthetic and/or big, you gotta hit higher numbers than just bodyweight.

        >get fatter
        >bodyweight goes up
        >get bigger muscles because of more bodyweight
        gymnasts are small because its disadvantageous for their sport to bulk up
        if you just care about physique and the physique you want is fat like OPs pic you can just put on fat lol

        gays said. recommend you to have 10-15 rep ranges of basic exercises alongside 4-8 reps like

        >don't I only have to do 4-8 reps for strength?
        Yes but how are you going to do that with calisthenics? Unless you're really just starting or are doing crazy hard variations - seems like a lot of work to me
        Calisthenics + Low reps?
        Every calisthenic exercise I do is at least 15 reps, most more and I'm fairly heavy

        • 1 year ago

          absolute brainlet and DYEL

          nobody ever talked about 60+ reps fricking illiterate gay, and it's a known fact 8 to 35 reps produce the same amount of hypertrophy if pushed to failure.

          lurk more you fricking noob.

          • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >Raj Bhavsar
      this guy is literally swole and aesthetic

  3. 1 year ago

    I think it's possible but it takes longer than just weightlifting, because you gotta do way more reps.
    I posted my progress of 1 year on /cbt/


    - calisthenics only
    Don't have a before picture but I was just fatter with way less muscle

    From what I read online you can build muscle at any intensity, but intensities that are
    too low (<30%1RM) or
    too high (>80%1RM)
    Build muscle less efficiently even with the same volume.

  4. 1 year ago

    Read Overcoming Gravity

  5. 1 year ago

    this dudes hips are the same width as his clavicles

  6. 1 year ago

    You need to workout and eat a lot of healthy food.

    • 1 year ago

      unfortunately the healthy food part is a problem. I come from a country where people eat tons of carbs

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