Is it possible to beat taller opponents in a fight? I'm talking about 6'5 6'7 kind of heights?

Is it possible to beat taller opponents in a fight? I'm talking about 6'5 6'7 kind of heights? I'm 6'0 by the way?

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  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Yes. Are you moronic?

  3. 3 months ago

    In a structured fight with rules and referees? yes.
    on "the street"? you shouldn't even be thinking of getting in fights on "the street" or in "the bar" because the answer to who wins the fight is who has the most friends and the most guns and kicks you in the head the most times after you've gone unconscious, and even if you win you go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison for assault where you definitely will not be winning any of the butt fights in there.

  4. 3 months ago

    I almost killed a guy in a street fight last year. he was 6'4 or maybe 6'6 and 400 lbs. He worked construction. I am 6'1 or so, 180 lbs, have a hernia, hypothyroidism and was quite a bit older than him. My exercise is hitting the light heavybag a bit and play fighting around with my twin brother so I don't get too fat and tired from thyroid problems.

    I won easily. The guy has PTSD now. Had the cops called on me etc. Very fun. They almost broke out laughing when they saw me, a skinny short (by German standards) oldgay who allegedly beat the shit out of a bigger, meaner Bud Spencer.

    Anyway, he started it.

    • 3 months ago

      6'1 is not "short" by german standards
      you're on the shorter side of tall

  5. 3 months ago

    Im 6ft 4 235 not really lean and im benching 415 and have 18 inch arms, the fact of the matter is that i can punch you in the face from a mile away and i can go for another if i miss before youre in range. I wrestle and i box and i do both of them well. The likelihood of me not knocking you out is virtually impossible, and if need be i have been grappling since i was young so i am very familiar with fighting with real martial arts.

    But the ones who i worry about outclassing me at my own game are people like 300 400 pounds strong as hell.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel as though my technique is adequate because my training regiment was thorough to say the least, but some of these sweaty big nippled abominations scare the shit out of me. How the frick were you anywhere near 4pl8s right after you turned 18 were your parents crushing up steroids in your food so they can use your body as a vassal for their success you freak? No they wont frickin tell you when you ask especially while theyre still drinking and smokimg a comservative amount of weed on your dime you dumb animal.

    • 3 months ago

      I am 9ft 10 4800lbs extremely lean and I'm benching 8400lb and have 72 inch arms, the fact of the matter is that i can punch you in the face from a mile away and i can go for another if i miss before youre in range. I wrestle and i box and i do both of them well. The likelihood of me not knocking you out is virtually impossible, and if need be i have been grappling since i was young so i am very familiar with fighting with real martial arts.

      But the ones who i worry about outclassing me at my own game are people like 9000 10000 pounds strong as hell.

      • 3 months ago

        You sound like you have a much bigger dick than that homosexual you were replying to.

      • 3 months ago

        that's nothing
        I am 12ft6in 10 10000lbs extremely lean and I'm benching 150000lb and have 130 inch arms, the fact of the matter is that i can punch you in the face from three miles away and I never miss and i can go for another before youre done falling. I wrestle and i box and i kick and i do all of them better than anyone in history. The likelihood of me not knocking you out is completely impossible, and if need be i have been grappling with my twin brother since i was in my mothers womb so i am very familiar with fighting with real martial arts.

        I don't worry about anyone outclassing me

    • 3 months ago

      I am 9ft 10 4800lbs extremely lean and I'm benching 8400lb and have 72 inch arms, the fact of the matter is that i can punch you in the face from a mile away and i can go for another if i miss before youre in range. I wrestle and i box and i do both of them well. The likelihood of me not knocking you out is virtually impossible, and if need be i have been grappling since i was young so i am very familiar with fighting with real martial arts.

      But the ones who i worry about outclassing me at my own game are people like 9000 10000 pounds strong as hell.

      I am 9ft 10 4800lbs extremely lean and I'm benching 8400lb and have 72 inch arms, the fact of the matter is that i can punch you in the face from a mile away and i can go for another if i miss before youre in range. I wrestle and i box and i do both of them well. The likelihood of me not knocking you out is virtually impossible, and if need be i have been grappling since i was young so i am very familiar with fighting with real martial arts.

      But the ones who i worry about outclassing me at my own game are people like 9000 10000 pounds strong as hell.

      Pathetic fleshcreatures the lot of you,My name is Megatron,leader of the Decepticon army and I weigh over 7 tons,I can lift 70 ton oil rigs over my head and throw them like a football,I wouldnt even have to punch such pathetic insects in the face since it would be considered an honour for me to use such a strong attack onto such feeble beings,I could flick my pinky finger and turn you into a pink fleshbag composed of bones and future compost,I have fought in war for over 4 million years and know any fighting style there is,or could be,and not only do I carry a gun,I AM
      A GUN,you are WAY out of your DEPTH FLESHCREATURES!

  6. 3 months ago

    With a gun

  7. 3 months ago

    yea if you have a friend with you.

  8. 3 months ago

    There are diminishing returns on height for fighting. Ideal height is around 6'2" to 6'4". 6'0" guys have gotten to the top of just about every division in mma so I wouldn't worry about it. There is an advantage to being taller, but nothing a good amount of training can't prep you for.

  9. 3 months ago

    Possible but less likely. Vidrel proves real life isn't an anime

    • 3 months ago

      >fighting a fatfrick by running into him over and over again while he's bracing for it

      • 3 months ago

        Silly, but it shows the it's not like the movies where Bruce Lee can take out 7ft tall henchmen with a flying ninja kick. That homie weighed 130 pounds.

        • 3 months ago

          Knocking them backwards is different from knocking somebody out. Fats and big dudes don't have layers of muscle and fat protecting their skulls and brains from concussion. They do have height which means manlets will have shittier leverage to kick in the head tho.

          • 3 months ago

            You don't need to kick in the head, just focus on his legs. Then soccer kick his big fat head while he's on the ground

        • 3 months ago

          Kick him in the leg and he likely won't walk right for the rest of his life. Morbidly obese people still need legs to support themselves and they are naturally straining them to the breaking point anyway

      • 3 months ago

        Silly, but it shows the it's not like the movies where Bruce Lee can take out 7ft tall henchmen with a flying ninja kick. That homie weighed 130 pounds.

        literally just kick his legs

      • 3 months ago

        Possible but less likely. Vidrel proves real life isn't an anime

        Watching that schmuck bounce off his belly like a cartoon character is funny as shit lmfao

    • 3 months ago

      wow what an accurate depiction of a fight
      real life isn't like that anime shit like punching the face or those flashy unpractical moves
      everybody knows you fight by running into peoples' bellies, which means I win since I have the advantage of being morbidly obese
      midges will seeth in the replies, I don't care, go back to your boxing dojo or whatever lol, I gotta go to practice (mcdonald's)

  10. 3 months ago

    Of course. If someone’s taller than you, you’re supposed to shoot them.

  11. 3 months ago

    With a gun, anything is possible.

  12. 3 months ago

    6'7 is borderline cripple, these dudes are either roiding like NBA stars or they're weak stickmen

  13. 3 months ago

    Weight class not height class. Past 240 it doesn't really matter.

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