Is it possible to become a real life Chad who gets lots of cute girls through training, hard work and sheer will like in anime?

Is it possible to become a real life Chad who gets lots of cute girls through training, hard work and sheer will like in anime?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Yea i did it from age 20-22

    • 7 months ago

      what happened after

      • 7 months ago

        I went from left to right in 2 years and got a bunch of pussy from hot girls instead of being a incel porn addict. Getting laid a lot made me realize most women are complete trash but good ones do exist. I had a great foreign gf for 9 months then she moved back to europe now im back to running thru prostitutes trying to find another good one. Also everyone just treats you better when you look good

        • 7 months ago

          Height, weight, years of lifting (only those two?) diet, gear? You look insane

    • 7 months ago

      happened to me

      me but 22-24 during covid

  2. 7 months ago

    Depends on your face. And height.

    • 7 months ago

      What's a good starting height and how attractive does your face have to be?

      • 7 months ago

        5'10" is minimum height that girls won't think you are short. They won't call you tall, but you won't be a total deal breaker just because of height.
        Face attractiveness is harder to quantify.
        Basically, how many compliments do you get per month on your looks?
        My gfs, sisters, and platonic girl friends in my life have told me I am anywhere from a 6/10 (sisters rank) to an 8/10.
        I get maybe 3 compliments a month on my looks. Customers at work saying shit like, "no, this handsome young guy is helping me" from 40s milfs.
        My manager is a woman 2 years older than me and she has told me multiple times that I have a really nice/good face. (Protip: find a female manager who finds you attractive and you will get the best shifts, easy raises, etc.)
        "You're more than a pretty face I guess " from people after helping them with a problem at work.

        Another gauge is how women who are strangers react to you in public. Do women greet you with a smile when you come into the gym? Or do they walk away from whatever section you are working out in?

        I have been fat and fit in my life. Getting women was a little easier when fit, but not particularly hard when fat. You just have to be sociable and somewhat interesting to be around.

        • 7 months ago

          Apparently I'm subhuman.

        • 7 months ago

          >5'10" is minimum height that girls won't think you are short.
          This is true of many women but not all. My ex was 4ft11 and my height didn't bother her at all because everyone's tall to her kek.

          • 7 months ago

            Why were you dating a 10 year old

        • 7 months ago

          >be 5'10
          >work in office so dress shoes make me seem taller
          >asked by female coworkers if I'm 6ft
          >tell them the truth
          >they become instantly deflated
          sucks bros

      • 7 months ago

        If you're white, you're good enough. If you're not, everything the other guy said is a meme

  3. 7 months ago

    yes but it takes years and requires out of your control luck
    basically you train like a madman to make up for your moronation and then make the best out of the chances you get cause you've developed the tools for it. but those ocassions might never present themselves, it's just that if you didn't work your ass off before hand you'll frick those chances up when they appear

  4. 7 months ago

    The top guy is hotter. I want him to put all of his body weight on me

    • 7 months ago

      do you want to frick nikocado

  5. 7 months ago

    give it a shot

  6. 7 months ago

    I hate animu isekai, gives weebs another opportunity to daydream about getting their shit together while absolutely doing nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      >daydream about getting their shit together while absolutely doing nothing
      If working hard but give you a cute girlfriend and a decent life then every guy would be out there putting in an effort like an anime character. In reality
      >be born with average genetics
      >work really hard
      >get no girls because they only want Chad
      >get stuck at upper-middleclass income at best
      >can't even buy a home unless millionaire
      >no cool adventure guild in real life where you are rewarded for your efforts but just a soulless 60 hour a week job making a israelite rich

      • 7 months ago

        I watched Welcome to the NHK when I was 18. Stopped being a NEET, got a job got fit went to school met a girl who became my wife and now have two kids, a career.

        Stop making excuses.

        • 7 months ago

          >met a girl who became my wife
          How tall and attractive are you?

          • 7 months ago

            5’7” and 6.5/10

    • 7 months ago

      This. It’s like they’re stuck in an imaginary world where they achieve great goals and, by the end, get their dream waifu just having started as a loner or outcast.
      That’s sad. I mean, I’ve seen people in their 30s in this situation. Lardasses that have never lifted a single weight, wagecucking in shitty jobs and living completely alone or still with parents.

  7. 7 months ago

    >posts an anime where the MC becomes buff just by wandering into a random house because he’s a “good person”
    I wanted to like this shit but it had literally 0 plot besides girls ‘mirin’ him and him oneshotting every enemy easily

    • 7 months ago

      >girls ‘mirin’ him
      This is a fantasy anime then?

      • 7 months ago

        LMFAO the sad truth

    • 7 months ago

      I finished it. It was as terrible as it gets. Shit Of The Season.

      Bro this anime, THIS anime
      I actually watched this anime and let me tell it was such a shit show I couldn't look away.
      By some strange joke of the universe it actually had a really competent animation team creating it, which is why I tried it, but the writing was unbelievably bad and cringy. Basically fat bastard finds a magic door that brings him I to a videogame world where he instantly level ups and becomes a ripped Chad. The rest of the show is him going back and forth between the game and real worlds where he has nonsensical wish fulfilment interactions so cringe it makes you wonder if the writer has ever talked to another human before. Like one episode the dude will just be walking around a mall like "uhhhh I need to by clothes but know nothing about fashion" and out of nowhere a fashion photographer will suddenly hire him on the spot for model work with a hot girl who plays his girlfriend and instantly wants his wiener, then they award him with free clothes solving his original problem. This is played completely straight and I couldn't decide if the whole thing was ironic or not. It's like it was written by a jr high schooler with no friends.
      By the way, nothing about this writing is even remotely typical for cringy wish fulfilment anime despite what you might assume. This one particularly reaches levels of cringe I've never seen despite my long embarrassing history of watching shitty seasonal anime. And yet, it has better animation than 90% of what's on the market which just totally throws me off. As far as I know it didn't even perform well. It's a total conundrum to me.

      Wouldn't say that it was 'the animation', more like character designs and backgrounds/static images.
      The 'animation' they had was constant panning and characters close-ups(especially wherln there's no moving mouths or anything), random background closeups, etc.
      Felt like wathching someone play a visual novel.
      At some point, I think it was around ep. 8, they did a scene with VA's talking for a minute, while displaying fricking image of grass. They had to re-release the episode later, with "fixed" scene.

      That's aside the obvious plot holes, where Main cuck displays supernatural feats of strenght in-front of classmates/other people and gets away with it every time.

  8. 7 months ago

    maybe, the fatter you are, the harder it is to tell if your bone structure is good.

    • 7 months ago

      this. your full potential is unrealized until you lose the fat and raise your self-esteem. there’s a world of men who don’t know they’re attractive underneath it all

  9. 7 months ago

    How expensive is anime to make? I kinda wanna make a Zyzz slice of life.

    • 7 months ago

      Just stick to comics, there's a Bill of the Beach shaped hole in my heart.

    • 7 months ago

      they say each episode runs 100-300k and a 13 episode season can be around 2 million. imagine back then, Disney would reuse animations to save money on production

  10. 7 months ago

    Body on the left requires at least two years of hard training. It’s clearly just at the end of a dirty bulk.

    That means total training time to get to right for a noob is at least four years. Please no frauding here.

    • 7 months ago

      I went from left to right in 2 years and got a bunch of pussy from hot girls instead of being a incel porn addict. Getting laid a lot made me realize most women are complete trash but good ones do exist. I had a great foreign gf for 9 months then she moved back to europe now im back to running thru prostitutes trying to find another good one. Also everyone just treats you better when you look good

  11. 7 months ago

    Probably not like in anime, but worth sharing my story for you helpless anons.

    >Be me at age 21
    Shut-in NEET
    Immense social anxiety, can't even go into stores
    Zero friends
    Zero money
    Skinnyfat as frick
    Acne, horrible hygiene, terrible clothes
    No relationship prospects

    >Be me at 24
    Out of the house every day, living in apartment in the city
    Giving presentations, socially at ease
    Normal social life, regular social events and comfortable receiving attention
    Making $80k/y in private equity, doing well and saving money
    Not jacked, but a little better than averagemode
    No acne or scarring, impeccable hygiene, insane wardrobe
    Qtpi 19 year old gf that I would later impregnate with several children

    I'm 31 now.

    You can always change your habits and redefine who you are anon. I would recommend starting with very small wins, because the satisfaction from winning will compound and bring you to bigger and bigger tasks.

    For me? I can honestly say it all started by beginning to shower daily, cleaning my ears, plucking my eyebrows, and going on a walk around the block every day. That was how simple my first steps were. Sounds silly, but knocking those down day after day 100% are what propelled me to seek new challenges and upgrade myself. Eventually saying "hello" to a stranger every day became a challenge, then making small talk with a stranger, then developing a regular weekly connection with someone, etc etc.

    • 7 months ago

      >Normal social life, regular social events and comfortable receiving attention
      >Qtpi 19 year old gf
      How? Did most of this happen through work? I'm 24 and otherwise basically your post, but I can't find regular social events and gatherings that attract quality people. I suspect because I work from home in another state that I'm missing many connections that I would get from being around people at work. I improved myself, wear nice clothes, overcame much of my social autism, groom myself etc., and I moved to a new city to try to meet quality people but haven't found a single one. I don't know where to direct my energy towards. But congrats bro you made it.

    • 7 months ago

      Hey anon
      Would you do a small write up of how you did this? Shot is inspiring as frick, I know you explained it a bit but that’s a huge change. Only if u have the time man, mirin your butterfly transformation

  12. 7 months ago

    Bro this anime, THIS anime
    I actually watched this anime and let me tell it was such a shit show I couldn't look away.
    By some strange joke of the universe it actually had a really competent animation team creating it, which is why I tried it, but the writing was unbelievably bad and cringy. Basically fat bastard finds a magic door that brings him I to a videogame world where he instantly level ups and becomes a ripped Chad. The rest of the show is him going back and forth between the game and real worlds where he has nonsensical wish fulfilment interactions so cringe it makes you wonder if the writer has ever talked to another human before. Like one episode the dude will just be walking around a mall like "uhhhh I need to by clothes but know nothing about fashion" and out of nowhere a fashion photographer will suddenly hire him on the spot for model work with a hot girl who plays his girlfriend and instantly wants his wiener, then they award him with free clothes solving his original problem. This is played completely straight and I couldn't decide if the whole thing was ironic or not. It's like it was written by a jr high schooler with no friends.
    By the way, nothing about this writing is even remotely typical for cringy wish fulfilment anime despite what you might assume. This one particularly reaches levels of cringe I've never seen despite my long embarrassing history of watching shitty seasonal anime. And yet, it has better animation than 90% of what's on the market which just totally throws me off. As far as I know it didn't even perform well. It's a total conundrum to me.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro you are just tall and attractive and you would have had none of the success you have now if you weren't.
      >walking and saying hello transforms your life
      Lmao yeah if some ugly or average dude would do this he would be socially ostracized.

    • 7 months ago

      You’re absolutely right but that said I would absolutely fricking ruin every single female in this series. Like cum leaking out of every gaping hole and I’m still throwing her around to screw her more, until she’s legally braindead

    • 7 months ago

      The absolute state of japs
      I expect nothing less from the country with state enforced inceldom

  13. 7 months ago

    Another shitty "isekai" anime. A genre with potential that got lost in the sheer number of weeb power-fantasies.

  14. 7 months ago

    Works when you're 20 and everyone is drunk all the time

  15. 7 months ago

    100%. Make sure to get your reps of chit chats in so you can successfully chat up the cuties.

  16. 7 months ago

    In my experience it's easier to become a real life Driver who gets looks and compliments from lots of cute girls and dates someone once in a while, and then everyone you meet acts like you're all that, and the one date you have every 5 months thinks you're a chad and can't believe you're single and she's the easiest BPD chick you could find and date, you fall for each other and then never talk again starting next week, then you keep going.

    • 7 months ago

      Literally me

  17. 7 months ago

    Kys homosexual

  18. 7 months ago

    >gets lots of cute girls
    you just need a driver's license and less morals

  19. 7 months ago

    Chad isnt just a physical state. It is a mental state of being. To dominate an entire country, own billions, command millions. Does Putin or winnie the pooh look like chads? No, but they dominate as chads and can literally frick whoever they want from millions. If you had the mental sheer will necessary to do whatever it takes, persevere, dominate your environment, you wouldnt be asking such a homosexual question OP first and already be working towards your goal instead. You, OP, are ngmi

    • 7 months ago

      [everyone claps]

  20. 7 months ago


  21. 7 months ago

    you need a base underneath the fat
    but yes

  22. 7 months ago

    Me at the top

  23. 7 months ago

    Source on the anime?

    • 7 months ago

      I got a cheat skill, but became unrivalled in the real life, too

      • 7 months ago

        Uhh that’s cool igs but doesn’t help with the name of the anime? Lmao

      • 7 months ago

        >I got a cheat skill, but became unrivalled in the real life, too

        • 7 months ago

          >I got a cheat skill, but became unrivalled in the real life, too
          of course it is.

          Wait, this isn't Lookism?

      • 7 months ago

        >I got a cheat skill, but became unrivalled in the real life, too
        of course it is.

  24. 7 months ago

    Do you still have to approach and talk to girls if you want to get laid or get a gf if you're IST?

    Can I just wear a tight t shirt that shows off my gains and have girls approach me?

    • 7 months ago

      You can get some compliments from time to time from bawds, but it won't matter if you spill spaghetti every time someone talks to you.

      • 7 months ago

        >it won't matter if you spill spaghetti every time someone talks to you
        this. this is something everyone can work on, even if you never spill spaghetti. if you can achieve a telepathic level of understanding, you can get into any woman's pants

  25. 7 months ago

    No, its all genetics. If you were born fat you will always be fat.

    • 7 months ago

      No ones born fat
      people become fat because of their subhuman parents forcing shit food

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